Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

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Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby SusanAndDavid » Wed Aug 26, 2020 5:26 pm

Hello to all. Love all the information from this board- only feels right to give back now that our trip is complete. Hesitate to send this, but feel I would be doing a disservice by not informing.

Background: M is 50, good health, active lifestyle (pickleball, golf, walking, etc). F is 51, same active lifestyle. Both in good shape physically.

Plan was to arrive 8/6 and stay through 8/14. Arrival was no issue. Took 5 min to get through immigration, grab our bags and out to USA Transfer where our temp was taken, all was well. Arrive at resort, fill out ipad paperwork and get registered. We were there as a guest of a member, so we got the gold bands. Arriving Thursday, we agreed to hear the sales pitch on Saturday, intent just to listen and not buy in. It's M 3rd trip and F 1st. We are not lifestyle folks. Not opposed to it, just hasn't presented itself. M was in the lifestyle for 7 years prior, if that matters.

First day was get feet wet, literally. It was raining upon arrival and everyone was clothed. It was weird to see. I told her it was not the norm, and as the clouds finally rolled away, so did the clothes. I saw folks I had seen there last year (same time), said hello, went about our day. We weren't intentionally avoiding people, but we respected distances and kept ours too. That was a theme of the trip. Thursday is school girl night and the ladies looked amazing. Fun night.

Friday and Saturday were similar- breakfast, pool (on a bed), maybe a little beach time. Not many beach goers at all this trip. Maybe 2, 3 couples on the beds. Seemed quite crowded Friday for the foam party, same Saturday during pool time. Nights were different, if you've been before. Seems like it was a later starting party- often not even going to the disco til 10:30 or 11pm. Entertainment in lobby area went longer, was fine. Play room wasn't crowded, neither was disco. We spent part of evening in disco and then headed to hot tub. Beds were always available and not being used for play, in afternoon and nights. If they were it was well past our bedtime of about 2 or 3am. Late night food was great as always.

We listened to the pitch, bought in. Deal seemed good to us. YMMV, but we're happy.

Then Sunday came. Went to pool and I thought it was EXTREMELY hot out. Just kept commenting how hot it was. Went into the ocean, didn't help much. Seemed to get better eventually. We go back to the room and she's on fire. Thinking heat stroke because it was so hot. Cold compresses did the trick and we ordered room service and laid low. We would never leave the room again. (FYI, we brought a thermometer and we did not have a fever at this point).

Woke up Monday morning, both on fire. M had 104.5 temp, F had 102.5. Immediately called for a medic, not knowing what's what. Scared. One came for $150 per person. Administered a rapid Covid test, which was negative (that was an extra $100, plus PPE another $100, FYI). $500 house call and nothing other than stay in your room and have to report this to front desk. No arguments from us. Front desk shows up and say we have to Q, that we're welcome to use room service and ask we not leave. Frankly, we didn't feel like leaving. Food was left outside our door, we never made contact with anyone.

Was hoping to fly home Tuesday but still felt awful. Made arrangements for Wednesday and temperatures cooperated. By this point she was fine. I was better, but incredibly fatigued. Given the negative test, acceptable temps, we tried for home. Passed first temp check in the car, passed the body scan at the airport. Good to go. Fly Cancun to BWI, BWI to KC. Get literally 2 minutes from BWI and have to divert because of storms. Circle for a bit, get diverted south and end up back at BWI 8.5 hours after leaving Cancun. Departing the plane, I am 100% soaked. Clothes are wet as can be. We grab our bags to check in for KC flight and I change. Quick bite to eat and on plane to KC. 20 minutes in, I sit up and told her I don't feel well and to call the FA. I don't get that out and I pass out for 45 seconds. Pulse barely noticeable and BP 90/60. I prayed not to die on that flight. Most scared I've been. FA were amazing and there was a nurse on the flight that took incredible care of me. We blame dehydration for everything. Finally land and I"m taken to an ER in KC where my heart checks out fine, but I do test positive for Covid. We were negative upon arrival. Not a great way to celebrate turning 50!

No one needs to lecture about traveling home. No one feels worse than we do. We would not have flown had we tested positive in Mexico. Save your comments. That's not what this is about. What I do want to stress is this: from 8/9 until 8/17, I had a fever. Anything from 99.5 to 104.5 and in between in varying degrees. I could barely move. I literally could not walk up two flights of stairs in my own house without stopping, feeling like I just ran 5 miles. My BP would spike to 170/130 without notice. Pulse goes from 80 to 130 in an instance. I break out into bone rattling chills for no reason, start sweating like I'm in a sauna, all for well over a week. As of this writing, I went back to the Dr. today to figure out the pulse rate and we're trying a new medication. I am Covid-free finally.

