Trip 3 recap, April 2019 - have fun, but watch your step!

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Trip 3 recap, April 2019 - have fun, but watch your step!

Postby texascouple1208 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 11:39 am

This is an overdue trip report that I just now found lying around in draft form.   It is from our third trip to RM.  By way of background, we are in our early/mid forties and we have been in the lifestyle for a couple years now, at least when we have time for it, but we are not especially experienced in it.  I'll go in to a fair amount of detail on the day-to-day if it might be helpful for potential first timers, or for those like us, longing to get back.

For the tl;dr crowd - we had a great trip. The highlights included the couples massage workshop, fun sex on the beach, sexy play at the hot tub, and an encounter with a hot couple on our final night at the resort. Service was generally fantastic, with a couple exceptions, and the food was pretty good.

Day 1
We arrived at about 1pm, checked in, avoided the membership pitch and headed straight to lunch.  At the entrance to the restaurant we ran into some friends from a previous trip and ended up joining them for a leisurely lunch.  After lunch, we changed into swim suits, headed to the pool, and got naked. Changing into swim suits in the bathroom seems entirely superfluous intellectually, but I guess we had not yet transitioned into Desire mode.  At the pool we met a few couples we had been corresponding with and caught up with some from previous trips.  It was a nice, low key afternoon.

At 3pm, our room was ready and we took a few minutes to unpack and nap, before heading to the jacuzzi.  Lots of good conversations ensued in the hot tub and we made dinner plans with another couple from our chat group.
We dressed for dinner and started to make our way to dinner at the buffet, when things went a little south.  We had a second floor room and as we were walking down the stairs to dinner, I (husband) missed a step where the stairs made a right angle turn and promptly dislocated my ankle.  Anyway, we still needed to eat, so I limped over to the restaurant with a little help from my wife. At the restaurant, I asked for ice and a chair to prop my leg up. The resort staff called in the staff medic to look me over.  They offered to bring in a doctor, but I did not think there was anything a doctor could do on site at the resort, so we declined. They wrapped my ankle and loaned me a set of crutches. 

I had to sit out on the festivities that night, but I did still wear my disco attire for white night and enjoyed people watching from a couch at the lobby bar and in the disco. We called it an early evening though.

Day 2
The next morning, we ordered room service and asked the staff about a pharmacy nearby.  They offered to have the pharmacy deliver and about an hour later we had some pain relievers and ace bandages, which really helped to keep our vacation on course.

My wife secured a beach bed - Rene helped locate one as close to our room as possible for my benefit - and we lounged on the beach for a bit.  In case you were wondering, crutches are fairly useless on sand.  There was not very much breeze on the beach, so we got hot quickly and decided to make our way to the pool instead.  We socialized, had lunch with another couple, and generally took it easy all afternoon.  At least in the pool I could stand and socialize without crutches.  After lunch and a brief nap, we headed to the disco for Richard and Lauren's massage workshop. This one focused on the male (lingam).  We highly recommend you attend their workshops. What follows is a description of our first time attending. If you would rather avoid spoilers, skip the next paragraph.

They started the workshop with an overview and a short meditation session, then the husbands were instructed to lie on their stomachs and focus on just being recipients.  They lead the ladies through a sensual touching exercise - the goal was not traditional massage techniques.  As the ladies touched and rubbed using their hands, arms, and whole bodies, Richard and Lauren would circulate through the room and join in (with permission). Lauren would assist in touching the man, while Richard would touch the woman performing the massage. It was fairly erotic feeling extra hands and body parts on you.  They had the men turn over and the massage continued on the front of the body.  I could feel my wife's wetness as she moved over me, just grazing my cock from time to time, and Richard and Lauren again circulated and assisted. At one point, my wife was rubbing my lower body and balls while Richard was using his chest to massage my wife's back, while Lauren was sensually moving over my chest, touching me with her hands and breasts.  Quite a lot to take in.  My wife was as turned on by the whole experience as I was. It was also hot to occasionally glance around and see all the ladies and their different techniques.  Towards the tail end of the workshop, a thunderstorm rolled in and provided an interesting sound track to the sexy experience. Finally, Lauren instructed the ladies on some hand job techniques and then announced that the workshop was over, but we could stay as long as we liked. It did not take long for everyone to begin having sex in all kinds of positions.  We "finished" about ten minutes later and as we are preparing to leave the disco, we see that it is raining hard, and the back steps to the disco were very slick.  With a bit of help, I managed to make it down the circular stairs on crutches and scurried to the lobby bar for a post-sex drink while we waited to see if the rain would slow. It did shortly thereafter and that was about all the rain we experienced this trip.

