Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

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Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby jrob » Fri Aug 24, 2018 9:11 pm

We are a long-time married couple who met each other in college and have now spent over 20 years together. We love to travel together, but since we have a couple of kids our trips alone are few and far between. Over the years we have evolved from going to Sandals and Couples to having fun at Breathless. Here is our story of coming to Desire RM for a week.

It started years ago when I heard a story on the radio of a guy who accidentally booked a trip to Desire with his fairly new girlfriend without really understanding what the resort was all about. The story mostly talked about the shock that he and his girlfriend had when they arrived. The things he said about Desire intrigued me and I filed it away as somewhere that would be fun to go, but probably never would.

I mostly forgot about it until my wife and I were able to get away for 6 days and go last minute to Breathless in the Dominican. While we were there, my wife and I kept pushing our boundaries, starting with her being topless on the mostly clothed beach to me removing her bottoms during the foam party one afternoon in the main pool. We danced around in the pool like that for a while until she mistakenly put them on inside out and backwards - not realizing until she got out of the pool and walked back to the room with the tag hanging in front. We finished off the trip with a few wild times in the bathtub that was on the balcony - quite the show!

After arriving back home, I thought it was time to suggest that our next trip should be to Desire.

The first time he suggested it I said no way. And I meant it. We have busy lives, jobs, kids, responsibilities and the chance of us getting away happens so rarely, I couldn’t see going somewhere I wasn’t comfortable. I also am not totally at ease with the way I look WITH clothes on, never mind without them. Nobody is ever going to look at me and wonder if I’ve had kids - I have the scars to prove it. I was afraid the resort would be filled with beautiful, young people and that we (I) wouldn’t fit in at all. Which makes me think, how exactly did he talk me into it?

It took months of small hints and suggestions. Some comments were about how daring people are to do it and others were about the wonderful ratings that most trip reports gave. Then finally in December shortly before Christmas, she said we should do it. Perhaps it was the spirit of Christmas or just a weak moment after lots of wine after a long week at work. Anyway, I quickly grabbed the laptop and looked for availability during the one week when the kids were occupied in the summer. My smile disappeared when it seemed that neither Desire resort had any free space - I couldn’t believe it was full 8 months in advance. I closed the laptop and told my wife that we would not be going. I couldn’t tell if she was actually happy or sad.
A week later I tried again and there was a full package on one of the Canadian trip sites that had flights, transport and a week at DRM. I booked it and told my wife the (good?) news.

To be honest, I was terrified. But I figured you couldn’t possibly be expected to engage in a sexual act upon check in and as long as we could sneak to our room and stay there the whole week, we (I) would be fine. They have room service - I checked.

She was still not really fully on board until I told her about the theme nights and that she should start shopping. This got her excited and started a few months of fun evenings looking at scandalous outfits online and then having her try them on a few days later to much applause and excitement from me. It was tricky to receive all these packages without the kids catching wind of it. We felt that the tables had turned and we were now sneaking around doing questionable things behind our kids backs - shouldn’t it be the other way around?

That was fun. My superpower is shopping and the sexy clothing websites opened a whole new world for me and my credit card. I was in my element and the packages kept arriving.

Anyway, time passed very slowly. I kept reading all the trip reports on the forum. I passed a few to my wife to try to make her feel more secure about the whole thing, but one in particular freaked her out. It was written by a couple that mentioned that they had sex multiple times outside of their room. My wife was shocked and questioned why we were going to this place. Little did she know what she would be doing when the time came…

What had we signed up for? This seemed so far removed from our everyday life I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to get into it at all. But, as he pointed out, we were going. So, I made some strict, never to be broken, ground rules. No sex outside the room, and no-one, no-one was to touch him. Spoiler alert: I cheerfully broke my own rules within two days…….but that’s to come.

Two days? One of those rules was broken within 6 hours of arrival.

Anyway, the day to leave eventually arrived. Getting there wasn’t totally without drama. It turned out that our plane was overbooked and both of us were on standby for the flight. It was almost funny … my wife was in a state where she was simultaneously afraid of going to the resort and also outraged about not being able to get on the plane to go to the resort. The problem was eventually resolved by a young couple accepting an offer of cash to give up their seats. The flight was uneventful and immigration was a breeze in Cancun. A half hour after landing we were on the curb waiting for our transportation. We had booked a package deal that had flights, transport and resort all included and that meant that we would be sharing a van with other people that were going to other resorts. We made sure we sat by the door so that we could quickly scamper off when we arrived to avoid having to clamber over people that we thought might be judging us.

