Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

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Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

Postby Jas_n_Ash » Thu Jun 30, 2022 5:16 pm

Trip June 25th-28th

Wife's perspective: I guess we should start with how this trip came about. We are a late 30s couple, not in the LS, from a very conservative background. We read a lot of stories of the husbands really being the driving force behind the first trip. For us, it was just a fantasy the husband shared, and I ran with it! 3 months ago, we didn't know places like this existed. Once we did some research, Pearl seemed like the best place to dip our toes in the water, we booked in May and had an amazing time leading up to it! All the fun and excitement of learning what to possibly expect, sharing ideas of what we'd like to experience, etc. The lead up really is so much fun.

We did a lot of research and felt really confident that we would dive right in... then the actual trip arrived... and we were a little nervous. We talked a big talk, but when it came down to it, getting naked in front of a bunch of strangers for the first time is a scary thing! We got to the resort early on our first day (after staying the night at the Hilton Garden Inn by the airport, highly recommend this hotel) and went to place things in the spa lockers while we waited for our room to be ready. We had talked and anticipated spending some time in the spa to get acclimated, but the hot tub was being enjoyed by another couple and we hadn't had breakfast, so we decided to head to Aphrodite.

Breakfast, seeing our first naked folks, and a mimosa or two loosened us up and we decided to just go for it. With the resort being full, the only place available by that time were some lounge chairs in the sun, so I stripped my top off and we headed down to the quiet end of the pool to decompress. That part actually wasn't weird at all. It took us maybe an hour to strip our bottoms, and that first walk back to the pool was a little unnerving. After that, like everyone says... it was just no big deal. Most of the younger crowd doesn't go completely nude, but this was a part of the experience we were excited about so we just reminded ourselves that this is OUR journey, and we would make of it what we wanted. I loved being on the lookout for my husband as he'd be walking back toward me from the bathroom. Seeing him walking so confidently, completely nude, was super-sexy.

The foam party on the first day was amazing and we knew that would help us loosen up even more. We enjoyed that experience to the fullest ;)

We loved the buffet and the availability of light, refreshing foods for breakfast and lunch. We had dinner at Aphrodite, Suki, and Pearl. I think Suki ended up being our surprising fav. Aphrodite was great for dinner, too. No complaints about the food at all.

Ok, I was a little nervous about dressing up. I wanted to enjoy the theme nights and really be sexy... but when we went down to the lobby for the show after dinner our first night, we were still in what we wore to dinner. We started to see people trickle in with some tropical night costumes, but I saw nothing as risque as I had back in the room and that made me a little nervous. About halfway through the lobby show, I saw a young woman come through in something very similar to what I was planning to wear and it was enough to encourage me, so we went back to change. After that point, I didn't question my clothing choices again. I went with what my husband found sexy... because that was the whole point for me. The second night was taboo night, but we had a late dinner, so I just wore my sexy LBD to the disco and we enjoyed a fun makeout session (with maybe a little more) sitting to the side of the dance floor before retreating to the jacuzzi. On our final night (rouge night) I wore a red dress that he had the fantasy of untying so I could dance topless with him, and we totally made that happen. We also finally enjoyed the playroom on the last night and totally shut the disco down.

On Having Sex in Front of Others:
Our first night foray into this was simply to enjoy ourselves on our balcony after dark. That was a good ease in. We didn't go to the jacuzzi area on the first day and really just stuck to ourselves. The second night, we enjoyed the jacuzzi area and beds to the fullest. This was all a part of our adventure, but we were concerned about seeing others. That's not something we've ever really been into, and we actually wondered if it would be a distraction or a turn-off. While the jacuzzi area can definitely be an overwhelming sensory experience with all the talking and fun happening... what we really found is that when we saw others engaging in sexual activity, it was encouraging to us that we could do what we wanted. We saw people of all ages and shapes in sexual acts, and while that never turns me on, personally... I found it sweet and wonderful to see open expressions of love. Our favorite times were when we could tune others out and just lock in on one another. We had a woman approach us at the pool on our third day to let us know that she was near us in the jacuzzi the previous night and was inspired by our intimacy, which was probably the greatest compliment of our lives.

