Newbies trip report, May 2019

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Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby Jes and Kris » Mon Jun 10, 2019 10:56 am

My husband and I recently got back from our first trip to Desire RM. We were there celebrating our ten year wedding anniversary. I am 29 and my husband is 30. Before this trip we had never been to a nude beach or anything. Honestly, neither of us had ever even been to a strip club. (The strip clubs in our area have a terrible reputation) before our trip we joined this forum. We read everything there was to read. We did tons of research. We really never even considered the lifestyle until planning for this trip. Our conversations were really hot and we thought we may dip our toes in the lifestyle while on this trip. Just a few days before we left, I had a moment, emotionally... and I changed my mind. I didn't even want to consider the lifestyle at this point. So off we go to Desire...

When we arrived we were extremely tired and hungry. We didn't have any trouble saying no to the sales pitch. I joked that they profiled us and thought we wouldn't be able to afford it anyway because of our age. :lol: After the sit down where they told us where everything is, we headed straight to get some lunch. Mind you, neither of us have seen another naked person in at least 12 years (other than porn :twisted: ) we rounded the corner, heading to the restaurant and the stood 3 naked people and my brain went haywire :lol: I was shocked at first. We sat down to eat lunch and I was so overstimulated. I was having second thoughts for sure. Then a really nice couple sat down at the table next to us. They saw our yellow bracelets and the looks on our faces and started joking with us. We had a really nice conversation with them and they really put us both at ease. After we ate, we headed back to our room to get our swimsuits on and head to the pool. It was probably around 3pm and there were no chairs or beds so we went to the bar and ended up running into the couple we chatted with at the restaurant, they told us we could put our stuff on their chairs. So we did, then we headed into the pool. Prior to the trip, my husband was so confident that he would be in the buff the entire time we were there. I, on the other hand, said I'd probably not get fully nude at all. Five minutes in, my top came off... And to all the ladies who are worried about being self conscious... Don't worry!! I was so nervous because I've had two children and nursed both of them... My boobs are my main insecurity... And I was topless within minutes. I've never felt so sexy in my life. My insecurities faded away and I was more confident than ever before! I was surrounded by fake perfect perky boobs but I felt incredible with my mom boobs :D my husband never went completely nude the first day. I guess it was a mind f**k for him because we had a complete role reversal while we were at Desire. He was more timid and I was more confident, which is much different from our normal life.

A little while later, everyone started migrating to the hot tub. We had read a lot about it on the forum but we weren't sure that was our scene. :lol: we decided to head up there to see what it was all about... :oops: we were a little intimidated by the environment and left shortly after we arrived. We were getting ready for dinner when I got a text message from a girl I had met through a ladies desire Facebook group asking if we'd like to join her and her husband for dinner. We agreed. We went and had a nice time meeting them. After dinner they were going to have a burlesque show outside the lobby. We got a good seat, close to the action of the show (please watch your seating if you're a newbie and don't want to be involved in the show :lol: ) the show starts and this super sexy playmaker comes out dancing and giving mini lap dances to some of the men in the crowd. My husband (who is acting very timid and had never had a lap dance in his life) got a lap dance from this sexy lady. She was very seductive and had this super sexy look in her eyes. She was great! Meanwhile he is looking at me with a panicked look like it's this ok?! I thought it was incredibly sexy. But at the same time, my heart was racing!! Later on in the show the same girl and two other ladies came and pulled my husband up on stage and they all three were dancing on him. It was hot!! Then they started unbuttoning his shirt... Then his pants... They stood him up naked in front of everyone at the show. He about died :lol: we had never read about anything like this happening so I wanted to include it in our trip review for newbies. After the show we went to the DIsco and watched things going on in there... Then we decided we would head to the beach for some alone time. It was a full moon. It was such a beautiful night. We ended up having sex on the beach it was perfect! I will never forget it!! But before we went on the trip, we thought we would be into having sex in front of others but quickly realized that is not for us. We prefer to be without an audience :bj

The next day we headed to the beach. I loved being on the beach. It seemed you had a little more privacy out there. I took my bottoms off the second day and never wore them again (except when we went snorkeling) it was so liberating!! And again, I felt more confident than ever before!! I didn't want to pressure my husband to take it all off (who am I kidding, yes I did!! :lol: ) but I kept bringing it up and he was just more reserved so he didn't take his trunks off that day but we had a wonderful day together and ended up chatting with the couple who approached us at lunch the day before quite a bit. We really liked them and their story. They were in the lifestyle. We could tell that they deeply love each other and have a really strong bond. It was refreshing to see that type of relationship in the lifestyle. It really changed our perception of the lifestyle.