Back at the room, we showered off the massage oil we were covered in and got dressed for dinner.  In the interim, my wife had to deal with a work issue, so it was late before we finally made it to the buffet for dinner, and then while we are eating my wife suddenly started feeling poorly.  She's done for the night, so we made our way back to the room.  I got her situated in bed, and with her permission, ventured to the lobby bar to see what was going on. 

The show was over at this point, but I happened upon a couple we are friends with from a previous trip sitting at one of the tables. The sexy wife of this couple and I had an amazingly fun night together in the playroom on a previous trip to Desire.  We chatted for a bit and then her husband, being a super nice guy/great husband, graciously excused himself for the evening.  She and I chatted a couple more minutes, but it was clear where both our heads were, so I explained that I have permission to play if she is up for it. She indeed was, so we made a beeline for the playroom - well, at least as quickly as one can on crutches. We had the playroom to ourselves when we arrived, and she stripped off her dress in one quick motion and helped me out of my clothes. I laid her down on her back as we kissed and made out, then I meandered south to her lovely lady parts.  She came fairly quickly, and then told me she wanted me on my back. She gave me a great blowjob, but we both were ready for something more.... We had a few onlookers come through the playroom, but when we finished, we still had the playroom to ourselves, so we cuddled and talked a bit, then dressed and enjoyed a glass of wine in the disco.  My wife and I seldom play separately (and prefer to play together), but this was one of those rare occasions and it worked out all around.  I decided I ought to get back and check on my wife. All was fine at the homefront, though my wife still was not feeling well.  I briefly recounted the evening to my wife before she crashed out exhausted. 

Day 3
My wife was feeling somewhat better the next morning, and we managed to have some great "reconnection" sex before we made our way to breakfast.  On the way we secured one of the round beds by the pool for the day. We had a photoshoot scheduled for 10am that day.  We considered cancelling it, since I was limited by my ankle and my wife was still not 100%, but ultimately we decided the show must go on, albeit probably confined to our room for practical reasons.  Our photographer was guy named Gabi. We started with shots of my wife in lingerie, then he gradually brought in me in for a few shots.  Eventually, he is photographing us having sex in four or five different positions.  The photographer then brings out a couple of props that he brought with him and we shoot a few more with me blindfolded and with my wife handcuffed. We agreed to meet him after the foam party to see the results.  It ended up being a fun morning and we were glad we had not cancelled. We socialized in the pool, had lunch, and then got ready for the foam party, which started promptly at 3pm. Foam party shenanigans ensued, of course, although on this trip the foam party did not escalate into anything more than a playful afternoon.  

The photos from our shoot were excellent, as expected. They all do such a great job. This was our second time doing the photoshoot, so my wife and I had agreed to try and limit how many we purchased this time around. We narrowed it down to around 50 and negotiated an acceptable price.   We took a quick nap, cleaned up, and then made our way to Sahlo for dinner by ourselves. The lobster and the octopus were pretty tasty. At the sommelier's recommendation, we ordered a bottle of wine from the Baja region of Mexico that was quite a bit better than we expected. We then dressed for the disco, took in the show, and I attempted some dancing on crutches before we called it a relatively early night by Desire standards.  I was craving some pizza and did not think I could make it to the lobby bar and back on crutches, so we ordered room service, which arrived promptly.

As a quick aside, there were several couples we were interested in getting better acquainted with this trip, but our efforts kept getting derailed. Either they were occupied chatting with another couple, or we were. We just never got an opportunity to connect with them. Still working on our flirt game and communication skills, I suppose. #swingerproblems    The other small challenge is figuring out who is open to the lifestyle and who is not. It has seemed to vary quite a bit from trip to trip as to the percentage of guests looking for experiences outside their own partners.  We enjoy making conversation with all kinds of people, but sometimes we tend to develop a bit of anticipation that play might be a possibility and it is somewhat disappointing if it does not happen. #noexpectations

As a second quick aside, Desire guests are so nice and helpful.  While we were there, two guests who were doctors insisted on examining my ankle and no less than seven nurses checked up on me or offered suggestions on treating my ankle and the proper adjustment of my crutches.  Countless other guests and staff offered moral support or just asked how my ankle was feeling.

