The Eden?

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Re: The Eden?

Postby Abproject2025 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:37 pm

We just returned from our 2 day trip to RM...First things first - we had a blast as always.

Regarding Eden - we took a tour of the main area, it looks very nice but it's not ready to be used yet. Opening night - they had the normal outdoor show there as stated above but nothing else. We were told that the lobby at Eden would be the place we should go to check out (which was today)...instead we checked out in the normal RM lobby area.

It'll be nice when it's finished - but it's not ready yet. We were told that people would be checking into the new rooms at Eden this weekend which was probably the case but the rest of the area is not usable. During the day time there's probably 50+ construction workers with hard hats walking around doing various tasks (walking with my wife topless down the beach caused quite the gathering of workers which probably didn't speed things along lol). The staff was completely in the dark when you asked questions. Speaking of in the dark - not sure if it was the wind or the power being switched back and forth between the two properties - but we had pretty much rolling blackouts through the weekend, same with hot water being shut off for periods of time.

It'll be interesting to hear more feedback as the days go by. Also curious how it affects the atmosphere between the two sides - we're hoping it just spices everything up with a new look & feel without creating a divide. It seems like the majority of things will be available to everyone based on what I've read. Good luck to all of you who took the plunge to book early!!
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Re: The Eden?

Postby Txcouple1723 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:53 pm

preciate the update!
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Re: The Eden?

Postby Yeipi » Wed Feb 07, 2024 10:43 am

In my last update I forgot to comment on a couple of issues Abproject2025 already mentioned above: in their rush to have things ready as soon as possible, they are causing a negative experience to their guests. Not having enough power for long periods of time, not having water in the shower for some time, having the hot tub with cold water and not being able to run the water cleaning systems... We don't pay for it. One afternoon the water in the hot tub was so cloudy, my wife refused to get into the water... And a couple of ladies close to us mentioned the same. Another night, after being in the disco, we went to the hot tub to relax and then use the beds. The hot tub was empty, only two employees were there and told us the water was cold and not very clean... So we had to go back to the room like if we were in a vanilla resort.
Our trip was great but definitely those issues did not allow us to have the same experience we had many times before. I hope Eden is finished soon and future guests can enjoy.
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Re: The Eden?

Postby Txcouple1723 » Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:35 pm

Yeipi wrote:In my last update I forgot to comment on a couple of issues Abproject2025 already mentioned above: in their rush to have things ready as soon as possible, they are causing a negative experience to their guests. Not having enough power for long periods of time, not having water in the shower for some time, having the hot tub with cold water and not being able to run the water cleaning systems... We don't pay for it. One afternoon the water in the hot tub was so cloudy, my wife refused to get into the water... And a couple of ladies close to us mentioned the same. Another night, after being in the disco, we went to the hot tub to relax and then use the beds. The hot tub was empty, only two employees were there and told us the water was cold and not very clean... So we had to go back to the room like if we were in a vanilla resort.
Our trip was great but definitely those issues did not allow us to have the same experience we had many times before. I hope Eden is finished soon and future guests can enjoy.

Man that sucks! I hope they get it all resolved soon.
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Re: The Eden?

Postby whathappensinX » Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:59 pm

For anyone that is there- how long does it look like until the work is done?

Hot tub finished and usable?
New Pool?
Dance area & play room?
New restaurants?
All rooms?

Thanks a lot
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Re: The Eden?

Postby Markopllo » Sat Feb 10, 2024 9:02 pm

Eden, we come in on 2/24. If anyone visiting between the last post 2/7 above and 2/24, a report on things would be hugely appreciated. We promise to do a report after 3/3 for people going in March!! Thanks Desire lovers!
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Re: The Eden?

Postby Desire_FL » Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:34 am

I reached out to Guest Services and received the following reply yesterday (we arrive on 02/16):

It is a pleasure to share with you that your room category is already available to use, including the swim up pool. We also opened the main pool. About the new jacuzzi, disco and playroom, they are still in process. But we still have the usual facilities operating.

Not exactly the news I was hoping for.
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Re: The Eden?

