Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

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Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby Cymbelmoon » Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:20 pm

Hello everybody,

This will be a recap/review of our stay at Desire Pearl from April 10th to April 14th 2015.

Let me start by thanking everyone on this forum for the heaps of useful info I’ve gathered these last few months about both DRM and DP. You guys really helped choosing a resort and easing into things much quicker once we were there. Furthermore, reading all these posts has been a lot of fun, so thanks again, my turn to contribute. This will be quite long, not too boring I hope. If you need a quick summary, here it is: we loved our stay, met wonderful people, will go again.

Ok, first a bit about us. We’re both French, we are Desire newbies, we have been to C/O resorts before, but not recently. We’re not full-on swingers but have experimented a bit over the years and were going with an open mind but no fixed objective except « having a great time together, sunbathe naked, possibly drink a few cocktails». We usually keep mostly to ourselves when on vacation, but this time we didn’t. Why? Well, I’d read that DP customers were really nice and outgoing and I must say it was an understatement. The people we met were awesome and friendly.

Now, on to the recap/review.

We arrived late on the 10th (at about 8pm) after an 11 hours flight and a quick drive from the airport (using USA transfers, very efficient, thanks again everybody who recommanded them), and were greeted with a cocktail of our choice and cold towels. Nice. We had made the online pre check-in and required a room in a quiet area. We were given room 69 which was a good number to start a sexy vacation. The bell boy then promptly took us to our room and explained everything on the way. The room itself was very nice and comfy, big enough and exactly where we wanted to be, not far from the quiet end of the pool. The king size mattress was firm, which was a good surprise for us, as we usually find the mattresses in all-inclusive resorts much too soft and sea-sickness inducing when used for sex. The other mattresses we tried during our stay (but more on that later, he wrote, trying to keep the readers interested…) were firm enough as well, so I guess ours was not the exception.
A shower and a change later we were ready for our first night but not hungry so we decided to hit the lobby bar… There were quite a few people in various states of undress and costumes, dancing to the evening’s band and looking quite happy. I went to the bar with my better half who immediately disappeared as I was ordering. Bathroom break, I guessed. Nope. A few minutes later she reappeared with a big smile and said « sorry, I was asked for a dance by that guy over there, the one with the angel wings ». Ok, that started quick. We chatted a bit with him and his gf, already feeling included, were given some glow sticks, also met M&J whom we had previously talked to on the Yahoo group and it was time for the show and disco.
We thought the shows were really good during our stay, sexy, classy and never too long (30 minutes max). As for the disco itself we never stayed long, but it seemed ok and people would stay a bit and dance. We went and peeked inside the playroom on our last night: the place was empty, it looked clean and comfy, except for the padded floor which was full of holes due to high heels. That doesn’t look very good and maybe another option should be considered?
After leaving the disco, we decided to take a stroll around the resort and our steps took us (randomly, of course) to the jacuzzi. It is a very clean-looking and inviting place, so off went the clothes, and in the (very) hot water we went. It was not crowded at that moment (the disco was still going on) and pretty quiet. Couples were having sex on the beds and after a while we noticed that a free bed was beckoning us. Being very polite, we dared not decline the invitation and things quickly escalated from there… Having sex on that (quite firm, that’s « other mattress #1 », btw ) bed with people around us was really exciting and an excellent way to end our first night at Pearl. When we left, there were people everywhere and a lot of action going on on the beds and in the water. Hot!

Back to the room we went for a jetlagged sleep session, noticing on the way that the keycard back bears a sex position sketch: #22 New Amazon... Intriguing, must try, never knew there was a new one.

(to be continued...)
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Re: Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby David Donna » Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:26 pm

please, do continue....
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Re: Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby Travelcouple89 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:17 pm

Great start...but please don't leave us hanging for to long! :wink:
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Re: Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby Cymbelmoon » Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:43 am

Hi everyone! Here's day 2 of our recap/review. Hope you'll enjoy that!

Next morning we woke pretty early and went for a walk around the resort to get our bearings. The resort is in fact pretty small and easy to navigate. We met the pool/beach concierge and asked him if he could set us up on the beach and then went to Aphrodite for breakfast. The breakfast buffet is nice, fresh and varied, the food is very good and you can also order omelettes and such from the waiters. As we were early the place was almost deserted, but we were soon joined by a lovely couple from Sweden, who had arrived the previous day as well and suffered from the same time difference.

