1st Time Sept 19-25, 2016 -Vanilla, But Eyeing Other Flavors

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1st Time Sept 19-25, 2016 -Vanilla, But Eyeing Other Flavors

Postby littleonegrey » Tue Oct 11, 2016 3:51 pm

We’ve been home two weeks now, and I’ve been meaning to write a report. It’s taken me this long to get back into the normal day to day since our vacation. It takes a while to come down off that cloud! ;-) Sorry, but this is kind of long....

This was our first trip to RM and our first introduction to anything of this kind. We are not lifestyle, never even considered it. We have never been to a clothing optional anything. I went topless on a beach once, but big deal, right? Ha! We’ve been together 20 years and are finally comfortable with ourselves and our sexuality. We needed a vacation, without kids, and when I came across Desire…well, why the hell not!? As much as I’ve been on this forum, I was not prepared. For months I had been choosing outfits and getting ready. Then on the flight over I’m thinking WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING!? The flight was easy, and our vacation package had Amstar transporting us to RM. We traveled in the van with another Yahoo couple (Hi R&L!) who became instant friends. They were such an attractive couple. He reminded me of James Bond and she could have been a movie star! We bumped into each other all week and had great conversation and laughs…..omg, the laughs!!!

I brought costumes for every theme night, and made my husband dress up, too. It was fun, but next time our costumes will consist of much less. It was too much to pack, and too humid to wear anything for too long. Except for the heels…they’re still going! (Sometimes they were all I was wearing!) When we arrived our room wasn’t yet ready, so we had our luggage stored and made our way to the lunch buffet. Our new friends were there, so we joined them. The food was really good, and there was quite a bit to choose from. After we ate, we changed out of our clothes to hit the pool. I wore one of my bikinis and my husband wore his shorts. There were quite a few people in the pool and I was one of the few, if not the only one, wearing a top—so off it went! Wow….no big deal. A few people came over to introduce themselves, conversation was easy. After a few minutes a guy came over and wrote on my tits with whipped cream and motioned to my husband to have at it! That was fun! Then more whipped cream…..and two women we just met licked it off…..then another guy! They all of course asked first. I looked at my husband when it all started as if to ask “Are you ok with this?” “I am if you are” was his response. Yeah, this is fun! Especially when my husband hopped up on the edge of the pool and a girl put whipped cream on him! It was my turn for dessert! This was going to be an awesome vacation!

Our first night, we dressed nice for dinner, and then changed for the Bunny/Millionaire theme. After the night’s entertainment at the Disco, we peeked into the Sin Room. A few people were just talking in there, so we left. We got out of our outfits and headed up to the Jacuzzi. That became my favorite place! It was relaxing and intimate. We mingled a bit, introduced ourselves to a certain gentleman that said hello by grabbing my tits. I took no offense, it made me laugh! We called it a night at midnight since we had been up for the last 48 hrs.

Tues morning we went to breakfast at about 10am. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and the buffet was great. I think we made our way over around the same time each morning. I’d just wear my bikini and a see-through cover-up, my husband shorts and a t-shirt. We’d eat then get a bed or lounge chairs by the pool, swim, and layout, have lunch….the same most days. The music near the pool was great and the staff everywhere is so awesome! They remember you and your drink---I don’t know how they do that! We tipped everybody, every day, at each meal and before we left the pool or Jacuzzi areas.

Our 2nd night’s theme was Corsets and Gangsters. I dressed the part with a leather corset and mini skirt and 7 inch platform stilettos! We went to the Sin Room that night and had some fun! Another couple ended up making their way over and sharing a side of the bed we were on. To hear them and see them f**king while we were doing the same…….wow! When he finished, he asked if he could have one of our towels, lol! (We actually met them for the first time later the next morning at the pool beds, but our smiles gave away that we remembered each other!) My husband and I then made our way up to the Jacuzzi where we eventually took a bed. He gave me an amazing orgasm and then took me to bed.

