First time 5/11-5/17, 2014

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First time 5/11-5/17, 2014

Postby kshew97 » Mon May 19, 2014 4:49 pm

I promise to write a detailed trip report as soon as we get unpacked! All I can say is WOW! WE WILL BE BACK!

Stay tuned......
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Re: First time 5/11-5/17, 2014

Postby yoyo » Mon May 19, 2014 6:47 pm

please post "erotic sensual" situations you saw or did in your trip ;)
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Re: First time 5/11-5/17, 2014

Postby kshew97 » Sun May 25, 2014 2:04 am

Well, here goes nothing! Not very good at writing reviews, and we WERE newbies, so this will be tame by comparison and not nearly as eloquent as some other reviews on here. I feel I must write something, as my wife and I relied heavily on the trip reports on here more so than the outstanding reports found on TripAdvisor and Cancuncare. First thing I have to mention right off the bat, if you are reading these reports, you are obviously interested....JUST DO IT! Now on to the report....

    We arrived around 3:30 to the resort and were immediately greeted with a warm "Welcome Home", and were escorted to the front desk while they gathered our bags. A delicious drink was offered and accepted, and we checked in in under 10 minutes (I HIGHLY recommend the express check-in). After check in, someone meets with you and gives you a run down of the resort, the layout, and of course the rules. There are not many, so this was quick and easy. No hoochie coochie (their words not mine) except for in the jacuzzi area and the playroom, clothes must be worn in the restaurants, and besides that, you are home, do what you want! This is also the time they will ask you to meet with them one morning for breakfast to discuss becoming a member, more on that later. We did agree to sit down with them Wednesday morning, but I made it very clear, 30 minutes is all they had. We were escorted to our room, and before I could even tip the bellhop, my wife was in a thong and nothing else! Did I mention we have never been to a c/o resort before? I knew then this was going to be a great trip! She later told me she did it to shock me, and it did, but within minutes of hitting the pool area, nothing shocked me anymore! It was not very crowded, maybe 30-40 people around, most were nude, and either heading to the jacuzzi or winding down for the day. We were shown to chairs by Jared, and Ebe had drinks in our hands in under 3 minutes from the time we stepped out into the pool area. I could get used to this! We sat around until 5:30 or so and headed back to our room to get ready for dinner. The wife put on a sexy little outfit, and we heading to Aphrodite for our first meal at Pearl. Outstanding is all I can say! Eddie waited on us, and looked for us every night from there on out. We ate, we walked the beach, we went back to the room and enjoyed a little us time before calling it a night. Probably for the best, as the power went out shortly after we got back to our room. No big deal, we had been on the go since 4:30AM, and wanted to get an early start on Monday!
    Today started around 7AM with a stroll on the beach before breakfast. I was amazed by the number of staff already buzzing around making sure everything was perfect for the guests. People were raking the beach, wiping down chairs, cutting fresh fruit at the bar, and watering the grounds and plants around the buildings. AMAZING! We walked into the restaurant and were greeted and offered a mimosa or bloody mary prior to being seated. After being shown to our table, we ordered coffee and made a mad dash for the buffet. You literally could have taken a picture of the food and won an award. Everything was fresh, presented well, and smelled delicious! I tried one of everything and went back for more! After breakfast we went back to the room, applied sunscreen, and off to the pool we went! We met Jared for the first time and asked for a chair in full sun, in between the "quiet side" and the "party side" of the pool. I tipped him $20 and asked to be placed in the same seats the remainder of the week, to which he happily said "no problemo". We mostly just people watched, and alternated from our chair to the pool and back until time for lunch. My drink never got more than half empty before Ebe had another one for me. She is amazing! We brought our 34oz Big Bubba mugs, and she would bring a drink for me to sip on while she refilled the Big Bubba all day long! I was putting on a pretty good buzz, so we decided it was time to eat. I won't keep talking about how fantastic the food is, but lunch was just as incredible as breakfast. You can sit in the restaurant, or they has pizza and nachos outside, and also had the grill going with hamburgers and chicken if you chose to eat by the pool. After lunch it was back to the pool, and watch some of the activities poolside. The entertainment staff does a great job, and do their best to try and include everyone but never pressure you or badger you to join in if you tell them no thank you. There is a nice mix of sports, games, fitness activities, and other things they do to keep the atmosphere lively around the pool area from about 10AM until 4PM each day. Around 3 or so we struck up a conversation with a couple sitting next to us, but they spoke very little english. No problem, alcohol is a universal language, so