So we arrive at the resort. Our driver wasn’t really sure where to go and the quiet couple in the van with us had really wide eyes as we finally pulled up to Desire. To my relief, the greeter and the staff member who checked us in were fully clothed and didn’t really seem to want to get with us - just get us settled. Cold cloth, champagne…. Okay, this I understand. Then I ask where the nearest bathroom is and I’m directed upstairs to the disco. I’m not sure many people actually go to the disco during the daylight hours…...but without the music and light show it’s just a bunch of nearly pornographic pictures on the wall. I freaked out. Making my way back down to the lobby, I join my husband as we’re given the briefing on the resort. It’s okay until she starts talking about all the sex we’re going to have and I sit up a little bit straighter and start to feel a little prim. This is NONE of her business.

So we had arrived on Thursday. I had been telling my wife about the nice massage class that they have twice a week at the resort. I made sure to tell her most of the details, such as we would be naked and that the Thursday would be focussed on the man. She grudgingly agreed that we should go. Neither of us was prepared for Mia at checkin to tell my wife about the wonderful sex workshop that was happening that afternoon. My wife gave me a subtle sideways suspicious look. I gave a quick shrug and turned back to Mia, who continued telling us about the resort and activities. We pretty easily avoided any membership talk - they asked once more during the week and took ‘no’ for the answer happily enough.

Soon the briefing was over, but it is early in the day and our room is not ready. We grab a few things from our luggage and head to the beach.

So we get the beach bed. I have a beer. That’s good. The sun is shining, it is beautiful and the beer on an empty stomach is making me feel a little more relaxed. I take off my shirt (bikini on). I look over at my husband who is totally, utterly naked. Scheesh. Show off. I have another drink and take my shorts off (bikini bottoms on). We make our way to the buffet. I have a great lunch and a cool glass of white wine. I take a mental picture of my tasty lunch, the sweating wine glass and the ocean in the not too far distance. This will be okay. I can eat tacos and drink wine all day in the safety of the clothing required restaurant. I’m fine with that. I look over and my husband is looking longingly out at the pool where people are in various states of undress and generally just having a great time with one another. I decide I love him so I will try this.

I am not sure how longingly I was looking at the pool, but it was interesting. The beach was pretty sparse. We easily got a beach bed at 11:30 that day and didn’t have anyone beside us the whole day. It was clear that the beach was for quiet time and the pool was for fun (well to tell the truth, there was some moments of extreme fun on the beach, but that comes later).

Since this was the first day and we were just feeling the place out, we went back to the beach after lunch and enjoyed some nice relaxing with drinks and a book. It didn’t take too long for my wife’s top to disappear.

Eventually we wander to the pool. Everyone was just hanging out, having fun. A few couples were cuddling in the corner but nothing too alarming. And really, it was just fun. Everyone doing their own thing….. some wearing nothing, some wearing something, a few fully clothed - but not many. I get comfortable without my top on and enjoy the sun, the music and the drinks. And maybe looking a little bit at the very sexy male playmaker.

Yes, Kevin got a lot of long looks from most of the ladies and my wife was no exception. Perhaps it is a good time to mention that all the playmakers were awesome. Ana, Yuni, Marianna and Didi were all great and maybe got a bit closer to me than my wife wanted when we arrived - but let’s face it, her eyes were mostly on Kevin so it was all good.

While at the pool, I kept a close eye on the time to make sure that we got up to the disco early enough to make sure we got a spot. The chatter on the forum was so positive that I figured the whole resort would be racing up there around 4:00. They didn’t, but they should have. Anyway, the time eventually arrives and I check with my wife to make sure that she is still willing to go ahead with it. She nervously gives a thumbs up and we head on over.

We walk up to the disco. It’s been transformed since I snuck through earlier. Low lights (candles maybe?) and big mattresses on the floor. Oh no. I insist on picking a bed strategically close to the bathroom and to the exit - just in case. So the couple starts the workshop. And it’s really cool. I try hard to pay attention because I like to do well and if there’s a quiz at the end I want to get it right. I’m instructed to start massaging my husband - which I do. The oil is warm, the atmosphere is easy. Seems normal. I look around and no one is looking at me, they’re all into their own partner. Also they might not be paying enough attention so I’m probably top of the class at this point. I get into the massage and when it’s time to touch him everywhere, I’m okay with that. He seems to like it. Then the couple comes around and asks if it’s okay to touch us. One of my main, unbreakable rules is that nobody touches my husband - lest he fall immediately in love with said person and leave me alone with the children and the mortgage. But I’m feeling pretty mellow and I know he’s going to like this, so I say yes. She takes her body and sensually rubs it on his chest. I have two thoughts: first: “yes, this is something I need to do to him, it is very sexy and I should do more things like this, he deserves it” the other: “oh he had better be liking this, I’m getting points for this”. Later he admits to me he was almost asleep and didn’t realize what was happening. Very annoying.

