was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

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was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby skeeter88210 » Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:03 pm

hola amigos!

where to start. where to start. where to start . . .

the beginning, of course (duh!)

so, like - uh - we're a couple from michigan you may or may not have met depending on things and stuff. we were there from sunday 3/27 thru thursday 3/31

sorry if the tone of this trip report feels weird - i'm not used to this sort of writing and i can't quite decide who the intended audience is (which totally affects how I write)

am I writing this for myself? am i writing this for the people we met?? am i writing this for people considering a trip to desire???

*cracks a(nother) beer*

did i mention it's snowing here right now? i'd say we've had about 5 inches (of snow . . . you pervs) today

3rd snowstorm i've seen since we got back.

but . . . i can still smell our room on my jacket (ok, it's a flannel, but a heavy "jacket-grade" flannel - not just a flannel shirt) - thepointisthatourroomsmelledsogooddearlordilovethatsmell

ok ok ok ok ok - so, i'm Mr.Skeeter - and me and Mrs.Skeeter went on what i think we'd consider to be the vacation of a lifetime.

we both live in an EXTREMELY rural part of northern michigan and have, quite frankly, had it up to HERE with michigan winters.

combine that with finally digging out of the soul crushing financial ruin that was both of our previous marriages . . . we decided to go on a vacation . . .

wait a minute - - - back up - - - see, like, we were both in marriages that didn't really work out very well. but - *we* - work out very well. . .

( . . . so hard to decide where to start . . .)

oh yeah - guess we don't need to go back that far.

so, anyhow, here's the short version:

hey everybody that reads this!!!! there's only one thing that may ruin your vacation at Desire Riviera Maya - that would be "seeing naked people" - if you're cool with naked people, then Desire Riviera Maya is the place to be. The food is excellent. The resort is excellent. The staff is excellent.

but, i digress - there's a certain level of classism that permeates (pervades??) society. sure - i was able to find small flaws in the paint job in our room. I'm pretty sure the wall around our balcony was not to "code" (haha "code" - see, it's a different country, right? where there are different rules and stuff . . .)

from our perspective, this place was the best f**king place in the world. . .

it's snowing here - did i mention that? 3rd f**king snowstorm since we got home.

i wish so bad i knew how to replicate the smell of our room. . .

oh, yeah - so (sorry, drinking to cope with 3rd goddam snowstorm - sorry for the rambling-ness)

let's try chronological . . .

arrived on easter sunday (read about ishtar on the way down - turns out easter is a christian adaptation of a much more ancient sex/fertility holiday - looks like we picked the right time to go to desire . . . amiright???)


ok, so, we fly out of minneapolis.
stop by mall of america on our way out (cuz - you know what's fun? mall of america with half a jag on, that's what's fun, sez me)
so we did - and in the hard rock cafe we see john lee hooker perform "boom boom"
and I know we are on the right track to having a good vacation

then we hook up with (old) friends and drink whiskey and observe some sort of somalian concert thing happening at the park n fly hotel and go swimming in the hotel pool

and then we beat the wake up call and catch a shuttle to the airport and wait for our plane to cancun. and we wait. and we wait.
(supposed to show up early since the bombings in brussels and all)
and we finally get on the plane. window seats are good - but clouds all the way down.

and then we get to cancun and it's warm and the sun is shining and - YES - we were on practice vacation before but this shit is the real deal. getting through mexican customs and immigration takes a while, but who f**king cares! we're in f**king mexico, dammit!

and we find our way outside (avoiding the leeches inside the airport) and find our USA Transfers dude. And he's super laid back,"want to get your party started now?" he said, while he pointed to the bar just outside the airport. f**k yeah, we did - got a couple Pacificos for the ride to the resort.

then we hooked up with our driver -and *this* i mean **THIS** - i mean ********THISSSSSS******** right here - this is the reason i'm typing this shit in the first place.

you see ****THIS**** blew my mind - see - our user id on SLS is skeeter88210 - and on the way to the resort, we saw billboards that said 8821072

and i was like, "baby - look!"

