Yellow Wrist Band Newbies Report- March 15 to 19 '22

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Yellow Wrist Band Newbies Report- March 15 to 19 '22

Postby Okiecouple140 » Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:02 pm

First, I want to Thank Everyone who posted reviews and information on this board. It was a big help for us first timers.

About Us:
    We are a non LS married couple from OK, USA. M-36 F-35. We have kids, and have never done anything like this before. We looked at many reviews and blogs before deciding on Pearl and up to our actual travel date. Prior to arriving we discussed expectations and things we wanted to do and what limits each of us had. For the most part we were both looking to relax and reconnect with each other and spice things up a little bit.
Arrival: March 15
    We used Southwest Airlines from OK to Cancun. It was pretty uneventful, no delays and actually arrived in Cancun a little ahead of schedule. It was Sping Break so there were lots of families on the plane and both our flights to Cancun were full. We were actually surprised how many families we saw going to Cancun. It took about an hour for us to get through Customs/Immigration and to get our luggage. It took forever for our luggage to come out. We met up with USA Transfers and checked in with their representative. (We booked USA online before arrival, it was $80 for a private shuttle to and from Desire.) We waited about 15 minutes for our ride to arrive at the airport and arrived at Pearl about 25 minutes later.
Check-In/First Impressions:
    Excited and nervous we pulled up to Pearl not knowing what to expect. Since we arrived around 130 our room was not ready. Bell service kept our luggage. One of the Concierge greeted us and explained the rules of the house and went over the resort map with us. We got our Yellow wrist bands as she explained where "coochie coochie" time could happen (aka the hot tub and play room). She did offer to sit with us and talk about their membership a couple of times which we declined, but it was kind of annoying to be asked several times. At this point we were hungry and overwhelmed, the concierge took us to the Spa so we could put our carry-on bag in a locker and go eat lunch at Aphrodite. After lunch our room was ready (Room 74 Ocean View/Quiet end of the pool view) so we went up got comfortable and took a nap. Woke up for our 630 dinner reservation at Aphrodite. Dinner and lunch were great. Then again back to the room watched some TV and had some fun then fell asleep.
First Full Day: March 16
    We got up at 7 and met the pool guys to reserve our pool bed at the quiet side of the pool. Gave the guy $20 and he said he would give us the same bed every day. (Which we took advantage of.) Enjoyed the breakfast buffet and made dinner reservations at Suki then laid out in the bed most of the day. (The quiet side is definitely quiet and the water is noticeably colder on the quiet side then on the loud side, but still enjoyable.) Wife went topless during our stay while I went naked. This is where you see the different array of people that come to Desire. Being 35 and 36 we were definitely one of the youngest couples there. We could probably count on one hand other couples around our age. We would say most of the other couples are 50+, financially well off, empty nester types. We saw all kinds of body types (it was refreshing seeing everyone being comfortable in their own skin, and everyone was attractive in their own way. Not once did we feel grossed out by anyone.) We never felt like fresh meat with our yellow wrist bands, a few people talked to us but it was mostly to see if we knew how to make reservations at the restaurants or how to get a bed by the pool. It was a very friendly atmosphere and we never felt uncomfortable or overwhelmed by other guests. Our reservation at Suki was at 8 for dinner. Food was delicious but it was a little too loud for us at that time, so we decided that we would take earlier reservations the next couple nights for a more intimate setting. Got back to the room around 930 spent the rest of the night in bed burning off the calories from dinner.
Second Full Day: March 17
    Pretty much a repeat of the previous day. We made a reservation at Suki again, only this time for 630. We found this to be a little more enjoyable because we were one of a few couples eating at that time. It also allowed us to not feel as full before bed. We enjoyed a nice after dinner walk, enjoying the moon lighting up the ocean, then spent some time on our balcony and watching a movie before bed.
Third Full Day: March 18
    Again our days were spent waking up early having breakfast at Aphrodite and laying out by the quiet end most of the day. Taking a break for lunch at Aphrodite. On this day we made a 700 reservation at Pearl for Italian. (Highly recommend this as the food was amazing.) We were done eating by 830 and on this night decided to try the hot tub area. We had talked about this earlier and were both unsure how we would feel about a crowd. What we found was eating early allowed us some alone time in the hot tub (Got to the hot tub around 9). There was one other couple who came and did their business then headed out but we were able to enjoy over an hour by ourselves. It was perfect for that reconnecting we were looking for.
Departure Day: March 19
    Going in my wife admitted that she thought 4 nights was going to feel to long at Desire. By the time check out came she agreed that it was barely enough and that we could have used 1 or 2 more days to enjoy. USA was picking us up at 1030 (which they were there by 1025.) Bell service picked our luggage up from our room by 1000. We also had one last breakfast at Aphrodite. Check out was simple and easy.
Overall Impression:
    Yes, you can be very overwhelmed on day 1 especially as yellow wrist band newbies. However that feeling soon goes away and you are easily able to enjoy getting naked yourself and feeling great in your own skin.

    Desire is what YOU make of it. If relaxing at the quiet end of the pool and keeping to yourself is what you want, you can do that. If you are a more social couple, there are definitely plenty of friendly people to get to know, all that is required is getting involved in the many activities Desire offers daily.

    You will feel more comfortable in your own skin. We didn't go into this being the most confident attractive couple out there, but we would say we love feeling more body positive and more confident especially when it came to opening up and exploring new things sexually after taking this trip.

    The staff is amazing. From day 1 staff recognized and greeted us. They are all super friendly and helpful. The goal is for you to have a great time and they all work hard for that.
Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Mar 20, 2022 2:00 am
We are from: USA
Will be at: Desire Pearl
We arrive on: 15 Mar 2022

Re: Yellow Wrist Band Newbies Report- March 15 to 19 '22

Postby WK1963 » Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:58 pm

Thanks for the wonderful trip report!
Desire Convert
Posts: 21
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:23 pm
Location: Indiana
We are from: USA
Will be at: Desire Pearl
We arrive on: 07 Jun 2021

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