After breakfast we found that we’d been assigned a beach bed and soon we were naked and reading, dozing off to the sounds of the sea, and witnessing the hard work of the beach guys who slave tirelessly to rid the beach of seaweed and make it as beautiful as possible.
As an aside we were really impressed by the staff at this resort: hard-working, polite, always smiling, discreet but always available for anything you might need help with. They were also always appreciative of any tip given, but the service didn’t seem different whether you tipped or not.

Before lunch we ran into M&J again who invited us to have dinner that night with another couple they’d met. Did I mention people at this resort are really awesome?

We had lunch at the Aphrodite, and tested the buffet: again, tasty fresh food, good variety, and of course you can also order stuff from the menu, with quick service. We then went back to the beach to nap in the sun and wait for the foam party.
The foam party was loads of fun after a rocky start. It seems that the foam making machine was being difficult and there were quite a few false starts, but after a while there was quite a lot of foam in the pool. Jello shots were being handed around (had never had any of those before, didn’t think much of them after the initial « cool, jello shots!» reaction) and girls from the animation team were dancing around and squeezing more shots into mouths or on my lady’s chest, for me to drink from. After a while a raft floated by and I was yanked aboard by R&D who were laughing their heads off in the foam. My sweet lady quickly joined us, hands got lost in the foam and much slippery fun was had by all…

I’ve read that the foam can get a bit claustrophobic after some time, and I agree. After an hour or so, we had had enough, couldn’t breathe right. Also I got some foam in the eyes and spent the rest of the afternoon and a good part of the evening with red eyes and a runny nose (sexy me!). It was probably just me having some sort of strange allergic reaction, but be careful, just in case.

Soon after we joined R&D in the jacuzzi (hot hot hot water again) to get to know one another while drinking some Mohitos, er...Mochitos, nope... Mokitos, well, learning how to pronounce Mojito, and having a great time… We found out that the afternoon jacuzzi is really more about socializing even though some beds were being used for a teensy bit of naughtiness…

It was soon time to go get ready for dinner at Pearl! In the lobby we met M&J who introduced us to T&M whose picture we had seen on the Yahoo group and all six of us entered the Pearl restaurant. Seating for six was no problem and we were soon ordering some food while chatting. The Pearl is nicely decorated, although I’m still not sure about the legs sprouting out of the walls. Let’s say it’s different and I’ve never seen anything like that in another restaurant. I’ve read here and there that dinners can last far too long, but it wasn’t the case for us. I didn’t exactly keep track of time but we got in the restaurant at about seven and when we got out we still had a bit of time to go get changed for the show. The food was pretty good (a bit on the fussy side, but tasty and good choice), the conversation was even better (no fuss and good choice as well!) and we had a splendid time for that first dinner. Thanks again to you M&J and T&M if you’re reading this.

After dinner my lady changed into a black and red corset to go with the theme of the evening and we went to the show. But we were both exhausted from the previous day flight and the late night/early rising so we went to bed right after the show, and didn’t even stop by the jacuzzi… Happily the next day wouldn’t finish as early!

(to be continued)
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Re: Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby feverpair » Thu Apr 30, 2015 2:08 pm

Great review, looking forward to the next chapter.

Caz and Andy


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Re: Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby Travelcouple89 » Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:19 pm

feverpair wrote:Great review, looking forward to the next chapter.

Caz and Andy



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Re: Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby Cymbelmoon » Sat May 02, 2015 3:22 am

Hi everyone! Here's day 3 of our long recap/review! Hope you'll like it as much as I enjoy writing it!

The next morning we still woke up pretty early but felt really refreshed. I went for a quick run around the resort before breakfast while my better half stayed in the room for some pilates. Running around (and around, and around, and around, damn this resort is really tiny!) I saw many employees readying the place for the day, stopped to ask the beach concierge if he could get the same bed ready for us for the day (no problem, he said!), noticed the beach guys already clearing the night’s weeds, and decided on giving the gym a try the next day. After what felt like 236 laps for a 2 mile run I went back to the room to get ready for breakfast. We were actually a bit later that day and there were a few more people inside the restaurant, but it was not packed. My lady tried a little something excellent from the buffet : some nuts (with almonds and a bit of fig if memory serves) mixed in honey. Lovely. If you want to try that, it’s on the left side of the buffet, served in a tiny little cup. Service was very efficient and pleasant once again. Coffee and tea were drunk and then it was time to go to the beach.