Postby Powerswayerz » Wed Feb 14, 2024 7:07 pm

We just got home today, and wanted to share an update.

The lobby, melange, and main pool are open. None are fully complete, but all are perfectly usable. We weren’t even able to see new disco, hot tub, playroom or restaurants.

The layout is great and the spaces are nice. I especially loved shows at the new melange where there is much more seating and table space.

We stayed in older rooms and did not look inside of the new ones, so no comments there. That said, the new rooms overlooking the new pool are open and I have to imagine will be very popular.

On the downside, the growing pains are obvious and will be there for a while. Pool was green for a few days. Construction debris was everywhere, including in the new pool. Late night pizza changed locations a few times from new melange to old. They haven’t hired enough staff to operate both pool areas, meaning it may be hard to find anyone to get your chair assignment or have a drink brought to you. Also, it seemed like the playmakers were spread very thin and not sure where to be. (However, if you know the Desire staff, you know they were working there butts off trying to keeps guests entertained and happy!) Others below reported water and power issues, but we had none other than a slight tint to the water in our room for a couple days….It was clear by the time we left.

As always, we had a great time. I wouldn’t hesitate to go now as long as you’re reasonably flexible in your expectations. We can’t wait to get back in a few months and see the rest of it!
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Re: The Eden?

Postby WeRus » Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:48 am

We just got back last night. I can’t say we were impressed. It is our belief they opened up that side too early. The pool is open but not heated yet so it was too cold for most. The old pool is now the quiet side but it was heated but no activity over there as the playmakers started at the new pool. This created a very disjointed feel. There is a constant flow of construction workers throughout the Eden pool area and buildings which was accompanied by the constant drone of stone grinders and saws throughout the day. There are less chairs and beds around the new pool so get up very early if you want to reserve one. I went at 8:30am and they were already full even though not a single person was at the pool. This was really a problem because if you didn’t have a chair and the water was too cold you had no place to sit and hangout. It seemed like the expansion did not include an increase in staffing as we were not able to get reservations at any restaurants. They were completely booked up already upon our arrival for the five nights we were there. We made do at the buffet. The hot tub was so packed every afternoon it was neither sexy nor comfortable. Beach beds saw more activity than I have seen in our previous 6 trips. The new melange lounge was great. They seemed to not have enough dishwaters. Multiple occasions I was given my drinks in coffee mugs. I could have dealt with this if those cups didn’t already have lipstick on them. I am sure they will work out all these issues but our experience was not good. We will not return until everything is complete and they have had time to address service issues, if ever. Don’t get me wrong we were able to find some fun but I believe that is more a testament to the people that were there because the resort failed us at nearly every turn. It was a good run but we will be looking at a better alternative.
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Re: The Eden?

Postby whathappensinX » Mon Feb 19, 2024 8:39 pm

Gulp thank you WeRus. That's scary. We are headed there Mar 22.

It sounds like the new hot tub is open then? is it bigger but they just have too many people?

Would love any other perspectives from folks that go. Is anyone trying to ask the managers for a sense of when these things will be resolved?
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Re: The Eden?

Postby canuck63 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 7:50 am

if this is going to continue, I hope they are at least compensating guests somehow, ie; a free night or two for a weeks stay for putting up with the incomplete resort and all the construction or a cash credit towards merchandise or services at the resort. It's the least they could do. Not being able to get into any restaurants could be an issue as well, we have never experienced that in over 20 trips. Do we have to start making reservations before we travel? Sounds like they should close the Eden and refund those that are booked there until it is actually ready rather then give guests an unwanted/terrible less then Desirable experience.
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Re: The Eden?

Postby jem8381 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:42 am

We just got back yesterday. Here is our take on Desire post the new Eden expansion.

What's Open:
As other have stated the main pool, new melange, new lobby, and Eros restaurant are now open.
The new disco, hot tub, playroom and additional restaurants are not. The rumor around the resort was that the hot tub was supposed to be opening imminently. They supposedly filled it last Tuesday but it had a leak so the opening was delayed.