Meanwhile, another couple that I had met online and I had been messaging the wife were set to arrive the next day. We were really excited to meet them in person because we had some similar interests and it seemed like we would really vibe with them. They arrived and we met them and chatted with them a bit. I was a little too chatty :lol: I had a lot of questions about the lifestyle and how they came to be in the lifestyle and different things. I am just a very curious person. They did not mind and indulged all my questions. We went on back to our room that night. And I guess I should mention, we had INCREDIBLE SEX the entire time we were on our trip!! It was like never before. We have a very healthy and active sex life at home, but the environment at Desire really adds to your private time!

We went to the art of touch workshop with Richard and Lauren on Tuesday! It was worshiping the women on that day. It was so HOT!!!! OMG! It was incredible. At one point Richard and Lauren and my husband all had their hands on me and it was sensory overload! I really enjoyed it and wished that we were there on Thursday for the mens. (We will make sure we are there for the mens next time) It was a tad bit distracting for us at some points so we didnt actually have sex in there but we did enjoy every minute of it!! One thing I wish I would have done differently - I was wearing a blindfold so I couldnt see all the hands touching me... my husband said it was so incredibly hot and that image was definitely going in the spank bank :lol: but I wish I had the visual also... next time no blindfold!!

Finally, on the third day of our trip, all my pressuring worked! I was walking to the beach and my husband was supposed to be coming too. I looked back and he was NAKED! I was shocked and excited!! We had sex in the ocean and it was incredible!

Fast forward to our last day, we had talked to the couple from facebook a few times but nothing really in depth. The last day, we hung out with them in the pool for most of the afternoon. We really vibed with them and thought they were both attractive people. We had began having conversations with each other (me and my husband) about the possibility of play with them and I was good with it. Something shifted in my mind when we went to Desire. I had a newfound confidence in myself and in my marriage. That is not something I expected to come away with from going to a clothing optional resort :lol: We had a great time with them in the pool that afternoon. They went to the hot tub and invited us to come too but we were still kind of reserved. Later that night, we began conversating with them again and we were hoping to maybe bring it up about the possibility of play but we were too green and we didnt know exactly how to approach that subject so we never did but the idea of it has been fueling our alone time for a few weeks. We have kept in touch and are planning to get together with them in a couple of months. Since we have been home, we have joined kasidie and have been having the sexiest conversations with each other. Our communication has never been better! Our marriage is even stronger than before and I never expected to have these types of benefits from a vacation. I have never came home from a vacation with life lessons the way I did with this trip.

Everyone there was sexy! Women and men of all ages, all shapes and all sizes!! EVERYONE was sexy! If you are having second thoughts because of insecurities over your body... please take my advice! One of my favorite mental images was of a lady who was a bigger woman (with excellent boobs!) was in the beach bed next to us... she was riding her husband reverse cowgirl one afternoon and it was a glorious sight! I am shy doing reverse cowgirl in my own bedroom sometimes... but she was so sexy and owning it! It was incredible! The people we met there were the nicest people we have ever had the pleasure of meeting. We stood around naked having the best conversations with strangers who soon became friends. If you are having reservations about booking a trip... DO IT! It will be the best trip you have ever had! I am hoping my husband will come and write his report too maybe in the comments of this thread so you can read his viewpoint of the trip.
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby Hikercouple56 » Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:39 am

Great trip report!! We are looking forward to our first visit in September. Do you plan on going back? What changed your mind while there that made you want to play with others? Thanks!
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby Jes and Kris » Mon Jun 10, 2019 12:42 pm

His perspective:

Like she said above, this was our first (of many to come hopefully) trip to Desire. As a matter of fact it was our first time ever to anything of the sorts, we have never even been to a strip club, a LS club, or anything. We are both a conservative couple, raised in the Bible Belt. However, we are both freaks in our own home and in our heads :D So most may ask "why did you choose Desire or how did you decide on it?" Well, this past May was our 10 year wedding anniversary and she has said for years that we needed to get away, just her and I. You see according to the book the 5 love languages, hers is quality time. Having 2 children and demanding jobs, life gets hectic and we don't always have time to spend just her and I. So for our anniversary I wanted to treat her. I began looking at secluded beach resorts and had in mind a bungalow style room with a private beach, secluded from all others. In my research I began to realize that was going to be pricey. So I began looking at couples only resorts, and by this time I had told her what I was planning and to help me look. So she contacted the travel agent and explained. The travel agent sent us Temptations and we looked over it. We didn't really like the sound of it because of the single men and such. Thats when we stumbled on Desire, we contacted the travel agent and she read the misses mind and sent us over the quotes. You see, we couldn't come right out and tell the travel agent because we were bashful and didn't want her to know what freaks we are, :lol: . So we booked the trip and started reading this forum and with the advice of some of her friends in the FB groups, listening to podcasts. The biggest thing that I have learned from the is COMMUNICATE!!! So we began talking, the more we talked the open and honest the conversations became. We both had fantasies, and started to realize that we needed to set some boundaries for our trip. We both had the mindset that we wasn't going on the hunt but would be open to possible play. And if nothing happened then that was fine to, we were still going to enjoy each other.

