Pearl 1st timer report from late November, 2017

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Pearl 1st timer report from late November, 2017

Postby NCC » Mon Dec 04, 2017 3:15 pm

Just wanted to share a little feedback that might help other couples decide if they should make their 1st trip to the resort. We had a trip planned to Playa Del Carman since like April with a group of friends staying at an all inclusive resort in early November, as the trip neared it came apparent that we would have to cancel due to numerous business conflicts, I promised my wife I would make it up to her, we looked at our calendars and saw we could make a 3 day trip reality leaving the Saturday after Thanksgiving so we changed our airfare (thanks Southwest Airlines) now all we had to do is decide where to stay, without the large group we really didn't want to go all the way to Playa so we started looking at resorts in Cancun.

I googled "fun adult resorts Cancun" while strolling down I ran across Desire Riviera Maya, after clicking on the link I realized it was "clothing optional", I showed it to my wife, she thought I was joking but I convinced her I was serious, while she was reading up on DRM she found the link to Pearl and said she'd rather stay at that one. When we went to book both claimed to be sold out on Saturday night, I even called and verified that this was the case so we booked the Pearl for Sun & Mon night only, hoping a room would free up for Saturday but it never did so we just got a room in Cancun on Saturday night and traveled to Pearl on Sunday.

My wife, who is a very attractive woman in her mid 40's, started getting cold feet Sunday morning and said, why don't we just cancel the Pearl and stay in Cancun, I said we can cancel but they wont give us our money back, we might as well just go, check it out, if we don't like it, it's only 2 days we can just hibernate in our room. As we were on the cab ride down from Cancun she kept asking me "what are we getting ourselves in to". I kept comforting her telling her it would be just fine.

We were welcomed with a glass of champagne and told "Welcome home" when we entered the resort, registration took maybe 15 minutes as they went over lots of things with us, they said our room would not be ready for another hour and invited us to go get something to eat, tour the facilities and come back and then they would show us to our room. We walked down the path to the restaurant, passing the jacuzzi and noticed 2 of the beds were being put to use, we then walked up on the pool where nearly every chaise was occupied by nude sun bathers and lots more naked folks in the pool. We went on to the buffet enjoyed a large spread, we did exchange a few hello's in the restaurant (where everyone was covered) but didn't break into any conversations with anyone. We pretty much killed the entire hour at the restaurant so we went back up front to get our room. It was now ready so the bell man took us to our room, we changed into swimming suits and headed out, we 1st went to the jacuzzi, no one was in there and none of the beds that surrounded it were occupied, we decided to start here, figuring when in Rome I slipped off my suit but my wife wasn't quite ready to just yet, and we both got in and ordered drinks and just enjoyed each others company, no one else ever joined us so we decided to head over to the pool where everyone else was, no sooner than we got in everyone started exiting and heading to the jacuzzi (if we would have just waited), so we followed everyone back over, feeling a little more comfortable my wife removed her top before getting in this time.

All of the reviews and forum post kept talking about how nice everyone was, well we had been on the grounds about 2 hours now and no one has spoke to us more than just a hello, so we figured we needed to start talking to others, as soon as we did we realized everyone was extremely nice and most had similar type stories as us. As dark fell on us several of the beds were being occupied by couples making love, again following that old "when in Rome" saying, we found us a vacant bed and made love for the 1st time on desire property. Afterwards we went back to the room, got ready and headed to dinner & headed to the restaurant. While waiting on our table we met lots more friendly people at the lobby bar.