We did not mingle. We talked with a few couples, not closely, certainly didn't kiss anyone, let alone more. We had our fun, together, alone. Everyone we spoke with got Covid while there. Every. One. Some asymptomatic, some worse. I don't know if my case was mild or not, but I can tell you the mind-fuck alone is enough to send you into orbit. Will my 102 fever become 103 or worse? What if it gets worse and I can't breathe? And I have no underlying conditions.

We LOVE Desire. We signed up, so that should be clear. The people are amazing, fantastic and as wonderful as ever. They can't do enough to please you. As much as we love it, we won't go back until there's a vaccine or assurances. We don't know if we're immune. I'm not going to take that chance. Attitudes of 'we're going and gonna chance it'....y'all do you, but I assure you, you do not want this. And given everyone we met got this and we didn't see anyone really playing with anyone, I honestly don't know how anyone there doesn't get it. You touch bathroom doors, the handle to the pool to get in, the beds, the chairs,the hot tub, all the surfaces. Yes they get cleaned, but enough to ward of a virus like this? The last two weeks have been a blur and not in a good way. I'm not political, I"m not a doomsayer. I love this tribe and I want you all safe, so please understand, this is the stuff you might not hear. It's serious.

I pray this place can weather the storm. We want to go back, when it's safe to do so.
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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby No_Regrets » Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:05 pm

We are so sorry that you have gone through this. And thanks for sharing. Your post is a good perspective for people. The challenge is no one knows how they are going to react until they get it. Yes if you are healthy the majority of the time it will be mild, but as you point out that is not always the case. Our daughter got it, she was fine, she was a healthy 20something and got through it fine. We have friends that got in after a trip to Pearl, they are both fine. Then we have friends who have lost family members, 3 separate friends have lost family members in their 40s, 50s and 60s all were healthy no underlying medical conditions. Truth is as you point out you just don’t know. End of the day we all have choices, hopefully your voice at least gives another perspective and helps readers to make an informed decision. We just canceled our Oct/Nov trip this year and hope to go next year, but not until there is a vaccine. We wish you a speedy recovery.
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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby SusanAndDavid » Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:19 pm

No_Regrets wrote:We are so sorry that you have gone through this. And thanks for sharing. Your post is a good perspective for people. The challenge is no one knows how they are going to react until they get it. Yes if you are healthy the majority of the time it will be mild, but as you point out that is not always the case. Our daughter got it, she was fine, she was a healthy 20something and got through it fine. We have friends that got in after a trip to Pearl, they are both fine. Then we have friends who have lost family members, 3 separate friends have lost family members in their 40s, 50s and 60s all were healthy no underlying medical conditions. Truth is as you point out you just don’t know. End of the day we all have choices, hopefully your voice at least gives another perspective and helps readers to make an informed decision. We just canceled our Oct/Nov trip this year and hope to go next year, but not until there is a vaccine. We wish you a speedy recovery.

Thank you for the kind words and for taking my message as it was intended. We’re all adults and can all make decisions. My thought was to help you make an informed decision if on the fence. I want this place to succeed. I want to go back, but the fun we had (briefly) isn’t worth what we’ve had to endure afterwards. I wish those that do go a safe and healthy happy time.
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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby Luvtravel » Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:47 am

Thank you for your comments. We hope you are feeling better by now. We were on the fence about our late October trip but have decided it is not worth the risk. We love Pearl and hope they will continue to stay open. We will wait to return until the pandemic is over.
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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby WellyFla2020 » Fri Aug 28, 2020 10:55 am

The comment “I pray this place can weather the storm”

Are they in jeopardy of closing? I realize it might be an off hand comment, or just a hope they really do come through ok, but were there rumors of there being difficulties?

I hope not.
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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby ksr » Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:41 pm

Great post and thank you. Hope you get better and put this behind you. We are set for a rescheduled Nov trip and remain on the fence. Posts like yours help us all make better informed decisions. :US
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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby SusanAndDavid » Sat Aug 29, 2020 3:14 pm

WellyFla2020 wrote:The comment “I pray this place can weather the storm”

Are they in jeopardy of closing? I realize it might be an off hand comment, or just a hope they really do come through ok, but were there rumors of there being difficulties?

I hope not.

I have no knowledge of the well being of the company. It was off the cuff and not meant to disparage. More from the point of view of if we got sick, it can happen to anyone. Now with experts talking about a 2nd infection in folks and no heard immunity, it gives us both great pause until there’s a hopeful vaccine (not a political jab at all). Having been thru this hell once I assure you I want no part of another round. We love this place and want us all to get thru this pandemic and come out stronger on the other side. That was it.
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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby Justskin » Tue Sep 01, 2020 12:52 am

S&D, thanks for taking the time to share this. It was very helpful for us.