Day 4
Our fourth day at the resort resembled many of our others. Breakfast at the buffet and socializing at the pool.

The hot tub that afternoon got very active and crowded (which is fun, from our perspective). One of the ladies is a great instigator and was offering people candies from a box that were labeled with various actions.  I am not even sure what my wife chose, but it did not take long before people were kissing boobs here and there. Then three men were lined up against the wall each receiving BJs and ladies taking turns with each of them. At some point a couple women went down on me as well.  Lots of no pressure, playful fun. 

A few minutes later, we were standing and chatting with a few couples when a group of three sexy women starting making out with each other.  The hot tub was crowded enough that I was nearly touching them and they would occasionally bump in to me a little bit. I was casually observing/admiring when one of the ladies leans over and starts kissing me (no, she did not ask, but I am sure my body language was consenting). That effectively broke the ice and when they took a little break, we made introductions to them. A few minutes later a couple that was already friends with the trio of ladies comes up to my wife and I, looking a little unsure. We could tell they were not Americans, but not much beyond that. They had a brief animated discussion between them in a foreign language. They turn to us and from what we could gather she was admiring my penis and wants to go down on me. I am, of course, fine with this, and moments later I am receiving (brief) double blow job for the first time from two ladies, neither of which is my wife.  Then my wife felt the need to get in on the action as well, so she demonstrated her technique on me, which then lead to some more "practice" from the other ladies. More playful fun ensues. My wife's nipples got a lot of attention as well. All just lighthearted good times and flirting.  That said, my wife and I got so worked up that we decided to take the edge off of each other on one of the jacuzzi beds before getting ready for dinner.   

We had not made reservations for dinner, but had no trouble getting a table at Suki. We had only done the hibachi tables on previous trips, and we were pleasantly surprised with most of the food off the regular menu there. The sushi and sashimi were tasty, in particular.  I think we hit the disco for a bit, but ended up calling it an early night.

Day 5
We enjoyed breakfast at the buffet once again and then we made our way to a beach bed.  It was a beautiful day with a nice breeze this time. My ankle was feeling quite a bit better and I could hobble without crutches, so I was finally able to make it up and down the beach a couple of times.  We found ourselves on a beach bed next to a very sexy and friendly Canadian couple we had not yet had the pleasure of meeting.  Since sex on the beach beds is one of our favorite Desire past times, it was not long before my wife I felt the urge to get frisky in the morning sunshine. To start, I laid on my back and my wife rode my face to two orgasms.  A funny memory from the moment - as she was grinding on my mouth, I saw her smile and wave to someone on the path behind the beach beds. Later I learned that a couple we had been flirting with a bit was walking along the sidewalk behind the beach beds and stopped to watch for a moment.  My wife was rather smitten by the husband and couldn't resist waving hello while we were In flagrante delicto.  My wife then stood at the end of beach bed and sucked on my cock. While this was happening, three couples from Breathless wandered by on the beach.  The women studiously stared straight ahead, but the men slowed down a bit to look and one even offered a "thumbs up."  After the blowjob, my wife climbed on top of me and road me cowgirl to another orgasm or two, and while she was riding me, the three Breathless couples wandered by again. Desire tends to bring out the exhibitionist in both of us.I would love to have known what was going through their minds, but their collective expressions suggested a we-are-not-in-Kansas-anymore mentality. I don't think we were the only couple getting busy at that moment either. I hope they enjoyed their first visit to Desire's beach! (Pro tip - my wife was able to reach up and use the roof of the beach bed for extra support while riding me).

At the pool that afternoon, my wife was selected to participate in one of the playmaker's routines. They picked a guy out as well. They sat my wife in a chair by the gazeebo and one of the playmakers did a male stripper routine on and around her. Then the other male guest was instructed to copy his moves.  It was all good fun.  

The hot tub in the afternoon was again very active, although slightly less crowded.  The lady who was the instigator the previous afternoon had brought some naughty dice to the jacuzzi this time, and we had fun taking turns with them and completing the actions the dice turned up.

