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The Art of Conversation!

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:26 pm
by fun4us
Apologies for what may seem like a really dumb question, but as we're gearing up for our first visit to Desire's, 'what the hey'! I'm just curious as to (in general) how and when conversations turn from regular 'getting-to-know-you 'chit chat' around the pool or hot tub, to the more specific topic regarding involvement in the lifestyle, etc. Do those types of conversations actually take place, or is it more along the lines that things simply evolve as and when the day goes by and with the amount of alcohol that is consumed? Like I say, probably a dumb question, but looking forward to seeing what the feedback is.

PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:13 am
by tropez
I might suggest joining a site that's more just for lifestyler's, I'm sure they run into that often even at regular lifestyle events. The group we are going with --even though we aren't into the lifestyle- is at This question will get a ton of responses there i'm sure.

Re: The Art of Conversation!

PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 9:24 am
by East_Ont_Cpl
fun4us wrote: how and when conversations turn from regular 'getting-to-know-you 'chit chat' around the pool or hot tub, to the more specific topic regarding involvement in the lifestyle

It really depends on a ton of interpersonal dynamics amongst those involved, just like any other social situation.

fun4us wrote:Do those types of conversations actually take place, or is it more along the lines that things simply evolve

See answer above. It will really depend on the situation. Just approach the resort as you would any other social interaction. Most friendships and connections made at the resort (in our opinion) are organic. There is no way to generalize and answer your questions with a Yes/No.

PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:07 pm
by Cali_desire_cpl
The ever popular "so, what brings you guys here" line can open up lines of communication.

PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 9:43 pm
by East_Ont_Cpl
Cali_desire_cpl wrote:The ever popular "so, what brings you guys here" line can open up lines of communication.

In 7 trips, I'd assume we've heard this no less than 75 times. I think we can close this thread. :o

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:13 am
by landedesire
Hi fun4us,

This topic has been spoken about many times on this site with lots of info / thoughts given. Search lifestyle or something similar and see what comes up :)

With that said, my husband and I (who are both very personable and chatty) found most of the people we met at Desire to be, friendly, down to earth and before you know it you can be discussing quite personal things :oops: and it all feels natural and easy!!!! And, you also find out pretty quickly if the couple(s) you are chatting with are open to others or just there to be with each other. It's all good, no matter the reason you are at Desire.

Like we have said many times, at Desire you can talk about things with other people that you ususally just think about in your head at vanilla outings :lol:

Art of conversation (response)

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 1:45 pm
by A2Couple
When we went for our first time in July 2009, we noticed most people quickly asked, "Are you in the lifestyle?" At the time we answered (honestly), "We don't know." For our second trip in July 2010, we can answer in the affirmative!