I never heard the end of the fact that I didn’t really realize what was going on. I wasn’t asleep, but I had my eyes closed and was REALLY enjoying the attention I was receiving down below. The workshop with Lauren and Richard was both relaxing and super sexy. I started out worrying about what my wife was thinking, but it is really really hard to stay worried when you have warm oil being rubbed into ALL parts of your body.

When it was over, my wife scampered off to the bathroom and I grabbed our clothes. Many of the couples continued with some really deep massage, but that was just too far for our first day. We blissfully walked away, whispering about what we had just done and saw.

Oh Glow Night. I packed this incredibly tight flamboyant dress, wig and bright sunglasses. I’m convinced I’m the only one who is going to dress up and so I insist on waiting until I see what other people have come up with. I needn’t have worried. There were some pretty outrageous outfits. So we go up and change. Eventually we make our way to the disco. Again, fun - just fun. I love dancing and the music is good, the floor is packed and everyone is having a great time. I don’t feel out of place and you know what? I feel really sexy. I haven’t felt like that in awhile. Might be the wig and heels….might be the way my husband is looking at me (or his hand on my ass?)

Glow night was a blast. My wife was a superstar in her outfit. It was tight and sexy and had a zip down the front that I kept trying to lower as the night wore on. I simply wore a yellow tank top, white shorts and had some pink sunglasses. An easy outfit to put together, but it worked well in the black light. We were pretty tame in the disco and eventually made it back to our room around midnight. We hadn’t really slept the night before, so it was time to hit the bed - of course it was a while before we actually tried to sleep...

The next day I get a lot more comfortable being naked on the beach. Nobody cares what I do and there are plenty of older, more out of shape people than me and guess what? They don’t care either, they are owning it as much as the beautiful people. I think this is the day where I realize how free and easy it is. And we fall into this easy rhythm of going to the beach in the morning …. Eventually lunch and then pool… sex, drinks, dinner, dancing, playing around a bit, disco ….then repeat.

It was exciting to see her naked on the beach beds. They gave you a hint of privacy, but not so much that you didn’t feel naughty if you touched each other a bit. Those first few days I found it hard to concentrate on my book. I enjoyed casually touching my wife, first in very innocent places and then getting braver as I received no complaints.

In the pool we enjoyed the sun and the people watching. We cuddled and just enjoyed our own company. Neither of us is that outgoing so we mostly kept to ourselves. By mid afternoon, I was ready for some pool volleyball, which I played for the rest of the week. It was lots of fun and the playmakers ran a tight ship - just don’t screw up your serve or you will be doing a ‘helicopteur!’ (imagine a spanish accent here).

I’m super outgoing in normal life but apparently when confronted with strange naked people I resort to talking about the weather.

But anyway…...Another fun night at the disco and all of a sudden my other rule is broken. We shyly make our way into the playroom. Which I originally did NOT want to do. But….. we’re having a great time and I’m a little bit curious. And it’s really sexy. There are a few couples in there and you can kind of tell (hear?) what they are doing. Much to my surprise I get into it. We fool around a bit and it’s all dark and loud music and sexy. Fun. But I definitely am not going to the jacuzzi, I’ve read about that. One hundred percent, no way.

And …...after one more drink we end up at the jacuzzi.

Yup - this place does make you want to get out of your comfort zone. When we got up there, we stripped down and I spotted a single unoccupied bed in the far corner. I grabbed some towels and steered my wife over to it. When we lay down, it was the first time that I saw a bit of panic in her eyes. Too far, too fast, I thought… Well one slow kiss and any hesitation melted away and we had a lot of fun for quite a long time. There is sexy music playing, a gentle breeze on your skin and a feeling of true freedom. The music was coming out of a speaker pretty close to us and when the song had a few moments of voices talking to each other it almost threw me off my stride, but I pushed through (he he).

One of the best things about this place was that it was allowing my wife to get back to terms with her body being a sexy thing. Kids and work and kids and chores can sometimes make you forget what fun you can have with all parts of your body. We did have fun with all parts of our bodies.

I had read about pizza after the jacuzzi and I was determined to get some, but after a brief dip in the jacuzzi, my wife just grabbed her clothes and headed down the stairs naked. I wasn’t about to put clothes on if she didn’t, so I followed her down the stairs naked and avoided the lobby bar entirely. No pizza, but a bit of a marathon session in the room before sleep.