The outfits for theme nights, the thong bikinis, and sexy dresses began pouring in from one line orders and my heart started pumping a more steady flow of blood to my penis!! I have always wanted to see her in sexy low cut high thigh dresses with no bra or panties, and thong bikini bottoms!! My dreams were coming true!! It was so fun planning and ordering stuff for theme nights and dinner, we were both getting super excited!! The time had finally came and the night before we dropped the kids off with her parents for the week. We were nervous but excited. On the way to the airport, I said "you should go braless!" Being adventurous, she did! :twisted: I went commando as well (BIG MISTAKE, my shirts rubbed the top of my penis a little raw. But thats ok, coconut oil and vitamin E oil are a must for a trip like this.). We finally made it thru customs at the airport, it wasn't bad but the line was long and we were horny, I mean hungry (advice= eat more than just a biscuit before you leave, its gonna be a long day). We got to our transport, and off we went. We had 2 guys in the van with us that were going to a separate resort, so they got dropped off first. Then we finally made it to Desire RM!!! Up on arrival the lady at the front desk was very nice and check in was a breeze. They then sent us with a gentlemen to go over some house rules and give us the black book. He then gave us a voucher for $500. She was really hungry and getting lethargic at this point and I made sure to tell him that and she needed to eat ASAP or we were all going to have a bad day. While he was talking I was reading the voucher, it was a sales pitch and I told him not right now and we were going to eat. So he was very nice and let us go easily.

Once we rounded the corner to the restaurants and pool, it hit us like a ton of bricks. What have we gotten ourselves into!!! Nakedness EVERYWHERE!! We sat down to eat at the buffet and we couldn't stop looking out the windows, our minds were racing. This whole time I was saying "Im going nude the second I exit the lobby", boy did that change. I became an introvert, something that I am totally not used to. She became a bubbly, confident women!! This was not the norm and it was screwing with my mind!! We swam in the pool and then went up to the hot tub to see what all the fuss was about. This was Saturday and the hot tub was packed!! We would have had to be on someones shoulders to get in, so we got a bed and laid and watched a couple beside us have sex. It was hot, but I wasn't in the right mind set to be able to perform and we decided to go to the room and have our own kinky sex!! We got ready and went to dinner with her friend from FB, then to the show. We didn't dress up this night (although we had the outfits to). Then the playmakers or show girls started going around giving guys mini lap dances. Fortunately or unfortunately, we were on the front room at a round high top table close to the bar and one of them came up to me and started giving me one!! Oh shit is exactly what I was thinking!! We had a conversation, and long story short any play was off the table. But I went along with it in a mental state of panic and kept telling myself "she'll understand, I didn't ask for this". lol. Afterwards, I asked if she was alright, and sure enough she was and thought it was hot. Then here they came, 3 of them!!! They grabbed me and pulled my up on the platform, and all 3 started giving me a lap dance!!! I was beside myself, I couldn't pay attention to them because I was so focused on my wife and her reaction. She was smiling and so was I, not solely from enjoyment but a lot more from embarrassment and being the center of attention. Then the stripped me down naked!!!!! :lol: I was stunned at this point!! What penis I do have has now ran and has wrapped itself around my lungs hiding!! Even more embarrassing, LOL. But hey whatever, its all in good fun. I made sure to ask her if she was alright, and she was. Her only question was "how did you not have a boner?" LMAO!!! I explained, not just anything gives a guy a boner, especially in that situation!!!

