The apprehensive spouse

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The apprehensive spouse

Postby CokeMann » Sun Feb 21, 2010 4:30 pm

[quote="Whoneedssunscreencpl"]We were recently asked about how a man might help his wife become comfortable with the idea of going to Desire instead of a more vanilla resort. We know it’s been discussed on the board before but since we were asked and since it’s an interesting topic to us, we thought we’d write about it again. There are probably plenty of potential Desire newbies reading the forum, too, and we don’t want anyone to miss out on what could be the best vacation of their lives.

About us: We are heading to Desire Cancun for the second time in May. Previously we had also been to Desire Cabo once (before it became Temptation--bleh!). We are not lifestylers but have found over time that we really do enjoy the sexy atmosphere at Desire and it adds a real kick to our vacations which lasts at home through memories and plans for future trips.

From Mrs. Whoneedssunscreen:

Prior to a few years ago, I had never been to a nude or topless resort and would definitely have characterized myself as a reluctant/apprehensive spouse but I have changed my opinion over time. I’d advise the inquiring husband of a few things. First of all, it might take your wife a long time and even several trips before she’s truly comfortable at the same level that you are. You also need to remember that she may never get there. If you have a good marriage (and I would add that I think you should not go to Desire unless your marriage is already excellent), you will already know that accepting her and her feelings is crucial, especially accepting that she may not always share your feelings. With this kind of vacation as with all marital decisions, from whether to move to a new city or to have another child, the partner who does not want to make the leap needs to retain the veto power.

For me, it took several trips to get me to the level of comfort I currently enjoy. It was most helpful when I did not feel pressured by Hub and when he let me set the pace for what I wanted to do or not do. The minute he’d lapse into “Please take your top off!â€
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