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Real Live Trip Report

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:12 pm
by JCnBadboy
Dear Reader
We have truly met some awesome and fun people this trip. Really each and every one of you have been wonderful... and exciting too.. a little drama included ha ha. Tomorrow we are off on the naughty cat-cruise, you know who set that up! That couple.. they are wild! This time, I am taking my long lens, to take photo of the other boats taking photos of us! If its any consolation to you, it has been unusually cool here, the wind is blowing from the north and...believe it or not, there is a windchill factor here tonight.. last night too.
JC put chocolate all over the Badboy and he was the treat for the gals up at the hot tub... it was his first time...and we think we will do that again. Last evening at the lobby bar... JC made the mistake of pointing out a medium sized hermit crab... all proud and strutting his stuff, Chuck, (you all know Chuck) he starts pissing this poor little creature off for a few minutes then tosses it on JC....bandecko...(sp) ha ha. so.. essentially, Chuck gave JC crabs.
Today we went to Playa, our mexican nephew, took us to this awesome taco restaurant, it was by far the best tacos ever, if you want to go there, just email us, we will send you the info. Its yummm-mee (and JC only says that about dick)
Tonight I think there is a fashion show, lingerie maybe, I am sure it will be nice. Its steak night, and the Badboy cannot miss his steak.
JC is still hunting......sigh... You will love this, Badboy, has locked the bathroom door by mistake, and of course closed it. He is steaming his shirt in the shower, which is going full blast on hot-scalding hot. JC has called to the desk to bring the key, ......but. they are not here yet, and its not like I am strapped to this laptop....the water still runs... Chuck threw crabs at JC, and the hunt is still on.. JC is going to bust.
So dear reader, we better get to the office to get this key, we dont want to flood the bathroom. Then its off to steak night, lingerie modeling, and most certainly naughy naughty stuff up at the hot tub. It wont be nearly as crowded tonight, many went home today. We are so fortunate to have until Thursday. Thank you Dear Reader, We will let you know how tonights events turn out. Have a wonderful evening.