What's Good:

  • The harrowing dirt road that used to lead to the resort has been replaced with a suitable paved road. No more worrying if you are going to fall into the crocodile trenches :lol:
  • Eros, the new Mediterranean restaurant is located immediately by the new pool. It is a gorgeous facility. The lunch buffet has been moved there and it is a significant upgrade over the old one. I am not sure why but the food being served at Eros is much higher quality. We did not eat dinner at Eros but the reviews from all the guests we chatted too were super positive.
  • Contrary to what another posted mentioned, there is considerably more pool chairs at the new pool and, unlike the old pool, they are not stacked right on top of each other. The new pool must be 2-3x the size of the old pool and there are chairs around the entire perimeter so its very obviously a ton more seating. We had zero issue getting seating, in fact by throwing a few bucks at the pool guys we were able to get a cabana every day and we aren't members.
  • The new entertainment area has a lot more seating and also a proper dedicated stage for bands.
  • While we didn't get to experience it, the proximity of the new hot tub, disco, and playroom is going to be really amazing and create a better nightlife.
  • We spoke to someone who was allowed to tour the new hot tub. They said it was 2-3x the size of the old one. Glimpses of the hot tub from the pool deck seem to confirm that. It will be awesome when open.

What's not so good:

  • By far the biggest issue for us was that the new pool was not heated. The rumor was that it was a power issue. Not enough power to run the heaters. The pool was very cold. This meant that few people were in the pool and it pushed folks to the old quiet pool, further spreading out the crowd.
  • General level of unfinish. I totally agree that the resort opened too early. If Desire was in the States, building inspectors would not have allowed Eden to open due to various safety issues. There are exposed wires, unfinished venting, and unfinished drainage grates everywhere. On the last day we were there the water had a brown tinge and "the swamp water smell" that you probably have noticed up at the old hot tub. I am not sure if that is because of increased usage due to the new rooms or because it was a rainy day and their well had issues. Either way, it was very off putting. As others have said there were many construction workers around during the day. That being said, they were all super well behaved. I didn't see a single one gawking or being creepy. Hard to imagine that being the case in the states! lol
  • We did not stay in the new Eden rooms but the reviews from other guests were not good. While guests said the room itself was beautiful, complaints about additional water issues and construction noise were pretty universal. A few folks we talked to relocated to a room on the old section of the resort after a night in Eden. If you have paid the additional money for a room at Eden, I would recommend calling them and moving back to the old section and saving your money until at least April or May.

Up for debate
* The feel and vibe of the new Eden section is "swanky South Beach" rather than the quaint Caribbean paradise vibe of the old resort. I am sure some folks will like it and others will not.
* To be seen how the new main pool affects the vibe of the resort. It's a big pool. It might make it harder to bump into people and socialize.

We had a great time. Eden is open but far from done. It has tremendous promise. If you are going to Desire in the next few weeks/month, don't sweat it. I can't say you will get the best version of Desire in this in between state, but there is still a lot of fun to be had.

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Re: The Eden?

Postby AlfredoyGaby » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:02 am

Thanks for the update, We arrived on March 10, hopefully everything is finished and working.
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Re: The Eden?

Postby Markopllo » Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:39 am

Yes, thanks for the detailed pros and cons, updates and not so updated construction information. We arrive Saturday 2/24 to Sunday 3/3. Fortunately , we did not book and Eden room, as we were afraid of the possibility of problems. Hope some things get better, but it sound quite doubtful. When life throws you a lemon, just make lemonade. If our paths are crossing this next week, we’ll see you there and likely hanging at the quiet pool if the new pool is cold!! MnJ

PS… we will be sure to add to this thread when we return. Cannot wait to hear the words “welcome home”.
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Re: The Eden?

Postby mplsluvr » Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:27 pm

We are arriving next Monday 2/26-3/3. Confirmed in a new Eden room with a swim up pool. First visit to Desire, and it sounds like we'll have to have some patience and understanding. Hoping for the best, and I know we'll have a great time no matter. I'll be sure to post an update when we return and see if I can figure out how to post some pics of the new rooms, lol!
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