Ladies, worried re: body issues during first visit to Desire

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Ladies, worried re: body issues during first visit to Desire

Postby CokeMann » Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:15 pm

Then please read this excellent and honest repost from a first time female visitor to Desire.

natnjohn wrote:I'm intrigued by how much time is spent discussing worries about body shape and size since it's a concern I share. We went to Desire for the first time two years ago and how I'd be viewed was on the forefront of my mind. Once we were there, it took one trip past the pool on the "welcome tour" for me to realize that I fit right in. Body issues reared their ugly heads a few times, but I think that's common with many women. I found myself more frustrated on the one day I had to wear "decent clothes" for our trip to Chichen Itza than I was for any of the Desire events.

What I had really hoped to see before I went in 2009 was a person be specific about size and shape. Well, here goes: Back then, I was 185 pounds, 5'7", a size 14 woman wearing a 38DD (to the disco only!). Although I worried that I'd be the biggest woman there, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself of average weight and appearance. Some women were larger than me (plus size was not uncommon) and some women were smaller than me. What I found truly liberating is that none of those embarrassing bulges appear when you aren't wearing anything. There's no worry about a muffintop or feeling less-than-svelte when there isn't anything to create that roll!

I've seen women with similar concerns posting and must say that it all disappears once you're there. My husband was so thrilled that I took it all off (and in the first ten minutes!) that he couldn't keep his hands off of me. His interest and excitement in my confidence and attitude showed me that others would feel the same way and would accept me.

We're returning this July for our second trip. I felt very confident about our return until I started rereading postings regarding the body-image issue. A lot of people will tell you to take advantage of the opportunity to firm up or get in shape. Though it becomes something that many people work toward, exercise needn't be a driving force in your life if you don't want it already. You don't need to start a diet and exercise regime to prep for Desire; people will find your confidence and risk-taking more attractive than a flat stomach or smooth thighs.

That being said, we are both toning up prior to the trip. However, it's very light effort! Currently, I'm five pounds lighter than last time and feeling excited about the opportunity to bear all when we return. I'll wear outrageous clothes (things I'd never wear in the states), will perform licentious acts with wild abandon (in public!), and will completely disregard anyone who feels that I should have taken better care of myself before arriving. The most attractive woman I saw on our last trip was a plus-size gal who was completely confident and an amazingly out-going person. My husband and I retreated to a shy, scared, newbie state of shock upon arriving (will probably do it again this July), but she greeted us cheerfully, chatted nicely, and smiled disarmingly at everyone. I wanted to be around her because she was interesting; size became irrelevant.

I know it's a long post, so thanks for the patience with reading this. I know how worried I was and I hope others don't spend time worrying needlessly.

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Postby landedesire » Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:17 pm

Very well said Natalie. Thank you for that honest insight! And I hope that you enjoyed your most recent trip since it is now August, 2011!

I remember when I went for the first time 3 + years ago. I had never been CO before in my life and was quite exhilarated and nervous at the same time but really nervous about being self conscience about my body. And, let me admit, that I am quite a small girl, with some serious stubborn parts that I am never happy with, lol...However, the 1st time I was standing in the jacuzzi around happy hour time, completely naked just soaking in the atmosphere and feeling pure joy, I said to myself, "I am going home and removing all my 1 piece bathing suits from my drawer:)". It wasn't until the plane ride home that I noticed I still had my stubborn parts. I just didn't notice them the WHOLE time I was at Desire :)
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Re: Ladies, worried re: body issues during first visit to De

Postby Shamrock2018 » Mon Dec 17, 2018 2:35 am

We are looking at our first trip in April and as a 40 year old mom of 4 (thats me!!) am SO nervous of being looked at as out of shape and undesirable. My husband is not worried at all. We have never stepped out of our comfort zone and I am so wanting to try, slowly, mutually and enjoyably. As mid forties-are we just past the age acceptable range?? The last thing I want to be is embarrassed!!! I am currently 5’7” and at 160 and going down. Thoughts??
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Re: Ladies, worried re: body issues during first visit to De

Postby texascouple1208 » Mon Dec 17, 2018 9:49 am

Shamrock2018 wrote:We are looking at our first trip in April and as a 40 year old mom of 4 (thats me!!) am SO nervous of being looked at as out of shape and undesirable. My husband is not worried at all. We have never stepped out of our comfort zone and I am so wanting to try, slowly, mutually and enjoyably. As mid forties-are we just past the age acceptable range?? The last thing I want to be is embarrassed!!! I am currently 5’7” and at 160 and going down. Thoughts??

You have absolutely nothing to be concerned about. You are right at the usual average as far as ages and all body types are welcome and sexy. All you need is a smile. My wife (mother of two) had many of the same concerns you do in advance of our first trip - we've now been back four times. We are early/mid forties and will be there in April as well. Maybe we will have a chance to say hello. If you end up booking, send me a private message if you would like to get to know some other people going in April.
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