So I end up liking the jacuzzi….it’s like most things at this resort (and opposite to most things in my normal life) it’s easy. No one is telling you to do anything or seemingly judging….it’s whatever you want to do. And although we do a lot of stuff at the jacuzzi I am really riled up when we get back to the room. It seems like this vacation won’t be about sleep at all. Oh well.

Who needs sleep when you can nap naked on the beach on a comfy bed with a gentle breeze. I was still gamely trying to get through the book I had brought, rereading every second page due to distractions on our bed and on other beds around us. We did see some play going on - one couple doing some heavy touching, another licking and in one instance some full on penetration. We never progressed past touching on the beach, if you can call multiple orgasms ‘touching’.

One of the nights we were there we noticed a night time activity called ‘Human Sundae’. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was early enough in the week to still think that my wife would not be very interested. It took place near the lobby bar and involved a very cute girl being undressed by the play staff and being asked to lie down on her front on a narrow bed that they had brought out. They then drew patterns on her with chocolate and caramel sauce, finally adding some chocolates and other candy in strategic locations on her body.

The staff invited guests to come up and, without using any hands, get some dessert. This for sure was going to be a limit for my wife, but much to my surprise she took me by the hand and led me over. She then proceeded to bend over and get a treat for herself followed quickly by me. We were still pretty reserved in that we confined ourselves to her legs and back, but still…

When her back was finished, the playmakers flipped her over and repeated the decoration. This time I encouraged my wife to be a bit more brave. She was lining up for the chocolate on top of the brave lady’s nipple only to have it stolen by an eager guy from the other side. I had to settle for a view of my sexy wife gobbling up a chocolate from the navel instead.

Yeah there was the sundae and the champagne….. But let’s talk about the massage…..I actually had three massages while I was there. I had a straight up massage in the spa (very nice, what you would expect, a little painful as they work out the knots in your neck, but you know it’s good for you), a massage on the beach (I really liked that and was mostly naked) and then the erotic massage. Ahhhh. I highly recommend this to anyone and everyone.

We started out with a bottle of champagne in the hot tub where we were kind of goofy and k nervously slid around and ate grapes (next time I will enjoy this part more). And then we come out and, as you might expect in any couples massage, are instructed to lie side by side on massage tables. Then they start. It’s great. Light massage, really sexy and then right into it. Touching me in places that would make my gynecologist would blush. I’m pretty sure I had a couple of orgasms before they brought my husband over. They were trying to get me to touch him but I was way too into it to be bothered by that and may have actually shooed him away at one point This was actually a highlight for me. It was really vulnerable, completely sexy and just good fun.

The massage was something. Lots of touching for me, but the highlight was being led over to her and assisting in the massage of my wife while the two masseuses worked her over. The three of us quickly gave her another orgasm before I climbed on board to finish the session.

I was a bit spacey after the whole thing but buzzing in a strange way - did that really happen? I decided not to overthink and settle into it. Oh my, this is libido I remember as a teenager, have I become insatiable? Looking over I decide to take him up and have my way with him, this might get complicated and we need towels, hydration and a dedicated cleaning staff ….as I’m leading him up to the room a passing thought.. what kind of adult does this? 2 in the afternoon is for boring meetings and teleconferences and document and performance reviews not for weird and wonderful sex with maybe, perhaps the door open a little bit…….Mmmmmm.

Insatiable - almost. I have to admit I was worn out. I overheard a couple that had come from Belgium for two weeks. Man, a week of this is insane - two weeks might kill us.

So, eventually the week wore to a close. We had done the theme nights every night except for the Wild West one. We had already bought something for White Night and were a bit sad that it changed a few weeks before we arrived. Sadly, the Worship of the Woman workshop with L & R was canceled due to L being sick. I had been looking forward to paying back my wife for our first day, but it was not to be.

The last night, like the ones before it, we danced in the disco, played around in the playroom one last time and soon after headed up to the jacuzzi. Unfortunately, the skies soon opened and lightning crashed around us. After riding it out a bit at the bar, we decided it was time to finally try out the pizza at the lobby bar. Big mistake not trying this earlier in the week. It was hot and tasty and gave us just enough energy to stay up for another couple of hours in our room.

Sadly we needed to get up at 6:00am the next day to pack in time for our ride to the airport. As we were waiting in the lobby for our bus an hour later I had time to think about all that had changed in the course of a week. We had gotten back something that had been hidden for a long time (and more!).

The bus eventually showed up, we took our last sniff of the intoxicating lobby scent and we bundled into the shared ride to the airport. We mostly avoided eye contact with the four other couples in the van who were craning their necks to try to spot some sort of debauchery going on.