After a great dinner we hung out in the lobby with all of our new friends waiting on the club doors to open. Once they opened we went in, grabbed a seat and watched the show (about a 30 minute dance show) then the disco music began and everyone hit the dance floor. In the back corner of the club was a play room, we only saw one couple enter, after they came out our curiosity drew us back to that corner where I laid my wife down, raised her sexy dress and took advantage of the fact that she wasn't wearing any panties & went to town with my tonged, she did return the favor before we exited the room (another couple did enter the room and use one of the other couches to take care of their business while we were taking care of our business). When we came out everyone told us to head to the jacuzzi, so we ran back to the room, dropped our clothes off and headed to the jacuzzi. We had a lot of good visits with other couples, but wanted to get intimate, I believe there are 8 beds that surround the jacuzzi they were all in use so we walked down to the beach, grabbed one of the beds down there and enjoyed another love making session listening to the water and feeling the cool breeze off of the Caribbean, it was a fabulous way to end day 1 at the Pearl.

I wont go through a play by play of day 2 but it was even better than day 1 we had another love making session on one of the jacuzzi beds, on our bedroom balcony and in the play room of the nightclub, met lots more great people and my wife laid out topless in her G-string by the pool for a couple hours while I soaked up the a/c back in the room (she loves the sun, me not so much). This was our best vacation ever, we didn't & don't plan to tell anyone where we stayed but we definitely plan to go back and will definitely stay longer than just 2 days next time. We are not in the lifestyle and witnessed very little swinging type activity. All the folks that we levitated to also claimed not to be in the lifestyle and just like us enjoying their significant others in the great way that this resort allows you to.

We are from Texas and make our living in agriculture, I really didn't figure we'd meet anyone with anything close to in common with us but remarkably we visited with several other couples that also came from rural parts of the US and had agricultural ties. We met folks form the Dakota's, Carolina's, Oregon, Delaware, Oklahoma, California, several other Texans plus Canadians & Europeans. We met construction workers, school teachers, government workers, people in the energy sector and even a medical doctor plus lots of retired folks too. The web site claims the average age is from 30-45, I am sure this can change depending on the time you are there but I would say 50's was more like the average age when we were there. I truly did not know how I was going to feel about others looking at my unclothed wife but it honestly didn't bother me, I wouldn't like her strutting her stuff anywhere else but since most everyone is naked here it was fine by me.

There were a few couples than never did get in the buff with the rest of us and we weren't a fan of that, not that we wanted to see what they had but if you're going to come to a place like this, get the full experience of it (don't be a dud).

The food was good in the restaurants but the best meal we had was one afternoon they had a chef poolside making stir fried rice with chicken, beef, shrimp and lots of vegetables and let me tell you that stuff was the bomb. The closest thing I might have to a complaint is I wish they had better house wines, my wife and I love to have a glass of red wine with our dinner but they only had 2 choices a Merlot and a cab both from Chile and neither were very good, sure for an upcharge we could have ordered a better bottle but we didn't.

We did not get contact info from any of the others we visited with (you don't carry your phones around nor pens & paper) so if anyone reads this and says "I remember these folks", please message us.

Finally since returning home my wife has already ordered several real sexy outfits to wear to dinner and the club when we return next year and we're talking about doing a few days at the RM nest time too just to see how it compares.

I'm not going to say this place is for everyone but if you are on this forum there is a good chance you're interested in trying it out, I would say don't think twice, go for it (but don't be one of the duds that doesn't take their clothes off), we did and have no regrets only great memories.
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Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:13 pm
We are from: USA
Will be at: Desire Pearl
We arrive on: 26 Nov 2017

Re: Pearl 1st timer report from late November, 2017

Postby NakedGolf » Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:19 pm

Great trip report.... so happy you two had a great (but short) trip.

See you next time!
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Re: Pearl 1st timer report from late November, 2017

Postby Explorer79 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 2:04 am

Great report, sounds like you embraced the environment and made the most of every minute! It doesn't surprise me at all that you're going back.
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Re: Pearl 1st timer report from late November, 2017

Postby work2play » Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:09 pm

Loved the trip report. Sounds exactly like us a few years ago. We are farmers in Utah. I agree that the time you spend with each other is the best part of the entire trip. Everything else is just extra fun. So glad you had a great time and shopping for sexy clothes for the next trip is FUN times for sure.

Laura and Scott
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