we ordered a few drinks a chatted back and forth as much as we could while trying to translate english to french and vice versa. Around 5, the young lady we were talking with asked us if we had been to the jacuzzi yet. My wife said she wanted to, but was very nervous. And just that quick, she was taken by the hand to the jacuzzi while me and the male half of the other couple tried to catch up! The jacuzzi was hopping! Lots of people, a few of the beds being used, but nothing like the orgy I think my wife had envisioned in her head. After a few shots there, it was game on! Earlier my wife had told me she didn't want me walking around naked, so I had on little (and I mean TINY) swimsuit that she and our new friend promptly de-pantsed me of while I was waiting for another round of shots. I was told I would not be wearing them the rest of the night, and that I should take my suit and her thong, which she placed in my hand, someplace safe. Did I mention we have never been to a c/o resort before? Many shots, and a few friendly kisses and fondlings later, it was time to say goodnight and head back to the room. We did not make it to dinner.... LOL
    Tuesday was spent trying to piece together where our clothes were, what time we got back to the room, how much we drank, and what all we did Monday night. The wife is not a seasoned drinker, and based on how things were going, I could tell I would be caring for her and brushing up on my spanish while watching National Geographic on TV. We spent all day in the room, even though she kept insisting I go out and enjoy myself, I was happy to stay and keep the towel on her forehead cool throughout the day. I did venture out to the lost and found to recover the items we left at the jacuzzi, and to grab a coffee at the lobby bar, but that was about it. Glad we got the recovery day out of the way early!
    Wednesday morning, we were back and ready for action! Same routine that we would follow most days, breakfast, pool, lunch, pool, jacuzzi, dinner, and random sex scattered in there every once in awhile. Not random people, just spontaneous, passionate, not worrying about what the kids were up to sex. You know, the kind you used to have before you had kids? We did not get our chairs today, but after skipping out on them on Tuesday I was not upset. Jared was off, so I talked with Victor and made arrangements (and gave another $20) to make sure we got our new seats (closer to the "party side") for the remainder of the week. Again, "no problemo". We found our new friends, and found out they were leaving soon, but they told us we had to do 2 things before we leave 1) go snorkeling 2) get the erotic massage. So after our meeting with the sales people at 9:30 (which took less than 20 minutes), we went and scheduled both! Massage on Thursday, and snorkeling on Friday. We met up with our friends again, said our goodbyes, took some pictures together, exchanged emails, and made plans for our return trip to Desire later this year. I proceeded to head to the bar, and we spent the rest of the day relaxing in the mexican sun! After dinner, we planned on heading to the theme night, but instead we grabbed our bottle of massage oil we brought with us, and found a bed on the beach to give each other a nice massage. A word of caution, it doesn't matter how well you clean off the beds, sand WILL blow on to you, get in the massage oil, and scratch the living hell out of you if you are not careful! We cut the massages shorter than we would have liked, but it was such a great feeling to feel the warm breeze, hear the waves, and massaging and being massaged in such a beautiful setting. A little fun on the beach bed (it can be done if you are discrete and a bit creative), and it was back to the room for a shower and a little more fun on the lounge chair outside our room on the patio.
    Thursday was more of the same, breakfast, pool, lunch, pool, but this time before dinner, it was massage time! We showered and headed to the spa around 4. Perfect timing too, as it started to rain and the pool was clearing out quick. We got to the spa and had to fill out a brief questionnaire prior to being taken back to our room. This is where spending the 20 minutes listening to the sales pitch earlier in the week paid off. We were given coupons for free room service, free day trip to RM, discounts at the gift shop, and $200 off the price of the erotic massage. Time well spent! We were brought to the changing room, given robes and keys to our lockers, and then taken to the massage room. I will not go into the details here, but all I can say is all of our apprehensions quickly disappeared and we both had one of the best experiences together in our lives. The massage itself is more sensual, and not therapeutic at all. It is all meant to build up your excitement so when they are done and the tables are pushed together, you and your spouse are primed and ready to enjoy each other. You can have the therapists stay or leave once they push the tables together, and once you are done, you are taken to a room with a dry sauna, a steam room, a giant jacuzzi, and champagne and chocolate covered strawberries are waiting for you. I would highly recommend everyone try the erotic massage, don't overthink it, just do it. Relax, enjoy, and know the "erotic" part of the erotic massage is meant for you and your spouse together. After soaking in the jacuzzi and spending some time in the sauna, it was back to the room, followed by dinner, and then sitting on our porch and falling asleep outside in each others arms. Almost heaven.....