Our mornings were the same, but our afternoons varied by day. We enjoyed time walking on the beach. We met a lot of new people during the foam party, so we spent extra time at the pool that day. (The foam does kind of sting the eyes, but its fun!) There were two “doctors” at the pool doing a very scientific study on breast sensitivity, lol! Of course, being a part of that study I expect to read the findings in some journal someday! Hear that, Deerfield? ;) I got henna tattoos one day on my lower back and front bikini area. Nothing like being bent over butt-ass naked while a stranger draws on you in public! (I went back for a touch-up before we left!) Another day we walked the beach down to the family friendly Resort Azul and stopped in their gift shop to buy some things for the kids. On one of our last days, we got a beach bed and thought we’d take advantage of as much sun as we could before our vacation was over. Yeah, umm….the sand and water apparently reflect WAY more sunlight than being near the pool. We got a little sunburnt that day, oops.

I had a little too much to drink the night of the glow party. We went to play on one of the Jacuzzi beds, but after a few minutes of play I was a bit dizzy and we went back to the room. The walk back was brief but it made me feel better, and I wasn’t ready to call it a night. The temperature was beautiful that night, so we opened the French doors to our room wide open and had sex EVERY way possible. Just the two of us, until 6AM!! We almost missed breakfast that morning….almost.

Thurs night they moved the party to the Jacuzzi after the Sexy Uniform contest. It definitely changed the atmosphere up there and I wasn’t feeling it. I didn’t want to stay so we called it a night. My husband thought something was wrong, and I kind of wondered if all this was maybe too much. Honestly, I was a bit moody, but turns out I was just really tired. A good night’s sleep did the trick and I was excited for Friday! (What, did you think I’d changed my mind about this place!? Not a chance!) I was happy to talk with other ladies the next day though on how they didn’t care for the Wet Party at the Jacuzzi either. It totally changed the vibe up there. So glad it wasn’t just me!

Friday we dressed to impress. We had dinner reservations at Sahlo and we invited our new Florida friends J&M to dine with us. Great company! I also made my husband wear a tux. Why you ask? Because I wanted to be stripped naked and fucked by a tall, dark and handsome man dressed in his best! We did just that, in the Sin Room, later that night with a full room! I did keep on my sheer black thigh highs and 5 inch heels. Not the easiest of shoes to walk in, but they were bought with the intent of being up in the air! Mission Accomplished!

The only uncomfortable moment we had during our time at RM was on this night in the Sin Room. This couple moved from the back of the room to in-between us and couple C&K that we met earlier. My husband had his face between my thighs, and this guy grabbed my right breast—ok, no big deal. Hell, I didn’t even know it wasn’t my husband grabbing me. But then he slid his hand down my body to where my husband’s face was! My husband jerked up and grabbed his hand and stopped him and said that that wasn’t cool. We never met this guy or his girl AND he never asked to touch! Maybe he took my letting him grab me as permission to go further, but my eyes were closed and Dude---my husband’s got this! The reaction would have been different if he had asked first (I mean, who isn’t flattered that someone finds you attractive and wants to touch you?), but the situation could only have been changed by the asking of someone we previously met and connected with. ;)

Saturday we took a day trip to Desire Pearl with J&M. Pearl was beautiful, the rooms were huge, and the Foam Party was fun. The pool was bigger, so you didn’t necessarily get lost in the foam unless that was your goal. The beach at RM was better, though. I can’t really comment on the people there versus at RM because there were so many of us from RM at Pearl! What a great group! We didn’t stay too long that day because we wanted to spend our last night up at the RM Jacuzzi—my favorite place—before leaving early the next morning.

