by SusanAndDavid » Wed May 08, 2024 12:00 pm
All restaurants except the buffet, men should wear long pants and dress shoes (not flips). Golf shirt, Hawaiian shirt or dress shirt up top. Buffet is more relaxed- shorts, t and flips would be ok. For women, if the bits are basically covered at dinner, you're good to go.
Disco- folks usually dress in theme and the best rule of thumb is to first be comfortable with what you're wearing, but know 'less is more'. Embrace the theme nights- you'll never get to wear what you do, and frankly, you won't see 99% of these folks again, so throw caution to the wind and enjoy being as free and fun as you can.
Pearl- May 16-24, 2025
RM- July 25-Aug 1, 2025