i thought john lee hooker "boom, boom" was a sign - but this . . . this was really something

*** to be continued ***
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby ourfuntrip » Thu Apr 07, 2016 12:09 am

Can't wait for the rest....
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby tan44 » Thu Apr 07, 2016 7:40 am

Great start, please continue...
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby OilMan » Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:31 pm

I am holding my breath waiting for more news my trip is 25 days away. Great report.
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby skeeter88210 » Thu Apr 07, 2016 8:40 pm

ah, yes, ok - where were we . . .

a sign! right! a sign on a sign nonetheless - we asked the driver and he informed us that the 8821072 was a phone number to call in case you wanted to rent the billboard - but to me it was total and complete synchronicity.

so we sipped our Pacificos and discussed the merits of Van Halen and Def Leppard with the driver and just drank in the experience. I remember leaning over to Mrs. Skeeter and saying, "I'm not even sure if this is legal [drinking beer in a shuttle, that is] and I really don't care."

The sunshine, and palm trees - we were actually in Mexico! We made it.

I couldn't wait to get to the resort, strip down and have a beer at the swim up bar. A major bucket list item for this guy.

Mrs. Skeeter already was capitalizing on an opportunity to dust off her spanish (being a former high school spanish teacher) with our driver.

We arrived at the gate for Bahia Petempich (sp?) which must be, like, the "neighborhood" for our resort - we were met at the gate and our driver (I think) explained we were going to Desire. They let us in and we traveled down the private road to the resort - surrounded with thick mangrove on both sides. I imagined what it must've been like carving a path through the miserably thick vegetation in Mexican heat and humidity. no thanks . . .

We arrived at the resort and, to be honest, it didn't look very impressive. almost like we arrived at the back entrance or something - but that was all too soon forgotten.

As soon as we unloaded and entered, we were greeted with champagne and cool, wet towels. We checked in and were informed that our room wasn't ready yet (I believe we arrived at about 1:30PM or so - our flight landed at 12:30ish). Just dazzled by the place, I didn't really catch all that was being explained to me. . . luckily Mrs. Skeeter was helping with the paying of the attention.

after checking in, we were accompanied to the lobby bar (in long jeans and tennis shoes . . . aaargh! - oh how i wanted to strip down and hit the pool . . .) and listened to a little spiel about the massages and naked booze cruises that were available (for a fee) - we were given a $500 "bill" to spend on these things - but they didn't amount to getting anything for free - just discounts . . . we were told our room would be ready by 3PM. quite the salesman these folks are.

I'll be honest, i drifted in and out of that conversation - travel weary, daydreaming about naked swim up bar and wondering if this is when we get the membership speech - we finally signed a card saying we agreed to meet with the membership folks on tuesday and were shown where the buffet for lunch was.

saw plenty of naked folks on the way - what torture it was to parade around in street clothes - when everyone else gets to party naked. no fair sez me!!!

but, we needed lunch and eat it we did. after lunch we went back to the lobby bar and had another gin and tonic and noticed it was almost 3PM - so I went in to inquire about our room.

I was informed that our Passion Suite was ready.

ex-squeeze me? baking powder?? Passion Suite????

I said, "hang on there, partner - I booked a deluxe ocean view room," thinking - oh, is this how they operate? I best not be seeing my "upgrade" on my next credit card statement. The guy said, "excuse me," checked some stuff inside and came back and said that all the ocean view rooms were already occupied so we were upgraded to a passion suite free of charge.

yeah . . .

that's right . . .

passion suite . . .

our, ahem, butler, (yeah . . . that's right . . . butler . . .) escorted us to our room - which was a 2nd story with a balcony - right on the god damn ocean. HOLY SHIT! That's the f**king ocean!! BABY - Look!! the ocean!! WE HAVE A BALCONY ON THE OCEAN!!!!!!! gah!


oh yeah - so, our room was major super duper awesome - so awesome in fact, that neither one of us even noticed the jacuzzi tub - that is RIGHT GODDAMN IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE AS SOON AS YOU WALK IN THE DOOR. I think we were too busy looking at the bed. you know - the bed . . . where . . . "bed stuff" happens

Now is where the vacation starts to get a little "fuzzy" if you can understand. you see - i'd say we're both 3 or 4 stiff gin and tonics into things already.

