Trip Review: July 1-7, 2021 - A Year at Pearl

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Trip Review: July 1-7, 2021 - A Year at Pearl

Postby tj71903 » Thu Jul 08, 2021 1:24 pm

One year ago we made our first trip to Desire Pearl, becoming (unknowingly) the first couple to return to the resort since it had closed for several months due to the pandemic. Over the last week we completed our tenth trip since and while our perspectives and experiences have changed with the number of travels, the core desire to return to this unique place remains alive and well.

Here's the latest recap.


Delta got us to Cancun on time and once again we elected to hire the arrival service which expedites you through customs. This was the third time we've done it and I recommend it if time is a consideration in your valuation. We arrived when four other flights were coming into the airport. The customs hall was full and congested, with all of the zig zagging lanes backed up to the bottom of the escalators. Our guide met us at the exit of the jet bridge and walked us down the escalator and through the middle corridor of the hall to the front of the line. We were waiting on our bags within five minutes and were on the curb looking for the USA Transport rep within 15 minutes of setting foot into the airport.

Not bad.

USA Transport, on the other hand, for the third straight trip was apologetic that our car/driver wasn't here yet. We just needed to wait right here in the sweltering heat for them to show up. Now, it's worth pointing out that prior to every trip I confirm everything with all the vendors via written correspondence. USA was no different. Yet they were late. Again. After sweating for 20 minutes the driver is finally here and we're ready to go. To his credit he was, as they all are, terrific. I don't blame the drivers as much as the people scheduling. Things happen, sure, but three times in a row (and within a three month period)...that's not a one off, it's a pattern.

Still, free is free ("perk" of the membership with Desire...) but also a "you get what you pay for" situation in my eyes. For instance, I've never had an issue with this when booking through other non-resort affiliated vendors. Anyway, we're at the resort relatively close to the time I had estimated.

Check-in was at the Mansion with Diego and Alexis assisting. We've sort of streamlined the process with repetition (get the bands, schedule the COVID test, agree to golden rules, select the extras, etc.). Room wasn't ready, however. No problem, we grab our bag and drop the travel clothes and stuff and go to spa to drop valuables in locker before heading out. All in all 90 minutes from getting out of the plane to sitting in our chairs at the pool. Room was ready by the time pool volleyball ended (4:30) and we arrived with bags already delivered.

Check-out was a breeze. USA was on time (...pause for heart attack). Bill was ready and itemized. Butlers got the bags to the car and storage bag to locker for next time (I refuse to continually shepherd theme night costumes to and fro at this point). Out the door and to the airport on time. Good stuff.

COVID test was easy the day before we left. The technician was new and was not gentle or shy about impaling your brain. Results were as expected and emailed to the butler for printing and were placed in our room soon after. Easy process (albeit unnecessary these days) and only minimal time taken from your day.


Second time staying in Room 94 in the Mansion and while it has some benefit (huge master bathroom and nice fixtures), I still would prefer the Penthouse most months. I say most months because one major perk of the Mansion is the new HVAC system which works well. Last time in the Penthouse we noticed those big windows stream the light in and it bakes the room. AC has trouble keeping up. Not so this weekend in 94. Room was cool.

Downside is the view is of the backside of the regular room blocks. But we didn't care too much about that as it was too hot and muggy to sit on your balcony during the afternoons and we were up and out early in the mornings, anyway.

Bed is quite comfortable and with the pillow menu we ended up with an absurd number of pillows (I think there were 11 on the bed including the three decorative pillows). There may or may not have been a pillow fort built at one point and, also, a pillow assault that evolved into a 2 AM war.

One thing I was surprised about with the Mansion was the acoustics of the courtyard. Sounds are certainly amplified and we were very aware when there were people outside congregating and having a good time late in the evening. You'd think those heavy glass doors on the balcony would provide some sort of sound proofing (i.e. that they were impact glass)...they do not. A few nights it got pretty loud pretty late. A few fellow guests mentioned it when we were chatting.

The Mansion restaurant was very good and we ate there three times. It's nice that you can order off that menu, the menus from the other options and have it brought to you, or you can order off the fantasy menu as well. It's convenient and provides a nice reprieve from the crowds when such solitude is desired.

Same is true of the Mansion pool. A couple of nights we were at the hot tub and it was either totally dead or overcrowded. Very little in between. The Mrs. is blonde, but she's also a bit of Goldie Locks with preferences, so being able to have another option of going over to the private pool was nice. We sat in with a small group a few nights and enjoyed that environment (not to mention the heavy humidity in the air and heat/lack of breeze made the hot tub a little too warm at times). Again, the option of a backup plan was nice.

All of the above also applies to the play/red/sin/whatever rooms. The one in the disco is cozy compared to the Mansion one. Not to mention you can control the A/C in the latter which is a plus.


We were there for six nights and days so there was plenty of opportunity to do/sample the extra experiences. However, we were happy to just settle into the routine we've adopted. Up by 7 and to breakfast by 7:20 or so. Usually just one or two other couples in Aphrodite at that point along with some of the playmakers/staff having breakfast as well. Finish breakfast and then head to drop off book at the chairs (which the staff sets up when we say hello on way to breakfast) before making a lap or two around the grounds to burn off the meal. From there we grab sunscreen and are in our chairs reading by 8:40.

