Evolution of a Lifestyle Couple and Advice for Newbies

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Evolution of a Lifestyle Couple and Advice for Newbies

Postby sixmonkeyes » Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:14 pm


This trip report was originally posted almost 18 months ago. It got partially erased when this site was relaunched last fall. We have had requests to repost it. So we have done so here.

BTW...Weve been back to Desire 3 times since posting this, including a recent trip to Pearl in March 2013. We stopped writing trip reports after our first four trips. We figured nobody really wants to hear the wild stories of two excited fun crazy swingers at a place where everybody is naked, sexy and horny...right??
Hmmm... maybe we should write a book... :wink:

Evolution of a Lifestyle Couple

Alright, call us addicted. Call us sick. Call us obsessed. We cant deny it!
Thats right, we just got back from out fourth trip to Desire... in less than a year! December, March, August, and then December again. This time it was four wild and erotic nights from December 12-16, and people, twelve months ago we were scared timid total newbies who had never been naked in public. We were virgins when we were married 20 years ago and had never had sex with anybody but each other... let alone where other people could see us. Even “vanilla” has too much flavor to correctly describe us. Now, we cannot deny it, we are doing things that we told each other we would never even want to try. We are excited, adventurous, open-minded, experienced swingers and we are hooked!
One fun topic of conversation anytime we are meeting a new couple in the lifestyle is...”How did you get started?” For us, the answer is simple... “Desire!” If you want to see the effect that this amazing place can have on your life we invite you to look back trough this forum’s trip reports and read the recap we offered after each and every trip. We giggle now when we re-read the first ones. Like a diary of our thoughts, this forum has generously been a great outlet to tell the stories we can’t tell your friends back home. We think you will see a transformation.
This trip was even more amazing than the previous three... we didn't think it was possible, but oh yes, it is! For those concerned abut their “second home”, the resort is in great shape. We were prepared to see some rebuilding from the fall’s hurricane season, but no damage or related repairs were anywhere. All of our favorite familiar staff members are still waiting and eager to please... Memo, Arcos, Sylvia and the beautiful Diana just to name a few. The resort is still the same just as we remembered it... Naked bodies at the pool, wild jacuzzi afternoons, the absolute friendliest people you will ever meet in your life, a no-pressure attitude, a rocking disco, some amazing outfits, oh yes, and some of the most intense exciting sexual experiences of our life!!... so far, that is! The only thing that ever changes are the faces of the kindest most genuine people you will ever meet. The playful and flirty atmosphere allows you to relax and explore in ways you never thought you would be comfortable.
Twelve months ago, we thought of this lifestyle (from what very limited knowledge that we had of it) as interesting and exciting but not for us. We absolutely believed that we would never want to experiment with anyone but each other. The idea of experiencing such intimacy with others was just too wild for us and we were very resistant to even the idea of associating with swingers. The perfect thing about Desire is that we were exposed to all the spectrum of the lifestyle slowly and at our own pace. That is what teased us in. After returning home from Desire after our third trip we began to open our minds to the fun and casual atmosphere that the lifestyle provides and experimented just enough to realize that heading into our most recent, fourth trip, we were open to try some new things. Did we ever!!
A smile is a powerful tool at Desire. Everyone is there to meet people and if you are just open enough to be friendly, outgoing and unafraid, you might find yourself kissing dozens of people a day...we did. You might find yourself touching and being touched in a casual playful way without embarrassment or jealousy...we did. You might find yourself grinding your body against new friends and perfect strangers on the dance floor...we did. You might find yourself showering with friends...we did. You might find yourself slipping out of a new friend's room, and back to your own carrying your clothes and clutching a towel around yourself with your hair all messed up and a satisfied blurry look on your face at 3:00 a.m.... we did (several times). You might even find yourself making honest friends who you look forward to keeping in contact with and even meeting up with again after you go back home... we did...we have!
We often ask ourselves, “How did this happen to us? Was there some singular event that caused our eyes to open and our attitude to change about swinging? But we know the answer. We know what happened to us...Desire! One of the great enjoyments of this resort is the true fact that there is absolutely no pressure here. Because we made three trips to Desire and were never uncomfortable with our slow pace and progression, we kept coming back for more always just enjoying that same sexy atmosphere. The total acceptance of each persons boundaries is a pillar of this lifestyle and we have learned how respectful everyone is who participates in it is.
If you are thinking that you might want to try Desire just to see what its all about but are nervous and scared please allow us to comfort you. We were there too. Not long ago. If we could go back and give advice to the timid, private people we were back then, we would offer these ideas that we have come to understand and adopt.
Be open. Everybody else will be. Our first trip we really pretty much hid in the corner. Watching was very fun, but participating in the conversation is even better. Don't be afraid to tell people about your limits and fear. They will totally understand. We have all been there.
Be friendly. Talking to such unique people and getting to know their unusual erotic lifestyle (which they are all completely happy and excited to tell you about) does not suggest an invitation that you want to play with them. These are mature sensible people (for the most part). No one will attack you...unless you invite them too!
Get naked at your own pace. You will find that your clothes will come off not because you are pressured but because it just helps you fit in. Your body will get more attention with a bathing suit on than it will naked in this place. Its just skin...everybody’s got it.
Don't drink too much. Not only because nobody like a sloppy drunk, but because you don't want to fall asleep after dinner and miss the amazing action that happens every night!
Talk to each other. You might learn things about what each other really fantasizes about and maybe about things you didn't realize even you really might like to try. I know that is hard to believe. We would have never believed it either, but its true. After all, its just sex. Sex is fun. Don't over dramatize it.
This past year has been one of the best of our lives. We now actually visit clubs in our area and have even joined a couples/ swingers meeting site (one more thing we swore we would never want to do). When we meet new people in the lifestyle, Desire is our first and favorite topic of conversation. We should earn commission from Desire for the way we rave about it and encourage people to go. We can’t wait to get back. We've booked our next trip and are anxiously counting down the days until the end of March and we've already booked August too!! We are Desire junkies. That is how amazing this place is. Don't miss it. Take a chance.
Last edited by sixmonkeyes on Sun May 05, 2013 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby johnjeri417 » Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:27 am

very well said!! one of the best reads here....may 2012 desire cabos cant come fast enough!
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Postby daytonswing » Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:57 am