The first full day (Sunday), we reserved a round bed by the pool (her timeline says beach but that isn't right ;) ), we had a good time. We sat on the shaded side of the pool and just relaxed and drank and talked all day. She slipped off her top by lunch time, and I was like a kid in a candy store. My wife who is mostly reserved, is laying her and walking around topless and in a thong bikini!! I was beside myself!! I was beginning to see a role reversal that I have never seen before, and feelings I had never experienced. I begin to realize just how much I needed my wife, she was/is my comforter. She would make a pass at me and I would giggle like a school boy, you see I hadn't yet came to terms with flaunting a boner for the world to see, and I haven't came to terms with being naked for the whole resort to see either. My penis belongs to my wife, and I hadn't gotten into the mind set of "no one cares about your penis" just yet. That night we went and ate, then got dressed for the theme night. We went to the show and stayed toward the back side of the bar this night lol. Then to the disco, we didn't really dance because there isn't much of a dance floor. Instead we sat back and enjoyed the shows going on around us, BJ's and PDS. We then made our way to a beach bed and had our own fun :D and then on to bed.

The second day (Monday), we decided to get a beach bed and just relax by the ocean. This was AWESOME!!! It was so relaxing, there were people on one side of us but no one on the other. We drank, and drank, and drank. Swam in the ocean, and laid on the beach bed. We saw some action and had a great time. The wife by this time had gotten completely nude, and was practically begging me to get naked!! I had yet came to terms with it and was being reserved, again totally not like me. She had bought in to the whole thing and was having the time of her life!! It was so fun to see her in her element, being sexy and confidant. It was like a new women had been birthed!! And I was as gitty as I ever have been watching this unfold before my eyes!! We talked to several people (a couple we had met there, a couple she had met the women on FB group), both in the LS. The one couple we had met there really impacted our lives that day. We seen that they truly love each other as much as my wife and I love each other. And it became a mind fuk for us. We began to talk about the LS and the possibilities of exploring and how we could finally see, first hand, how fun it would be to see are fantasies come to life. We made it to dinner and the theme night and on to bed, after a round of very erotic sex between her and I.

Day 3: We decide to get a beach bed again, because of how relaxing it was the day before. She gets naked straight out of the gate, and the drinks start flowing!!! As I laid there listening to her not pressure me about getting naked, I came to terms with it. You see who cares what the others think of me, my wife wants to see me naked. She got up to go get in the ocean, and I swallowed my pride. I lost the trunks and gained a new found confidence, a freedom. When she saw me naked walking down the beach towards her, I saw her face light up!! The party was on!! We went to the Art of Touch workshop at 4:30, that was awesome!! Super hot!!! You have to do it!! And make sure to listen to Room77 podcast, they are hilarious and we felt like we knew them and had never even met them before. Super nice, sexy, and funny couple!!

Day 4: Our last full day we decided to party by the pool. We got a round bed, but after lunch we stayed in the pool, NAKED!! I never put my trunks back on except to go snorkeling that morning and to lunch that day. We talked to a couple she had met on FB group and had an incredible vibe going with them. We found them both attractive, and we were all kind of flirting and stuff in the pool. It was cool to see the "dance" taking place. They decided to go to the hot tub and my wife and I decided to stay at the pool and talk. We floated around in the pool for and hour or more talking, it was awesome. We opened up in conversations like we have never had before and began to realize more and more how much I need/needed her. She truly is my best friend. That night we all went dancing and I made sure to make us room on the dance floor!!! We then went back to our room to begin packing. We went to the lobby bar for the must have BLT's and ran into the "pool" couple. We talked for a long while, but never did work up the encouragement to do anything or say we wanted to(thats a part of that acquired transition that you hear about in the podcasts). Then it was off to bed for us.

In conclusion, if you are thinking about going, do yourself a favor and GO!!! The staff is awesome and you will never be with out a drink. We tipped a dollar to 2 or 3 most every time they brought us a drink and Im sure that helped a little. You and your spouse will learn more about yourselves than you ever knew. Even if the LS isn't for you, it is a very freeing and liberating place. A place that is truly judgment free and you can be yourself. You will soon learn that all body types and all ages are sexy, confidence is sexy!! I know we will be going back, and are already planning a trip next year!! Maybe I won't be so backward at first, as a matter of fact I know I won't be. We had the times of our lives!!!
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby NNJAsianCpl » Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:05 pm

That's an awesome trip report. Love the perspective from the both of you!
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby Jes and Kris » Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:17 pm

Hikercouple56 wrote:Great trip report!! We are looking forward to our first visit in September. Do you plan on going back? What changed your mind while there that made you want to play with others? Thanks!