Some of you may be wondering, "Is the fridge in the room really stocked with beer?"

You bet your ass it is - and you bet your ass I had one.

This beer (one of SEVERAL) was enjoyed while promptly stripping down and kinda adjusting to my new reality as a co-ed naked vacationer - sip a beer, look out the window, feel the breeze, holler at Mrs. Skeeter, "can you believe this place?" realize I'm naked, shout, "let's go to the pool!" sip a beer, pace around, go out on balcony, figure out the room safe, where are my sunglasses, sip a beer, holy shit - we have a jacuzzi - wait a minute, chill out - feel the breeze on your cajones. . . oh, that beer's gone - of course there's more . . .

"Baby! let's hit the pool!"

so we did.


and nobody stared at us.

nobody pointed or laughed.

and we got in the pool.

and it was just as wonderful as I knew it would be . . .

we had arrived and we were happy. but . . .

wait a minute . . .


no sooner did I order us drinks at the pool bar than did i nearly fall over myself on the stools around the bar. some guy saw me and we had a good chuckle about it.

now is where the evening gets quite blurry for me.

I know we had lots of drinks in the pool. Then we made it up the the jacuzzi and had more drinks. beer? check! gin? check! whiskey? check! rum? probably! you get the idea.

the jacuzzi is a truly delightful place. it is the perfect blend of "anything goes" and "total respect" - and, one of my other favorite things in the world! different accents - we met folks from north carolina, peru, the UK, canada, mexico, columbia, italy, lithuania, oklahoma, and last but not least we met our super deluxe Desire ambassadors from california.

(now that i think of it - the jacuzzi is kind of like the desire resort away from the desire resort if that makes sense - like, the real world is to desire as desire is to the jacuzzi at desire)

the rest of our first night is truly a blur for me - i remember eating at the buffet restaurant and it was mind blowingly delicious. Keep in mind that where we come from there's not a lot of opportunity for fine dining - so what is mind blowingly delicious to us might be run of the mill boring to you.

I remember doing some stuff on one of the beach beds that I think could've got us in trouble (but it didn't) and I'm pretty sure we were passed out in our room by 9 o'clock

one hell of a day

*** more to come ***
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby shore128 » Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:17 am

Your writing style cracks me up! Love it, fun reading so far! Looking forward to the next installment.
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby tan44 » Fri Apr 08, 2016 3:39 pm

Thank you
Waiting for next chapter ...
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby skeeter88210 » Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:18 pm

it f**king cock-sucking motherfucking snowed a motherfucking-gain today.

this is f**king bullshit. it's goddam april

i'm going to write my congressman!

bear in mind - i gained about 10 pounds whilst vacationing under the most supreme circumstances.

but my work pants don't fit very well since i got back.

i swore i'd lay off the alcohol until some arbitrary conditions were met.

all of which were trumped by the f**king snow.

11 beers and 3 or 4 whiskey cokes and god dammit already i want to go outside.

nekkid. . .

like i did i me-hee-co

so . . . where were we?

passed out at 9PM? no shame in that - no shame at all. we spent big bucks to be there and were missing out, but that's no big deal at all.

see, i woke up around 3AM (according to the clock in our room)

i work rotating shifts and its rare for me to sleep longer than 6 hours. 9pm til 3am works out, see?? i drifted in and out of conciousness - my sweethearts naked behind right next to me. the ocean . . . DID I MENTION THE OCEAN??? right outside the door.

in this surreal, drifting in and out, i remembered - we told our butler to please bring us breakfast on the balcony. . . but I couldn't remember what time. i guess i'd just wait and find out in the morning.

