Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2020

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Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2020

Postby tj71903 » Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:59 pm

Just returned from our first trip to the Desire Pearl Resort and while there's a lot to say, the executive summary is pretty simple: We didn't know what we were in for and didn't really have any expectations. Instead we agreed we'd head to Cancun with a general sense of open mindedness mixed with equal parts curiosity, excitement, and a bit of nerves.

Before jumping into the visit recap it would somewhat negligent to omit discussion of COVID19 and the associated challenges. As far as the travel to the resort goes, we went through two layovers before ultimately departing from Miami (American Airlines). At no point did we feel uncomfortable or otherwise endangered. We wore masks and so did 98 percent of the people we saw in the airports. People stayed away from one another in general and the lounge in Miami was very clean and was being sanitized regularly by the staff and attendants. Flight time was just over 90 minutes and - again - we thought the overt and somewhat intrusive (no complaints, mind you) sanitation efforts were good to see.

The same was true at the resort. The staff was sanitizing everything and all were in masks at all times. Didn't matter what they were doing or in what setting (pool, food service, bar tending, etc) everyone was in a mask and was Constantly washing hands, using hand sanitizer, scrubbing services, etc. When we arrived our temperatures were taken and we were made to fill out a lengthy questionnaire regarding recent travel, exposure, symptoms, etc. I heard one couple say that the lady was stopped at the door when her temperature reading was half a degree too high per the thermometer. Fortunately she had (1) a recent test and was (2) having a hot flash. After it passed the test was re-administered and she 'passed' with flying colors. When eating there are usually buffet options. However, you were not allowed to pick your own food items. You had to 'order' your food at the line while the staff member (gloved and masked) proceeded to the buffet line and plucked your food items via utensils, placed them on the plate, and brought it to you. Before entering the restaurant you had to wash your hands (portable Purell dispenser) and feet/shoes (solution drenched basin then onto a mat).

Maybe it was because the resort had just opened, and nobody was tired of dealing with this yet, but the staff went well above the standards I've seen in several states in the US to sanitize and clean any and all surfaces they could. And, again, they are all in masks.

That sexy bit of information out of the way, here's the general recap/feedback/observations from a couple of yellow banded newbies who aren't in the lifestyle, but enjoy adult's only fun and experiences.

First Impression(s): "What in the actual #)$# was that?"
    Want to know how you know the 'research' you did was inadequate? Well, when you walk into a resort and the above is your wife's private reaction to the first few minutes on property. Why was her reaction so direct? Because I never realized we were arriving on the first day the resort was opening. Nope, it was my impression that the resort had been open for a month. Alas, we were there on the first day and were the first couple to arrive. Because of that we walked into a celebration worthy of someone with a much higher station in life's surprise party. We were greeted by the manager, three bellmen, and some sort of media coordinator. We were welcomed by name, our bags were taken (and sprayed with sanitizer), we were asked to hit the sanitizer station and mat, then we walked through the glass doors. Once we crossed into the lobby we were stopped with 'ribbon' to cut. This 'ribbon' was the largest set of purple panties I'd ever seen. I'm talking XXXXXXXL. They were stretched across and held by two staffers who handed us a set of scissors to welcome us. I probably stood there dumbfounded while I took in the two stripper poles (complete with shapely young ladies doing all manner of acrobatic routines), lights, confetti, and what appeared to be the entire staff clapping for us. I/we eventually were jogged back to reality and cut the purple ribbon and were immediately rewarded with a resounding cheer. Then we're handed some sort of pink champaign with strawberries and brought to the check in desk. I apologize to the lady escorting us for being somewhat slow on the uptake. She laughs. Then I glance at my wife whose facial expression is some kind of combination of amusement and horror. We then do the check-in process which includes a survey on COVID and are given our yellow bands and room keys. We're then escorted to the patio off the lobby where someone comes to ask if we'd be willing to listen to their membership pitch in exchange for fabulous prizes (read some discounts at the spa). After learning we're the only ones at the resort, well, yeah sure we'll take free money and we schedule it for later in the visit. During this discussion we're asked if we're familiar withe resort (nope), it's unique theming (sort of), and whether or not we're in the lifestyle (no). The last question was a continuation of the second and was asked simply so the gentleman could give us what he thought was proper context. Following the chat, he leads us to our room.

