Newbie Trip Report Feb 13th-18th, 2013

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Newbie Trip Report Feb 13th-18th, 2013

Postby LikeAVirgin » Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:35 am

Ok… now for the real story.
I will have to give this trip a 3. Successful. However since we did not technically book another trip to return ( at least not at the time of posting this ) I cannot give it a four. He did say at least once “ I am trying to think what friends we could bring back with us here”. While we weren’t recognized by any colleagues, there were a lot of people from the USA. While in the lobby someone did yell out my husbands name, but come to find out the womans’s husband and mine shared the same first name. Not all that common considering his name.

I will keep my review relatively brief. For those who want all of the nitty gritty details they can just pm me.

I suspect the most asked question will be “ How did he react to being surprised ?” And for that I can not give a truly honest answer because I was not standing there witnessing his very first reaction. Because of work schedules, childcare issues and such we had to take separate flights from different cities.
I arranged all the travel ahead of time except his transport to the airport. I told him only that the trip would be a cruise to someplace warm. Bring ‘resort wear’. He constantly asked me about trip details – Just so he could” pack the right things”- but I stuck to my guns. When he pleaded, “ But baby, what should I bring?” - I answered boxers or “ Not much”. I would answer the questions of “ Do I need anything else?” with Nope, just sunblock. The day before leaving- I told him I would leave all of the travel details on the kitchen table for him and he could peruse them after work. I could hear the relief in his voice that finally the secret was about to be over.

As bad as I wanted to hold out to the very end and see the look on his face as we strolled the grounds. I was concerned about missing my flight/ flight delay might have him arrive before me and I didn’t want him stranded at the airport- clueless and by himself. Yet another disaster scenario. He would used such an event, should it have happened, as the reason why I shouldn’t keep a secret that big. Anyhow, the day before we were to leave, I set up a nice ‘display’ that carried a slight hint of the’vacation theme’ and the country we were visiting. In it had copies of ground transfer documents, flight details, as well as the name of resort. He had time to look up information about the place that evening before his flight left --- but not very much time, about 12 hrs. When he saw the display and travel documents – I was 3 states away- driving down the highway like mad- panicked that I would not make my own flight on time. … but that is a different story…..

Luckily and just barely ( no pun intended) I did make my flight, I arrived in Cancun with 1hr to spare and was able to meet him coming through customs wearing a sexy summer dress and heels. We did not communicate by phone after he found the documents and prior to leaving for his flight. When he saw me he just smiled and asked if I saw his texts that he sent( I later found out that he did send two texts that said “ What I am supposed to tell my coworkers?” later followed by “Lol, I think I am ready”). But we didn’t chat much as we made our way through customs and to the grounds to find our pre-arranged airport transfer.

While going through the check in speech with the receptionist –I did inquire about the body painting by Aquiles and immediately booked an appointment for that evening. He did view the photos available and could see just what the anticipated result would be.. He heard me giggle and I shot him a suggestive eye brow when the receptionist asked “ So you have heard about what goes on in our playroom and disco area” . Reactions to both where just wide-eyed stares. We arrived several hours before the check in time So they kindly hold your luggage and offer you keys to the Spa where you can change into…well nothing…. But we didn’t. I wasn’t quite ready for that- I went into the gift store and purchased a somewhat risqué two-piece. In the gift shop are lots of items that you can find in any adult store. He just perused them and mentioned getting some of them as gifts for close friends back home.
We changed in the spa and I bravely stepped foot toward the outdoor buffet area that sits conveniently around the pool. There we sat and ate- me with a smile, but he couldn’t help but do so either. We ended up striking a conversation with another friendly couple and got to our room well after 3 or so. Tired from traveling ( I had been up almost 24 hrs at that point), relieved that things are going well and stuffed from the delicious food and drink. I fell asleep. He went to the bar or perhaps just wandered around the resort in amazement… who knows…but returned in time to let me know I am about to miss my body-painting appointment. So I called it a good sign of what the week had in store
Next people will probably want to know what DID we do and probably more importantly what did we NOT do. Lol

Well we made to the disco 3 nights , 2 of those nights we went and played in the playroom- just us two with lots play going on around us. We visited the Jacuzzi 3 times, We made it acutually into the Jacuzzi twice- The first night I will not count because – although we went up to the Jacuzzi we did not get in- He was looking a little ill that night - almost green with nauseous- but maybe it was the lighting. He just kept saying he was just tired. Too be fair, Remember it was our first night and we just had a long day of traveling, dancing, playtime in the playroom all with lots of drinking mixed in. I was concerned. I mean I didn’t want to kill the poor fella. I strongly suggested that we just go home and I reassured him that we had the rest of the week and the Jacuzzi will be here tomorrow. He seemed content with this answer and we left. And indeed on the next night the Jacuzzi was there for us. 
One of these nights, after some prompting we did have some playtime one of the beachside beds. Lovely set up! Just perfect for me and what I wanted. I would have loved to have had some more playtime there, or in the beds around the Jacuzzi, or in those hidden little alcoves with seats- but sadly it would not come to pass. We ended up getting busy back in the room for the last couple of nights. Old habits die hard. He is just a guy that is not into this I guess... it doesnt matter the setting .- this setting was perfect.