My favorite experience was on the last night, we had an early dinner. I wore something more disco worthy than dinner worthy to dinner because it was an ensemble my husband had looked forward to. No one cares. As long as you're covered. My encouragement to all the women out there is wear what makes YOU feel sexy, you seriously never have to worry about pushing that boundary too far (especially not at the disco). After dinner, we went by the jacuzzi bar to get some espresso martinis (thanks to this group's recommendations) and sat down in on the benches near the jacuzzi. It was still light outside, but we got the whim to get a little frisky... so he unzips his pants and I got him worked up before I hiked my skirt and hopped on top. People walked by... it didn't matter. A sweet lady sat down to smoke a cigarette (we realized then that we were in the designated smoking section)... so I dismounted and gave her a bit of a shy smile. I was rewarded with a thumbs up, ok signal, and a wink from her to let me know we were just fine. It wasn't creepy... it was appreciative.

I give all of these details from the female perspective, because I want the women here to know that it really is just a wonderful and freeing experience. Lean into it... stay locked into your partner, and simply enjoy one another. Don't worry about what others are thinking, it's likely they aren't thinking anything... or they're thinking something complimentary.

Catamaran Snorkel Trip:
We booked this trip for our second day, because we wanted to snorkel and because we knew we'd be forced into a smaller group and have to make friends. :) First off, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE $$ FOR THE TAX! The excursion guy didn't tell us about this. We paid in advance, but there was a $36 tax that left us without extra money to tip the guys that hosted our trip.

The snorkeling is not far off shore, but was actually better than we expected. We did have to navigate the seaweed, but the reefs look healthy and colorful with a lot of fish. Totally worth it if you're an ocean-lover like we are.

Afterward was the catamaran cruise. Unlimited drinks, snacks, and a swim out in some beautiful turquoise waters made this trip a lot of fun. I wish I would have thought about stripping down to swim naked in the ocean, but the idea simply didn't hit me until it was too late. The group wasn't crazy, just fun and conversation. We chatted with some of the other couples, and found a lot in common with one couple in particular. The question of being in the lifestyle came up, and when we said we're just there for one another, that was accepted and we continued to enjoy some time with them. We even had dinner together later on. There really is no pressure, and people are just happy to get to know others.

Everyone was top notch. Really nice, remember your names, and always willing to help with anything you need or want. Even all the grounds crew and cleaning personnel all say hello. What a great staff.

We had a great time. We feel closer to one another than ever before, this adventure pushed both of our comfort zones in amazing ways. We have no regrets about how and what we experienced. We were happy with our pace, even if the first day we were a little slower out of the gate than expected. The free and non-judgmental atmosphere really are addictive.... hence, we've already booked trip #2 for January! :)

Husband perspective: Like my wife said, we talked up a big game before going, expecting that we'd be able to dive right in. However, upon arrival, one of the most surprising things to me is how many people (men in particular) kept their bottoms on. My expectation was that most people would be nude, but that is totally not the case. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but for a newbie like me who has never been in any environment like this, I like to see what others are doing and I don't like to stand out. We did arrive around 9am on our first day, so it could of just been that people were still waking up, finishing breakfast or whatever which is why most people were clothed at this time.

Once we got acclimated to the environment after some time in the quiet end of the pool with the bottoms on, we fairly quickly dropped all clothing and really just enjoyed our time together. Being naked with my wife was just plain fun. It wasn't weird at all to walk to the restroom naked (with flip flops) while clothed wait staff and other employees walk around fully clothed. We surprisingly had no qualms about being naked and just really enjoyed it, even if we were one of the few younger couples that went fully nude.

One issue that arose for me that I did not see coming was, being that the drinks flow freely here, I needed to use the restroom...a lot. When I REALLY need to go #1, I come to FULL attention, if you know what I mean. And the last thing I want is to walk to the restroom with know... So I just had to learn how to pace myself with the drinks and water and make sure I went to the restroom before things got too....out of hand... ;)

We had made a list of bucket list items and I think we pretty much ticked every box we could think of. I'm really proud about how adventurous we were, especially given this was our first time ever at a place like this. Our 2nd night, we braved our way over to the jacuzzi area. We started off just messing around on a bed (there were always plenty of beds available in the jacuzzi area for fun) then we made our way into the jacuzzi where we met the couple we chatted with on the catamaran trip and chatted some more. However, after that we stayed around in the jacuzzi and just really enjoyed each other. It was the most amazing night (until the next night...). We didn't care who was around or what anyone else was doing. We were completely locked in on each other.

