July 30 - Aug 3 2021: NewProcesses, SecretMeetings, StillFun

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July 30 - Aug 3 2021: NewProcesses, SecretMeetings, StillFun

Postby tj71903 » Tue Aug 03, 2021 7:01 am

It's only been a few weeks, but with real life kicking into high gear of late, the last three plus weeks felt like a much, much more. And so here we were, back at Pearl for whatever trip number this is.

It was just a down and back type of booking with a late Friday arrival and early Tuesday departure, and after doing it that way we're pretty sure that four nights and three days isn't enough time for more than a taste. Still, it's better than nothing. Especially given the promotions we booked on this trip.

For some context, the morning we left was the start of the Dirty Vibes event/takeover that will run for however long and we were also there for the resort's start of "Sexy, Young, and Wild" too. Those events looked to be a lot of fun, but without any first hand knowledge or experience, it's hard to do more than look at the events and think to ourselves..."maybe in the future if the schedules work out".

Preamble aside, here's the latest tweaks, changes, and thoughts from Pearl.


Arrived in Cancun via Delta around 6:25 local time on Friday evening. Again we booked the arrival service and were pleased with the result. The customs hall was once again full with the rat mazes all filled to capacity and the lines starting just outside of the down escalators from the gates. The line for arriving Mexican citizens was also full.

No matter, we were met at the gate and wisked into the hall and around the maze to the customs agent, bypassing everything. Through the passport station and then to the curb to meet USA Transport. Elapsed time from stepping off the airplane to meeting the USA representative...14 minutes. Everything is running smoothly...

And then USA drops the ball. For the fourth consecutive trip. Even after calling ahead. Even after messaging. Even after confirming that, yes, we will be through customs inside of 20 minutes tops and we're not checking a bag...the car and driver aren't there. Again. But if we will just sit here in the sweltering heat of the arrival pavilion, they will "go find out where he is". Eventually the driver arrives and we're off to the resort.

Trip is unremarkable, but driver is friendly and I don't blame him. It's the logistics/dispatch team that is failing here. I get there's a chance of delay and variables that could cause issues at any airport. And once isn't a big deal. Twice? Ok, but things happen. Three times? Really? Four times? This is who you are. Honestly, I'm displeased on two levels. First, you're taking our time which is budgeted precisely and, two, now you're devaluing the investment into that time as you're neutralizing the fast arrival service.

I note that booking through AMEX's concierge has never resulted in a delay in the transport potion of the service, but it is what it is. No point to incur further outlay by not taking advantage of something that's included in the trip. Though I do anticipate bringing it up during the next chat with the managerial team.

Moving on.


Check in on Friday night was a breeze. We stayed in Room 1090 this time and were pleased with the accommodation. It's a swim-up suite within the Mansion located on the ground floor. People has asked on trips and through the forums if we "love" the Mansion and the answer is "it depends". It's very nice as the room is has marble floors, a big bed, and a huge bathroom. Just as you see on the website. I did like the ground floor more than I thought I would for a few reasons:

1. The convenience of not needing to climb stairs is useful and noticeable. I don't wear the heels in the relationship but I am told this is a nice contrast to the Penthouse or other rooms which require some climbing.

2. I prefer the swing outside the room to the hot tub. I spent each morning on there swaying to the sounds of the resort in the early mornings while typing up stuff for work. Also, the swing can be a useful tool should you wish to try your luck at more rigorous pursuits around 1:30 in the morning.

3. The downside is that if you are not participating in said overnight activities in and around the pool you could find yourself quite aware of them thanks to the acoustics of the courtyard. So, mixed bag depending on your circumstance.


Yes, the pier is being replaces and erected. According to the consensus (asking staff on various teams at all levels) the project is expected to take around 90 days. Or was until the machine used to drive the posts into the seabed broke. The replacement/repair of said contraption will dictate how backed up that timeline will become, but it is worth noting the developments.

The seaweed was still very much a factor in both fragrance and amount washing up on the shore. It's there. It's prevalent. It's getting better, however. On our last day as the wind and breeze was blowing you could see several spots in the water that were beginning to clear a bit.

For those with OCD, I noticed they painted the disco in the last 30 days - fresh coat on the wall and they painted the A/C units to match the wall. I don't know why that's important, but I was SURE something was bothering me when I walked in there and it took a bit to figure out what was different.

As for the staff, most have gotten at least their first shot and are awaiting their second. I can't speak for them but I do hope that at some point they can take off the masks accordingly. Was notable that several staffers were flying to the states for their shots to places like San Francisco and Miami.