    After breakfast, we went to the dive shop for our snorkeling excursion. There was only one other couple going with us, and they had their own gear. I have never been snorkeling before, so the other couple gave me a few pointers and the staff helped the wife and I pick out fins, snorkels, and life vest before we headed down to the pier to be picked up. We headed out around 9:30 and got back a little after 11. The reef is not far off of the beach from the resort, and it was a quick 4-5 minute boat ride to the reef. We all got in and followed each other through the reef, and saw some of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen in my life. Breathtaking is the only word I can even think of to describe it. About half way through we stopped and stood up, and talked about the different fish, plants, and other creatures we had each seen before going the rest of the way. The boat picked us up a few thousand yards away, and we headed back into shore. I was a little disappointed it didn't last longer, but they knew what they were doing, later in the day I realized if it had been a longer trip I would not have been able to walk for the rest of the week! We went from there to lunch, and then back to the pool only to find we did not have chairs again today. Very frustrating. After the trip, I mentioned to management how disappointing this was, and I was told they are getting more chairs later this month. That didn't do much to help us, but we did find a few chairs that were in the pool as opposed to on the deck which was actually kind of nice for a change. Pool, lunch, pool, dinner, THEME NIGHT! We actually made it to a theme night! The lobby bar was fairly busy when we got there around 9 or so, there was a live band playing, and people were starting to filter in wearing their theme night attire the closer it got to 10. I would say about half of the women dressed for the theme, and only a handful of guys (I was one of them). At 10, they opened the doors to the club and there was a short show put on by performers. After the show, the dance music started and the wife was ready to leave. I was a bit bummed, but we made a stop at the jacuzzi on the way back to the room, and she more than made up for it!
    This was our last full day here. Bummer. Same routine, breakfast, pool, lunch, pool, FOAM PARTY!!! At 2pm, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE hopped into the pool and they began pumping out the foam until it was 2 or 3 feet above your head. They had a few technical difficulties with the foam machine at first, but trust me, this didn't slow us down in the least! Naked bodies were everywhere, but you couldn't see them! You would occasionally feel one brush or bounce up against you, and you could hear them, but only they and god know what went on in that foam! I have never been to a foam party before, and the wife wasn't too keen on the idea until we actually hopped in and started hitting the beach balls, bouncing off of people, and giggling like little school girls.We did not have any issues breathing, the foam never got into my eyes (had on sunglasses) so I can't comment on that like I have seen in other posts, but what I can report on is, whatever happens in the foam, stays in the foam! That was 2 of the craziest hours I had while sober in a LONG time! The music was thumping, the crowd was full of energy, and the drinks were flowing! Can you say jell-o shots? MMMMMM....This alone is almost worth the price of admission! If you stay for 3 days or 8, make it a point to be there on Saturday! After the foam party, it was time for an hour or two at the jacuzzi, and then time for dinner. We spent a little time in the lobby bar after dinner, and dressed for the theme night, but did not stick around long enough for the show. Next trip, I am gonna sneak some no-doz into the wife's drinks! Who goes to bed at 10PM!? LOL
    Time to leave. This report leaves out so many details, and so many things and people that made this trip so special. It is impossible to describe everything. All I can say is, we were nervous, we were newbies, and we will be back. We talked the whole way home about our next trip to Desire Pearl. From the staff, especially Ebe, Eddie, Leon, Fabian, and Victor, to our new friends J&K (sorry we didn't hang out much), S&R (Vegas), L&Y (Montreal), and many others, each of you made our trip special in your own way. This forum, and especially the Yahoo group that was spawned from here made it so easy to make up our mind to take the plunge and just do it! I can honestly say, I have never met such a group of genuine people in my entire life. Everyone at Pearl was easy and fun to talk to, and it felt like you had been friends for years, even though you have only known them for a few minutes. We had breakfast, got naked one last time around the pool, and made our rounds to say goodbye to those we had met. It was tough heading to the lobby for our last time. While we waited for our ride, we enjoyed a few drinks and talked to a few of the couples just checking in. We talked to them, gave them a few pointers, and hopefully relieved a few of their fears, after all we are now Pearl veterans!
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Re: First time 5/11-5/17, 2014

