Just back home from our April trip, WOW WOW WOW! Great time!

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Just back home from our April trip, WOW WOW WOW! Great time!

Postby FUNCOUPLE4U » Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:44 pm

Just wanted to say hello to everyone and thank all of the great friends we met
during our stay (April 20 through 25th) Leaving yesterday was so depressing.
All we could do was talk about planning our next trip and how we could stay
longer. SO SO SO many great people and fun times. It was our first time EVER
to visit a resort of this type and have to admit we were a bit nervous.
However, as soon as we arrived, we had a few cranberry & vodka's which let us
relax and just go with the flow. A truly life changing event for us and
absolutely loved every minute of being there. (Well, except for the last minute
when he had to get in the taxi to leave!) Wish we could have exchanged info /
email addresses with more of our new friends before we had to leave. So, if
anyone remembers us, feel free to send an email and we can all laugh and re-live
our fun times!

We did the balloon popping contest Saturday or Sunday and WON! (sorry, it's all
a blur) Check out our pics on the Yahoo April group to help you recognize us if
necessary. Again, if we met and talked, send an email and say hello again!

Can't wait to book our next trip!
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:00 pm

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