Trip Report - March 27 through April 3, 2019

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Trip Report - March 27 through April 3, 2019

Postby tdaero » Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:24 am

We got home about a week ago, and had such a good trip we decided to share a trip report. We've been members of the forum for nearly 10 years, and have read and enjoyed many member trip reports.

My wife and I are “mature” adults, not in the LS, but thoroughly enjoy the energy of this kind of a vacation. Over the years we've been to Hedo 2 & 3, as well as Desire RM many times, one even before “the hurricane”. We had come to love DRM, except for the stairs – to the room, to the disco, and of course, to the hot tub. Not fun sober, and far worse after a few drinks and in heels. Last year we decided to try Desire Pearl. We fell in love with what we found! Last years trip to Pearl was perhaps the best we'd ever taken.

Because of our age, we cautiously enjoy this kind of travel on a year to year basis. While age may not matter, we realize that in the not to distant future, we may not have our health, nor simply feel like we fit in. So as I said, we take it one year at a time. With that in mind, we're not members.

Trip Report

We generally travel Wednesday to Wednesday to avoid airport congestion, plus we often get to meet two groups who travel weekend to weekend. The logistics of our travel, airfare, airports, and ground transport went flawlessly. We arrived at the resort about 4:30 PM. We had done the express check-in on line, so the actual check-in only took a few minutes. I had requested room 31 (the same one we had last year) on our express check-in. We really liked it because it's on the ground floor and in a reasonably central location. Darious had room 31 ready & waiting for us! We started our week with a smile! We were soon headed for a late afternoon drink in the hot tub.

I won't go day to day, but rather touch on a few of the highlights we've looked for in other trip reports. The resort continues to be one of the more beautiful we've been to. It's well kept. Everything in our room worked, and housekeeping usually showing up in late afternoon, did a great job.

Yes, there is construction going on. If you listened for it, there were hammers and occasionally a power saw. We spent much of our daytime on a sun bed at the end of the quiet pool. While some of the construction noise came from behind us, we certainly enjoyed watching the work being done on the new restaurant above Aphrodite. Very entertaining to watch the progress. The mosquitoes didn't seem to be as bad around the hot tub this year, though I did get two really big bites on my leg, at the Aphrodite, the evening we arrived. We saw others with scattered bites. Pretty much unavoidable in this climate.

The food was excellent. We especially enjoyed the breakfast and lunch buffets. Last year we ate nearly every night a Pearl. This year we tried Aphrodite and Suki as well. At home we eat reasonably simple meals. All of the fanciness of the evening meals soon left us looking for simpler fare, without all of the fancy names, sauces, and gravies. While the quality and presentation were wonderful, we would have preferred a meat and potato (or rice), with veggie menu somewhere.
The staff continue to be one of the major assets of this resort. The major ones we dealt with, remembered our names and preferences within 24 hours. Victor was especially helpful in getting a sun bed at the quiet end of the pool. Miguel and Wilbert kept our glasses full as they toured about taking drink orders. Eddy at the lobby bar, and Daniel at Pearl also went above and beyond for all of their guests. The EC group were excellent. They also “knew” us shortly after we arrived. We enjoyed a couple of nice conversations with Javi and Lily. They all had smiles and a kind word for everybody.

Our daily routine usually meant spending the day around the pool, the hot tub at 4PM, dinner between 7and 8, theme clothes and music & dancing after dinner, the disco show, and then back to the hot tub. The majority of the guests participated in the theme nights. The other guests were great. Once again we felt as though we still fit in (age wise). Ages appeared to range from a few couples mid-30's, to a few couples mid-70's – with the majority being perhaps 45 to 65 yo. We noted that there were new faces on a daily basis, though there was a major turn over on the weekend. We heard the comment several times of how easily naked people seem to meet and chat, while at a family resort, you might never meet nor talk to anybody all week.

Our highlights. We especially enjoyed meeting a few special couples that we shared much of our time with. People with whom we shared life stories and tons of laughter. We did the Friday work shop, and found it to be sensual. Throughout the week we saw plenty of PDA's around and in the hot tub, though not every afternoon nor every evening. Depends on who's there. We had plenty of our own sensual fun, and may even have wandered onto a hot tub bed on occasion. As we did last year, we once again took home many memory gems this trip. Thoughts that bring a quiet smile….
Bottom line : We had a quiet conversation over lunch the day we left.

We'd like to return again next spring.
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Joined: Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:00 pm

Re: Trip Report - March 27 through April 3, 2019

Postby NoRegrets » Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:13 pm

Great post! We hear you on never knowing where life and health can take us, which is why enjoying experiences like Desire are so great. We would encourage you however to not get caught up on at some point being too mature to fit in. The reality is age is just a number. If you and your partner are having fun, and see Desire as a place to connect together, then you will fit in. We are in our 40s and love the fact that at Desire, body type, age, gender, religion, socio-economic position, language, ethnicity, differently abled, sexual orientation...all mean nothing when we are naked in the pool/hot tub. There is an equality that occurs when the clothes are shed that is so refreshing. So enjoy the trip next year, and the year after, and so on, and so on...

Thanks again for sharing!
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Joined: Sat Feb 03, 2018 3:40 am
We are from: Canada
Will be at: Desire Pearl
We arrive on: 30 Oct 2020
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Re: Trip Report - March 27 through April 3, 2019

Postby hooligans » Fri Apr 12, 2019 11:01 am

Thank you. A very helpful review for two upcoming newbies.
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Desire Convert
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Joined: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:33 pm
We are from: USA
Will be at: Desire Pearl

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