We had invited another couple to dinner with us at Sahlo, so we met them there at 8:30.  I'll take just a second to comment on service at Desire. Generally, it is very good, but there were a few instances when I was less than impressed. First off, at breakfast it was frequently difficult to get drinks. We would have to flag someone down to ask for water, and when they finally came, they would only bring water for one of us.  Or we would be out of coffee and water and we would not get offers to refill them. The second time service disappointed me was at this dinner at Sahlo. We were clearly ready to order, but no one came to take our orders for 35 minutes.  Both the other husband and myself were beginning to get a little "hangry" by the time food finally started arriving.  The dinner service did ultimately improve.  The only other service miss-step involves the wait time for drinks at the jacuzzi when it is busy. This is not the fault of the bartender(s). They work hard, but the demand for drinks seems to overwhelm them, especially if there is only one bartender, which happened more than once on this trip.  

After dinner, we changed into our attire for lingerie night and headed to the lobby bar to socialize. We had hoped things might play out with the couple we had dinner with - we had been flirting with them for days - but they seemed interested in mingling and were quickly off on their separate ways chatting.  Fortunately, we did meet up again with our new Canadian friends from the beach, and there seemed to be mutual chemistry developing as we chatted. We moved to the disco shortly thereafter and danced with our new friends. The wife of this couple later suggested a visit to the jacuzzi beds, and after a quick discussion about playstyles, we found we were very compatible with them and headed out of the disco.  At the jacuzzi, we laid out towels on an available bed, stripped off our lingerie attire, and all four climbed on the bed. Kissing, touching, and oral sex all ensued at a nice relaxed pace. We finished with our own spouses and enjoyed a few minutes of cuddling and whispering while discreetly watching the play on the beds around us. Another great example of how soft swap can often be even hotter than full.We finished the night with drinks and pizza with our sexy friends at the lobby bar before heading to our room.

Last Day
We made our way to breakfast at the buffet the morning of our departure and on the way ran into the couple that we had dined with the night before. We also wandered down the beach and got to give our play friends from the night before a good morning/farewell kiss.   Travel home was pretty uneventful. Another great trip overall, but we felt like we needed a "do-over" because of my wife's sudden illness and my ankle issue.  We still did our best to make the most of it. We've since been back and made up for this trip and have future trips planned. Thanks for reading!
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Re: Trip 3 recap, April 2019 - have fun, but watch your step

Postby Yeipi » Tue Dec 31, 2019 3:34 pm

Wow!!! Awesome trip report! Thanks for sharing all those details.

Questions about the workshop: Are Lauren and Richard partially or completely naked? How much touching do they do on both the male and the female?

Hope your ankle is ready for another adventure :mrgreen:
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Re: Trip 3 recap, April 2019 - have fun, but watch your step

Postby CASHMAN » Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:34 am

Fantasmagorical review! Bet you are as thorough in bed :lol:
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Re: Trip 3 recap, April 2019 - have fun, but watch your step

Postby Texzuelano » Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:37 pm

Thanks for the trip report! Way to suffer through on IR.
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Re: Trip 3 recap, April 2019 - have fun, but watch your step

Postby reachn » Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:38 pm

Yeipi wrote:Wow!!! Awesome trip report! Thanks for sharing all those details.

Questions about the workshop: Are Lauren and Richard partially or completely naked? How much touching do they do on both the male and the female?

Hope your ankle is ready for another adventure :mrgreen:

we attended both of there workshops and for the most part they were naked, they would explain and demonstrate how the massage works then they would walk around and quietly ask a couple if its ok to touch then they would offer a light helping hand to guide and help show the proper way to massage your partner then would quietly remove themselves and move on to the next couple.... it is a GREAT experience..
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Re: Trip 3 recap, April 2019 - have fun, but watch your step

Postby Yeipi » Wed Jan 08, 2020 5:59 pm

reachn wrote:
we attended both of there workshops and for the most part they were naked, they would explain and demonstrate how the massage works then they would walk around and quietly ask a couple if its ok to touch then they would offer a light helping hand to guide and help show the proper way to massage your partner then would quietly remove themselves and move on to the next couple.... it is a GREAT experience..

Thanks for your reply! Sounds like fun. Too bad they won't be there next week.
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Re: Trip 3 recap, April 2019 - have fun, but watch your step

Postby 14ShadesOfGray » Fri Jan 31, 2020 2:05 pm

Great post! Really enjoyed reading through it and now we're even more excited for our trip!
Kik: 14ShadesGrant & 14ShadesEve
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Re: Trip 3 recap, April 2019 - have fun, but watch your step

Postby bigdaddy84 » Thu Feb 06, 2020 5:57 pm

Great report, the falls can get real, I slipped on wet tile at Pearl a month ago and am a week out of surgery for repair with next 7 weeks in a sling then PT. It is what it is.
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