We had really hoped to make our Sept 15th trip to DRM but will pass, we have looked at this whole virus thing pragmatically, but we don't want to end up with high fevers and positive tests in MX, it's simply too much of a pita (and potentially expensive) to justify the hassle.
We may or may not get this virus, but dealing with it in another country (especially in an up-close, intimate setting which may of us so much enjoy) seems foolish.
We hope you both experience a full recovery soon. Thanks for helping us make the decision with this.
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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby Desireswingers2112 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 6:48 am

Thank you Susan and David for that detailed review. So sorry the two of you went through that. Being sick on vacation is the worst. We've been there in the past (strep throat) and the only place we wanted to be was our own bed. So glad you are both better now.

We were on the fence but your review has led us to the decision to cancel our November trip indefinitely. With Covid now rampant in Mexico and U.S. travelers possibly bringing the virus into the resort, we would be stupid to go at this time. With my wife having asthma, we're not willing to subject her to the possibility of being one of the bad cases and there's no travel insurance that will cover it.

Like you, we will wait for a proven vaccine and immensely decreased cases before we travel anywhere outside Canada. The 'f**k it you only live once' attitude is simply reckless and, if anything, is probably causing more harm at the resort than good.

Recommending to social distance at a clothing optional/lifestyle resort goes against why we attend this place. Who wants that?

Thank you again for helping us make our decision.

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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby LuckySevens » Tue Sep 01, 2020 8:37 am

Hey there, I’d just like to toss out a thought, and not in an argumentative or combative way. If I’m reading this right you flew in on a Thursday and by Sunday you were feeling some symptoms, right? From everything I THINK I know about this virus, there’s no way you picked it up at the resort... even if you picked it up the moment you walked through the door, I don’t think you’d be symptomatic 2.5 days after that. Certainly not if you contracted it on Friday or Saturday. I’d say the odds are really good that you had it and didn’t know it by the time you got on the plane to head down there.

Not that it changes your overall message, but it’s worth noting. Anyhow, thanks for the post.
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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby SusanAndDavid » Tue Sep 01, 2020 8:55 am

MountLobos wrote:Hey there, I’d just like to toss out a thought, and not in an argumentative or combative way. If I’m reading this right you flew in on a Thursday and by Sunday you were feeling some symptoms, right? From everything I THINK I know about this virus, there’s no way you picked it up at the resort... even if you picked it up the moment you walked through the door, I don’t think you’d be symptomatic 2.5 days after that. Certainly not if you contracted it on Friday or Saturday. I’d say the odds are really good that you had it and didn’t know it by the time you got on the plane to head down there.

Not that it changes your overall message, but it’s worth noting. Anyhow, thanks for the post.

Yours is a good point. We did test on Tuesday prior to leaving and we had results in the hour and things were negative. Could we have gotten it after the test and prior to arrival? Sure. We’ve seen info we’re you start to show symptoms anywhere from 2-5 days after, so who knows? Sure wish we knew, as we don’t want to cast any pale light on Desire. Just tried to convey what we saw and experienced.
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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby Desireswingers2112 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:35 am

It's a great point but, no offense, missing part of the point at the same time. S and D may not have gotten the virus AT the resort, but could have unknowingly brought the virus INTO the resort while appearing to be asymptomatic. People need to realize that it's not just contracting the virus from Mexico, it's also contracting it from guests who bring it in. Even if they tested negative a couple days prior the virus could still be in the early stages in their systems. I've heard of a case where someone had three tests on consecutive days. The results? Negative; Negative; Positive. I'm not about to ignore any part of their detailed message. It's taken us from being on the fence to canceling our trip and feeling good about our decision. There's always next year or even the year after that.
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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby LuckySevens » Tue Sep 01, 2020 11:11 am

Desireswingers2112 wrote:It's a great point but, no offense, missing part of the point at the same time...

I mean, I did end my post by saying "...not that it changes your overall message...", soooooooo... :lol:
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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby Qaz12129 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 11:50 am

Thank you for a well thought out posting. Consider ourselves pragmatic risk takers. We had originally pushed our July trip to October, and have just pushed October to 2021 - she is prone to asthma so the risk/reward for us just wasn't there. Hope everyone stays safe, healthy, and reasonably sane!
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Re: Aug 6-14, 2020 Trip / Covid report

Postby Justskin » Tue Sep 01, 2020 12:38 pm

Desireswingers2112 wrote:.. I'm not about to ignore any part of their detailed message. It's taken us from being on the fence to canceling our trip and feeling good about our decision. There's always next year or even the year after that.

Agreed's an aggravating decision, we love our Desire and life is short; but we feel it's the right one.
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