Trip Report First Timers, May 5 to May 12, 2022

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Trip Report First Timers, May 5 to May 12, 2022

Postby sdwicked82 » Wed Jun 15, 2022 12:47 pm

The First Time

We are a late 30's/early 40's couple married for almost 20 years with 4 kids. We love to have a good time together but are not LS. Some trepidation going to a resort like this, but reading through the forums gave us the comfort that everyone is respectful and whatever you want is what you are going to get.

Theme nights are a blast. We did our best to dress up and it was incredible. The pre-show music and dancing was super fun. The performances were high quality, especially the night with the swinging from the ceiling. The dance floor clears out sooner than we would have liked, but we enjoyed just dancing away to our hearts content. The missus dove into theme nights with sexy in mind. Her self-awareness of what she was wearing was quickly stripped away after seeing another woman dancing completely nude in the pre-show dance party. Great stuff right there. It was encouraging to see so many people take dressing up for the theme nights seriously.

Food was good. We come from an area where great food is easy to get, so we are admittedly hard to please. Not excited by the food, but it was good. Drinks were serviceable and the bartenders are great. When we come back we will do what others do and bring yeti mugs or something similar. Definitely a hack to remember.

We did not add any extra services. No photos or massages, so we have nothing to add there. We should take advantage of the spa on our next trip.

We were able to get pool chairs even though it was quite busy. Most people hung out on the bar side of the pool. We typically stayed on the quieter side.

The jacuzzi when it was quiet was our preference. We did make very fun use of the jacuzzi beds on our first night. Broke the seal on our first night at Pearl with some great sex out in the open. Since we arrived late we weren't ready to head to the show and found it a perfect time to enjoy the jacuzzi beds with just a few other couples around. The beach beds at night are also a great time and we made good use of those as well.

We went out on the booze cruise. The quality of the other couples who go would seem to make all the difference in the world on the experience of the trip. Seems like it could be great if the right people were there. However, we would not do it again. We also paid for a driver for a day to take us down to the Tulum Mayan ruins and the Casa Tortuga Cenote. Definitely worth it.

Sea grass. Sea grass sucks. We came into this knowing it would be an issue, but holy crap it is worse than you can imagine when you have never experienced it. Our return trips will definitely navigate around sea grass season. You can't really get in the water and enjoy it, nor could we walk along the beach the smell is so bad.

We were definitely more of an aloof couple. Did not spend a lot of time interacting with others. What we wanted to take advantage of was the ability to just enjoy each other and enjoy the sexy environment where anything goes. From that standpoint it was a massively successful trip. Also, it was nice to be away from the standard beach community we are accustomed too. Seeing lots of normal people just having a good time dressing sexy, being naked and being themselves is great.

Service and staff were as good as advertised. The staff and the playmakers do a fantastic job.

We will be back.
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Joined: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:22 pm
We are from: USA
We arrive on: 05 May 2022

Re: Trip Report First Timers, May 5 to May 12, 2022

Postby divenhike2002 » Fri Jun 17, 2022 3:05 pm

Great trip report!!!
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Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:38 pm
Location: SE USA
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Will be at: Desire Pearl
We arrive on: 0- 6-2121

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