    Again, as we're walking to the room my wife and I recap: We just walked into a Vegas bachelor party masquerading as a check-in process and are then asked if we're swingers....so, yeah, "what the ##$#" have we gotten into?
The answer as it turns out was the most relaxing and entertaining four days we've had in a long time.

    We were in a junior suite that was right in the middle of the pool and on the first floor. After a day or so we ended up just walking out the back door to the pool, the disco, and everywhere else. Super convenient to just drop and go in that manner. As a whole the room was fine. Bed was comfortable (though the tile headboard can be unforgiving if you accidentally bang your head on it - true story). The bathroom has a separate water closet and stand along shower with a bathtub that resides under an open window (if you don't close the shutters) which overlooks the bed and sitting area. Enough outlets to charge the electronics. Smallish TV with about two English speaking channels but three channels of unfiltered porn. Water pressure is good and water temperature goes from pleasantly warm to peel your skin off hot. Takes a few attempts to get the hang of how to position the faucet control to avoid the latter. Windows have blackout shades and shears. Typical Caribbean tile for the floor. Closet had sufficient hangers for clothes and your typical hotel safe. All in all, no complaints. It's not five star swanky, but it's perfectly lovely and comfortable. And the walls are pretty thick (though we learned the doors aren't soundproof).
Resort Grounds:
    You can tell the resort was beginning to open up after a long siesta (90 plus days). Still, the grounds are well done with tropical plants and flowers accented by well manicured pathways and grassy areas. You can tell the resort watches and treats for pests including in-ground creepy crawling friends such as biting ants, etc). I also suspect they spray for mosquitos and such as we were never bothered despite having skin exposed in a tropical setting for extended periods at all hours of the calendar day.

    The main pool is big and extends the length of the resort. There are two sides - one heated (during winter) and one not. Swim up bar. As the visit progressed we went from eight people in the entire pool to around 50 or so by the end of the weekend. Even as the resort began to fill with visitors, we never felt crowded in any sense - in the water or outside. Plenty of seating (all around) and beds (on the far left side) during our stay.

    Spa is very nice. It's hidden in plain sight when you come off the lobby. Nice reception room that leads off to a salon of some type and then to the locker rooms and then to atrium where there's (I think) eight or so treatment suites.

    Jacuzzi area is off the pool behind the DJ/staff booth up a set of stairs. It's huge. You could fit 20-30 people in it without being clustered (unless you're into that kind of thing) with around 10 beds. Bar is well stocked and runs the length of the jacuzzi at the far end. Plenty of seating (8-10 in water seats) at the bar.

    Four places to eat. Pearl, Suki, Aphrodite, and room/pool service. Pearl is decorated as the more elegant of the options with chandeliers, etc. Suki reminds me of being in an upscale loft style place or maybe a luxury box at a sports stadium. It's small, elegant-ish and has an elevated look at either the ocean or the pool in general. Pretty views. Aphrodite is under Suki and has a cafeteria feel (because that's what it's set up to be). Nice, unassuming, and overlooks the ocean or the pool area at ground level.

    The beach...you don't come here for the beach. It's small and they are dealing with a seaweed problem. The darker sand and decomposing sea plants (which makes a very distinctive and powerful odor when the wind blows the wrong way) make the water adopt a brownish tint. Sand is nice but a tad corse (think more mid-Atlantic coast of the US over, say, Turks and Caicos or the Dominican Republic). It's got some room for a handful of beds, some activities (corn hole, volley ball, etc) and I'm sure once the resort is running back at full steam they'll get it to a more inviting level. Anyway, we didn't spend a ton of time here.

    The disco is housed in the main lobby building. It's got a dance floor (18x18 or so) plenty of seating and a nice U-shaped bar. The infamous play room is off to one corner opposite of the dance floor, and reminded us of being in Amsterdam with the red light ambiance. We didn't have a chance to see too much of it. Several TV screens, well balanced sound system and a smoke machine. Also number of lighting and smoke machines to create and number of vibes.

