Newbie Trip Report - LOVED IT - January 2022

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Newbie Trip Report - LOVED IT - January 2022

Postby poolside » Sat Mar 19, 2022 4:24 pm

As first timers to anything like this, we enjoyed reading everyone else's contributions and found them very helpful. So hopefully this trip report helps other newbies out there thinking about joining the Desire family. Lets dive in!

Prior to arriving at Desire, we spent 4 nights at another local resort a few minutes up the road. We only booked 2 nights at Pearl as we weren't sure what to expect.
Next time we will switch this up and do 2 nights at a nearby resort and 3+ nights at Desire. 2 days at Desire was NOT ENOUGH. Now we know.

It was great being only a few minute drive away for our check-in day. We arrived to Pearl around 11am on a Tuesday. Our room was not ready. Check-in was super easy. They sat us down and went over the rules. Pretty short and sweet. Since our room wasn’t ready, they simply said we could go to the spa and store items in the lockers there.

At this point, we walked out of the lobby towards the spa to put our things there with this overwhelming feeling of "what the heck do we do now?". We didn't have a room to regroup in. So we walked in circles for about 10 minutes, got a Coke and then sat down and looked each other in the eye and forced ourselves to the spa to shed the clothes.

We spent about 1 hour in the spa which was exactly what we needed. We were in their alone, butt naked and it felt great. It allowed our nerves to settle down and for us to connect together in a relaxing environment where it was just the two of us. The spa area is awesome. It was very relaxing and has a sauna, steam room and hot tub.

Now that we were relaxed, we put on some sun lotion and headed to the pool area. On our walk to the pool area, there were landscapers working, hotel staff roaming around - everyone is super friendly. It was a little strange to have the landscaper stop what he was doing and say hi and welcome us. But this is what is so great about Desire. The staff and workers see naked people everyday - they don’t care. It’s only odd for us first timers… So embrace standing there naked chatting it up with the guy trimming the bushes. He has one of the best landscaping jobs in the world. The resort is small enough as well that all the staff know who the new faces that just arrived are. Pretty awesome.

The pool guys helped us with setting up a bed on the quiet end of the pool. We gave a tip and he held the bed for us on our next day and departure day as well. Getting a bed exactly where we wanted it was super easy. I’m guessing during peak summer months it may not be that easy.

Once we had our bed, we took the swim suites off and relaxed on the bed while we soaked in the atmosphere. Just laying there for a few minutes together with some soft touching, quickly moved into some sucking and making out. It was great. After feeling comfortable now and turning up the horny dial, we decided to head over to the busy end of the pool and take a dip and grab a drink. It was so sexy watching my wife walk butt naked through the crowd and into the pool. That picture in my head I’ll never forget. My wife enjoyed it as well and she tells me all the time how turned on she was walking around nude and feeling the most confident she’s ever felt. Something about Desire flips a confidence switch on and the normal worries fade away. It’s truly awesome.

On the way to the pool, the pool guys said our room was now ready. It amazed us how well the staff knew the guests as well as how informed they were. So after our dip we checked into our room.

The staff was excellent, very respectful and professional. The room was nice and clean. Nothing special about the rooms that stood out. Comfortable bed and nice big glass slider to outside. We were on the ground level which we enjoyed as we were able to walk right out of our room and to our cabana bed on the quiet side of the pool (perfect for our first time there). On several occasions during our all to short 2 night stay we could hear other couples loving each other in the rooms around us. We contributed to this audiable atmosphere as well. The “sounds” around us were a highlight of our stay.

We hit the hot tub around 4pm on our first day. The hot tub is huge and was our favorite area to hang out during our stay. We didn’t socialize with others much, but we did help contribute to the sexy atmosphere by taking advantage of a day bed right next to the hot tub :)

We dressed sexy for the theme nights, but not in theme wears. Next time we will 100% dress up for theme nights. The pre-show band in the lobby was very loud and we stayed away as the sound was not great, echoing around the marble tile lobby. The show in the disco was good and we enjoyed people watching and taking in the environment. We will contribute more next time by dressing our part and interacting more. But it was great being able to do “our” pace of keeping to ourselves and soaking in the atmosphere. Thats a huge thing we discovered here - DO YOUR PACE. No one is here to judge. Stick to yourselves or mingle, there is no wrong way to do it.

We did not utilize the playroom during our stay. We peaked in both nights. No one was in there. We will utilize the playroom next time for sure (one of our goals now).

We were never asked to do a sales presentation that a lot of people talk about on here, so we were thankful for that.

Our time at Desire connected us in exactly the way we wanted it to. We had amazing sessions in the room and near the hot-tub COUNTLESS times. It was so much fun and we both loved every second of it.

Once we returned home we immediately booked another trip for this summer. This next trip we will be heading to RM to check that property out. We truly enjoyed ourselves at Pearl and we are looking forward to our next trip. We will let loose faster now that we have a little more expectation of how things are at Desire.

We are checking out RM on this 2nd trip as we were the youngest couple at Pearl the days we were there in January. We are both 37. While age didn’t affect our experience, we would like to have/see more couples in our age bracket to connect with, which is why we will try RM for our 2nd trip. We hear that age differs week to week no matter which resort. This is just a personal preference for us to check out RM this next time. It was amazing to see the older/wiser couples during our stay - I want to be like them when I grow up :) There are so many boring couples in “normal life” that have lifeless marriages. It was so encouraging seeing people decades older than us putting on amazing shows and looking hot and loving their time with each other.

For First Timers:
DO go to the spa and relax naked in the hot-tub, sauna and steam room (especially if your nerves are high upon arrival)
DO get naked at the quite end of the pool on a day bed (especially if your nerves are high upon arrival)
DO strut around butt naked - because you’re hot no matter how you think you look and everyone loves it
DO go to the hot tub as soon as it opens up and connect with your significant other
DO take advantage of the day beds around the hot tub in some way that’s comfortable to you
DO contribute to the sexy atmosphere that we all dream of Desire being.

DON’T book only 2 days.

Enjoy your trip, you’ll have the time of your life. We can’t wait to head back in a few months for our 2nd time.
Desire Convert
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon May 08, 2017 10:11 pm
We are from: USA
Will be at: Desire Riviera Maya
We arrive on: 22 Jun 2022

Re: Newbie Trip Report - LOVED IT - January 2022

Postby Remy123 » Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:06 am

Enjoyed reading this thank you!
Desire Convert
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:52 pm
We are from: USA
Will be at: Both Riviera Maya & Pearl
We arrive on: 18 Nov 2023
Swing Site(s) we belong to: Kasidie

Re: Newbie Trip Report - LOVED IT - January 2022

Postby TandD » Tue Mar 22, 2022 7:45 pm

Thanks for the report! Glad you enjoyed your first visit and will be back.
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We arrive on: 06 Jun 2019

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