Keeping the calender up to date.........

We list ALL the groups at both the Desire locations in one place. If you want to find out if there will be a group at a Desire location on a certain week-and want to know how to join them - this is the place to look.

Keeping the calender up to date.........

Postby CokeMann » Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:43 pm

It's great to have one calender that lists ALL the groups and events at Desire in one place (at least all the groups who want to make themselves known.) If you want to find out if there will be a group at Desire a certain week-and to know how to join them- this is the place.
We hope we can count on all the travel agents, group leaders, and forum members to help us keep it up to date .
Please use the forum links to book directly with Desire RM, Desire Pearl or the Desire Cruises.
This will help keep the forums online, economically self sustaining and Ad free for all to use
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