Quick Food Recap:
    Told one of the couples we met that after four days we were ready to declare this resort as 'the best all-inclusive food we've ever had'. Nothing felt pre-made or that it had sat under heating lamps. Portions were generous, food was fresh, served hot, and the presentation was what you'd expect at a resort that claims itself to be a four star caliber. Some quick (yeah, I know, I ramble) thoughts:

    Pearl: The 'fancy' option. Nice wine list. We had lasagne, shrimp risotto, and desert was creme brûlée's. Well done all around. Appetizer was some sort of watermelon fruit concoction. Very nice.

    Suki: Asian (more Korean than anything else) food. Again, fresh, and well presented. Well flavored. Fried vanilla ice cream for dessert was a winner. Wife's favorite dinner.

    Aphrodite: We had steaks. Well seasoned, cooked to perfection (MW for her, MR for me). Not super thick, but served with seasoned/grilled veggies that were very good. Ribeyes had a bit of extra fat on them, but thought best to order those than more lean piece for fear of being over cooked. No complaints though both of us ranked this as 3 out of 3 for dinner options.

    Breakfast was a buffet every morning at Aphrodite. Pancakes, French Toast, Waffles, fresh fruit (passion fruit to melons to cantaloupe), eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, and an array of cereals. Milk, OJ, etc. Waiter brings around bread options with your meal. All very good and depending on your morning appetite, plenty of food to where you won't feel hungry until dinner.
    Great variety, and creative bar tenders. I got some strange looks after ordering ice water a couple of times, but whatever sun and salt did their work on me. And, the overall environment promotes loss of hydration. Frequently, so I replenished a ton. Eventually I got tired of bugging the servers and just bought a big tumbler to reduce the trips to and fro.

The Staff:
    Ok, for a place like this to survive you have to provide more than just seclusion. You have to have the right people in place. At Pearl the resort has a gold mine of talented people. While we as newbies were initially in culture shock, the staff was not only professional and courteous throughout the entire stay, they were genuinely the nicest people you can imagine. Within a day several of them had memorized our names, our drink preferences, our room number, and other details we had mentioned in passing. It was rare we'd walk past one of them when a friendly greeting included our names. It's a little thing, but it was noticeable. They would appear beside your chair almost via some sort of Jedi mind reading talent and take care of any drink orders, towel/umbrella requests, or just to make sure you were comfortable.

    I could go on and on, but will summarize by saying we'd put this staff as a whole against most of the top resorts in the world. Whether it's like that all the time or just because they were going the extra mile after being without clients for so long, I don't know. But the way they went about their jobs and tasks makes me think it's something that doesn't vary.

The Fellow Guests/Vibe/Environment:
    We spent the first few days keeping mostly to ourselves. In all honestly I napped by the pool for the majority of day one and two. Eventually we went around and began running into people and having conversations that turned from small talk to discussions about everything from sports, goings on in the states, to business, etc. Neither my wife nor myself every envisioned having thought provoking and entertaining discussions sans clothes, but hey...here we were. The best part was that - for the most part - everyone was friendly, engaging, and relaxed. Nobody was exceedingly rude or pushy on any front and I'd classify most of the interactions as couples focusing on one another and then talking in small groups. Again, as first timers were were mostly off to the side, which was cool with us. We met a handful of pairs that we spent the majority of the final days chatting with and enjoyed it immensely. The pool was, for us, the central hub for conversations whereas the jacuzzi was more of enjoying the environment and chatting up the bar tender in whatever downtime we had. In between the pool and the jacuzzi, random interactions saw everyone as polite and friendly. In the disco things were a bit more condensed but the dancing seemed fun (I refrained thanks to my two left feet) but enjoyed the atmosphere.