What a great endorsement! I'm so glad it's gone well for you. We can't wait to go next fall!
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Postby Ustwo99 » Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:20 pm

Great report for us newbies! Thanks for your honesty.
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Postby bmw » Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:59 pm

Awesome report for people new to this scene. The story of your evolution into this world is fascinating. We are going to Desire in April for the first time. You just described us when you talk about your mind set prior to going to Desire. Last year at this time this type of trip wasn't even on the radar screen nor did we ever think it would be. Now it is and I can't even tell you how we got to this point but both of us are very excited about it. Who knows what this experience will bring but one thing seems certain, it will be an experience!!
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Postby werfun » Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:26 pm

A great trip report. You honestly tell about your change from being the type of couple that thought lifestyle couples as being wierd oddballs to becoming one of them. All because of trips to Desire where the sexy, erotic feeling just seem to sneak into your being. We love Desire Cabo and are happy that it is changing back from Tempetations, we can't wait to book our fifth trip there. The wife gets a little wilder each trip, in fact the ET almost banned her from the theme nights the last trip because of her actions.
We have never been to Desire Cancun for several reasons
1. Where we live its an extra days travel each way and we would perfere to spend those days at Desire
2. Husband is the type of person that if there is a bug in the area he will bitten.And with Cancun almost in the jungle the are sure to be bugs.
After four trips to Cabo the staff knows us and its nice when they call you by name as they greet you at the door. You can see all the other people on the shuttle look at you woundering who you really are because the staff knows you.
Our only complant bout Desire is that it ruins you for any other Resort. :D
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Postby chonobob » Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:28 pm

Excellent report! You sound like us about 12 years ago. We'll be making our 10th trip to Desire in July and have enjoyed every previous trip immensely.
Always remember, it's only kinky the first time :wink:
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Postby Johnny60 » Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:05 am

Great report and insight..

We are making our first trip in April and can't wait..

Re: Evolution of a Lifestyle Couple and Advice for Newbies

Postby sixmonkeyes » Sun May 05, 2013 1:30 pm

Reposted, May 2013
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Re: Evolution of a Lifestyle Couple and Advice for Newbies

Postby hisamericangeisha » Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:48 pm

This has been the best read yet on the newbie LS subject. Thanks for sharing!
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Re: Evolution of a Lifestyle Couple and Advice for Newbies

Postby Honeybucketman » Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:14 am

The trip report most certainly sounds like what we thought and felt before we booked our 1st trip to Desire in Oct,15. Thanks for sharing you're story going from Not A Chance In The World... To Experiencing All The Lifestyle Has To Offer!!!
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Re: Evolution of a Lifestyle Couple and Advice for Newbies

Postby sixmonkeyes » Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:42 am

We are glad that people are still enjoying our advice for newbies regarding how Desire can change your life. It definitely has changed ours.

As we have said so many times, this forum was instrumental in convincing us to try Desire on that first trip. Without it and the kind generous people we met in those first trips we probably never would have taken the chance to be exposed to this amazing lifestyle and would have missed out on so much of the joys we have found. We have always written trip reports to "pay it forward" to people who might be in the same position in the hopes that we can do for them what others did for us.

In that spirit, we offer this suggestion for the unsure, skeptical or nervously curious...

About a year ago, with the same ambition, we began to record our experiences on this adventure and publish them as a podcast called Swinger Diaires. There we answer all the most common questions that people have about swinging. If you want more info about Desire and how it can change your life, look up our podcast on iTunes or Stitcher or use this link https://swingerdiaries.wordpress.com and specifically listen to Episode 10 called "Isn't swinging really just cheating?" On it we tell our origin story and specifically, how Desire changed our lives.

We are proud to give back to a lifestyle that had been so awesome to us!

-Happy travels
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Re: Evolution of a Lifestyle Couple and Advice for Newbies

Postby Newtothis8166 » Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:35 pm

Thank you for your efforts and we enjoy your podcast.
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Re: Evolution of a Lifestyle Couple and Advice for Newbies

Postby STL-MO-CPL » Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:52 pm

You guys have a top notch podcast. The production quality is professional level and each episode is on topic without unnecessary rambling. Keep up the good work, I've listed to every single episode.
Hedo 6/11 11/13 7/23
DP 3/16 3/17 7/18 7/21 6/22 8/22
DRM 11/21
TGM 8/23
TTR 6/24
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Re: Evolution of a Lifestyle Couple and Advice for Newbies

Postby sixmonkeyes » Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:35 pm

Thank you so much for your generous compliments. We are so flattered that you like the show. If it weren't for the Desire Forums and the kind people on this site who showed us the way, we would have never found Desire. We are humbled to be able to pay it forward.
Listen to our Swinger Diaries Podcast where we recount how Desire and this forum changed our lives
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