Travel Insurance

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Travel Insurance

Postby CokeMann » Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:24 pm

mfay wrote:
As a couple of others have mentioned, it is important to get "good" travel insurance and not go with the best rate. Especially if you are concerned about a hurricane interrupting your trip. Most policys are very vague about what exactly they cover so you need to learn to understand their "code". Here is a very good explanation of some of the important factors when it comes to selecting trip insurance in relation to hurricane coverage:

Hurricane insurance tips:

1- No insurance covers absolutely everything that could happen when a hurricane hits or you need to be evacuated. New “Hurricane Warningâ€
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Postby RobSueLuvinLif » Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:59 am

Another post requested to be placed on the FAQ....

Excellent point to make. Not all travel insurance is equal. Many varieties are offered to appeal to many different travelers. In these times, insolvency of a tour operator is a must have benefit of any travel insurance plan. As for medical emergency situations, one needs to check with thier current health insurance as to what they have coverage for. Most have none but some do cover people internationally especially when employed by an international employer. BUT, the best way to make sure you are covered from all angles is to purchase a travel health policy and back it up with...The Air Ambulance Card. It is a membership club similar to that of AAA in that you purchase a membership annually for about $275 for the whole family. It covers you anywhere you go in the world. If you get "admitted" to a hospital while away from your home town, a jet with the proer medical team flys to your location within 24 hours of admittance. They arrange and pay for all ground transport on both ends, and they fly you back to the area closest to your home that is capabl;e of treating your issues. This is very important as if you were to tweak your knee for example and need surgery, most if not all medical travel plans will only transport you to the nearest accredited treatment facility. If you want to have knee surgery and then rehabilitate in the country you are visting, then not to worry, but if you;d rather have this done near your home, the you need the Air Ambulance Card. I do not sell this as it is a membership club that anyone can join directly. I jst have many high net worth clients that travel the world over regularly and they find even though they have deep pockets, they are in no way interested in footing the bill to fly home for such procedures. A medical Evac flight from Mexico to the US for a typical knee injury will cost $50k. Some parts of the world the cost can reach as much as $500K especially if the issue is more life threatening requiring more sophisticated equipment/medical personell. Yes MFay is correct in that purchasing through the airline only covers you for your air transportation. Very limited in it's scope of benefits. Our travel plan pays up to 150% of the cost of our trip if cancelled due to insolventcy, hurricane/natural disasters that make you trip impossible to make, also sickness or injury of yourself and or loved ones. Or even if your accomodations to watch the kids while away falls through at the last minute, you can cancel and expect the coverage to pay any expenses you may incur for a late cancellation. I've seen plans cost form abut 5% to about 8-10% of the trip cost depending on carrier and plan chosen. It really is great piece of mind, especially when traveling this time of year to the Carribrean as well as in this economical downturn. 24 days to trip #5.
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Re: Travel Insurance

Postby darth_2 » Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:07 pm

Thanks for these plans! I was looking for them so long. I wanted to be so sure that I can say go insurance easily. :D It satisfied me.
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Re: Travel Insurance

Postby coupleluvs2watch » Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:47 pm

Is this the same insurance offered on Desire webpage when booking your trip?
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