Potential first timers - PLEASE HELP

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Potential first timers - PLEASE HELP

Postby studlyMC » Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:39 am

Hi everyone!
I've been a lurker on this forum and have been reading everything about the 2 desire resorts that I can. I'm very interested in visiting, but I got some specific concerns from my wife. Not having ever been to desire, I'm not able to confirm or refute what she's saying...I'm hope some of you can chime in!

The situation: we are both in our early 30s. We're both attractive (tall, thin, but not bodybuilders or anything). We are not swingers and don't want to be. We HAVE been to "Couples" resorts in Jamaica, so we've done the au natural thing, but in a much less sexual atmosphere. I'm very interested in Desire because I'd love to spend a week in a place with a really sexually charged atmosphere that revs up our engines all day long, then leads twosome great sex between the two of us!

The concerns:
First, she's concerned that she's going to be overly ogled, which makes her a little uncomfortable. At Couples we were among the youngest there, and I looked at the age poll on this forum (looks like ~45 is the average age). We don't care what other people look like, and don't mind hanging out with older people, but would a 32 y.o. woman get an "uncomfortable" amount of attention? Do we need to wait until we are older to go? We'd prefer to just blend in with everyone else.
Second, she's worried about what the people and place are like. To be honest, I've enjoyed pretty much everyone I've ever met naked. My wife is definitely NOT a stuck up kind of person, however, she has a (what I think is unfounded) fear that more sexual resorts like desire are "trashy", or that the people are gross, uncivilized, and pushy. To be fair, she hasn't read this forum like I have, because everyone I've seen on here seems really nice. I think this is just a prejudice that comes from the media. Furthermore, I told her that the price of a week at desire is high enough that I didn't think "trashy" people would be able to afford it. Can you guys tell me what the people are like? What sort of walks of life do people come from? Would we make friends?

I really appreciate any color you guys can give, since I think it would be an awesome trip. THANK YOU!!!

TL;DR - wife is worried about being youngest person at desire and being ogled, and that she won't like the people there.
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Re: Potential first timers - PLEASE HELP

Postby mfay » Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:07 pm

If you have been reading all you can about Desire resorts then you probably already really know the answers to both your concerns.
Age is really not a consideration as to how anyone is treated. The act of removing your clothes at Desire is not about sending an invitation to
anyone else, instead it is all about dropping your own barriers. Putting aside your insecurities and pretenses and saying to yourself- I am free to
be me ! So "overly ogled" isn't something anyone has to worry about no matter how they look. You will be seen and looked at of course just as you would if you were clothed, but anything more than that depends entirely on what you want, what you invite or seek out.
As for the kind of people you will see at Desire, well in general naked people- and especially the people you'll meet at Desire- are friendly, open,
non judgemental, and anything but pushy in any way. Once you've tried it you'll laugh at all those silly fears you had !
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Re: Potential first timers - PLEASE HELP

Postby CokeMann » Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:21 pm

I'll second what mfay mentioned - however to be fair to your wife/SO please have her get on the forum and post her concerns directly here, there are lots of ladies on here that would be glad to answer her directly - in other words get her involved in the "going to" process, you will be glad you did !!!!
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Re: Potential first timers - PLEASE HELP

Postby tpearson65 » Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:21 pm

I'll also second what Mfay said as well as Coke!! My wife and I first went to Desire Riviera Maya in '06. She was 24 at the time (by far, the youngest guest there). Then, we spent our honeymoon there in '08. We were at Pearl during it's opening week. We had never been to a clothing optional resort prior to our trip in '06. Only a local nudist community a couple of times. AND, we had not read any forums. Only the website and a Yahoo group that we had the benefit of joining. We "thought" we knew what to expect, but it turned out to be sooooo much more! 1. Very classy and well kept resort 2. Some of the friendliest people on the planet (we have countless friends that we stay in contact with that we've met at Desire) 3. Swinger or non-swinger doesn't matter. (the co-existence of the two at Desire is transparent) 4. You can read all that you can put your eyes on, but fact of the matter is, you don't really understand the concept until you get there. I sincerely hope you DO get your wife to read some of what you have been seeing so that she has an "idea" of what to expect. I promise you, it will be so much better than you imagine!! We have our 13th and 14th trips booked to go in March and May. There's a reason people make repetitive trips to Desire. True, the grounds/food/staff/rooms are great. But it's the PEOPLE that make the resort what it is. If you or your wife would like to ask us anything specific, you are more than welcomed to email or pm us. We will do our best to answer your question(s)
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Re: Potential first timers - PLEASE HELP

Postby travelfun » Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:17 pm

We were 24 when we first went to desire RM and the female half of the relationship is smoking hot! We only booked 2 nights because of the age concern among others. We were extremely sad to leave and go to a normal resort that just seemed kinda boring in comparison. We quickly booked another trip the next year and stayed much longer. The age thing was NEVER a problem. It was never really even a concern anymore after the first day. We were never made to feel awkward or uncomfortable.

We are now both 28 have gone to desire 3 times in the last 4 years.
Each trip, there is at least a handful of couples in their thirties. We recently posted a trip report looking back on our first trip:

Hope you end up going! Feel free to ask us any questions. We are open to sharing our experience.
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Re: Potential first timers - PLEASE HELP

Postby Big D » Sun May 24, 2015 9:27 am

Very good information. I like reading this. It helps us as a couple in our decision to go.
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