Saturday night didn’t disappoint! I put on my favorite little black dress and my 7 inch platform stilettos. We went to dinner and then participated in the Masquerade party. Afterwards, we headed up to the Jacuzzi, stripped down and slid in. It was pretty quiet up there if I remember correctly. We had a few drinks and soon we were joined by friends again. We talked, flirted a bit. Before we realized it, it was 3 am and the bar was closing. My husband and I hadn’t really discussed in detail what our boundaries would be, and with the possibility it may go further than that tonight, well….with a warm hug and kiss we said goodbye, and my husband and I departed to the Jacuzzi bed. (I wish they would have followed because I’ll admit I wanted to watch. I hope our paths cross again.) We put on a little show up there for whoever was still around. It was HOT and the best sex we’ve ever had! I’m not sure who was in the Jacuzzi, there was one couple at the bar, and then one guy all by himself watching us from the table by our bed! Afterwards, we made our way to the lobby bar and had the famous late night pizza for the last time. We recognized the guy that had watched us upstairs and couldn’t help but smile. Another couple at the bar commented as they retired for the night that I had a beautiful smile…thank you! And that was our last night at Desire.

We ran into many that I recognized from the Yahoo group. It was so nice to have that connection to get the conversation going! Thank you K&H for inviting us to dinner—you two are so much fun and you definitely have this theme night thing down! T&C—We wish we could have stayed longer at Pearl with you both, but it was our last night. Thank you so much for getting us a tour. So glad we stepped out of our comfort zone and walked right up to say hi to the most attractive people at the Jacuzzi bar that day! B&J—you two are awesome! Thanks for the water taxi ride back to RM after visiting Pearl. C&K—you two walking into the Sin room on Dress to Impress night was the reason we stayed and played! There was only one other couple in there that night when we went in. We thought maybe we’d come back later. As we went for the door you two walked in. I looked at my husband and… we were staying! J&B—You are a great couple! B you are a first…first tits my husband has had in his mouth that weren’t mine since ME, lol!

We also made friends with many that we didn’t previously connect with online. (M&L from Indiana?) If you recognize any of our vacation time as overlapping with yours, please say hello! 

I found it easier to talk to people when they were naked versus clothed. I know that sounds strange, but it’s true. I was more intimidated when people were dressed up for the evening. I kissed a girl—it was weird, I’d try it again, though. I kissed another guy—it was not weird, I’d try that again, too! There were some that we met that I didn’t know what their expectations were, or if they had any. I didn’t ask. I should have asked. Next time I will. We really did enjoy spending time with everyone we met! So many awesome and attractive people of all ages from all over. And everyone was attractive in their own way. There is no other place I’ve felt so complimented or good about myself. Compliments came from my husband, people we had just met and even complete strangers. I’m no supermodel, just your normal petite curvy girl, but this place and everyone there made me feel comfortable and beautiful.

When we got home we didn’t talk about our vacation for two days. Actually, we didn’t talk much at all. A kiss in passing and a shy smile here and there. I think we were both just coming down off of the cloud that was Desire, and trying to process how this all fits into our “normal” life. With work and kids, and our busy schedules back in full swing we were trying to get acclimated to it all. Then after two days we sat together one night and just talked….about everything. We are closer now than ever before. We are more playful and open with each other about what we like and how that makes us feel. There’s a whole new side of us that we are finding and enjoying. I guess we’re still vanilla, but we’ll see. The other flavors do have their appeal! And he wants to go back! Not like tomorrow (even though I would go tomorrow!), but next year for sure! I’ll be counting down the days. :D
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Re: First Time Sept 19-25 Vanilla, But Eyeing Other Flavors

Postby Explorer79 » Tue Oct 11, 2016 4:31 pm

Great trip report! :L

I'm not sure but I think we may have met, briefly at least, at the jacuzzi. I'm bad with names but if you are S&A I think we at least said hi, maybe commented on you and my wife having the same first name - she (S) was one of the few red heads with multiple tattoos and I (R) have a tattoo matching my avatar - it's all kind of a blur now. I'm sure we were still in deer in the headlights mode at this point. In any case, your last night was our first night, we also were also at the jacuzzi until 3am, "put on a show" on the jacuzzi beds and did the late night lobby bar pizza thing. I'm sure our paths at least crossed. I talked to T&C the next day and they mentioned the great time the group had on the Pearl day trip.

