Newbie Report: Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 2022

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Newbie Report: Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 2022

Postby livelearn131 » Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:06 pm

Let's start with the bottom line ... We really want to go again, because we think it would be so much better the second time, not having to figure things out first. But it was great the first time already. It would just be that much better. I did a lot of research before hand, but you can't be fully prepared without going.

Besides that, not sure I have anything earth shattering to add that hasn't already been said. We were there for five days, Nov. 27 to Dec. 2. It was, as they say, a transformative experience. Not as much for me, but for my wife, who was more skeptical of how she'd feel about things. She was into having a good time, and being with me, and just enjoying a resort in Cancun. But she was ultimately overwhelmed by the people that we met.

According to people we talked to, Pearl was a bit quieter than average last week. But it was still great as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't have minded a bit more of a livelier crowd at some points, but us and the group of people we talked to the most, made plenty of our own fun. Just talking to everyone was fun unto itself. So much so, I almost lost my voice entirely.

We thought the staff was great. The food was better than we thought it would be. We enjoyed being randomly thrown together with three other couples at a table at Suki one night, because we had a great chat. I didn't find being a non-member to be a problem in regards to dinner. We just went a little earlier or later than most other people do, and we had no issues.

We had seen others report that nudity was 60/40 ... But when we were there, it was more like 95/5 ... so for us, that was the thing that took the most getting used to. We started out with swimsuits on, and actually felt more out of place, because it was so rare. By the end of the week, we just said screw it, and no swimsuits at night at least.

The theme nights are cheesy, to an extent, for sure, but they were great anyway. Just embrace it, roll with it, and have fun with it. It's like 2 hours at most that you're in costume, then you take it all off and go to the jacuzzi.

Back to my wife and the transformative experience. ... At the beginning of the week, she had trepidations. On our first full day, we were roped into a game, and no idea what we were getting ourselves into, and she wound up essentially giving me a blow job in front of 50 people at the pool. Nothing like diving right into the deep end, as they say. She had fun, but even still was like "not sure I needed that to happen." ... By the end of the week, she'd had the erotic massage, loved it, had sex in public 4 times, flirted with god knows who ... and then she cried when we left. Not necessarily from sadness, per se, but just feeling overwhelmed at how she was leaving behind such great people that had helped her feel such at ease. Like I said, she was a bit more skeptical going in. But she was blown away by how wonderful everyone was -- a few people in particular. The juxtaposition of potentially watching people have sex in public, or having sex yourself in front of them, one minute, and then the next minute having a wonderful conversation with those same people about your kids and your lives, and just how nice those people are -- was something I think my wife didn't expect. I kinda had the expectation already going in. It was great for me to see her embrace everything there was about Desire by the end of the week.

Like I said, it would've been fun to see things be a little livelier at times. But for the most part, we just loved being in that environment, having sex in public when we felt like it, and talking to so many great people. It was like college, where you just walk outside and there's all your friends. And then you graduate, and you're sad your people are no longer that accessible. I can't say it enough -- we talked to people from all walks of life, many countries, states, provinces -- many different age groups, all sorts of different styles of people at different stages of life -- and absolutely loved every single one of the conversations. I'm totally hoarse from all the talking.

We miss you all already. So if anyone remembers the couple from Denver, and want to hit us up, feel free. Cheers.
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Re: Newbie Report: Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 2022

Postby K+C » Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:21 am

Thanks for taking time out and sharing your experiences at Desire Pearl. It certainly sounds like a transformative experience for us first timers. We look forward to the same next month.
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Re: Newbie Report: Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 2022

Postby pinheadsxxx » Thu Dec 08, 2022 10:12 pm

we were there as well it was very nice... we really liked RM even more.... we did two days at each and RM was rowdier and more fun...
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Re: Newbie Report: Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 2022

Postby spanky67 » Thu Dec 08, 2022 11:31 pm

Great write up. It would've been almost exactly my write up, had I actually finished and posted it.

We were there in June. First time for us to any sort of nude or lifestyle place. Like you, dropping clothes was the hardest. I took the sage advice here and just ripped the bandaid. It took my wife and day or 2 the end she was completely naked. We had a slight advantage over you in that we were referred, so we had black bracelets not yellow. We were still scared shitless. That member referral lead us to a first evening "family style" dinner at the mansion. Met a couple that completely transformed our trip. They introduced us to another couple and we all became inseparable. We were still scared shitless and never played with didn't matter.

I'm writing, not to hijack your post. I wanted to thank you for bringing back all those great memories. We had such a great time with those new friends, that we immediately made a return trip reservation...which happens to be in 6 days!! We're both extremely excited to no longer be newbs. We've had some local experiences, which will surely help those dear in the headlight feelings. We are meeting those friends down there.

I feel like I owe you on some weird Pearl level for tonights smile. I'll do my best to not be such a slacker and post a 2nd time visitor trip review. Hopefully, it will give you the same good vibes your post gave me...and maybe answer some of those "I wonder what might happen if we go back" thoughts.

Thanks again!
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Re: Newbie Report: Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 2022

Postby livelearn131 » Fri Dec 09, 2022 2:41 pm

spanky67 wrote:Great write up. It would've been almost exactly my write up, had I actually finished and posted it.

No worries on the "hijack" - glad you shared. Sounds awesome. I'm jealous of your dinner and how you met a group like that. We did too, but it took a little longer. We're also trying to figure out when the next time is.
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