After hearing a detailed description from a couple at the bar about the “sensual massage” . Hubby immediately said we should sign up. I was little shocked at this because I kinda figured we both weren’t massage people. But he stayed true to his word and signed up for a massage for our final day. Stating it sounds like a ‘rite of passage’. Lol . So on our last day we found ourselves being sensually massaged by Estrella and crew. Which ended excellently for the both of us- needless to say.
The nude thing- you get over it a pretty quickly. But I did find it hard to break the habit of putting something on when you wake up in the morning to go to breakfast. Plus I brought too many beautiful sundresses- which I felt would be shameful to never let them see the light of day. I was surprised that he did keep boxers and shirt on for most of the stay. Despite me managing to get down underwear only. He did go swimming in the ocean in the buff ( something I did not do) , We spent some time in the beach beds just outside our ocean front room in the buff. we lounged by the pool in the buff on the last day. I ate and walked around topless on some days. We did not ‘swing’ with any couples, but when asked about if we are into the lifestyle, I would answer ‘Not yet’ and smile at him. He never took the bait. Some men, playfully and respectfully would touch my derriere, rub my back. He would smile and would not bat an eye. He did seem to be annoyed by one particular man’s insistence in seeing me dance on the pool or watch us in the playroom. But his only retort was “ Where is that guys wife?” and tell him that “ you are too tired to get on the pole tonight”.

We did walk over to the Pearl, along the beach—takes about an hour. We met a very nice couple there whom we had dinner with…. And that is all. They were so kind to show us their room and I got a chance to see a sybian (sp?) Never heard of it before- but my husband has… Yeah- go figure. Anyhow. After seeing it- I might have to make that an investment for myself in the future. Also got a chance to see their rooftop suite and man that was nice! Not a whole lot of privacy but a very, very nice suite indeed. Wish they would have had something like that at RM. My husband says that the oceanview suite at RM is just fine. But overall we are glad to be at RM over Pearl. We felt as if we wanted a subdued atmosphere we would have not chosen this theme of resorts. We intended to go and check out Pearls disco and playroom later that evening- but we were just too tired and cheap to subject ourselves to the carbide over. Their Jacuzzi tub is huge! I think that kind of takes away the intimate nature of things.
My husband is not the most verbal guy when it comes to pleasurable things of any sort. I did ask him periodically throughout the day “ Are you liking your stay? Tell me what you think about all of this. Let me know if this is too much?” Each time he would reply “Yeah its good”, or” Its ok” With a gift like this, considering expense alone much less my preparation for it ( waxing everything for the first time in 4 yrs) and my need to tackle some of my own body hang ups--- I was kind of hoping for a resounding “Hell Yeah”… Never really got that from him. But I am learning to accept that he is just not the type that would say something like this . The only thing he gets overtly excited about is football and food. So if they ever hold an American Superbowl in France/Italy- I am booking that ticket.

Anyhow we enjoyed it. The weather was perfect. The last two days it was a little cool- So funny- I got mad when I had to cover up. We managed to see Tulum. Did a little snorkeling. The food was so good and I saw the gym only on the way to the spa. I think I gained 5lbs in 5days. I told my husband a little about this forum while we were on this trip--how I posted my concerns/questions--- None of which should be brand new to him. I told him about some of the responses both supportive and unsupportive. He just kind of shrugged his shoulders at all of them. I am not sure if he will visit here and post his own review- But I have encouraged him too….I hope he does….. after all I am curious in what he would say.

For those who want to know more, just pm me. For those with doubts - I would say Go! You can dial it up or dial it down according to your comfort level. If you don’t like public sex- don’t go to the Jacuzzi/play room. If you are not sure if you like it- then just peek through the door and feel out your gut reaction. If you hate it- avoid those places altogether, Just lounge by the beach/ pool- clothes on or off- whatever is ok. Go to a sexy dinner with your loved one. Walk by the beach. Watch the crazy but tasteful entertainment.