and so, i drifted in and out until sunrise. the sun is very lazy in mexico cuz it took fuckingforever to finally rise

i remember looking out the windows thinking - that's got to be too cold to go outside (nekkid)

no f**king way - it was so much nicer out . . . where's our breakfast (it's daybreak, mind you)

f**k this is too hard to write now.. . kids ruin everything
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby SexxxyInMe » Sat Apr 09, 2016 7:02 am

Most entertaining trip report I've ever read. Your writing is hilarious. Please keep it coming! :lol:
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby Lastmango » Sat Apr 09, 2016 11:31 am

Great trip report so far, bring it on from a fellow Michigander!
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby Sxynccpl » Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:29 pm

Accent? What accent? Are y'all kidding me? People from North Carolina do NOT have accents! I did meet some people at the hot tub from northern Michigan who talked real funny though. It was nice meeting the Skeeter's. Glad y'all had fun! Our first time there too and we can't wait to go back this fall. And, this is one of the funniest things We have read on this forum! Please continue, good sir.
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby skeeter88210 » Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:41 pm

Wow – thanks for all the compliments everybody – you’re making me doubt some of my life choices. Perhaps a career in naked party resort gonzo journalism is in my future. . . .

Before we get going – I would add that I’m really enjoying writing this and I encourage others to write trip reports too – It’s nice to re-live everything as you write down what you remember and I know I will be re-reading this many times to come as I long for my next trip . . .

Also - I feel like to should take back what I said about kids ruining everything – that would be giving them too much credit – but they do make typing up a desire trip report kinda difficult.

And I’m done talking about the snow. Yes it f**king snowed again today. Probably because I broke down and plowed yesterday.

I think we’ve had like 3 feet of snow since we got back.


And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

So, where were we . . .

Drifting in and out. Total relaxation. . .

Naked in bed with my love.

Ocean waves and palm trees in the breeze just outside my door.

Who could ask for anything more . . .

What time is it? 6:30?? Is that too early for coffee? I mean, I am on vacation. . . supposed to sleep in, right? Nope, I guess not – ‘specially if I’m counting on a nap in the afternoon.

(you see, I already was planning on doing my “get ready for midnight shift” routine in order to better prepare for a long night of partying ahead. That, of course, means shortly after breakfast – have some drinks, drink until lunchtime, really, then sleep it off until dinner time and you’re good to party all night – plus: drinking in the morning is the best – it just keeps getting nicer outside . . .)

So, I nudged the missus and figured her mumbling meant she would like some coffee, too.

Oh how nice that ocean breeze feels on a naked body. Wait a minute and drink that in.

Remembering that I’d read one of the bars has the best coffee, I set out to see if the lobby bar is the bar with the best coffee.

It is.

I felt a little awkward being naked when all the employees were not. But I got over it – I have a hunch they’re used to pasty white naked Americans. (forgot to mention – we both went tanning for a month, 3 times a week – and were still the whitest folks there – we laughed)

Back on the balcony, waiting for Mrs Skeeter to wake up, enjoying my cappuccino with cinnamon sprinkles (yeah. . . that’s right … cappuccino, bitches) I noticed they were setting up some beach beds.

Oh yeah – I think getting coffee is when I realized that the clock in the room was set an hour fast. Which means when I woke up at 3AM – it was actually 2AM – could’ve went to the Jacuzzi. Oh, and when I went to get coffee at 6:30, it was actually 5:30. Dang I got up too early . . . No wonder the sun took so long to rise . . .

So, after waking up a bit, I think we wandered down to the pool and reserved a bed or 1PM – figuring that would be a good place for a post lunch, pre-party-like-a-rock-star nap.

I think maybe you’re not supposed to be able to reserve a bed like that far in advance – there was some language barrier and it was hard to tell – but we ended up with our reservation and it gave me some insight into what I think is a difference between Mexican and American culture that I’ve been having a hard time articulating, but it has to do with rules and policies and rigidity and flexibility and stuff. . .

(whoops, that train of thought just derailed my buzz – sorry about that . . .)

So, like, uh – morning, coffee, pool bed reserved . . . lets go get a beach bed . . .

