Triple trip report(sort of) RM Edition, Feb 2019

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Triple trip report(sort of) RM Edition, Feb 2019

Postby agw » Wed May 29, 2019 2:24 pm

My wife and I started our adventure September 2018 at Desire Pearl. If you are so inclined, head to that forum for that report. I was so ready to come back that when a long weekend opened up on my calendar at the end of February we decided to book. Pearl was full on Friday night but RM was open all 4 nights. We decided to book here for Feb. 27 until March 3.

The trip to RM was pretty uneventful. After we checked in we sat at the bar outside and had our first drink. RIght off we loved this bar. So much better than the one at Pearl outside the disco. Much better atmosphere and bigger. Being outside is also much nicer. We go to the room and relax a bit before dinner. Later we again hang at the bar and the show starts. A big difference also from Pearl. The show here seemed much more central to the experience whereas at Pearl it was an afterthought. We did not go up to the disco this night. Instead we stayed down at the bar till 11:30 and then went to the hot tub. We had heard that the hot tub was much smaller. While it is, there was only two other couples in the hot tub. We stayed there until almost 12:30 and not very many people showed up. We ended up going back to the room and having hot sex so, can't be that bad.

Thursday: We start off with our routine from Pearl. Have breakfast. Relax a bit and then head to the pool. Wife keeps the bottoms on but is topless much like the beginning at Pearl. We spend more time on the beds reading and laying out. We do get in the pool some and talk to a nice couple. We see Richard and Lauren and talk to them. Super nice people. Love the Room 77 podcast by the way. Unfortunately do not make it to the class. The people we talk to are friendly as usual but I notice that no one is asking if we are in the lifestyle as opposed to our first time. Now, we have different color bands and so there may be a bit of an assumption. Don't really think anything of it though at the time. This is more in retrospect. After 4 we head up to the hot tub for hot tub happy hour. OK. Now it feels small. Lots of people. Meet another nice couple that we talk with. Head up to the bar after dinner for some drinks. Meet a few couples and something just feels off. At Pearl, almost universally, the women ran the show. Not that the men were wallflowers but every couple the woman was an active part of the conversation and everything else. The couples we met at the bar this night were definitely man driven. Very few words from the women. It was almost creepy. We again skip the disco and head to the hot tub. Don't spend much time there and go have great sex.

Friday. Same story. Breakfast, lazy day by pool. Don't talk to many people. We were definitely not as social this trip as the other trips. Part of that is on us but part of it is the vibe we were getting. It was almost predatory. That night at the bar during the show we meet a nice couple. Again, the man did all the talking. HE orders Mini Beers. These were awesome. We have the shot and decide to head up to the disco this night. I really wanted to go there because I do like dancing and having fun there. Wife not so much. We hang out with the couple from the bar and he orders another three rounds of mini beers in a row. Kind of felt like he was pushing them on us. Suddenly my wife asks to leave and we just go back to the room. Still have great sex. Wife tells me later that after the 4th mini beer the guy whispers in her ear "lets go back to the playroom." We had known this couple all of 30 minutes. That is not at all our speed and just added to the vibe we were feeling.

Saturday. Same story. Sort of. At Pearl by the last day my wife was naked in the pool Today, she had her top and bottom on. We were going backwards. She just didn't feel comfortable. We do meet a few very nice couples that we share our story with who were horrified. They were staying in one of the oceanfront suites and were having a party later and invited us to come by. We head to the hot tub again around 5 and immediately leave. It was standing room only with people shoulder to shoulder inside and outside the hot tub. Not our cup of tea. After dinner we walk the beach to see if the party is happening(I was surprised we even attempted to find it) and it was either over, not begun or never started. We did go to the beach bed and have amazing sex this night. My wife made me ask the security guard if it was OK. It was.

All in all the resort was great. Loved the pool, beach, food, bar, staff, etc. Hot tub was fine if only less crowded. Met some great people but also met some that I would rather not talk to again. There was a real difference in crowd composition. At Pearl it was probably 50/50 lifestyle/vanilla. Here, if there was another couple not in the lifestyle we didn't find them. Will we return to RM? Definitely maybe. Pearl? can't wait.
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We arrive on: 27 Feb 2019

Re: Triple trip report(sort of) RM Edition, Feb 2019

Postby Explorer79 » Wed May 29, 2019 6:04 pm

Sounds to me like a luck of the draw type of thing, i.e. the crowd at RM happened to be what it was (as opposed to _this_ is how RM is and _that_ is how Pearl is).

I realize you weren't necessarily drawing that conclusion but someone else probably will so I just wanted to point that out.

We had one RM trip where the crowd was atypical and it was definitely a different experience by a good bit as compared to the other trips. The particulars are different than yours but the gist is the same. It's actually a careful balance I believe and it doesn't take much to tip things into a different direction. I think overall this is the crux of what you hear with Pearl vs RM comparisons way more than the actual differences between clientèle at each place (which ultimately is very fluid).
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Re: Triple trip report(sort of) RM Edition, Feb 2019

Postby jds » Wed May 29, 2019 6:51 pm

We've been to RM 5 times and Pearl 3 times. Our first time at Pearl was all good except finding any fun couples who weren't already in their own little group. We never go to either place with expectations of hooking up with anyone. We do hope to meet couples that we can at least hang with at the pool. This first trip to Pearl sucked that way compared to RM. We planned on always going to RM in the future. Well we met another couple on our next trip to RM who wanted us to join them at Pearl later that year. We did and found the overall crowd to be very different. That being said I think both places are just never know what type of crowed will be there from one trip to the next. We now alternate every trip.
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Re: Triple trip report(sort of) RM Edition, Feb 2019

Postby ContentTwo » Thu May 30, 2019 11:30 am

Sorry to hear about the negatives, but I’m glad you shared the report. I find it interesting (and helpful) to read a report about a less than stellar visit. I really appreciate the context you provided about HOW the crowd affected the visit. We always hear glowing trip reports where everything is perfect but only isolated accounts of having an “off” crowd. Very rarely do those isolated accounts give the appropriate context to draw any conclusions about whether the poster was overly critical or the crowd was actually unusual.

Explorer, I think your description of a careful balance may be accurate. We’ll rely on you guys to keep the scales tilted in the right direction in October!
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Re: Triple trip report(sort of) RM Edition, Feb 2019

Postby Explorer79 » Thu May 30, 2019 2:08 pm

ContentTwo wrote:Explorer, I think your description of a careful balance may be accurate. We’ll rely on you guys to keep the scales tilted in the right direction in October!

Looks like you are arriving on the 16th - we arrive on the 17th and much of the group from last October will be there around the same time, along with a few others that we have met on previous trips to Desire and Naughty in Nawlins - in fact we picked this specific week for exactly this reason. Some of the best friends we have made on this journey will be there. I'll go out on a limb and say that you won't be disappointed, I'm as certain as I can be that this crowd will deliver ;-)
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