Postby J&K » Sun May 25, 2014 6:30 pm

Great report Kevin. Nice meeting u both too! Glad Pearl exceeded your expectations. We are back in October and May. Hopefully our paths cross!
Returning to RM 4/9/22 to 4/15/22. Can’t wait!
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Re: First time 5/11-5/17, 2014

Postby kshew97 » Sun May 25, 2014 11:00 pm

Definitely in May 2015! You need to get J to call
M and get her on board for October! Even though they only met the one time, J reminded M of a close friend and talked about her ALOT since! Victor tried talking M into October, and I didn't get a "No", but I didn't get a "yes" either. Next time, the nerves will be gone and we will be ready to party like rock stars!
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Re: First time 5/11-5/17, 2014

Postby danbo » Tue May 27, 2014 8:02 am

Did you honestly believe that you could hold 2 pool lounge chairs for your exclusive use for the duration of your stay? Tough luck for the guests that are actually on the property wanting to sit down.
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Re: First time 5/11-5/17, 2014

Postby kshew97 » Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:03 am

danbo wrote:Did you honestly believe that you could hold 2 pool lounge chairs for your exclusive use for the duration of your stay? Tough luck for the guests that are actually on the property wanting to sit down.

That's what you got from that? LOL.
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Re: First time 5/11-5/17, 2014

Postby danbo » Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:31 am

If that's not what you meant, why did you complain to the manager? Sorry if I have misunderstood, but I'm one of those people asking Victor for a chair by the pool. They are only half occupied, but he tells me they are all taken or reserved.
Sometimes someone will show up, but often chairs will sit vacant for the whole day (not counting member white towel chairs).
Glad you enjoyed your trip, we can't wait for october to go back.
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Re: First time 5/11-5/17, 2014

Postby kshew97 » Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:58 pm

danbo wrote:If that's not what you meant, why did you complain to the manager? Sorry if I have misunderstood, but I'm one of those people asking Victor for a chair by the pool. They are only half occupied, but he tells me they are all taken or reserved.
Sometimes someone will show up, but often chairs will sit vacant for the whole day (not counting member white towel chairs).
Glad you enjoyed your trip, we can't wait for october to go back.

I had to go re-read my trip report to see what you were talking about! LOL
The only thing I mentioned upon checkout when you take the little survey, was the need for more chairs. I guess I didn't explain that very well, and I cannot fault Victor or Jared for the lack of chairs poolside. Early in the week there's no problem, but as the weekend gets closer and the resort fills up, better hope you have a white towel to put on your chair. For the money we all spend to stay there, nobody should have to wait for a seat at the pool. I understand they have replaced the chairs and even added more, so I couldn't be the only one with that opinion.

At any rate, I think we may be going back in October as well. With any luck we will have a chance to meet, and I'll buy the drinks!
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Re: First time 5/11-5/17, 2014

Postby danbo » Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:42 am

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