Yes!! We plan to go back as soon as possible with our work schedule and our kids. We were hoping to go back this year but it's looking like we'll have to wait until next year. Honestly, what changed my mind was I had a huge Surge of confidence personally and gained new confidence in my marriage and the bond we have. We are best friends and love each other so deeply and that hasn't changed but my mindset changed. I know there is no one who could take my place in his life and vice versa. It also changed my mind to see other couples who were so deeply in love and to talk to them about their lifestyle journey. I wasn't game to play with just anyone but the couple we both spoke about was so different than we expected. We genuinely liked them, human to human. There was chemistry between us all. I felt zero threat from either of them. I just realized the lifestyle (for some couples and for us) is just about the physical fun of it and the fantasy of seeing my husband being pleasured by someone else. It's not about a deep emotional connection with other people. My mindset about so many things has changed since our trip. The confidence didn't stop when I got home. It was truly life changing for us, not to sound dramatic, but it's true!! You will have a great time!! I can't wait to read your trip report!!
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby Hikercouple56 » Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:33 pm

Loved the trip report! My husband asked you questions above but I was curious to know if you all dressed up for theme nights and if so, what was your fave?
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby Jes and Kris » Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:44 pm

Hikercouple56 wrote:Loved the trip report! My husband asked you questions above but I was curious to know if you all dressed up for theme nights and if so, what was your fave?

Yes we dressed up! The first night we were there we never went back to the room and changed. (Burlesque night) I was insecure about the outfit I had chosen and since it was our first day there, we just decided to wear our dinner clothes (small dress for me and shorts and button up for him) we never felt uncomfortable that night for not being dressed for the theme. My favorite was the masquerade night or latex and leather. Don't stress about theme night's!! I stressed trying to find the perfect outfit each night and next time I'll definitely be more laid back about it.
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby T12 » Mon Jun 10, 2019 7:08 pm

Jes and Kris wrote:
Hikercouple56 wrote:Loved the trip report! My husband asked you questions above but I was curious to know if you all dressed up for theme nights and if so, what was your fave?

Yes we dressed up! The first night we were there we never went back to the room and changed. (Burlesque night) I was insecure about the outfit I had chosen and since it was our first day there, we just decided to wear our dinner clothes (small dress for me and shorts and button up for him) we never felt uncomfortable that night for not being dressed for the theme. My favorite was the masquerade night or latex and leather. Don't stress about theme night's!! I stressed trying to find the perfect outfit each night and next time I'll definitely be more laid back about it.

Really, really good report. You seem like a great couple!
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby Explorer79 » Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:21 pm

Great reports, the Desire Effect is in full force. Sounds like it fully clicked for you about day 3 which I think is pretty normal, but also sounds like you embraced the environment from the start and found your pace. All of this of course leads to another trip. One awesome thing is that your next trip, and really any trip will be different and unique, which is hard to come by in life. In fact, until Desire (and now Naughty in Nawlins), we had never visited the same location twice.

I'll go out on a limb and guess the biggest positive surprise was the awareness about couples in the Lifestyle. This was something I didn't expect and was a big AHA moment. We are so attracted to couples that have an obvious strong connection. Whatever we do with others is always us doing it together (in body and mind), but until we got to Desire and started to experience it first hand it was not something that made any sense, sounds like you had a similar revelation and some good mentors which was huge for us as well.
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby Wtxcpl1128 » Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:21 pm

First off thank you for taking the time to talk about your first experience at Desire it really is a great review and helps put my mind at ease :D My husband and I are going in July for the first time. I am excited but nervous at the same time.
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby newbies2012 » Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:31 pm

Great trip report. Reminds us of our first trip to Desire in 2012. We have been back every year since and twice in the same year a couple of times. Thanks for the report.
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby Jes and Kris » Tue Jun 11, 2019 7:58 am

Wtxcpl1128 wrote:First off thank you for taking the time to talk about your first experience at Desire it really is a great review and helps put my mind at ease :D My husband and I are going in July for the first time. I am excited but nervous at the same time.

I will pm you.

Thank you all for the positive feedback. I'm hoping newbies will be able to gain some confidence from our experience and or story.
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby hooligans » Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:45 pm

Thank you such a thorough report. It's extremely helpful for the ones of who are going for the first time.
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby JGen » Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:03 am

Wtxcpl1128 wrote:First off thank you for taking the time to talk about your first experience at Desire it really is a great review and helps put my mind at ease :D My husband and I are going in July for the first time. I am excited but nervous at the same time.

Absolute great report Many thanks for sharing your experience
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Re: Newbies trip report, May 2019

Postby SteveNMary » Sun Jun 30, 2019 7:21 pm

I agree with the others, great report. We are Desires “virgins” and reports like this just make me want to go more. Wife is a little more reserved about it even though when we go to Vegas she brings all her slutty clothes and tiny bikinis. She never has a problem showing her confidence. The fact that she’s gorgeous helps. Just keep trying to get her interested. Thanks again for the great report. Glad you enjoyed the trip. :L
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