The bed I had requested was not ready yet but in a matter of minutes we were set up for the day. We noticed an older couple who spent a lot of time walking up and down the beach, naked, looking happy. « Aaaah », I thought, « nudists enjoying the C/O aspect of the resort, cool! ». But more on them later. Also mid morning, the animation crew gathered volunteers to play beach volley in the sun. There always seemed to be a sufficient number of players, having fun for an hour.

I realize I haven’t spoken about animation yet. We didn’t interact with them much but they were all very nice and read people very well : if you want to enjoy your day quietly you won’t be bothered, but if you want to join in, there will always be something to do. We really liked that.

Before lunch we chatted a bit more with R&D about everything from life at the resort to sex in general and views on life, had a laugh and decided to meet later in the jacuzzi for more difficult-to-pronounce-cocktails and more chats and laughs.

No foam party that day, although R&D heard some rumour about a second foam party on Tuesday for the « Desirous Party » group that had arrived (I was worried beforehand that the group would be kind of exclusive but things didn’t seem any different with the group there, certainly didn’t feel like a clique which was a relief), so we went back to the beach for more reading, sea watching, and older couple enjoying their naked walks on the beach. « How romantic of them! » I thought. But more on them later.

Time flies on this type of vacation and it seemed only minutes later we were engaged in more cocktail tasting and laughs naked in the jacuzzi with fast becoming friends R&D. We had left our stuff on the beach bed thinking we would probably want to go back for an hour before dinner, but more cocktails, more laughs and time flew and soon it was time to go get ready for dinner at the Aphrodite.

My lady went back to gather our things and soon came back announcing that they had been removed by security and taken to reception. And so began our walk of shame, feeling like we’d been sent to the Principal’s office, heads hanging low, red faced, but also naked. At reception we were greeted by the amused faces of the staff and got our things back. I guess this must happen all the time, but it’s really nice to know that if you somewhat forget your things on the beach they will be gathered for you and won’t simply vanish as can happen in other resorts.
Dinner at Aphrodite was excellent, we had the salmon, which was really tasty and cooked to perfection. Service was fast (it probably helped that there weren’t many people there) and we quickly exited to get ready for the night’s theme « sexy lingerie», stopping on the way to greet T&M still having dinner.

Sexy lingerie night, then… Ok, time for the black corset! (I didn’t really take part in the theme nights this year except o the last night, but next time I will, so much fun). Sexy lingerie night means contest. The prize was a free extra night to be added to a future stay. Cool prize. Four contestants, one winner! My lady was approached to participate in the contest, shrieked something that sounded like « NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! » much to the amusement of the animation guy who pretended to have a heart attack. We were lucky to be seated right behind the contestants : Mrs Swede was a joy to behold in her white lingerie. Among the contestants was also M who rocked it (we clapped harder for you!), and a lady from Montreal who was dressed to kill and had come prepared (might I add she wore extremely nice shoes?). The fourth contestant we didn’t know, put up a good show and she won the much coveted prize!

After the contest we went back to the jacuzzi and took advantage of a bed with fast becoming more than friends R&D. There was that night a lot of action of the beds, often with more than one couple involved. Must have been something in the air. Sexy times!

After a while I volunteered to go get some refreshments and at the bar chatted with the charming S from K who was waiting for drinks as well. She said something like « this place is so cool, do you realize in another resort we would never, ever be talking together, I’d be looking straight in front of me, expecting you to do the same», and I guess she got a point there, even if it’s not that black and white, it is much, much, easier to engage people in conversation at Pearl than in other resorts. Now I noticed that on my part it is more of a conscious effort to do so at other resorts and much more (au) natural at Pearl. What do you guys think?