The Lifestyle/Etc:
    While the initial discussion with the staff member on the first day may be prompted us to put up our guard, it was a false narrative. Sure there were swingers there, but there is literally zero pressure for anyone to do anything they don't feel comfortable with. Seriously, there's sex around and lots of it, but everyone is/was in their own bubble and once you just relax it's all perfectly normal. Did our eyes bug out a bit when we walked past the first open air display of oral sex? Yeah, a bit. But after that it was all just pretty normal. You want to hop up on the side and go to town? Cool. Want to jump in a jacuzzi area bed at midnight and get some martial calisthenics in while the rest of the group is chatting? No worries. Want to hoist your significant other onto the far end of the bar and have dessert? That's fine, and the bar tender will even spray some convenient and strategic dollops of whip cream and chocolate syrup on her for you. We saw all of that in our four days and not once was it anything other than an erotic backdrop for us. It's unique and led the wife to deciding "when in Rome" which was cool. So, no complaints. With sex of all sorts being so normalized in a public setting, there's also none of the taboo that mainstream society seems to impose (especially if you live in certain areas of the map). Accordingly, you find that people aren't judgmental, don't gawk, and are incredibly polite with regard to all of that. It's hard to describe, but it's addicting. If I was betting, I'd say maybe a quarter of the people may have been full on lifestyle types, but most seemed to be couples who enjoyed the environment and freedom. Who knows, maybe we're just clueless or obtuse.
The Spa:
    We visited twice. Did the Erotic Couples massage and a deep tissue. The erotic massage was an experience. It lasts an hour or so and I have to say I was genuinely disappointed that for the first 20 minutes it's basically fingertips rubbing over you. I'm thinking to myself "look, we know where this is going, but for 1/3 of this I'm looking for some literal rubbing...no, not just there, get my shoulders, etc.". Instead it progresses to a feather (I laughed) which I guess is supposed to tantalize. Anyway, you and your partner are there being rubbed and "primed" for each other. Wife said the technician whispered stuff in her ear that she began to laugh about. By the time we were brought together (i.e. where dude is supposed to climb on top of the wife and replace the massage tools) we were both shaking with laughter. Therapists leave the room as we're trying our best to make their efforts payoff, and eventually we do, but first we had to gather ourselves. Afterwards you hang out in the room, get into a two person jetted tub with bubbles, sparkling wine and strawberries. Then (when your idiot husband is obsessed with pushing the buttons) the bubbles rise to cover you both with the jets on full, so you jump into the two (read 1 and 1/2) person shower and get the suds off. Fun time and we'll probably try it again when not so nervy and sophomorically amused. The deep tissue massage was intense. If anyone gets the lady who worked on me, do not piss her off. She will literally take her fingers and snap you in two or at least bend steel. It was refreshing but man did it hurt (in a good way). If she had been the one who did the erotic massage I'd have more in common with John Bobbit than I'd like to admit. Wife wasn't hurting as bad as I was following the session, but she too had a very powerfully fingered technician.

The Membership Pitch:
    Not really high pressured and, in my opinion, if you like to negotiate it can be a fun distraction for a bit. Basically you're not offered a time share, you're offered the chance to buy down your future vacations due to discounts while also getting 'extras'. If you're going to come back at some point and are sure of that, there's value to be had. Up to you as to what works for you and your situation/ambitions/etc. Just evaluate all the info and make them explain the points they are advancing. Again, glad we heard it.
    Saturday's foam party at the pool was a ton of fun. Wife told me it was one of the big highlights of the trip for her. For me it was awesome to see her smiling and genuinely laughing as hard as I had seen. Just fun, wild, and free. That's one of the lasting memories for me. That and the nightly trips to the jacuzzi (sue me, I can be typically male).

    The photographer came up to us and asked if we wanted to do a shoot. We didn't really give it much thought, but she did bring a book to showcase what the shoots can be (everything from SI Swimshoot/Maxim to Penthouse). May do it in the future, but have no idea what you do with that book? Coffee table? Christmas cards? One of those big coffee mugs you can get on Vistaprint? Regardless, paying $2k for all the photos (I told them I'd have to have the memory card for privacy) was not appealing. Maybe later.

Wrapping up:
    We came to Desire not sure of what we had booked. We left sure we'll be returning. By the time we got in the car after our last flight we had already committed to booking a return trip in September and completed that process today at her request (I'm happy to go along). One of the great couples we met told us they come down several times per year and I understand why. Life can be full of stress and challenges, coming to this place and this environment can be everything from exciting, erotic, and sexy while also being just a relaxing, liberating, and centering.

Anyway, we're sold. We're converted. We're going to be frequent visitors and have already started our countdown.
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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby nokidclub » Tue Jul 07, 2020 6:54 am

Fantastic trip report. Thanks for sharing!

Many of your experiences mirror ours, with the exception that we entered Pearl as vanillas on our first visit, but entered the lifestyle with an amazing couple that we met while there.

