First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

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First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby bmerryman » Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:24 pm

Our first trip ever to RM, and even our first ever CO trip was concluded January 2 through the 6th of this year. The entire trip, with transfers was arranged through a travel agency in California. The trip was for a celebration of her 50th birthday, and I did not reveal what country, city or resort we were staying at. I did tell here it is CO, plan to see a lot of nudity, and plan to be nude once we get there. I knew she would be ok with it as she is always open to try new things, has never been one to balk at challenges, and our relationship is solid.

Once we got to the airport in Houston and checked in, the baggage clerk blurted out where we were going so then she knew it was Cancun. She would know anyway once we got to the gate so no harm. We followed the travel agents advice to be at the airport 3 hours before the flight which was dumb because we were through security and ready to board 2 hours before the flight. So we sat at a bar and had breakfast and beers. So we were partially looped when we got on the plane!

The flight from Houston to Cancun is a mere 2 hours so as soon as we dozed off we were landing. We flew Spirit Airlines, which is ok if you don't mind being treated like cattle. We did pay the extra $13 fee to get an exit seat for the extra legroom.

Upon arrival we realized how important having good airport to hotel transfers arranged really is. We had transfers arranged through the travel agency with a company called RC Tours. We were told to look for a driver with khaki slacks and a green shirt. Nowhere to be found. Another company offered to call them and found out that we were scheduled to arrive on Sunday, Jan 3. Problem is it was Saturday, Jan. 2. So that company arranged to get repaid by RC Tours and took us to the resort. Lesson learned: never use RC Tours and use USA Transfers.

Upon arrival at RM we were cleared the check in quickly as we had checked in early on line. All our paperwork was ready. They quickly handed us a glass of champagne and started the membership pitch. After telling them NO 5 or 6 times they finally let us go, but informed us that our room was not ready. So we went to the lobby bar for drinks while we waited. It was there at the lobby bar that we laid eyes on our first nude couple. Then we realized for sure where we were and it did make us a little nervous. But we pledged to get to the room and hit the beach fully naked.

While we were sitting at the lobby bar, they sent over another salesman to try to get us to agree to go to the meeting/presentation again. He wore us down to where we finally agreed to attend the presentation on our final day there. We asked him to see us on our final morning and we would decide if we wanted to waste and hour or not.

Surprise, surprise: 2 minutes after we agreed to attend a presentation our room was suddenly ready. I suspect the entire "room not ready" thing is just a ruse to keep you around the lobby and pressure you to attend the presentation.

After we were escorted to our room through the lovely grounds, we were pleasantly amazed at the quality of the room. The TV was nice, the room was just large enough, it had every amenity, the fridge was well stocked, albeit only Mexican beers, and the bed was a king-size as I had requested. We had an ocean-view room on the ground floor just steps to the beach beds. This was looking like a fantastic vacation!

After unpacking and putting things away, we left a pre-tip for the cleaning lady, downed a couple of beers and headed to the beach. We checked in with Rene who handles the beds and told him we wanted a bed with lots of sun. He escorted us to a bed just perfect. Aside to the seaweed issue we had worried about: we saw maybe 4 or 5 patches of seaweed and two guys were cleaning it up right away. The water was seaweed-free and we never saw anymore than those small patches on the days we were there.

We stripped off our swimsuits and enjoyed a little dip in the sea before relaxing on the bed. The water was cool but refreshing. It literally took us about 10 minutes after leaving the room to be comfortable fully nude. All those months of anxiety prove to be a waste. Once you realize where you are, and that it is normal there, you are fine. For the remainder of the 4 days we never wore clothes except to eat.

After a couple hours on the bed we moseyed over to the pool beds. There we were happily helped by Danny to a bed. We dipped in the pool a couple of times to cool off but otherwise enjoyed each other on the bed. We played with each other a little, and watched others play around some but everything was light petting. Later we sauntered off to the Jacuzzi which was full. We managed to squeeze in and settled in to the warm water. The Jacuzzi bar guys are great.

After watching a few hand-jobs at the Jacuzzi, we returned to our room to prep for dinner. We had the first of many great sex sessions while showering. The shower in our room was very large, featuring all glass walls and the water was fully hot and had great pressure. After a romp we dressed for the evening meal.

I got to say here that all the food is great at RM. Never did we feel corners were cut. The buffet is great, and all the restaurants we ate at were great. We especially loved the omelet lady at the breakfast buffet. You get to pick out your own ingredients and she whips up the most fluffy omelet I ever had.