Regarding staffing changes, the butler's roster now includes Manuel who is terrific. He's very attentive and was just added when we left in early July. Now, a month later, he's settling in and seems to be doing well. He, like Hector and Carlos, and Michelle, form a very good and responsive team that makes your life easier. With such a short trip there wasn't much to plan or do outside of a few dinners and a last minute spa service for her, but we also know if we needed/wanted something there's no encumbrance when they are around.


For all the positives, this was worse than the USA Transport issues. The resort has changed providers and procedures with this. And, frankly, it was below standard.

You are now required to schedule your test via a QR code. Fine. The scheduling process wasn't difficult and was actually pretty seamless. Once you register you are sent a confirmation code and number which is how they will index your test results. The difference here is that at check-in it used to be the concierge/butler staff would schedule your test. No problems, but different.

We scheduled for 9 AM on the day before we left without issue. The location of the tests is now in an administrative office outside of the gym in the spa building instead of being in room 33.

Fast forward to the test day and we are there at 8:55 AM. At 9:10 we ask if we are in the right place at the spa reception desk. We're told the technicians are "at lunch". They eventually arrive and neither speak much English. Not their fault as I speak very little (and broken) Spanish. Wife is somewhat more fluent. Anyway, we eventually pull out my phone and use a translator app. Communication issues solved, we're asked for either payment or the voucher before they will test us. This makes sense. The problem is nobody at the resort's front desk at check in or since has mentioned anything about this voucher during our stay. And when I go up to the desk for clarification it turns out the provider calls it a voucher. The front desk refers to it as a coupon. Said confusion in terms causes additional delay.

Once solved we go to the room and they break out some swabs that are MUCH more substantial than the prior company's. Much more. Thankfully the attending tech doesn't attempt to impale us with this sword of cotton, just some friendly (cursory?) swabs. Praise be to your holy entity of choice.

Following the swab, you are no longer told your results on the spot. You have to wait 2-3 hours ("minimum") and the results will be emailed to you. We figured ours would be negative as (1) We've already been vaccinated and (2) We've traveled extensively over the last year pre and post shots without issue and (3) Per CDC guidelines we have given up licking handrails and sacrifice the appropriate number of virgins as we can find them. Also, since it's Desire I'm pretty sure you can do whatever sort of naked ritualistic dance you choose to ward it off.

Anyway, results showed up early afternoon and were negative. They were sent over to the butler and front desk emails and then uploaded to Delta. Not overly difficult, just time consuming compared to the prior process. It appears the change has been made very recently (and certainly since July 6), and maybe they are getting the kinks out. Hopefully that process smooths out before next month.



Didn't notice much in the way of differentiation from day to day. Just the playmakers wearing the logo and there being a lot of flags and flyers around. Nothing much in the way of special events other than a change in ambiance. But, again, it was early and the takeover was coming in so really there wasn't a lot of time. I felt more Plain Old and Tired personally, but that's probably due to lack of sleep.

Wife got a shirt out of it the experience, so win-win?

Dirty Vibes looked like fun. The week's itinerary looked to be something we'd be interested in attending in the future. Met some of the organizers who came in early and discussed some of the things that'd be going on. Sounds like they take care of pretty much everything an the resort staff is relegated to secondary assignments.

Maybe next year.


- First night we were here wife was reunited with her ring that was lost two months ago. Turns out it was found by Wally on the beach during the volleyball match. He was off on Friday, but heard we were coming in and made a special trip over on his night off to bring it back. Again, I cannot say enough about the staff at Desire. They are amazing and made the lady extraordinarily happy with their diligence and kindness.

- We did the bondage massage again though we've learned to tweak it. 75 percent deep tissue/relaxing and then 25 percent of the other stuff. At least for me. Not sure of the wife's percentages but the audio definitely ramps up in the latter half. Once again the team of Elodia and Itza are the go-to's. Highly, highly recommend that team for other couples. On the last day Elodia also did a deep-tissue for the lady and it was well received.

- On Saturday we were approached about doing a special dinner in the disco. It sounded an awful lot like the Champagne dinner but with a twist. This time in addition to the wine tasting and dinner, you were to be paired with up to four other couples who would get the wine tasting, the dinner, and some sort of show with the strippers. Basically a mashup of several of the fantasy menu experiences we've experienced in the past. Sounds like fun.