(to be continued)
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Re: Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby travelfun » Sun May 03, 2015 9:58 pm

Great trip report!! Love reliving the desire trips
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Re: Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby Mr_big60564 » Tue May 05, 2015 3:15 pm

Loving your report! Keep it coming!!
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Re: Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby Travelcouple89 » Tue May 05, 2015 8:39 pm

Great day 3! Keep them coming! :wink:
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Re: Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby JandsexyJ » Wed May 06, 2015 5:09 pm

Awesome Day 3! Can't wait to hear how the rest of the trip goes! Its really getting us excited about our upcoming trip to Desire on July 20th. We'll be first-timers. but I have a feeling my wife and I will both regret we didn't find out about this special place earlier in our lives! Love the sexy play-by-play of the day.

:L :L

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Re: Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby Travelcouple89 » Thu May 07, 2015 7:37 am

JandsexyJ wrote:Awesome Day 3! Can't wait to hear how the rest of the trip goes! Its really getting us excited about our upcoming trip to Desire on July 20th. We'll be first-timers. but I have a feeling my wife and I will both regret we didn't find out about this special place earlier in our lives! Love the sexy play-by-play of the day.

:L :L

J and J

:L Exactly how we felt after our first trip! We will be there the same time, maybe we will bump into you guys :wink:
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Re: Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby Cymbelmoon » Tue May 19, 2015 1:38 am

(sorry this next part took so long, life got in the way, hope you’ll enjoy it…)

Next day I had plans to meet R at the gym and at 7 we were giving the treadmills a try. Now, I live in the countryside, in the middle of nowhere and do my running outside. I had never set foot in a gym before and I didn’t know the first thing about treadmills, so much so that R had to teach me how to use one, so take my opinion con mucho salt. The gym was quite small, we were the only ones there when we arrived. The treadmill I used had a nice video screen that lets you watch a selection of outdoors films, less boring than watching yourself sweating in a mirror. There were lots of options (including changing speed and distance from miles to kilometers) and it felt like a high end machine. A nice enough experience. After 5k I went back to the room to get ready for breakfast, leaving R running his 15k (« What a show op! » I might add, as a private joke).

Before breakfast, my love showed me a sign at the end of the quiet pool. The sign gives general pool rules that I’m sure not many people read. They should, though, because they would then learn that in that pool children under 12 are not allowed without parental supervision. Raise your hand if you had noticed that one!

After breakfast we went to the beach, on our assigned bed, for more reading. Our favourite older couple soon took their romantic morning walk, nude on the beach (but more on them later… ), then beach volleyball started and ended, and it was time for lunch.

After lunch, more beach, more older couple walking the beach and... oh they’re entering the water now, the plot thickens. And they’re still holding hands, but I can clearly see the man’s hands and the lady’s not holding any of them. What she is holding thickens too. They look right and left, no one on the beach, no passers by. Oh and now she is bending and taking him in the mouth for a quick blowjob. What is happening, where has romance gone? Isn't that forbidden? Naughty, naughty people! Some say that after a time tenderness and affection replace sex in a couple’s life, but these two seem to have both romance and sex, and I do hope we will be like them when we grow older. You two were a joy to see!

The rest of the afternoon went quickly. A few cocktails, a bit of socializing in the jacuzzi (this time making sure that we hadn't left our belongings on the beach bed...), meeting the lovely couple from Montreal (whose lady wore the killer shoes the night before), speaking a bit of French for a change, learning about the "show op" joke and it was soon time to go get ready for dinner with R&D at the Aphrodite. Time flies at this resort, time flies...

Dinner was lovely, relaxed, service was efficient as always and we talked about everything (where else can you talk about your sex fantasies then discuss the Ferguson protests?) and it ended in time to go get ready for the « bare as you dare » night.

We used bandages as costumes, let’s say they didn’t leave much to the imagination as we hadn't packed as much bandage as we might have needed :roll: . Not very sexy on me, but my better half looked gorgeous. I thought that for this event many people were way overdressed. Might have been a side effect of having a group with a different program. Good fun anyway! Next time we'll think of something else...

After the disco we went to the jacuzzi, unwrapped ourselves and had a flirty chat with our friends before trying to find a bed for more sexy fun, failing (loads of action again…) and deciding to try another mattress in our friends’ room (very firm mattress again, thank you very much). Baby steps were taken (must have been a giant baby, the steps were huge…), and let’s just say this night won’t be forgotten any time soon…

(to be continued)
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Re: Trip report 10th-14th April, 2015

Postby Travelcouple89 » Tue May 19, 2015 6:49 pm

...and the plot thickens!
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