First Timers October 17-21, 2012

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First Timers October 17-21, 2012

Postby Lkncouple » Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:17 am

I always found the trip reports on this forum a tremendous amount of information. First off, I will give you some background about us. We are not in the lifestyle and have never been to any kind of clothing optional resort. Also, we are far from an in shape hot couple. I have a care free attitude, my wife is very conservative. We decided to go for our anniversary; we ended up going from October 17th to October 21st. I will say that the trip was called off more than once due to her apprehension. She was on edge the month before and nervous as a cat. We have talked a lot about the trip since we have been back, so I will try to summarize both our thoughts.

Airport Arrival:
After reading the boards and hearing people talk about the timeshare sales people at the airport, I thought I would be prepared. One thing that people did not describe is that the people look like official airport people. They are all dressed in uniforms. We almost made it all the way through them, and the last guy got us. My advice to you, is you just have to be rude and walk by them. For those that have never been, as soon as you go through customs/security and go through the doors, the sales people are right out of the door. Just make a bee-line for the exit and ignore them.

We used Best Day transportation. We had to wait about 20 minutes for the van to fill up. The nice thing is that Desire is very close to the airport. While we were the only group going to Desire, we were the first stop.

One of the things we were concerned about was safety. Certainly everyone has read about some of the dangers of Mexico. I have to say it seems very safe to me. In order to get to the resort, you have to go through a security checkpoint once you leave the interstate, then you have to go through another security gate to get into desire. There are also security guards patrolling the beach. Safety was never a concern.

Resort Arrival:
Check in was not a problem, it was a breeze. However, there is one thing that really aggravated me, and that was the hard sales pitch for Timeshare after we checked in. We have not even walked onto the resort. We are both very nervous about going to a clothing optional resort and we get pinned downed for 15 minutes to get a hard sales pitch. I have to say, I almost walked out and asked for my money back and left the resort. Desire, here is a concept, make everything so great that people will come to you looking for a timeshare.

I did not follow everyone’s advice and I paid for an oceanfront room. The first room we got was 1004. This room was in what I will call the hot tub building. It was on the first floor and faced the pool. How they sell this as an oceanfront room is a joke. You can’t see the ocean at all, but it faces the pool and it is very convenient. The room layout is perfect. Lots of drawer space, huge bathroom with a great shower. The downside is that I had paid for an oceanfront front room, and it was very noisy with lots of traffic going by the room, especially in the mornings.

They moved us after the first day, our Second room was 2001. The room was huge with a big couch and sitting area, but the bathroom was tiny and the shower was really small. The other problem is that this room was on the first floor, so any view we would was blocked by all the beds. I think the only way you are actually going to have an ocean view would be to be on the second floor. By far, the first room was the best room, but it was very nice to have a quiet place to get back to. When we go back, we will definitely just get a garden room.

We both thought the food was average at best. The first night we were there, the resort was fairly empty so there was no buffett. We ended up going to Il Piacere. I ended up getting a Filet, and it was not very good. The rest of the week, I felt the food was okay, but it was really nothing great. The best thing you could say is that there was lots of food available and it was good to soak up the alcohol.

I cannot say enough how great the service was. Everyone bent over backwards to help you out. They always had a drink for you, they would always be willing to try to make you something special to eat. The service is spectacular!!

No matter how much you read it, you don’t believe the great attitude and friendliness of the people. The first day we really stayed to ourselves. It was scary to get naked and go swimming for the first time, but once you do it really does not matter. We really just sat back and watched all the activities. I think people really do have some kind of Swingers radar as by the end of the trip we ended up talking and party with a ton of people and they all said they were not in the lifestyle. I think of all the people we talked to we only met and talked to a very few swingers. I guess most of the swingers could tell we weren’t swingers so they did not approach us. I think in 4 days, my wife was approached once and I was approached once.

Also, reading the forums, I thought everyone would be naked most of the time. I really did not find that was the case. Most of the time people were walking around they were covered up. If they were laying out or in the pool they were naked, but there were lots of people that were not completely naked. So if you don’t think you would be comfortable, don’t sweat it. There were lots of women, with tops on, with bottoms on and guys that were wearing shorts. That being said, at one point my wife said she has seen enough dicks for a lifetime.

My biggest regret was that we did not get involved in the games and activities earlier. On the last day we finally got involved in the water volleyball. My advice is that you should get involved in the games earlier. They are lots of fun and it is a great way to meet people. The entertainment directors are fantastic.

Open Sex:
My thought about the resort was that we would really see a lot of open sex. I thought you may see something at the pool, I thought you would see some walking around the resort, on the beach at night or in the Disco. The only place we saw any sexual activity was in the hot tub area, and in the playroom, and quite frankly it really was not that much in those areas. The resort was not very crowded and there was not a big takeover, so it may be different at different times.