After dinner we went to the lobby bar where they had a live band playing music until the nightclub opened. After an hour there visiting with others, we joined everyone in the disco/nightclub. Having been our first visit to RM, we did not participate in the dress up themes, but she did dress very sexy! We danced to our hearts content, saw some amazing pole dancers, drank great drinks, witnessed some very sexy sensual acts in the play room, and overall had a great time. We retired to our room about midnight, exhausted but very fulfilled on this our first day.

Every morning I awake with a massive boner so first thing next morning we took care of that, then showered and dressed for breakfast. Once again an amazing meal was had. The mimosas are fantastic, and I have already bragged about the omelet. We hit the beach beds right after breakfast and enjoyed a great full day drinking, meeting other couples, and watching some great sex. I have to brag on CC, the beach bartender as the service was great and the drinks were great. We enjoyed visiting with here and hearing all about her family stories. We stayed at our beach bed until the beach bar closed when we went to the pool bar. There is a bartender there, I forget his name but he looks amazingly like Kenny Chesney, right down to the cap. He remembered our names and our favorite drinks. He even suggested we try a few new ones. He was excellent! We tipped him every day and needless to say our cups were never empty! Great advice I learned on the forum is to pack and take your own Tervis tumbler. The plastic glasses they use there are small and you end up running to the bar too often. "Kenny" filled our tumblers to the top and nice an strong. I am not too sure the plastic ones they use there are really clean either, but not an issue as we never used one.

After a few drinks at the bar we retired to the Jacuzzi. It was overly full and there was not room for one more naked body in it at all. So we took a Jacuzzi bed nearby and proceeded to enjoy some fantastic play on the bed. After awhile we adjourned to our room where we found a birthday cake and a bottle of champagne. It was her birthday that day and I had requested cake and champagne on the online check in form. So it really does work when you make special requests! After a short nap, some great oral sex (on both) and a shower to get ready for dinner. We had a reservation at Sahlo restaurant where we had the steaks. Once again great food, and the wine was good too, not great but good. Dessert was wonderful, and after dinner coffee great.

We were really tired on this second evening so we decided to skip the disco tonight. We did go to the lobby bar for the pre-disco show. They had some professional dancer/acrobats preforming to a DJ. It was very good and amazing the things they did on that little stage! More great drinks at the lobby bar and we were off to our room for some much needed rest. We were able to only find one English speaking channel on TV, but it had some good current shows so that was ok. There were also 4 or 5 porn channels playing in the room, so I got in some fun beating off solo while she watched me pleasuring myself. Fun fun!

We had arranged the sensual massage the next day so we started early on the beach beds and I think for the longest we were the only ones out there! It was fun watching the couples from other resorts strolling the beach early in the morning staring at my wife's ample 40DD and beautiful Pilipino body! After a few drinks, and some shots shared by the 8 patrons at CC's bar we left for lunch. I did not catch his name but a great guy we met at the bar "bought" several rounds of shots. I think CC called them lemon drops, but whatever they were great.

After lunch we made our way to the spa for our sensual massage. After we checked in we were taken to a room to undress, shower and don robes and slippers. Then we were taken to a hot tub and told to relax here. There was a bottle of wine there, some grapes and strawberries. The attendant said she would be back in 25 minutes and that "we would not be disturbed at all and the door would be locked. I took that to mean do whatever you want so we screwed on the edge of the tub while sipping wine and feeding each other fruits. Great time had by all. When the attendant came back we were escorted to the table room where we laid down on table totally naked. We had two female attendants as my wife wanted a female to enjoy instead of a guy. Our eyes only were covered with a small cloth and they began the most relaxing massage I ever had. My attendant coated me with warm oil and stroked me close to climax two or three times. After hearing my spouse moaning next to me, close to orgasm 3 or 4 times, I realized she had changed the massage to the erotic style without me knowing it. Clever and fantastically fun gal she is! After getting close to loosing it 2 or three times myself, my attendant told me to follow her. She took me by the hand and guided me to my spouse's table and told me to enter her, which I did. The two attendants both grabbed my ass and worked me back and forth until we both exploded in great climaxes. Then they left the room and told us to take all the time we needed. We relaxed for a while, then put our robes back on and somehow managed to walk with some very rubbery legs! They took us back to the shower room for a hot shower and dressing. We immediately tipped them both well and proceeded to retire to our room for some rest.

After a short nap we dressed and reported to the sushi restaurant for a great dinner. I do not care much for sushi but my wife loves it and she knows good sushi. She said it was very good, not great, but very good. The warm sake we had was very, very good.
After dinner we went to the lobby bar for drinks and a show until the disco opened. We danced for hours until exhausted and retired to our room. This time we decided to forgo sex to get some rest and then hit each other again in the morning.

