Our August 2014 Trip RM & Pearl

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Our August 2014 Trip RM & Pearl

Postby ubbergoddess » Sat Aug 23, 2014 10:38 am

This is the second part of our vacation

Day One at RM
Check in was a breeze and our room was ready, either they were overwhelmed because they were busy, or we managed to slip through, but no there was no sales pitch. That was great, because I recognised a member of the sales staff, who was unduly aggressive and borderline rude to guests last year (in my opinion). I knew if we had to face her...it might not be the great start to our stay. I thought that we slipped through the net, Hubby does not believe so. Apparently because I side stepped the table we were ushered to, and headed to sit on the couch instead, we slipped through. Our room was in our favourite building. I love the ability to just walk out of the room on to the balcony to watch the sun rise and look on to the beach below us.

We dumped out stuff and headed down for lunch. This is where the stark difference hit us and I realised how spoilt we have been for lunch at Aphrodite. The resort appeared full, but the food choices were sparse, it felt uncomfortably like the choices in a Hedo dining room <shudder>. To be fair, they could make you anything your wanted within reason. I just do not remember it being this sparse last year. I said to Hubby..."er I do believe that it will be Maya first and Pearl for the second part of our holiday next year"... We crashed on our beach bed for the afternoon. I do have to say that when we walked into the sea, Pearl was a distant memory. It has nothing on RM's beach. I did stub my toe when I first walked into the sea at Pearl, granted I could have worn foot wear.

We checked the hot tub out for a few minutes. It was nice to see that they had put the beds back up, as opposed to the mattresses being on the floor, which was the case last summer, which just made it seem seedy. We figured what bed we might like to play on later, and then went to get ready for dinner. For some reason we just could not get moving tonight. We had dinner at the buffet Tentezione. It was as good as I remembered it. I also loved the option of fruit at dinner. We then proceeded to watch the entertainment at the disco. The problem with splitting our holiday between the two resorts is that we had seen the show at Pearl. I had that Hedo feeling again of - been there done that. Wow..this does not appear to be starting well. The entertainers do dance to sensual music, so I said to Hubby, let's dance to this because we know the house crap is coming on after. I was waiting for the DJ to start the party, as that would be our cue to leave. Well...I was served! I danced to the first 4 tracks to my hearts content! A miracle! The music was good. It was inevitable that the house music would be played, but I did not care, as I had had my dance fix and was happy. It was all I ever wanted a good mix of music. We headed to the room and then hot tub for a while. We joked about how cloudy the water was, perhaps it was time to start taking the cranberry pills! We went back to the room..and crashed! This was indeed going to be a party!

Day 2
Room phone rings at about 04:58. Hubby picks it up, some guy wanting to speak to Mike...really! I could not get back to sleep after that...thanks Mike's friend! I go down on to the beach as I did not feel like watching the sun come up from the balcony. It would appear that the beach beds are a hot commodity this morning. Lots of guests up early to secure their spot. I lay on a lounger, which I literality sunk into, and I am only xxx lbs. I do hope they replace these ones too. The new loungers are nice.

It was scorcher of a day today, thus leading us to sink into beach gravity fast. It just seemed too hot to do anything..well...almost anything. It was that time of the holiday, where we have to drag ourselves up to eat lunch, wraps and bikini bottoms become such a challenge to put on. We had dinner at Sahlo, absolutely no complaints about the food. It was Angles and Devils night, I believe. After dinner we both hit a wall, we passed on the show as we suspected that we had seen it at Pearl, and returned to our room. We learnt that Robin Williams had taken his own life, and that this could have been related to mental illness. How sad! We were out like a light by 11pm.

Day 3
The sun finally beat me up this morning. I stirred and it was bright! we were indeed tired last night. I contemplate the gym..but the burn of the last work out is still lingering, plus fulfilling Hubby's fantasy yesterday, meant that I did technically do sex-yoga (sex in core yoga positions). He is still passed out! I go down to the beach instead. This ominous cloud moves towards the beach, bringing some drizzle with it. The beach concierge assures me that it would pass quickly. I hand him back the beach towels he had just given me,as there is no point in leaving them on the bed. I return to the rum...did I just say rum...I meant room. Hopefully it will not rain tonight. I am looking forward to the foam party!

It was a scorcher of a day again today. After breakfast we decided to lie on one of the beds in the lounge area, but it soon became unbearably stuffy. We then went for lunch, then on to the beach. We did go to the hot tub in the evening. We had dinner at Suki and enjoyed the Hibachi. We proceeded to the lounge to listen to the live band. Ms Koko, who had come over from Pearl, tried to give me a crash course in Salsa dancing, but I was not about to fall off my heels trying to Salsa; I had to decline her invitation to dance. We returned to the room to change for the foam party. I was curious to see what that would look like on a tennis court. It was well set up. Hubby and I danced for a while, until, someone started recording the event with their cell phone. I brought it to Ms Koko's attention, and left in annoyance. Koko found us later to let us know that she had dealt with it. Apparently the guest had felt it was okay, as there was foam. We did not go back in as I was just peeved, besides I could think of better things that we could be doing with our time.

Day 4
Another hot day!
The sun beat me up again. I rolled out of bed and got my behind down to the gym to work this body out. Usual routine now, breakfast, then beach bed. I finally finished my book on an expat's experience in the Middle East, and pondered on the lessons that I could learn from said experience. Then it was off to lunch, then hot tub.