This place turned out to be much better than even I, with all my research, thought it would be. We truly lucked up on gem. I hope it never changes. I will try to post something in tripadvisor as well. As this is how I stumbled on to the resort in the first place. I have lots of good things to say. As far as suprises go --- Be honest with yourself, You KNOW your partner best –so you be the judge if they could handle something like this but I agree with all that communication is key. But just because you communicate something doesn’t mean that your partner will like it. And there is such thing as o I can tell someone over and over how great ketchup is on fries.. But there will always be some people who just don’t like ketchup on their fries.

I would NOT surprise someone under the thought of “ Hey lets start swinging”. But definitely this is the resort for renewing intimacy between a secure couple. Kind of like “ Hey I think, for reason XYZ, we are falling off the track, lets put these issues aside and get back falling in love with each other again. I could understand how women- especially if they have a lot of body hangups, or insecure in the relationship ( lots of jealousy/catty behavior/concerns for infedility) - or don’t regularly get waxed might hate a surprise like this. Like I said, we arent like this- at least not any more. If a woman with big tits or nice tail can wooo my man away at this point, then have at it. I think my husband feels the same about me. Lol. And good luck with results. Lol. I tried to think about if the tables were turned would I appreciate something like this? I think I would have- but then again I am a little freaky anyway. So who knows- maybe I would storm out. I wish I would have discovered this place a little earlier in the relationship. I know it sounds strange, but early on- I would have been way more conservative than what I am now. But at least we would have had this in our minds as back up for when things get tired and routines get old. We could stopped along the way and say- Hey is it time to go back to Desire to freshen things up... I wouldn’t have had to rush here sight unseen,under stress - to ‘make up for lost time’ so to speak. If we had just started here as frightened, judgmental newbies - we could have worked together on intimacy and make it an annual trip to return here year after year to work on us... I dont know though hindsight is always 20/20.

Thank you to all the kind words and suggestions and encouraging folks out there. I appreciate it---even though I may not have read a lot of it. I have two PMs that I will try to read and reply before the end of the week. Just soo busy with work. I will try to visit this board more frequently- but kids, work, life keeps me busy. To all the friends we met, and may recognizes us from this post.... We miss you and you all help to make our entire stay so comfortable and welcoming. My husband loved the social atmosphere of it all. You helped to give him a good impression over all. Perhaps we shall meet again one day- but this time….. I will respectfully leave that up to my husband this time around :D
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Re: Newbie Trip Report Feb 13th-Feb 18th

Postby Johnny60 » Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:04 am

Well, thanks for the trip report and so good to hear it was a success.. I read your alternative report first and was worried for a second! :lol:

You are so right.. it's what you make it.. what you ant it to be and where you take the dial, to use your expression.. in the company of really nice people..

Re: Newbie Trip Report Feb 13th-Feb 18th

Postby werfun » Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:07 pm

We are really happy that your surprise trip turnned out so well. The two of us had beening going from him hating it to his loving it. Like you have found out your trip is what you make it. We have been to DLC several times and fell in love with it. We really enjoy the erotic feeling,the friendly people that visit the resort. We wold have to say that your husband liked the trip even if he won't say so. After all he has said something about what couple that you could ask to come with you on your next trip, so that shows that he's been thinking about it. Would not be surprised if he surprised you by asking when a return trip could be set up.
Kep us posted if he decides on another visit to the BEST, HAPPIEST place on earth for adults. :D :bj
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Re: Newbie Trip Report Feb 13th-Feb 18th

Postby Cleavers » Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:27 pm

Nice report, gives us more info for our first trip coming up this summer. Thanks.

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Re: Newbie Trip Report Feb 13th-Feb 18th

Postby ZigMoGin » Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:06 pm

Awesome trip report! You certainly have a good way with words.....very entertaining! Glad it went okay for you and your husband!
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Re: Newbie Trip Report Feb 13th-Feb 18th

Postby Hansdeswart » Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:33 am

Great trip report. We are very glad your trip turned out to be such a success!!
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Re: Newbie Trip Report Feb 13th-Feb 18th

Postby tommer » Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:38 am

I agree with all. It sounds like things went pretty well and I would guess that your husband enjoyed himself more than he will/can admit. Too, I hope he will surprise you with a return trip .... perhaps we will see you there! Live every day to its fullest and don't hold back .... time goes by much too quickly!!
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Re: Newbie Trip Report Feb 13th-18th, 2013

Postby MandD » Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:00 pm

Great report. On our first visit i had been asking my wife for 2yrs if she would consider Desire. We cad been to couples ocho rios at tower island and couples san souci au natural beach and enjoyed them, but she was hesitant about the lifestyle Overtones that would be at desire. Within 24hrs she Was past all that. By day 4 we had met 3 amazing couples and alll of us played together in the playroom. One of the gals almost attacked my wife(In a good way) in the disco and couldnt wait for the playroom. ;). I never imagined we could have so much fun. Heading to pearl for our 20th anniversary in November. Im counting the days already.
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