Next morning we had our appointment for the presentation which they promised would last only one hour. We were escorted around the grounds, shown a Jacuzzi suite and a Passion suite, then taken to the pool bar for an explanation of how the premier memberships work. We said no thanks, not interested so then we were taken into a restaurant where another sales agent tried again with some cut-rate deals "good today and for us only" which we politely refused. Finally after 6 no's, and one NO for sure, we were asked to sign a paper that we had attended and released to go. It took about 55 minute total so we felt we were treated fairly. You do get $500 in vouchers for attending the presentation, but note they are all vouchers for discounts on things you buy while at the resort. You would have to spend about $2000 to realize the entire savings from all the vouchers. And they are good only on that stay, not the next one. So we only used the voucher for $150 off the massage, but that helped a lot as we switched to the more expensive erotic massage, so with the voucher it was less than the sensual massage. None of the other vouchers were usable by us this trip.

After a light lunch we had an appointment with the Breathless Photography studio for sensual photos so we showered and dressed for that. The photographer explained the process and took us to the disco. He told us he would start with fully clothed photos, and we could undress as little or as much as we wanted. He also told us we could stay with tasteful photos not showing anything at all, or as we wished, we could progress all the way to full nudity and porn shots with full genitals out if we wished. We started with the misses in some very sexy shots wearing only a top in various poses around the disco. Then I joined her for some very romantic shots of us holding each other, and kissing each other in very romantic, tasteful poses. Then we stripped naked and took several shots as we posed and simulated sex for him. After awhile he suggested we go to the beach for some outdoor shots. He said the rain had just stopped and the shots would be great at the beach. Boy, was he right! The lighting was perfect, the sun was just going down, the beach was empty of anyone, and the seaweed was non-existent. We quickly stripped for some great poses walking on the beach, sitting side by side on the beach, laying on the beach, engaging in "simulated" oral and anal sex, and all with a gorgeous sunset in the background! I would guess he took about 200 shots all total. After dressing he told us to be at the office at 8:00 that evening to look over the pictures and pick the best ones for keeping. He showed us all of the shots, we kept the best and we picked about 60 of the best for printing in a book. He told us to come to his office at 10:00 the next morning to pickup our book and dvd copy of all the photos.

If I could figure out how, I would imbed some of the shots here!

We adjourned to our room to finish the "simulated" sex we had started, and it was very amazing, if I do say so! After showering we dressed for dinner on our last night at RM.

Next morning we slept in late, enjoyed another romp in the king-sized bed and showered and dressed for breakfast. We said our good byes to all the bartenders and restaurant folks and went to the photo office to pickup our shots and book. I have to say I was amazed at the quality of the shots! He was a very young guy, but was very talented in the way he edited and arranged the book. It is a very nice hard-cover book capturing the memories of a place we will never forget. Of course, we can never show anyone the book, but it will be wonderful for us together in later years to reminisce with. We decided to buy all the shots on dvd so we can later prints the "respectable" ones for framing and display in our house.

We returned to the room to pack and check out. At the check out desk, they had applied my massage discount, and everything was ready for us to go. Except one final disappointment at RC Tours. Even though they had called me on Tuesday to personally confirm the pickup was set for noon on Wednesday, they were not there! after waiting for 40 minutes, and with our flight at 2:30, the Desire manager called a cab for us and told us to "pay nothing for the cab, we will cover it and get our money back from RC Tours". She was very gracious and helped us out all the way. Next trip I will take Cokeman's advice and book USA Transfers myself!

We had lunch at the airport, did some duty free shopping and waited for our flight to Houston to board. We napped all the way from Cancun to Houston, and I'm sure with big grins on our faces. The other passengers must have wondered what we had done for the past 4 days to have such grins and smiles on our faces.

US Customs in Houston is fully automated now so re-entering the country is quick and easy. You simply declare these things: 1. The purpose of the trip was pleasure, not business, 2. You are not carrying more that $10,000 cash, 3. You never visited a farm or ranch while in Mexico, and 4. You are not carrying plants, food, fruits, or any animal parts and away you go. It took us about 30 minutes to go through Immigration, get our luggage, and go through Customs and head for our car.

In summary, this has been the best vacation trip we have ever taken. We are both glad we did, really enjoyed the nudity and open sex opportunities. We met some fun, interesting people and enjoyed their company. We will return and have already talked about when we can get away again, and this time for at least 5 or 6 nights. It is a fantastic resort, staffed with great people who are attentive and provide great friendly service, and facilities that are first-rate. The food was good and the bar service was great.