We hooked up with the beach bed attendant and got our beach bed and prepared to take in some serious rays and waves. No sooner were we settled into our beach bed and soaking in some paradise when we were informed, “Mr and Mrs Skeeter – we are terribly sorry, but there’s been a horrible mix up and you must leave immediately.”

Just kidding . . . breakfast was ready.

It was yummy delicious-o – omellettes with sausage, and bacon, and toast and more coffee. And the jelly for the toast came in these cute little teeny tiny jars that we absolutely kept for souvenirs – one of our kids has this teeny tiny container fetish. So we figured we’d put Mexican beach sand in them. . .

After breakfast, we went back to our beach bed and lounged for what seemed like an appropriate amount of time. We adjusted from “just got here” to “gonna be here for awhile”. Swimming in the ocean was divine. They do a really good job raking the seaweed up off the beach. We spent a liberal amount of time applying sunscreen to every nook and cranny – which was certainly fun.

And then – DRINKS!

I’ll be honest – the rest of this day is a bit of a blur – I’ll only say what I’m kinda sure of:

Lunch was awesome – took full advantage of the buffet this time (the previous day was a mopey, “guess I’ll eat cuz I have to, why am I not in the pool yet” kinda lunch) but this time it was oooh! Calamari? Oh my! Salmon!!! I love Salmon!!! TUNA!!! HOLY SHIT WE REALLY ARE ON THE OCEAN AREN’T WE!!!

FYI – the habanero salsa is REALLY hot!

There was a chef that would cook fajitas and burgers and I’m not sure what else - we never felt the need to employ his services because the rest of the food was just so good. . . with no waiting! (the burgers did look really awesome, though . . .)

I absolutely loved the desserts – they were served in these little shot glass looking things – just the perfect size . . . oh, how I could go on about the food . . .

And so we ate until nap time.

I tried to nap at the pool – but just couldn’t. Drank plenty of agua and enjoyed some “eyes-closed” time but I think my brain was like – you ain’t gonna waste this sleepin? Are ya??

So we chilled by the pool until I’m not sure – I think we tried out the Jacuzzi in our room after that.

To be honest – the passion suite was REALLY nice – but I don’t think I’d plan on using the Jacuzzi. . . It was nice, but it was obviously a “Jacuzzi” and not a “Jacuzzi tub” which meant when you drain it, water pools in certain areas. It was meant to be full of water all the time with water circulating. Not that we cared – not like we payed for it . . . The jets didn’t work in our tub (well, if they did, I couldn’t figure out how to turn them on *and* we had a button that did nothing . . .) I figured maybe that’s why we got upgraded to that room . . .

Anyhow – we enjoyed a nice cool, jetless, Jacuzzi – (I’m leaving the dirty parts out, you pervs!)

And I think we relaxed on the beach until roof top Jacuzzi time.

And we had some more drinks and met and re-met some folks. And it was divine. Time and alcohol have already made the memories blend – so some of this may not be accurate . . .

For dinner, we forgot to make reservations, which meant we would be eating at the buffet – which had an asian theme for the evening. The food was excellent and one of my all time most favorit-est memories of all time from the whole trip of all time was trying to eat with chop sticks, sharing a plate of stir fry, while sitting across from Mrs Skeeter in her low, low cut dress. Oh my, did she look good.

And that, friends, is what pure joy feels like.

Afterwards, we found our way to the lobby bar and waited for the evening’s entertainment. A cover band – local? Maybe – not exactly sure. With a full belly, I tried to pace myself on the drinks – I figured we had a long night ahead of us yet.

The band started out kinda “meh” but they quickly earned my respect when they busted out some classic 70’s disco/funk and they really sealed the deal with a Queen medley – it takes real balls to try to sing Freddy Mercury and they did an excellent job (best recognize the title of this trip report)

And so, we found our way up to the disco. Had a few drinks and watched the “rock and roll” contest which was a good ice breaker – because I ended up dancing afterwards. And I don’t dance. . . EVER. . . And I danced with my baby – and I noticed our ambassador friends from California were dancing near us – and I thought, I think maybe they like us. And now I’ll point out that I may be the only person alive to have “head-banged” at the Desire RM Disco.