All through the week we mostly kept to ourselves. Everyone that we met and talked to was very friendly, but the trip was for us.

As we made our way back to reality I was completely floored to realize how much I had enjoyed this. At some point in the week it shifted from doing this “for him” to enjoying this whole experience for us. It was so far removed from our regular life - which is good and we like our jobs and we love our kids, but to lose our inhibitions and connect again was awesome and long overdue. I realize I hadn’t thought of myself as a person (a sexy person) in a long time. I’m a mother, a daughter, a wife and an employee but shedding clothing and responsibilities for awhile and being me, and doing what I wanted, was good. This is a place that lets you be you. It was great.

So would I like to go back? Absolutely. When will we go back? Who knows with our busy life, but it will be fun looking forward to it.

Yeah. We’ll be back. And next time I won’t be anxious and it won’t take me as long to get in the swing of things. Wait - I misspoke, not the “swing” of things, I didn’t mean that. I do have rules, as you know.

If you made this far, thanks for reading. It was fun to re-live this again with my wife while passing the laptop back and forth. No animals were hurt during the writing, but there may have been an orgasm or two.
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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby mr&mrssnow » Fri Aug 24, 2018 9:38 pm

Great trip report!
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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby gntatdesire » Fri Aug 24, 2018 10:16 pm

Great trip report; a very enjoyable read! Desire is SO much fun, it makes "vanilla" resorts unappealing, even if they are adults-only. The incredible freedom and equalizer of being nekkid is only understood by those that have gone, and it's great that the OP's enjoyed the eye-opening experience called Desire. :L
When does flirting become foreplay?

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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby desireaddict » Sat Aug 25, 2018 7:13 am

Very nicely done! A wonderful read, lengthy with a lot of detail, but I'm sure no one will be able to quit before finishing it in its entirety.

It brought back so many memories of our first few trips! All those emotions that flood through you when you arrive and look around and then there's that "OMG! Look at all those nekkid people" moment. A very "nostalgic" feeling and even a bit sad that there is no longer that adrenaline rush about nekkid people anymore. I guess that is a 1st time, 1st day feeling. LOL Who knows what could happen on Trip #2?

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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby av80r » Sat Aug 25, 2018 8:23 am

Nice report.
Nice to read some really positive recent ones as a few of the negatives ones lately have us a little bummed.

Cheers, R and T
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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby Explorer79 » Sat Aug 25, 2018 3:55 pm

Great report!!
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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby TandD » Sun Aug 26, 2018 1:51 pm

That. Was. Awesome.

As we made our way back to reality I was completely floored to realize how much I had enjoyed this. At some point in the week it shifted from doing this “for him” to enjoying this whole experience for us. It was so far removed from our regular life - which is good and we like our jobs and we love our kids, but to lose our inhibitions and connect again was awesome and long overdue. I realize I hadn’t thought of myself as a person (a sexy person) in a long time. I’m a mother, a daughter, a wife and an employee but shedding clothing and responsibilities for awhile and being me, and doing what I wanted, was good. This is a place that lets you be you. It was great.

You've captured this perfectly
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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby jkroha » Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:59 am

Thank you, really enjoyed the style and details :) Plus always glad to read a good one!
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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby reachn » Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:28 am

Great report!!!! loved the back and forth style...glad you had a blast!!!
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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby MachineWorks » Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:37 pm

One of the most enjoyable reports I've read. Getting both perspectives was very entertaining. :L :L :L
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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby Bones » Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:12 pm

I agree! Well done, and will be a great help/read for other first timers.
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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby jrob » Mon Aug 27, 2018 5:55 pm

Thanks for all the nice comments. The funny thing about our story is that it is the kind of report that would have totally freaked out my wife before going. One week can change a lot. :D
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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby Lkncouple » Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:09 pm

May be the best trip report ever. Brings back memories of our first time. Both of us enjoyed it.
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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby RJOC » Wed Aug 29, 2018 12:16 pm

Lkncouple wrote:May be the best trip report ever. Brings back memories of our first time. Both of us enjoyed it.

:L :L :L

It really brought back the memory of our first time, and all the excitement building up to the trip, and the fun at Desire.

Thank you both for contributing with one of the best trip reports I have read.
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Re: Our first time at RM - what a memory (Aug, 2018)

Postby kandstahoe » Sat Sep 01, 2018 12:36 am

Bravo!! Going back for our second trip after five years in October. We had a similar experience our first time also. This time with so much going on I was surprised how easy it was to talk my wife into it. :) Thanks!
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