Our last day, we knew we wanted to take advantage of everything we'd yet to be able to do. There were plenty of bucket place items we wanted to tick off and boy did we. Wow, what an amazing day. Like my wife mentioned, dancing with her topless was just amazing. And she was by far NOT the only one without a top at this point. After dancing, we wanted to check out the playroom. Three of the four beds were in use so we took the open bed, laid down a towel and got busy. We didn't care who, what, when, or where. We just absolutely had an amazing time. Another couple came in shortly after and we could her being pleased. I whispered to my wife that we had a little bit of a competition going on and she better up the volume... ;) After some time, we decided we were ready to leave, we looked up and all the other beds had been vacated and only the bartender remained in the disco. Another surprising note is that no one really stays at the disco for very long. Once the show is over, a lot of people leave while those who do stay and dance really only stay for MAYBE an hour max. It was super sexy to see my butt-ass naked wife walk across the dance floor in her heels to get my dress shirt I had removed earlier on the dance floor and slip it on to wear on the way out as I'm exiting only in my underwear.

We dropped off our clothes at the room and went back to the jacuzzi area to keep the party going. We started off on a bed again, this time without any hindrance or concern and had a lot of fun before making our way back into the jacuzzi. We'd play a bit, then chat with others then play some more in the jacuzzi then we went to a bed again, then back in the jacuzzi and finally back to a bed where we were able to finish things off with an amazing finale. We shut the jacuzzi down that night at around 3am chatting with some nice folks. Another surprise for me was to see that the jacuzzi wasn't just a huge orgy like I was concerned it might be. Most people are just chatting and having some drinks while others played around. There were no over the top displays of anything. Everything was tasteful and added to the sexy atmosphere. What an amazing trip, I can't say enough great things about it, which is why we're already booked again for Jan 2023. I think I learned that we're a little bit more of exhibitionists than we realized! :D
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Re: Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

Postby Mr&MrsS&L » Thu Jun 30, 2022 7:29 pm

Great report! Thank you for sharing.

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Re: Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

Postby nokidclub » Fri Jul 01, 2022 12:07 am

Good for you two! Fantastic trip report. Thanks for all the effort that went into to writing this account from both perspectives.

As you going to try the other Desire resort next time? We love both of them equally.
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Re: Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

Postby Jas_n_Ash » Fri Jul 01, 2022 8:15 am

nokidclub wrote: As you going to try the other Desire resort next time? We love both of them equally.

No, we’re going to stick to Pearl, for now. We love the bigger pool and Jacuzzi area. We may have to venture to RM in the future!
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Re: Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

Postby volfan » Fri Jul 01, 2022 9:37 am

Great trip report thank you for sharing and it sounds like you both are hooked !!
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Re: Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

Postby DONOSCO » Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:13 pm

Thank you for sharing, excellent information! This is also our first trip and both nervous and excited. Been in the LS for a while but first time at Pearl.
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Re: Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

Postby peplefixr » Wed Jul 06, 2022 4:31 pm

Awesome report ....thankyou
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Re: Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

Postby gaviao » Thu Jul 07, 2022 10:40 am

Chapeau! It's one of the best reports I've read. The two perspectives around the same facts is very useful and a great way to describe the full experience.

Have an even better trip next January, remember that month all the hotel is play area.
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Re: Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

Postby Jas_n_Ash » Thu Jul 07, 2022 10:44 am

gaviao wrote: remember that month all the hotel is play area.

Yep, that's pretty much why we chose January for our next visit. Can't wait.
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Re: Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

Postby divenhike2002 » Mon Jul 18, 2022 3:54 pm

Great trip report!!
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Re: Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

Postby STL-MO-CPL » Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:19 pm

We were at Pearl from 7/26-7/30. I'm not sure how we managed to miss you there. Usually I'm pretty good at keeping names/faces straight. I'm happy you had such a good experience.
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Re: Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

Postby Jas_n_Ash » Thu Aug 04, 2022 9:42 am

STL-MO-CPL wrote:We were at Pearl from 7/26-7/30. I'm not sure how we managed to miss you there. Usually I'm pretty good at keeping names/faces straight. I'm happy you had such a good experience.

We probably ran across one another! We did the catamaran on the 26th, so we were gone most of that day. We hung out mostly by the quiet end of the pool, but definitely let loose on the jacuzzi area in the evenings!
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Re: Another Newbie Trip Report - June 25th-28th, 2022

Postby Jas_n_Ash » Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:33 pm

We go back in 2 weeks! Can’t wait!
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