Newbie report Nov 21 to 26, 2012

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Newbie report Nov 21 to 26, 2012

Postby Lastmango » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:54 pm

Newbie Trip Report Nov. 21st through 26th

Let me start out by saying that we are a 50/40 year old couple that enjoy nude vacations, and enjoy being around the lifestyle and the fun atmosphere and people. We are not really in the lifestyle, even though we have had a couple of experiences, but really just enjoy the sexually charged atmosphere and are very happy either hanging out with everyone or by ourselves.

I also want to preface the report saying that we had a great time, virtually everyone was very nice and a lot of fun, and the resort and experience were everything we had hoped for and will definitely be back. Any observations are not meant to be judgmental, but just observations.

We arrived Desire Pearl Wednesday the 21st about 3pm, just in time to hit the pool for a little while and then up to the Jacuzzi. Within 5 minutes of sitting down at the pool, even before a waitress could get us a drink, we were approached by “T” a schoolteacher who was so over served she could hardly flirt with us. We enjoyed watching her make the rounds with many people during our stay. Later in the week we were told she may have set a record with a number of guys as she moved around the hot tub one afternoon. Anyways, we managed to slip out of that conversation and move to the Jacuzzi where we hit one of the beds and our previously undiscovered exhibitionist tendencies took over. I found it surprising that after making love to my wife in front of more people than I ever thought of, how natural it was to finish, get off the bed, and climb in the hot tub just like nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

After a late dinner we were on to the Disco. We found the disco to be a lot of fun each night, the music was great, and the entertainment was very professional throughout the week. We read other complaints about the music on this forum, but we found the music to be consistently good, not only at the disco but around the pool and hot tub too. This evening we slipped into the play room to further explore our newly discovered exhibitionism and found that one other couple had started without us. All was good until they had some kind of mid-coital disagreement (how does that happen?) and she left the room. He very slowly got dressed, all the while watching us intently, and then left to follow her. After a very brief search for whoever she was he was back without her and sat down next to us in the play room. Fortunately we were nearly done, and then started to get dressed. I kind of gave him a WTF look since he came back alone, and he said “I came back to watch you”. Really? I never would have guessed that! So I said, where is your wife? And he said, she’s not my wife. Ok, well where is your girlfriend, and he said she’s not my girlfriend, we are just hanging out. It was getting way too complicated for me and I didn’t want to ruin our moment so I moved on and we left. We saw him the next day wandering around the beach and pool fully dressed, and alone. After that he was gone. He was Mexican so we were wondering if he might have gotten in somehow through a friend/employee. As a side note, we did see and experience a number of people and circumstances where the interaction, etc. from someone was from a single person, as opposed to a couple. Since it’s a couples resort, it’s a little unexpected to be pursued, flirted with, etc. from someone with their own agenda.

Next day was our first full day, weather slightly cool, but still great. Spent most of the day at the beach and gradually moved up to the pool as it warmed up. We were on to the Jacuzzi again, and had some fun up on the pods and on the edge of the pool as apparently the beds were fully booked for the evening. (It would be helpful if people using the beds would remove their towels when they are done so the next couple knows that they are clear to play). After meeting several great people a new couple appeared. Well, just the guy at first as he came over to my wife and told her he really enjoyed watching her play with me. He then apparently asked her to go talk to his girlfriend as she was shy. After my wife was out of earshot though he said to me that my wife should go flirt with his girlfriend as she thinks my wife is really hot and would like to be with her. I thanked him for the compliment but reminded him life works best for me if I realize my wife is in charge of these situations, not us guys. He didn’t seem to get it and we both joined them talking. By that time another couple had joined in the conversation and all were getting along nicely. At some point I was aware of this guy’s hands starting to roam to my wife so we excused ourselves. We made it away and back towards the bar, only to find the creeper come over for a drink and while waiting my wife told me his hands started to roam to her again. This time she aggressively pushed his hand away and we were done with him. I was more than happy to step in but I think it’s better if the woman makes it clear she is not interested and only if he doesn’t back off do I get involved. We avoided him the rest of the week, and continued to hear stories of others that had something happen with this creep. That night we went to dinner again, we had all our dinners in the Pearl restaurant, and had another great meal. We found the menu somewhat limited, but the food was pretty consistently good.

On to the disco again tonight for the strip show, and an amateur strip show from a few brave ladies in the crowd. Both the pros and amateurs were great and very entertaining. Music again was great, and we decided to skip the playroom this night as we had already had a couple of creepers.

Next day on to the pool after being smart enough to reserve some chairs, definitely a requirement as there really aren’t that many. We joined in some games this day, and managed to win the chocolate decorating/eating contest. Eating chocolate off my naked wife in paradise in front of so many approving and fun people is amazing! We skipped the Jacuzzi this day and decided to go back to the room for a power nap before dinner. Tonight back to the Pearl restaurant and on to the disco. Don’t recall the show this night but had a lot of fun dancing. Decided to brave the play room again, after my wife suggested…who am I to say no? Earlier on the dance floor a couple had come over and complimented my wife on her outfit for the evening and we didn’t think much of it other than to say thank you. Well, no sooner had we spread our towel out and barely got started, the other couple came into the room and his wife literally threw herself onto our towel. They came in so quickly and jumped on our towel so enthusiastically it was a little stalkerish. Since I was standing up and my wife was sitting down on the edge of the seat there was room on our towel behind her. From her position she couldn’t see where the other couple was, but I was looking down on the whole thing. Everything would have been fine if they had simply grabbed one of the 15 to 20 already clean and neatly folded towels awaiting them and sat down next to us, but feeling like they can jump in and share a towel was a little much for me. My enthusiasm slowly drained (no pun intended) and I made the excuse to my wife that we needed to step out so I could use the restroom. I didn’t want to be rude to the other couple, but I thought the towel sharing move was a little weird. We chose instead to move it to one of the pool beds since it was late and pretty dark. What a great move, I know it’s frowned on but the weather, the night, and the experience was pretty perfect!