I look back through the photos taken there many times with fond memories of our time at Desire Riviera Maya.
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby bmerryman » Fri Jan 15, 2016 4:02 pm

I forgot to include the "Rekindle the Flame" session we had. An announcement was made over the loudspeakers at the pool that they were having a sensual massage lesson in the disco room at 4:00 one afternoon. We decided to go and see what was up. There was 6 couples there for the class. There was a guy there who talked a little about massage and techniques for sensual massage. Then he did a little demonstration on one of the ladies in the room.
Then he had the ladies lie on mats in the room after totally undressing. He showed the guys first how to do massage on the ladies, using spearmint flavored oil. then the guys were told to undress and lie face down on the mats. The ladies were taught how to do sensual massage on the buttocks and legs. Then he told us to rollover and he directed the ladies to massage the chest, stomach, penis and balls. Then he said the teaching session is over, he would step out of site at the door and we could "finish anyway we wanted and take all the time we needed. The couples then proceeded to f**k in various positions until everyone reached climaxes. My spouse rode me facing my feet and I saw another couple in doggy style, and at least two or three in missionary fashion.

After coming, we rested and then used the restroom and dressed. Needless to say the "instructor" got a large tip as we left the disco.
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby Takes2toTango » Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:38 pm

Thanks a lot for getting this posted. I was starting to wonder where the January couples went. Or they were all exhausted from their visit. You made us look forward to enjoying our trip, what a positive attitude on your vacation. I couldn't spring the trip on my wife last minute like you. I gave her her two weeks notice to get some purchases, packing and logistics worked out!!! :L
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby Yeipi » Fri Jan 15, 2016 11:23 pm

Great trip report. That is the magic of Desire. And thanks a lot for sharing the experience about Rekindle The Flame. So it's basically a massage session with happy ending :D

3 days!!! Just 3 days!!!
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby SexxxyInMe » Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:47 pm

Thank you for the outstanding trip report! It brought back the fondest memories from our first trip to DRM last year, and brought out even more excitement for our upcoming trip back in 25 days! I surely will be adding the "Rekindle the Desire" massage class to our "to-do" list!

Glad you had such a fantastic time!
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby T&CintheOC » Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:16 am

Who what a great report. Can't wait for our trip in March...and definitely plan on partaking in the massage and the photo shoot. Cheers!!!
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby Lkncouple » Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:12 am

Wow, what a great trip report. There have been so few trip reports lately and you really gave a great one! We will be there in 6 days!
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby bmerryman » Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:01 pm

Lkncouple, tell CC to make you a lemon gumdrop, on me! :D
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby Barneybodger » Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:03 pm

Great trip report, as newbies we find reading these reports a fantastic insight into the Desire world.

Going to have to get ourselves one of those massages and we were certainly thinking of doing the photoshoot. You hear differing reports on the cost so would you mind saying what the cost was for the 60 page album and all the pictures on DVD? No worries if you would rather not just thought i would ask. Did you or can you haggle over the price or is it a fixed price with no negotiation.

Thanks again for the report
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby bmerryman » Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:15 pm

At first they wanted $980 for all the photos and the book. We had agreed to the book, so I felt we should take it, so I said no to the $980 and said we'll take the book only for $300. Then he began to negotiate, and we ended up with the book and DVD of all the shots for $500. A lot of money but now we can have the book just for us, as some shots in the book are fully nude. And we can take the DVD and have prints made of the "cleaner" ones. We can also use some of the "dressed" shots as Facebook posts.

I would like to put some of the shots here in these comments, but I do not have a photo hosting account.
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby CokeMann » Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:20 pm

Just to add on, when in Mexico cash is king - if you have cash to offer you can and will be able to negotiate the beast deals ( if you are a good negotiator ) :D
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby T&CintheOC » Sun Jan 24, 2016 5:42 pm

bmerryman wrote:At first they wanted $980 for all the photos and the book. We had agreed to the book, so I felt we should take it, so I said no to the $980 and said we'll take the book only for $300. Then he began to negotiate, and we ended up with the book and DVD of all the shots for $500. A lot of money but now we can have the book just for us, as some shots in the book are fully nude. And we can take the DVD and have prints made of the "cleaner" ones. We can also use some of the "dressed" shots as Facebook posts.

I would like to put some of the shots here in these comments, but I do not have a photo hosting account.

Great insight. I'm bringing cash!!!
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby TandD » Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:51 am

bmerryman wrote:I would like to put some of the shots here in these comments, but I do not have a photo hosting account.

You don't need a photo hosting account. Just go to say, and upload your photos. They even give you handy links that you can simply paste in post here. There is a thread here in the forum on how to post pictures.
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby coupleluvs2watch » Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:57 am

great trip report! :D
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Re: First Timers trip report Jan. 2-6, 2016

Postby $parkie7 » Sun Feb 28, 2016 7:27 pm

Great trip report!! We are anticipating our first trip this Oct over Halloween. I like to hear about the different activities the the resort sponsors.
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