(I noticed when we left that the bartenders noticed, anyway . . .)

And we peeked in the sin room and we saw what we thought we’d see in there. Better put that on the list . . .

But we were hot and sweaty from dancing and thought some fresh air would be nice – so we went to the balcony off the disco and met some smokers.
Which was a little challenging for me – as part of my justification for the trip expense was that I had quit smoking. But it turned out to be a tremendous amount of fun. And the urges to bum smokes were totes manageable.

We met some folks who were originally from Lithuania (AWESOME accents). And also some folks from Chile. And our Californian friends joined us too.

We almost accidentally started talking about politics once – but I saw that shit coming and I was like NOPE! Not on my vacation!

After a wonderful conversation on the balcony, we all headed to the lobby bar for some infamous pizza and BLT’s.

The pizza and blt’s were pretty good – but maybe a little overhyped. This is also the part of the vacation where I realized maybe we are spoiled living in what is essentially northern Wisconsin – dairy land. Where pizza normally has, like, a 3/8” thick layer of cheese (unless its little sleazers, of course).

Also, an observation was shared with Californian insight that the pizza chef was, quite possibly, the world’s most angry looking person. Bear in mind – he wasn’t actually angry – just angry looking. I’d venture to say that he has some mayan ancestry and you JUST DON’T f**k WITH MAYANS.

After we ate, the men in the group tried to steer the party towards the Jacuzzi, but the women in the group were sleepy,so . . . you know what that means. . .

We slept great.

On the pillows of the gods.

On the ocean.

In Mexico

So so far away it might as well be Saturn.
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby skeeter88210 » Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:10 am

ok ok - let's put this baby to bed, shall we?

i've been avoiding writing this part because - well, it's the part that has things i'd rather not remember.

but - it also is the part that has things i'd like to remember so i'm gonna have a little spoonful of sugar and get that medicine down.

I slept quite a bit better our 2nd night but still had to pinch myself when I woke up to the sounds of the ocean.

After "nudging" the missus awake, I wandered down and got us some coffee and we enjoyed another breakfast on our balcony. I suggested that we try breakfast at the buffet the next day since the lunch and dinner buffets were so good (I thought we might be missing out by having omellettes delivered).

There was a dark cloud looming this morning as we had committed ourselves to the membership sales pitch at 9AM.

I decided that I would best like to face this beast with half a buzz on, so we proceeded to the lobby bar where I ordered a white russian - my preferred breakfast drink . . .

the dude we chatted with was cool enough and made for some interesting morning conversation, but it became apparent that their sales techniques were along the lines of "i'm here all day, dude - this isn't over until you come right out and say it is" - maybe it's a good investment for people with money to burn, but it wasn't for me. I finally cut the pitch off and it left a pretty sour taste in my mouth. i wouldn't say it's high pressure, but they will waste as much of your time as you let them. i was kinda crabby when we left and i decided to go get drunk at the pool bar. all was soon forgotten . . . back to vacation. . .

we met some more folks - (a couple from new hampshire told us about a sauna place in maine that i'd like to know more about if anyone reading this has any more info) - but i started getting heartburn. bummer.

i *never* get heartburn so i figured the pepto bismol we brought *just in case* would cure it.

it didn't.

i tried to convince myself it was caused by all sorts of things - maybe the limes in the gin and tonics? maybe it was too much fried food (the calamari was pretty yummy, see). but, deep down - I knew - see - I'd already begun my pigging out drunk fest 3 days prior - turns out 3 days of overeating and binge drinking tends to cause heartburn.
bummer the pepto doesn't work for me . . .

i tried to eat a more reasonably portioned lunch and coped with it and enjoyed a nice nap on the beach.