All in all a very similar experience to ours - going in had never done anything like this before, having an amazing time meeting lots of new friends and in the end feeling closer than ever. It took all of a day of being back to re-book, we are heading back at the end of November.
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Re: 1st Time Sept 19-25, 2016 -Vanilla, But Eyeing Other Fla

Postby desireaddict » Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:33 am

What a great report! Thanks for taking the time to share it all!
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Re: 1st Time Sept 19-25, 2016 -Vanilla, But Eyeing Other Fla

Postby TandD » Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:31 am

Great report. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: 1st Time Sept 19-25, 2016 -Vanilla, But Eyeing Other Fla

Postby littleonegrey » Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:18 am

Thank you all who read my report!! :)

Explorer79 I do remember meeting another S! ;) Wish we had more time to get to know you two more. I've read quite a few of yours and your wife's posts on here and didn't put together that it was you! It was a long week! :) Wasn't this place awesome!? I want to tell just a few of our friends about our vacation but I can't. I think one couple just might go themselves....maybe I can secretly get them on a mailing list, lol! Have fun in November!
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Re: 1st Time Sept 19-25, 2016 -Vanilla, But Eyeing Other Fla

Postby Explorer79 » Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:46 pm

It was awesome indeed. I can relate about not being able to tell others even though I want to so bad. It helped going to a vanilla resort afterwards where we met and told quite a few strangers pretty much everything so that helped relieve some pressure lol. A few friends know where we went but don't know all the details.
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Re: 1st Time Sept 19-25, 2016 -Vanilla, But Eyeing Other Fla

Postby littleonegrey » Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:23 pm

Explorer79 wrote:It was awesome indeed. I can relate about not being able to tell others even though I want to so bad. It helped going to a vanilla resort afterwards where we met and told quite a few strangers pretty much everything so that helped relieve some pressure lol. A few friends know where we went but don't know all the details.

:L That's a great idea to do the Vanilla resort after. Maybe only 2 days or so though because it's hard to leave Desire!
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Re: 1st Time Sept 19-25, 2016 -Vanilla, But Eyeing Other Fla

Postby Explorer79 » Wed Oct 12, 2016 2:07 pm

It was definitely hard to leave Desire but our thinking was that especially with it being our first trip we pretty much knew we couldn't go from Desire straight back to reality. We did 3 nights at the Hideway at the Royalton - adult :), all inclusive :), clothing mandatory :evil: In hindsight it was absolutely the right thing to do for us. It was nice having the extra time to process everything from Desire and let it all soak in while still in a fun environment with no real world responsibilities.

We figured it would be great just us hanging out together doing our thing once we readjusted. What we didn't anticipate is the Desire carry over effect where things just continued on and spilled over into the vanilla resort. In the first few minutes there, we checked in and I laid on the bed silently wondering how in the world I'm going to have fun doing anything at this place after just coming from Desire. I went out the pool, sat there for a few minutes, noticed a couple of groups laughing and otherwise having fun at the bar, "Desire socializing mode" kicked in and before long we were out there making new friends. And since we knew we'd never see these folks again again it was safe to tell our tale. It was a blast getting to relive our last few days with a captive audience listening with wide eyes, open ears and big grins as we told them where we had just come from. There were several who were like, "wait, what is this place called?".
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Re: 1st Time Sept 19-25, 2016 -Vanilla, But Eyeing Other Fla

Postby khplay8 » Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:30 pm

It was so much fun hanging out with you guys. There is a small chance we will be in Chicago next April I'll shoot you guys an email if we wind up going. We took you guys to dinner at Desire so next one is on you guys ;)

We love the costumes they are always a great icebreaker.

And as far as the lifestyle stuff goes. We aren’t a lifestyle couple we just go to Desire with an open mind no expectations and have fun together. Every year fun is something different, spontaneous and with super cool people. That is what Desire is all about no pressure and fun at your own comfort level.
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Re: 1st Time Sept 19-25, 2016 -Vanilla, But Eyeing Other Fla

Postby littleonegrey » Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:07 am

khplay8 wrote:It was so much fun hanging out with you guys. There is a small chance we will be in Chicago next April I'll shoot you guys an email if we wind up going. We took you guys to dinner at Desire so next one is on you guys ;)

Yes! If you guys do visit this way, definitely let us know!
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