Mornings are usually stretching/yoga around 10:30 followed by beach volleyball and then into the pool for whatever activity is next. Then maybe lunch (though usually we just forego it) and back to room for some quiet time before returning for activities and pool volleyball before heading back to room for showers and dinner prep which leads to theme night prep and then theme night, disco, hot tub, and then bed.

There's still plenty of time to do other things and we considered a few this time. We had booked the yacht prior to the trip for July 3rd, but didn't want to miss the foam party so we canceled that. Will do it later in the year, maybe for the November trip.

Got asked about catamaran cruise which included drinking and snorkeling. Could be fun, but also had heard from veterans that your experience can be extended for longer than you expect and that didn't seem appealing to us this time. We may look at it for August.

We did do the spa twice with the bondage massage (her favorite) and the relaxing massage (included). Both were fun, and I'd classify this bondage massage as - by far - the most fun I've had with the experience. Hats off to Itsa and Elodia and the Mrs. for that. They conspired (?I guess?) to make Saturday afternoon a high point of the trip from me. Sensory overload and all. As fun as the bondage massage was, the relaxing one was a welcomed remedy on our last evening. 50 minutes went by way too fast (I'll do the 80 minute going forward). Only complaint was being worried about nodding off and drooling like a slob. Again, Itsa and Elodia have tremendous versatility.

The other extra was our photoshoot with Jahel and Provoke. We shot from 10AM until nearly 4PM and came away with some really good pics. I'm sure some of them will end up on social media (approved via written agreement and with permission) in the coming days and weeks, but it's always fun to do the process. They do a great job cleaning and dolling up the wife with the hair and makeup staff and ultimately get her to some semblance of presentability. And I get to be a prop/lighting assistant/valet/porter/etc. Builds the resume and I get to see a pretty girl doing all manner of seductive poses from the front row. Win-win.

We got the photo book just before leaving and it was/is amazing. I am pretty sure TSA got an eyeful when they decided to "randomly search our checked luggage" (probably because of the champagne bottles) during travel as when we opened the bag there was a note from there book was arranged differently. Anyway, it was a blast and we'll do it again.


- There is a big push (read requirement) for the staff to get vaccinated. Several staffers were sent off to get their first shots this week and you could see the impact on them the day after and beyond (fatigue). It's interesting to note that most of the staff had the virus last year and all have recovered (have antibodies) yet here we are. They've been exposed for over a year to this thing.

- For those scoring at home, the crowd's demographic this time were around mid-50s on average I'd suspect. Not a lot of yellow banders during our time there, maybe 5-6 couples total. In general there were a number of behaviors ranging from each extreme of a sliding scale. Lots of reliving (or trying to) college life by being unable to hold or moderate consumption. That's fine until that inability begins to impede on your surroundings. Lots of loud, obnoxious, and otherwise unoriginal outbursts during the first few days. I prefer a more laid back approach to the day and therefore refrain from the general sophomoric attempts at wit. Examples included the lady discussing having a sore throat after traveling. Says she'd asked for something (warm tea I think), guy beside chimes in with "I got something hot for your throat"....pause....he tries the same line again...pause...and again... OR the ladies who are clearly intoxicated attempting to forcibly show off their naughty bits. OR the lady who was going around and attempting oral sex on any gentleman at the pool during the foam party - whether invited or not. I don't mean to sound like a killjoy (you do you) but we view the ideal setting at desire being about seduction and sexy versus "hey ya'll I'm drunk, let's f**k". But, again, happy to live and let live but do wish there was some separation between the two.

- We did meet several great couples including a few we had a chance to chat with extensively during the visit. All great people and it's always interesting to see the variety of backgrounds and stories that Desire attracts. We learn a lot by chatting in the hot tub or at the pool, etc. Very cool environment in that sense and places the Mrs. in her element and I'm just happy to be there on the perimeter.

- Speaking of the perception, I did chuckle at the presentation of the 4th of July party on social media versus what actually happened. If you look on Instagram, etc you see the resort hopping with photos of the playmakers, guys on stilts, dancing, etc. In reality the only movement was the guy filming the playmakers and performers. The guests were just hanging in their chairs look around occasionally. It was pretty dead...I'd have much preferred to move the foam party from Saturday to Sunday to correspond with the 4th of July event. Would have probably been a lot more fun for a 'special celebration'.

- The disco continues to evolve as the shows featured some new performers. There was a breakdancing hula hoop guy that was really impressive and the erotic show on Monday night was a really nice touch and set the mood for the evening. Much more than just the traditional dance show - though we did enjoy the latin dancers and their performance on another night. Cesar and Wally hosted the guys as strippers competition on Tuesday night and that was funny for sure. Overall the disco had more energy and longevity than we'd seen in past visits with people staying for a few hours after the show. Playrooms didn't see much going on from our vantage point.

