First Timers Nov. 10-12, 2016

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First Timers Nov. 10-12, 2016

Postby El Duderino » Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:51 pm

We just got back from our first trip to anywhere like Pearl. We had a blast and are planning our next trip already.

We arrived Thursday the 10th at around 4. Traveling there was pretty easy, but next time I would ensure a direct flight. Customs in Cancun was easy, but the line was long. It probably took us an hour or two. One big thing we didn't know what that the customs forms ask for the address of the resort. We didn't have it, but were able enable data service on our phones and look it up while we waited in line. Next time we'll have all that stuff with us.

When you arrive, everyone welcomes you "home" which felt a little overboard at first, but by the end of the trip it certainly felt appropriate. We sipped champagne while we checked in and explained how the resort works. We opted out of the sales pitch because we have young kids and can't get away much. There was some gentle pressure, but we only had to say no thank you once. My wife recently developed some gastro-intestinal issues which we're still trying to figure out, so she's on a very restrictive diet. When they heard we had food issues, they called the chef down who talked to us and made a list of her restrictions. He and all the waiters were so helpful and thoughtful in finding great things for her to eat. We were amazed at the attention to detail and their ability to improvise and provide for her.

We had a Junior Suite, but would probably go with the smaller ocean view room. We were at the quiet end of the pool and had a great view, but we were rarely in the room.

We read that the people make the vacation, but were surprised how true that was. We aren't center of attention types, but do like to socialize. Sometimes it can be difficult to approach people and especially groups of people, especially attractive naked people :lol:
We unpacked, and went straight to the pool where Victor set up chairs and towels for us. We stripped down completely right away, which felt odd for a second or two. We got in the pool and grabbed drinks and by the time we took our first sip a couple called us over and started a conversation. They were so nice and outgoing that we felt immediately at ease. I think being naked lends itself to being more open and feeling closer to people.

Around 4:30, the party shifts to the hot tub, which was amazing. Being fall, the sun started to set not long after that, so even though the pool is heated it gets cool. The hot tub felt wonderful and was crowded even though it's enormous. There were lots of groups talking, but several people opened up the circle and included us in conversation right away. It truly was the most welcomed I've ever felt at a social gathering.

We ate a great dinner around 6:30 and then went to get changed for the disco. We love to get dressed up and really enjoyed the costume parties. The entertainment was great too. After the show and some dancing about half the crowd started to clear out. There were a few couples having sex in the sin room, but we weren't sure about jumping in, so we went to the hot tub. Hardly anyone was there, so we grabbed a bed. Before too long all the beds were taken with couples having sex. Before we were finished, all the beds were in use and the hot tub was about 1/4 full of people drinking and watching.

The next day we got up early and had a great breakfast. The chef saw us walk in and came over to offer my wife gluten free waffles and eggs made just for her. We were impressed. After breakfast we walked on the beach, which is beautiful once they clear the seaweed, but the water is less inviting because of it. After an hour we decided we preferred the seats by the pool. We spent the day there talking with new friends and enjoying the great weather. We moved to the hot tub for a while before getting ready for dinner. We ate at the new gastro pub and really enjoyed it. The appetizers are the highlight, but everything was amazing. Afterwards we got ready for the party in the disco and watched the show. We stayed a little later and left with the crowd about an hour after the show. We met some friends in the hot tub and then headed back to our room and passed out.

Saturday was our last day and (unlike this post) it had all gone by too fast! We decided to book an erotic massage a few hours after breakfast Saturday morning. We knew going in that we were maybe interested in lightly playing with other couples, but didn't really know where our line was. The massage was the highlight of the trip up to that point. If you'd like to know more you can PM me, but it really helped us figure out what we were OK with (which turned out to be pretty much anything). It was exactly what we needed.
Afterwards we headed back to the pool and everyone wanted to know all about it, which was fun. They did a seafood grill on the beach that day, which was the best food we had all trip. The foam party was awesome. Lots of incidental contact due to the limited vision and slippery tile, but we didn't experience any unwanted groping or touching. Afterwards, the atmosphere at the hot tub was much sexier than most days. My wife got lots of attention from several of our new friends in the middle of the hot tub. Those memories will be what gets us through until next trip!

That night, we met a couple for dinner and would have liked to spend some quality time with them after the disco, but my wife's stomach acted up and we turned in soon after dancing started at the disco.

I learned a lot about myself from the trip. Interestingly, when clothes came off, somehow looks mattered a little less and personalities mattered a lot more. We are on the younger side of the crowd there, which I was apprehensive about, but we met a couple who was a bit over 10 years older than us who we both decided were some of the sexiest people there. My masseuse was not at all conventionally attractive, but was so good at her job I nearly fell in love ^:)^

Thanks to all the great friends we made! I'm certain there were lots of amazing people we didn't get a chance to meet. Next time we stay longer!
KIK: JandKcancun
El Duderino
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Re: First Timers Nov. 10-12, 2016

Postby Explorer79 » Mon Nov 14, 2016 4:16 pm

Great report :L
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Re: First Timers Nov. 10-12, 2016

Postby TandD » Mon Nov 14, 2016 5:17 pm

Nice. Enjoyed reading your report. Glad you had a great vacation!
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Re: First Timers Nov. 10-12, 2016

Postby Vjva » Tue Nov 15, 2016 1:10 pm

Thanks for the great report. We'll be there in two weeks for the first time following your advices.
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Re: First Timers Nov. 10-12, 2016

Postby STL-MO-CPL » Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:06 pm

The people who show up at the same time as you can definitely make or break your trip. I totally agree with you, once the clothes come off, people live or die based on their personalities.
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