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July Trip - 2016

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 4:58 pm
by NorthstarCouple
We did a very short trip from July 22 to July 25. It was a “spur of the moment” trip and had been booked only about 4 weeks in advance. (There is a long story to the short fuse on this that I won’t bore you with). It was a first trip to either of the Desire properties although we’ve been to Hedonism 3 when it was around as well as Hedonism 2. We’ve also spent some time at Sea Mountain in California. So newbies to Desire, but not to the open minded, clothing optional concept.

As an aside, John, from New York nailed in my mind part of the difference between Hedo and Desire by saying (I’m paraphrasing) Hedo is a kegger and Desire is a cocktail party. That’s not putting one down over the other, although we’ve come to appreciate cocktail parties more and more as time passes.

I am going to start near the end of our trip, because it’s our review and we can if we want to. :D On our way home we stopped in Atlanta. We had a two-hour layover so we went to the Delta Lounge. I was sitting flipping through email on my iPad when a lovely middle aged woman sat down across from us. Still in Desire Pearl mode (anyone that has been there knows what I’m talking about) I looked up, smiled and said hi. The husband then sat down next to her and gave me a look like I had just hit on his wife in a bar -- it was not a good look. I’m not a sociologist, or an anthropologist, but there must be a book yet to be written that analyzes why people running around mostly butt naked can treat each other better than in many instances we experience in the daily “civilized” world.

Ok, now for all the linear thinkers such as myself, you can get back in your comfort zone and I’m really back at the beginning – even though I’m in the middle.

First things first. Rock’n good time! Three days is waaaaaay too short a time frame. Cannot recommend such a short duration. When we go back we will plan further out so we don’t have to deal with calendar compression. Related to going back, If Matt is reading this, sorry for my confusion as the disco was opening up about the forum name we operate under. We’ve always operated under a “ghost protocol” - we don’t exist electronically, or at least we work very hard to minimize our electronic footprint when it comes to these activities. It’s always been a “rule” we both agreed to. We talked about it, and well, we are posting this so obviously the rule has changed. Love to have you reach out and DM us. (So as result of the trip we've decided to change some behaviors -- change/variety can be good for you)

We took time to experience the erotic massage. If you are reading this and are trying to decide – to steal a line from Nike – Just Do It! Thank you to all those who contributed to these pages that made the same recommendation. We would like to add our recommendation to the pile. Also, the recommendation to ask for Oscar for the wife was spot on! The wife was amazed at how she was tingling all over her body by the time we were finished. (Your results may vary).

The foam party Saturday was a fun time. It’s really something you have to experience in person, at least I certainly lack the written descriptive powers to communicate the craziness. To the gorgeous couple on the stairs leading out of the pool that were “holding hands” -- damn! I usually try to exercise a dignified level of discreteness, and try not to stare, but in hindsight I feel a little like Wile E. Coyote walking off a cliff as I was getting out of the pool and not watching were I was going due to the distraction. I haven’t skinned my shin like that since I was trying to learn to ride a bike. So a little warning is needed: Objects are bigger than they first appear, and there are some very hot objects in the pool at times. Be safe.

To our new friends in Houston, we’ll send you her Victoria Secret underwear that must have accidentally fallen off when you were in our suite. Which leads us to what in our opinions really makes the experience what it is. Yes, the rooms are clean, the staff is great, the food and beverage is excellent, but what really makes Desire Pearl the experience that it was for us are the other guests. From a product design standpoint what a concept. The consumers are the product! The resort is just the packaging. In the short time we were there we met a dozen couples that all were genuine, beautiful people. Some were physically beautiful, some were damn funny, some were way smarter than average, some were more intense than a blue laser even in their “gear down mode”, but almost all were willing to share a little bit of their life with us, and allow us to share with them. Hell, all the group counseling we got as part of the package would have cost more than the whole trip cost, and would have taken 3 years to accomplish. (For anyone that might read it a little too literally -- that’s a joke folks, – there was no group counseling :D ) Our advice is take a little risk, put yourself out there a little. Smile, say hi (a lot) and hopefully you’ll connect like we did to a lot of great people, some we know we’ll probably never see again, others I’m betting we do. So to everyone that was there during our stay, even if we didn’t interact verbally, but maybe bumped into you on the dance floor, played volleyball with you, hung out in the pool with you, or crawled over you at one of the bars, and more, a genuine, heart felt thank you! It was a hell of a good time!

Now, if I could just patent a drug to deal with the withdrawal symptoms. Did I mention we’re going back? :D

P.S. Thanks Coke (Wayne) for making this site available. It was a very valuable resource. I just wish I had found it earlier in the process. I’ll make sure we feed the meter on our next trip.

Re: July Trip - 2016

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 3:47 pm
by Beach girl
Enjoyed reading. Thanks for taking time to write your trip report. Hope someone kissed your ouchie!

Re: July Trip - 2016

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:56 pm
by Couplesnetwork
Sorry we missed you guys to say goodbye! But keep in touch and we hope to see you at the cocktail party next summer!!

-Caren & Jon from NY

Re: July Trip - 2016

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:22 pm
by NorthstarCouple
Couplesnetwork wrote:Sorry we missed you guys to say goodbye! But keep in touch and we hope to see you at the cocktail party next summer!!

-Caren & Jon from NY

Sorry we missed you as well! Drop us a line when you guys pick your dates for next summer. We'll stay in touch.