We dined at Sahlo's again tonight. The food was good. The lunch at this resort does let this place down. We listened to the live band and then made our way to the disco. WELL...it was rocking tonight! I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I actually cracked a sweat! A sweet couple came over to sit by us. Through a bit of a language barrier, Hubby and I thought that they were saying that they had seen us at the hot tub earlier. He appeared to be commenting on how I seemed to enjoy the hot tub. That sounded a bit odd, as I could not for the life of me think, how my merely sitting in the hot tub, would make someone believe that I love it! Then he mentioned ..."second floor" ...now I am totally confused! The lady realising that I was at a loss, proceeded to show me her Pearl bracelet (they had come over from Pearl for the night)...then it dawned on me. They were commenting on our activities in the 'Plunge Pool' whilst we were at Pearl, their room was on the 'second floor' over looking us. The couple went on to cheekily re-enact a few positions they had seen me in, and the ecstasy on my face. I covered my face in mock shame! We retired to bed early, too much Baileys and Sambuca.

Day 5 (day 11)
Did not make it up until 07:35. Hubby had rolled up earlier to go the gym. Breakfast, and beach bed. I really do not recall the last time I was this relaxed. As for Hubby...well both dimples are a permanent feature on his face. It was a cute thing to see! It was great to Africa this morning. She had just returned to work after a well earned vacation. We had missed her smiling face.

I can officially say that I am now comatose! The heat has sapped all energy out of me. We went sailing today. It was very calm and peaceful out there, I almost did not want to come back ashore. We had lunch and and spent much of the afternoon in the sea. Quick shower and off to the hot tub for a while.

We had dinner at Suki and proceeded watch the guests' lingerie fashion show. Well done Ladies! I changed into some lingerie and we headed to the disco. Again we danced to our hearts content. Having visited CO resorts for several of years now, I have come to expect that there will be at least one situation of awkwardness during every trip. I love to dance both with and for Hubby. Whilst on the dance floor, a man leans on to Hubby's shoulder and says something. Neither of us could make out what he was saying, even after he repeated himself a few times. He turned to a lady and said something, she then leans into us and asked simply "...full swap or soft swap?" Hubby and I looked at each other...that was a bit bold I thought...care to know my name first? I said neither, then we were asked if we were voyeurs? Hubby said .."sometimes". The man responded "me too" and laughed. Odd I thought, but no biggie...or maybe it was! We had never used the play room and I was going to surprise Hubby that night, but as said couple were by the entrance, my comfort level sank, so I decided against it.

We went back to the room rinse off and headed to the hot tub. I figured we'd play on the beds instead. We entered the hot tub first to relax. I noticed the same man at the bar, we chose a corner and chilled. Hubby goes to get us some drinks. I see said man lean on to Hubby again, but I do not hear what was said. Hubby returns with our drinks, stated that he cannot believe what just happened. He would not tell me what happened, only that he would tell me later. I insisted that he did. Long story short, said person not only leaned on to him, but there was a 'junk brush' too. He then proceeded to tell Hubby "it is only gay if you look back twice" and laughed and walked away. I have always been of the impression that for something to be funny , all parties must find it so, Hubby did not find it funny neither did I. Two things upset me about this: The lack of respect for personal space (at the time, there were about a dozen people in the hot tub, thus plenty of room). Secondly I felt (my opinion) that it was laced with homophobia. To be fair, I do not know if they sensed that we were offended or not, the wife (I presume) came over to advise us that they meant no harm, that they just enjoyed "terrorising people...really? Trust me when I say I am no wall flower, but I needed to stay calm to keep Hubby calm. We he came over to the bar again, hubby lifted me over to his side and ensured that I was boxed in. I knew then that the man had had his 2 strikes and if he invaded my space there would be situation, still upset about the whole incident I suggested we go to our room. I was more annoyed that I had allowed one person to ruin our evening. Like I said, there is always one incident.

Day 6 (Day 12)
Last day
Woke up, packed and went down to breakfast. Beach....Africa kept us hydrated. We spent most of our time in the sea. We had our last dinner at Sahlo and watched the live band. I did not feel like going to the disco or hot tub, partially because I did not want anything to ruin our last night. We returned to our room and..well..

We have enjoyed the being at both resorts during high occupancy. We feel that we understand the culture of both resorts. They are distinct and we like that, after all, what is the point of being homogenous. We would do RM first/Pearl for the latter part of our vacation. As I would rather do the high energy party first and relax in the luxury of Pearl afterwards. One thing that I did observe this trip, was that the men, particularly those of a certain age (approaching or in their prime like me) appeared to be fitter than I have observed in the past; they appear to be giving us ladies a run for the money. Go Gentlemen! It was great to see and I raise my glass to all of you! Lastly, I want to thank all the members of staff that made this trip memorable for us..Thank You!

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Joined: Sat Feb 09, 2013 1:16 pm
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Re: Our August 2014 Trip RM & Pearl

Postby WhiteSands » Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:27 am

Great review....
"They were commenting on our activities in the 'Plunge Pool' whilst we were at Pearl, their room was on the 'second floor' over looking us. The couple went on to cheekily re-enact a few positions they had seen me in, and the ecstasy on my face. I covered my face in mock shame!"

Made me laugh out loud! Great memories.

Sorry about the other situation, like you say, there is always one incident on every trip that makes you uneasy. Luckily the fun moments way outweigh the bad ones.
And I totally agree about lunch at RM, I'll call it my diet meal.....Aphrodite is heaven.....
72 days of Temptation, 43 of Desire, 32 of Pearl and counting.....
Lingerie Queen of Desire 2013

See you soon!
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Re: Our August 2014 Trip RM & Pearl

Postby 2FunLvrs » Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:01 pm

Thanks for the detailed trip report! We have a return trip in October after being away for about year so it was great reading about the resort's current flavor. Last year the foam party was in the outdoor lobby area so I was most curious how it works in the tennis court. Sounds like a good time can still be had as long as the cameras stay in the room! Again, thanks for taking the time to write a report.
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