Claudia’s Massage:
After reading this forum, we felt that we wanted to go to Claudia and try the sensual massage. We took a cab to her place and I will say once we pulled off the main highway and went down a gravel road we both got nervous and thought he was taking us someplace to rob us. But we stopped at a rough looking building, and were greeted by Claudia. We went into her place and it was nice inside. The massage was awesome, the way she had you help, really was great and taught you how to massage your spouse. It was great and I would highly recommend it. This is a must do.

This trip report is going on long, I did not even talk about the disco, late night pizza, and the evening entertainment, all were fantastic and lots of fun. In Summary, after a very nervous and tense month, it turned out to be a GREAT vacation. Before we went, my wife told me to enjoy this trip because we were going to do this once. Last night, she said we need to make sure we plan on going at least once a year.
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Re: First Timers October 17-21

Postby Rusty » Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:08 pm

I think you both have approached this “the first trip” as many do. Eyes wide open and walking on that line between fear and excitement. The adriane rush you have experience is what I think makes Desire what it is today and it's this excitement that you'll not forget for a long time. I know you will see and hear a lot about resort properties in forums, but you only need to remember it's not a "W" hotel , nor is it a 3.5 star motel you’re looking for when you booked, It's the erotic freedom of the place and sexy nature of the people who go (Swingers and Straight ) . Desire is clean and provides mostly what you need, so you don't have to leave the resort. The Management and the owners are improving the property all the time.

The only thing I hate with a passion now days is when someone complaints about how long it has taken to get there 4, 5, 7 Hrs how about 24Hrs + stops, we are constantly jealous about how close everyone else lives to these resorts, only a couple of hours away, I wish, but it is a world away for us and a great break from real life stresses. While your report is a little negative which can happen from time to time, it’s properly more lacking the bits you both found stimulating (next trip report). You know Swingers are mostly normal people too and it's not easy to pick who is and who not unless they want you to. I don’t know about radar because if that’s true then there’s got to be radar detectors as well. As for time share if you fall into this trap, tell them you’re from Australia. Works for us every time. Who in their right mind would travel that far again to use time share... little do they know..

Great report …

Rusty :AUS
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Re: First Timers October 17-21

Postby Lkncouple » Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:45 am

I certainly did not mean for the review to be negative, I just wanted to let other people that were new understand what we found out about the resort. Looking through it, I thought I was fair, I hated that they hard pitched me for time share as soon as I walked in, I thought the food was okay at best, and I didn't think the oceanfront rooms were worth it. That is not any different than what I have read.

We had a blast and will definitely be returning. I would encourage anyone that is even thinking about it, give it a try.
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Re: First Timers October 17-21

Postby Rusty » Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:55 pm

I was thinking after I had responded that "Negative" is not a good word to use. It was my impression as I was reading your report you properly weren’t going to go again, which for some that's fine, this resort style holiday is not "everyone’s cup of tea", and then bang, in the summary it was all good and you have started the planning process for your next stay. So I was guessing there was parts of the trip you both got something out of and these don’t seem to be all in the body of your report thus the balance of the report was a little off for me given the summary... anyway enough said you did do a report and it include many good bits of information for others.

As a side note I had read in a previous post you are both keen divers, on your next trip may I suggest looking at the “Dolphin trainer for a day” at one of the nearby Dolphin centres, we did it a while ago for a few hours and it was another great experience while we were at Desire RM. Who knows you may even get some extra points from your partner for the ideal..

Rusty :AUS
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Re: First Timers October 17-21

Postby Lkncouple » Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:49 am

Thanks for the reply Rusty and the suggestion for the Dolphin Trainer for the day. We have actually done that in the Keys and it is great, but quite frankly, I am not sure that when we go again, other seeing Claudia again, I am not sure we would want to leave the resort.

There are lots of reasons we would go again:
The first is that my wife really did not feel that she was pressured to do anything she did not want to do. I know you read that a bunch of comments that there is no pressure, but there really is no pressure.

*While there was sexy it was not overt and in your face sex everywhere.
*The disco was a blast. We had a ton of fun there at night.
*The evening entertainment was great. I was surprised that not more people were there to watch it, they really missed out.
*Hanging out at the pool was unbelievably relaxing, more so than any place we have ever been. It was fun to watch the events going on in the afternoon.
*The Service was as good as any 5 diamond report we have been to.

Overall it was great. We will definitely be back.
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Re: First Timers October 17-21

Postby JohnJudith » Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:51 pm

Thank you for writhing such a great report. We are planning our first trip to Desire and found your report very informative.
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