after napping, we made our way to the jacuzzi where we ran into our californian friends. they asked why I wasn't drinking (a reputation i must have) and i explained the heartburn and they hooked me up with some tums. the tums worked great and we are back on track to a wonderful rest of the day.

we ate dinner at the asian restaurant - the food was very good, but is was really loud and hard to talk to each other - and made our way back to the lobby for the burlesque show. the show was very good, but i thought the live band was more engaging and conducive to getting the party started.

we opted out of the disco for the night, instead luring our californian ambassadors back to the room with promises of champagne and a wonderful balcony. they accepted our invite and i think it was a lot of fun for everyone. i'll leave out the details - except for one - you see - i performed a "maneuver" - one that i'm just now fully recovering from. you see, the bed in our room had 2 pillars at the foot of the bed. they looked cool and can be useful if you're imaginative enough. sparing any more details, the "maneuver" resulted in me donking my head on one of those pillars pretty hard. i forgot it was there and - lets say they are unforgiving. alcohol may have been a factor.

the old head donk (I would say bonk, but b is too soft a letter) kinda shut me down. ***sad face**

but i did my best. . .

and that's all i have to say about that . . .

after saying our goodnights - mrs skeeter and i decided to sleep with our door open to listen to the ocean.

that was a *VERY* good idea (taking into consideration maybe we were lucky - no varmints or mischief wandered in to take advantage of us while we were sleeping)

but I know I slept better with the sound and breeze.
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby skeeter88210 » Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:35 am

last chapter folks -

we began our last full day with the doors open and listening to the breeze.

deciding to eat breakfast at the buffet was a very good idea.

i'm still craving the poached eggs in spinach sauce . . .

plus - the juice! so cool . . .

i made sure to eat as much dairy as i could find (to try to help with the heartburn).

after breakfast, we explored a bit more and found some iguanas and a giant spider. we also ran into our butler and made reservations for dinner at salo.

had an enjoyable time at the pool and i think we napped on the beach. some folks from another resort showed up on day passes or something - they certainly seemed fun enough. we wandered around some more - i remember thinking how nice the beach is, and the pool, and the jacuzzi, and the restaurants, and our room and saying to my sweetheart, "whatever you decide to do here - its always a good idea"

we made our way to the jacuzzi and it was kinda quiet so we figured we better "do the jacuzzi thing" and found a vacant bed. we did our thing and it was great - except right when you least want one, i got an excruciating headache right where i bonked my head the night before. retreat to the room for some painkillers and a little ice. looks like this guy's gonna take it easy for a while. poor me - my vacation kicked my ass

after my head felt better we went back to the jacuzzi.

at some point we learned that salo was closed for the evening due to the glow party entertainment for the evening. but, we also learned that our friends from cali had reservations for 4 at the hibachi. what ambassadors they were - seriously, i even told them i was going to take back some of the things i said about folks from california.

while getting ready for dinner, i had a few beers on the balcony and peeked at the ladies getting body painted for the "glow party" later that evening. I remember telling Mrs Skeeter how happy I was that there were so many beautiful women at the resort that didn't let what was in magazines convince them they weren't beautiful enough to enjoy being nude. ladies - you *all* looked great!

Dinner at the hibachi is cool as shit - i highly recommend it if you've never seen it - we were lucky enough to have a special cameo chef who, in retrospect, made the perfect egg- chicken artwork on the grill.

after a dinner that just couldn't be beat, we went back to our room and got ready for the show.

it was pretty neat - glow party plus a cirque de soleil type show in the pool. it was definitely neat to watch and much respect to the performers, but - i still say i liked the band the most . . .

i think we were pretty tired out that night and not really feeling the vibe so we went to our room after the show and never made it back out . . .


the next morning was taking pictures and exploring the beach-off-the-resort and having a last drink at the pool bar.

buh-bye desire RM - hope to see you again sooner than later . . .
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Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:46 pm
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Will be at: Desire Riviera Maya
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Re: was that the real life? was that just fantasy? Mar 2016

Postby OilMan » Fri Apr 15, 2016 11:15 am

Great trip report. :L
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