- Asked three different staffers about the dock being replaced and go a general consensus that it will be repaired, but not in the immediate future. Something about revenue, overhead, and payments due for licenses (apparently the Federal government owns the beach and there's permits and such that have to be paid, approved, etc for rebuilding).

- The 4th of July dinner was nice at the lobby. Suki was fine and the same as last time. Pearl's menu changed and the roast duck was very well done. Mansion restaurant's versatility was welcomed.

- Guests who were abundant but not welcomed: The mosquitos. They were bad this weekend. Got eaten alive at any outside dinner and around hot tub at night. They died down at the end of the trip (think the staff began spraying more).

- Seaweed is in full (FULL) bloom. Resort is actually digging holes and filling with seaweed to build up the beach naturally. It's a good idea and working.

- Played beach and water volleyball four of five days. Water polo twice. Water football for 4th of July and enjoyed each event. I will say it's more fun with the competitive playmakers are involved as it makes the games more intense and less going through the motions.

- Spoke with the staff about next year's theme nights and were told that Neon, Latin, and school girl will remain. They are adding something with red and bdsm. More info to follow later.

Anyway, we're home now and already looking forward to the next one.
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Re: Trip Review: July 1-7, 2021 - A Year at Pearl

Postby CenterofTexas » Thu Jul 08, 2021 5:52 pm

Thanks for the report!!!
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Re: Trip Review: July 1-7, 2021 - A Year at Pearl

Postby tandainla » Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:12 pm

That stripper competition was legit. That guy at the end was the best ^:)^

Great trip report as always.
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Re: Trip Review: July 1-7, 2021 - A Year at Pearl

Postby nokidclub » Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:47 pm

So, you’re able to store your theme night outfits at the resort in between trips? First I’ve heard of that. Sounds logical — do you have to have another trip booked in the near future to do that?
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Re: Trip Review: July 1-7, 2021 - A Year at Pearl

Postby tj71903 » Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:10 am

tandainla wrote:That stripper competition was legit. That guy at the end was the best ^:)^

Great trip report as always.

That's why he won I would assume. When he's the only one having $1000 bills thrown at him by the crowd, it's a pretty telling side.

I fault the judge for saying "everybody wins"
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Re: Trip Review: July 1-7, 2021 - A Year at Pearl

Postby tj71903 » Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:15 am

nokidclub wrote:So, you’re able to store your theme night outfits at the resort in between trips? First I’ve heard of that. Sounds logical — do you have to have another trip booked in the near future to do that?

Yes, we have a bag that holds hats, accessories, a bluetooth speaker, and some other miscellaneous things. We leave it with the butler and it appears in our room when we arrive. Bag doesn't appear to be dirty or otherwise compromised and the contents are as we've left them (we leave a dryer sheet just in case).

Our next trip we "intend" ( [-O< ) to travel in two carry-ons (she's only bringing two pairs of shoes then) and being able to minimize the extras in the bags gets us closer to that goal.

I'm not sure about the requirement of a next trip or the expiration date of storage as that's not come up in the past.
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Re: Trip Review: July 1-7, 2021 - A Year at Pearl

Postby JimAndLiz » Sat Jul 10, 2021 8:08 am


I've seen that arrival service mentioned on this board several times...the ones I see online don't say anything about a fast track through customs. Which one do you use? I'd love to give it a try for our trip in August.

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Re: Trip Review: July 1-7, 2021 - A Year at Pearl

Postby warmwaves » Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:17 pm

Great comprehensive report! We too would be interested in some info on the arrival service. We use it sometimes in Jamaica. Well worth it if numerous flights are coming in all at once.
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Re: Trip Review: July 1-7, 2021 - A Year at Pearl

Postby tj71903 » Sat Jul 10, 2021 7:40 pm

warmwaves wrote:Great comprehensive report! We too would be interested in some info on the arrival service. We use it sometimes in Jamaica. Well worth it if numerous flights are coming in all at once.

Our contact is here:

Elena Rodriguez
Operations Manager
USVIP Services
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Re: Trip Review: July 1-7, 2021 - A Year at Pearl

Postby warmwaves » Sun Jul 11, 2021 11:16 am

Awesome. Thanks Much !
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Re: Trip Review: July 1-7, 2021 - A Year at Pearl

Postby Orcowgirl » Sat Jul 24, 2021 9:42 am

We were at Pearl July 2,2020, the day after opening, and has been our best trip ever. Maybe because it felt wonderful to travel again and just be free. We have gone 6 or so times since, in the last year, don't know if we crossed paths again. We found Pearl 4 years ago and became hooked like you are....20x or so, between both places, lost count. We are off to Pearl again in Sept. Hope we see you again sometime. :US
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Re: Trip Review: July 1-7, 2021 - A Year at Pearl

Postby tj71903 » Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:21 pm

Orcowgirl wrote:We were at Pearl July 2,2020, the day after opening, and has been our best trip ever. Maybe because it felt wonderful to travel again and just be free. We have gone 6 or so times since, in the last year, don't know if we crossed paths again. We found Pearl 4 years ago and became hooked like you are....20x or so, between both places, lost count. We are off to Pearl again in Sept. Hope we see you again sometime. :US

We are there sept 1-7 and then again on the 30th - 5th of October.
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