Got up the next morning to reserve chairs and observed a guy literally running around the pool and beach area apparently searching frantically for someone. I thought it was odd at the time but didn’t think about it again until we were talking to another couple later that day and they asked if we saw it. He explained that the guy’s wife had disappeared that morning as they had gotten into some kind of argument. He then told us that he saw his wife hiding from her guy behind one of the walls separating the pool from the beach. Once the guy saw her he started yelling at her to get her a** up there right now. Sorry to hear about someone else’s drama but we couldn’t help but laugh thinking about her hiding from her guy. We wondered how she would continue to find new places to hide when they argued at home? Another great pool and Jacuzzi day this day, and really enjoyed talking to several people in the hot tub. We met another couple this day in the Jacuzzi and talked for quite a while. After a while the girl disappears and then returns and is obviously upset. Obviously another lover’s quarrel and she ends up actually packing and moving out of their room, but not until she locked his wallet, passport, and cell phone in the safe and changed the combination. She ended up staying and drinking in the lobby with us and another couple for a while and then disappearing with the other couple to their room. We were sorry for her troubles as she was very nice, but we were mostly mad she didn’t pick us for her revenge threesome…

Last day to the hot tub and a group had come over from Desire RM. They were definitely of the alternative persuasion and were intent on putting on quite a show. The show centered on a gentleman that was quite well endowed, quite well tattooed, and sported jewelry where most of us men don’t want any piercings. As the show started on the bed my wife started watching and I elbowed her to not be so obvious in staring and she told me to look around as the entire hot tub stopped what they were doing to watch. Between the tattooed, pierced, well hung guy, and several bbw folks, as well as another person on crutches it was quite a performance. Not being judgmental, it’s something you just don’t see back home.

Overall a great trip, hopefully no one takes offense to the comments above, a big part of the fun for us is people watching and this trip provided plenty of that. The resort, grounds, restaurants, etc. all are well done. I think the only things we would change would be to add a few more beach beds and make them available to all guests, not just to the guests staying in certain rooms. Even if the beds are an additional charge like we heard how they do it at RM it would an improvement instead of holding the beds for people that may not even use them. The menu at the Pearl restaurant could have been a little bigger. We enjoyed that restaurant the most, but after just a few nights we covered the entire menu. Service was exceptional everywhere, the Mexicans overall are such friendly, warm people and it shows.

We highly recommend a vacation like this for everyone, nude or not, swinger or not, it’s such a liberating experience and one that can truly bring a couple closer together assuming they are in love and have a solid relationship.
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Re: Newbie report Nov 21 to 26

Postby tommer » Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:38 pm

We really enjoyed reading your report. It's unfortunate that you encountered some creepers, but they are everywhere in life and one just needs to know how to manage the moment. We love Pearl for many of the reasons you mentioned ..... there is nothing like it in the world and we will return there on June 6th for 6 nights! We only wish we could add another 6 nights to our stay.
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Re: Newbie report Nov 21 to 26

Postby lyfsabeechatdesire » Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:19 pm

Great trip report, thanks for taking the time to wright it!

We leave for Desire Pearl in just over 2 weeks and can't wait to experience it for ourselves - minus the creeps! :wink:
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Re: Newbie report Nov 21 to 26

Postby Hansdeswart » Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:41 am

Great trip report! I’m sure you had a great time, despite of the creepers. As Tommer says, they are everywhere in life. Most of the quarrels one sees at a resort like this are the result of too much booze and jealousy.
Looking very much forward to return to Pearl next June.
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Re: Newbie report Nov 21 to 26

Postby bamacpl6369 » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:20 pm

Thank You for the great trip report and some great laughs as we read along. :lol:
Loved your views and opinions you added along the way as we believe the same too.Being married & veterans of the nude and lifestyle resorts who love the atmosphere and fun as well as huge people watchers.
Sometimes it is quite funny seeing the misfortune,lack of communication and the drama so to speak of other couples where the guys see themselves as "that guy in charge" lol lol and he is trying his best to make all the arrangements,steering the conversation controlling the situation usually too much drinking is the key element resulting in epic failure. :lol:
The ladies are in charge always as my wife is amazing and the mischief she has gotten us into pretty funny over the years when we reflect from time to time the smiles & laughter it brings us.
The biggest thing guys should NOTE is their ladies do know what they are doing when the they take those trips together "to the ladies room" or "to the bar" or my personal favorite "honey us girls are going to stop bi the rooms and try on costumes real quick can you guys catch back up with us at our room in like 30 mins and bring some fresh drinks for everybody ok" Here is the NOTE:Just say "Yes Dear" and enjoy the results
I trust her judgement and have learned with experience she is usually right lol lol.
Sorry you had to deal with some creepers but well handled and congratulations on your new found exhibitionism.
The revenge threesome part was hilarious we would have been mad too :lol:
Thanks For The Great Report :L
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Re: Newbie report Nov 21 to 26

Postby twomuchfuninthesun » Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:35 am

We were there at the same time as you, only know this because we remember watching the body decorating contest that you won! Sorry to hear you had a couple of creepy incidents. I would venture to say this is quite put of the norm, based on our experience and that of the group of people we engaged with while there. I was a little concerned before going as my wife draws plenty of attention at home never mind naked and/or dressed in see through and sexy outfits. Pleasantly surprised that all attempted interactions were polite. Both men and woman would always ask both us is before initiating any contact.
I hope that you return someday, sorry we never had a chance to meet!
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