Sadly, around dinner time we are told the other two couples canceled and it was just us. Also the stripper was a no-go. No matter, we did the wine tasting with Miguel and spent 70 minutes with him. If you like being around knowledgable people who clearly love what they do for a living, then you should take the time to do the wine tasting with him. He's passionate about his wine and knows the backstory of them all. He also can explain how to taste, the composition, the history of the drink itself, etc. It's a fascinating time and a nice change of pace. Following the wine tasting we pair up the dinner. Since the other couples bailed, we asked that the positions be sliced down tremendously. No point to waste. Dinner was a lobster tail and bacon wrapped filet (down from a whole lobster and tomahawk). Following the food the wife tripped, fell into a bathtub (during this fall her clothes appeared to to fall off) where she proceeded to spill five or six bottles of champagne over herself while dancing to the music provided by the suddenly attentive and present DJ. There were also lights, smoke, etc. So, basically, dessert wasn't the traditional fare.

- On the last night we were invited to an event the owners of the resort(s) put on for the staff in which they conduct an iron chef style competition between the chefs from Temptation, Pearl, and RM. We met in an undisclosed location and were treated to the best each resort had to offer in a food truck type atmosphere (each truck was from the resort and each produced a street food style dish in 20 minutes). They also had the top mixologists from the resorts there who were coming up with cocktails that were as delicious as they were unique/unconventional (balsamic reduction mixed with strawberries and vodka...sounds odd, tastes amazing). During the evening we were able to meet the ownership family, the general managers, the company executives (CEO, CFO, resort GMs, etc) and we learned a lot about the company, the future plans (expansion, renovation plans, new locations, opening dates), etc. It really is a well run, and tightly controlled entity, and one in which you can really understand why the staff is as loyal as they are. The highlight of the night was the entertainment arranged as there were dance routines, live band, and an act that repelled off a building with fire sticks and such. Really, a great way to end the trip.

- On the last morning USA Travel stepped it up. They arrived 15 minute prior to departure and had us at the airport well before our appointed time. Driver was - as always - courteous and safe. Once the logistics were worked out, the service was back to the standard you'd expect.

All in all, another fun trip and we'll see everyone back for Labor Day.
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Re: July 30 - Aug 3 2021: NewProcesses, SecretMeetings, Stil

Postby u4ea » Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:21 am

Great trip report! Thanks!
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Re: July 30 - Aug 3 2021: NewProcesses, SecretMeetings, Stil

Postby ivan256 » Fri Aug 06, 2021 7:19 pm

Would you mind sharing details of the "arrival service"? That sounds great!
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Re: July 30 - Aug 3 2021: NewProcesses, SecretMeetings, Stil

Postby CokeMann » Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:42 pm

ivan256 wrote:Would you mind sharing details of the "arrival service"? That sounds great!

This was already posted earlier see the link
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Re: July 30 - Aug 3 2021: NewProcesses, SecretMeetings, Stil

Postby Cheers2US » Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:53 am

Great review!

We were at DRM Jul 26-30 then Temptation Jul 30 - Aug 4. While at Temptation, we barely saw JJ, the lead playmaker. He told us he had been at Desire for a street-food showdown, which you mentioned. Sounded like it was a blast and I wish I could have experienced that.

As far as your transportation issues, I know you're loyal to USA Transfers, but have you considered other companies? We've used USA also but we've also had good success with Canada Transfers. On our most recent visit, we used a newer company called Sarmez. They were quite good, always on time (we used them for 3 routes) and had good communication.
A mix of nervousness + excitement
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Re: July 30 - Aug 3 2021: NewProcesses, SecretMeetings, Stil

Postby tj71903 » Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:59 am

Cheers2US wrote:Great review!

We were at DRM Jul 26-30 then Temptation Jul 30 - Aug 4. While at Temptation, we barely saw JJ, the lead playmaker. He told us he had been at Desire for a street-food showdown, which you mentioned. Sounded like it was a blast and I wish I could have experienced that.

As far as your transportation issues, I know you're loyal to USA Transfers, but have you considered other companies? We've used USA also but we've also had good success with Canada Transfers. On our most recent visit, we used a newer company called Sarmez. They were quite good, always on time (we used them for 3 routes) and had good communication.

Yes we’ve used Luxe Transport in the past. Never an issue there. But with USA being included in the membership it makes sense to use them even with the headaches. We go back in a few weeks and will see what’s what. Have mentioned the logistical challenges at various levels of the organizational structure. We will see if it persists.
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