In September, we will be making our 8th trip and can’t wait! What are your September dates?
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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby skyviewblue » Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:47 pm

Thanks for a great trip summary! We have been to both Pearl and RM a few times but really appreciated a new perspective after the COVID reopening. Glad you two had a good experience and safe trip! We also thoroughly enjoyed and LOL reading your description of the check-in and special ribbon cutting! :D :D
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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby SusanAndDavid » Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:25 am

Wonderful, detailed and fun. I know we’re all anxious to hear what’s what with things and this helped a ton. Appreciate it!
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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby vegasguy » Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:30 pm

It was so good to read your trip report. I am quite jealous of the reception you received at your arrival especially the cutting of the underwear!!!

You should really consider the photo session for your next visit. It was the highlight of our last visit.

Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby tj71903 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:28 pm

nokidclub wrote:Fantastic trip report. Thanks for sharing!

Many of your experiences mirror ours, with the exception that we entered Pearl as vanillas on our first visit, but entered the lifestyle with an amazing couple that we met while there.

In September, we will be making our 8th trip and can’t wait! What are your September dates?

Sept 3-7.
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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby tj71903 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:29 pm

vegasguy wrote:It was so good to read your trip report. I am quite jealous of the reception you received at your arrival especially the cutting of the underwear!!!

You should really consider the photo session for your next visit. It was the highlight of our last visit.

Thanks for sharing.

L & S

We talked about it, and I'm sure it's a blast just have trouble wrapping my head around the value of it. I assume they just provide the digitals for you, correct? She presented in a book which made sense. Liked the rig she was toting about and assume she gets some good snaps out of it.
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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby sun30265 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:43 pm

Well written and thorough, tj71903; thanks

We have some friends who are debating about their first visit; this will be a huge help to them!

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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby vegasguy » Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:28 pm

tj71903 wrote:
vegasguy wrote:It was so good to read your trip report. I am quite jealous of the reception you received at your arrival especially the cutting of the underwear!!!

You should really consider the photo session for your next visit. It was the highlight of our last visit.

Thanks for sharing.

L & S

We talked about it, and I'm sure it's a blast just have trouble wrapping my head around the value of it. I assume they just provide the digitals for you, correct? She presented in a book which made sense. Liked the rig she was toting about and assume she gets some good snaps out of it.

Getting ready for it and doing it is the fun part. We must have spent 3 hours in various locations and outfits. Toward the end the photographer mentioned he had ropes with him and he asked my wife if she would like to pose while tied up. That was a new one for us and now we know she enjoys this a lot.

We were planning got buy a few of them but next days the presented us with the best shots (over 100 of them) - a video and a suggestion of the ones they could create a book with. Well we got it all. I have looked at the book a few times but i did watch the video more often and we have a great set of pictures if we need to "share".

We did not spend $2k however.

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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby WellyFla2020 » Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:46 am

it seems rather pricey....
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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby texascouple1208 » Thu Jul 09, 2020 12:39 pm

The shoot itself is free, and the cost only depends on how many photos you want to buy and how much you negotiate. We've done it three times and enjoyed it every time. Highly recommend it.
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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby SecretSmileToday » Thu Jul 09, 2020 1:19 pm

WellyFla2020 wrote:it seems rather pricey....

We decided it was worth the price once for novelty (we’d done a few quick photos at a local swingers club, but never anything like this), and ended up well satisfied paying several hundred dollars sort of for the pictures but mainly for the memories. No way we’ll do it every trip, but could imagine repeating in ten years.

Advice: especially as it’s an expensive and rare treat, talk it through with your partner beforehand. Our photographer was happy to shoot anything we wanted, but she didn’t push at all, so we were glad we had thought about some of he shots we wanted to try, wish maybe we’d done more.

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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby SecretSmileToday » Thu Jul 09, 2020 1:21 pm

...and I should have said first: tj71903 thank you for the wonderful trip report! Warmed our hearts on a cold day in July.
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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby beachnbaja » Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:24 pm

Awesome report. Thank you so much for posting this. So many of us are anxious to get back there and its great to hear how wonderful things are right now.
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Re: Our First Trip To Pearl As Yellow Banded Newbies, July 2

Postby Tednirina » Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:03 pm

Great report! Thank you! We will be there in a week, this truly help to know what to expect.
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