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Newbie's no more! Jan 20-26, 2013

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:01 pm
by cubman00
My Wife and I were at Desire RM from Jan 20-26, being our first trip to a Desire, first trip to Mexico, and first trip without the kids for over 12 years. We are not in the “lifestyle”, and come from a very conservative family, and friend base. We’ve been married for 16 years, I being 42, and my wife 37.
I’ve travelled for business extensively, including Colombia, China, India, Thailand, and thought I had seen it all; I was proven wrong, but in a positive way. There is nothing that can prepare you for what you will see, what you will be asked, and in the end, what an experience at Desire can do for your relationship.
We flew direct from Toronto to Cancun, no issues, boarded the Sunwing bus, and were the second stop. I originally booked a garden view room, but they were going to put us under the Hot Tub, so I opted to pay a bit extra to get an Oceanview, ended up in the farthest building from the pool (a whole 2 minute walk!). There is something to be said about the intimidation factor, when you leave the lobby to be shown your room, as the lobby bar is right there, and usually crowded with people. That wears off pretty fast! Hint: Don’t eat, and drink that glass of liquid courage real fast at check in…that should help!
We were shown our room, and knew what to expect from reading the forums (thanks to everyone for all the information!) I’ve been in plenty better rooms, and many much worse, so no big deal. We changed into shorts (was about 4:30pm!) and decided to just walk the beach, and check out the surroundings. The hot tub was busy, and being newbies, we didn’t dare go up that first afternoon! Couple drinks at the lobby bar, some conversation with several people (I apologize, I’m terrible at remembering names!) and it was time to change, and go for dinner. We tried all 3 restaurants during the week, and preferred the buffet. We like to take our time at dinner, and the buffet gave us that freedom. All the food was good, but someone with a, for lack of a better word, “picky” taste, may have a harder time finding enough variety. There was always fresh bread or buns. Breakfast was for the most part pool side, unless it was too windy, rainy or cool, which happened 2 out of our 6 mornings.
We ended up at the Disco the first night, and then went to the hot tub at approximately 2 am. Hot tub only had 3 other couples. Actually all the times we went to the hot tub later in the evening it was relatively quiet, with little happening on the beds. The corner of the hot tub on the right side closest to the bar was the warmest, we actually found that corner too hot, and stayed clear of it so we could stay in longer.

Our typical day went like this:
Breakfast, Walk on the beach, suntan on the beach bed, lunch, nap on the beach bed, hot tub @ 4-5ish, back to room 6-6:30ish, change for dinner, dinner, change into evening wear (so bloody hot!!), lobby bar for drinks and entertainment, disco, pizza (just perfect after so much alcohol!), and then either drink till 2-3am, or hit the hot tub. Throw in a few intimate encounters between my wife and I each day…. . We did the trip to Chichen Itza, which was interesting, and also a good way to meet other couples.

The Pros:
Desire is a relationship stimulator. We had no issues in our relationship before we went (which is important, as communication is important for newbies), but this place took our relationship to a different level. There is no way I can describe the feeling of being able to express yourself to your significant other in a physical way that is appreciated by others, not shunned. Watching others “play” did not stimulate us, but knowing that people could and did “play” was very stimulating! (Hope that makes sense!)

The size: The resort has, I believe 114 rooms, and is on a small property. We loved this. Being at Desire for a week is like being in a small community. Easy to get around, easy to recognize people, and the care taken to make the grounds immaculate are wonderful.

The people: Staff and vacationers alike….just won’t meet a better bunch of people. We met many wonderful couples, some lifestyle, some not. Small tips went a long way with the staff. Sometimes I did tip, sometimes not…always received excellent service.

The evening wear! My wife and I, just loved the fact that she could dress in the sexiest of dresses in the evening. It is just another aspect of Desire that has us hooked, the ability to leave your inhibitions at the door and discover your inner voyeur…It was too cool for the body paint, by my wife is doing it next time for sure!

The Cons:

I have read a few reports from others who stayed the same time as us, and read that this time it was especially bad. I was eaten alive on the ankles; my wife was bit only once….who knows! Not enough to scare me away!

There’s always one (or 2) in the crowd!
We had one instance of a male aggressively hitting on my wife, and we had to excuse ourselves and leave the bar, also an older gentleman was constantly going in and out of the playroom alone to check out the happenings….c’mon, really?!

Our own hang-ups!
As mentioned before, we come from very conservative families, and our friends are also somewhat conservative. We came to Desire, never being exposed to the lifestyle, and never knowing anyone who was. We were reserved talking to them, and were uncomfortable around it for the first few days. We respect everyone’s decision to live their life according their needs, and were not offended by anything, just unsure. Desire will bring out your hang-ups in relationship, and how you feel about it, so be prepared! Next trip, we know much better what to expect, and hopefully can loosen up a bit more and meet more of you wonderful people.

The Bottom Line:
If you’re thinking of trying a CO resort, this is the place! There all people from all walks of life here, all shapes and sizes, and all ages, and nobody cares! This place oozes sexuality, and sensuality. Desire is the perfect place to add that “spice” in your relationship, I know it did for us, exponentially more than I expected. If you're considering going, read these forums, they are full of excellent information.

Thank you to everyone we met, thank you to all the people we didn't talk to, but added that level of sexuality to the atmosphere, and thank you to all the people who have posted questions and comments on this forum.

Re: Newbie's no more! Jan 20-26, 2013

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:23 pm
by jcinfburg
We called him "Dan the Lurker" in the playroom and decided he was pretty harmless. He actually sat on top of the playroom bed so he could get a better look of us and the other couple. Once we realized he was there just for the show and not to participate, it was okay. As we were done, I did ask him to leave so we could have some alone time with our new friends and he complied. Of course he couldn't find his pants or room key which while annoying at the time, proved to be very funny at the pizza bar. There is a sign outside the playroom that states for couples only, so you have a right to complain for enforcement.