ED meds & alcohol?

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ED meds & alcohol?

Postby txcouple2022 » Fri Aug 19, 2022 8:44 am

Hi everyone!

The wife and I (49m/42f) will be at Pearl for our first trip anywhere remotely like this Nov 18-22! Both excited and very nervous at the same time! Non LS and very ‘vanilla’ up to this point. We’ve enjoyed reading the various trip reports etc and if it weren’t for those I doubt we’d have been comfortable enough to actually book it, so thanks for all those contributions!

My question is around ED meds like Viagra/Cialis. I’ve never taken any before, really don’t need them most of the time, with one exception. When drinking more than usual, not to the point of being hammered but just drinking all day maintaining a ‘good buzz’ (maybe a little into the drunk spectrum at times ;) like we tend to do on all inclusive vacations. That’s the one scenario where later in the day/eve my body sometimes doesn’t cooperate with what my mind wants to do! I figured taking Viagra/Cialis would be great while at pearl to ensure we can enjoy the full trip experience with no unwanted physical roadblocks. Problem is, I’ve read you shouldn’t take those meds if you drink anything more than a very small amount of alcohol. Does anyone here have any experience or input on this? Is it sort of just an overly cautious recommendation or a very serious no no, where these meds aren’t an option unless I simply don’t drink much? If it is truly a no no, then is there a good alternative that is safe to take when drinking and also effective? Obviously won’t take any comments as solid medical advice, but would love to get an idea from any out there how have direct experience in this they could share. Thanks in advance for any responses!
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Re: ED meds & alcohol?

Postby gntatdesire » Fri Aug 19, 2022 9:20 am

Very similar situations and concerns existed for us ("us" because the wife is directly affected by his blood flow to the desired appendage...), and Cialis was recommended by the doc, and the only med tried. Anecdotal info, but it worked perfectly! And alcohol was definitely, and commonly, involved, though watching the overall intake can be a challenge, at Desire, or any all-inclusive. Cialis comes with the "don't consume grapefruit products" caveat...

When we plunged into the LS, wonderful fun, there have been several encounters where the wife mentioned to me, post romp, that "he would have benefitted from one of your yellow pills" :D
When does flirting become foreplay?

No regrets, except why did we wait to have so much fun!
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Re: ED meds & alcohol?

Postby gaviao » Fri Aug 19, 2022 11:01 am

From my experience. I am currently 61 years old; I have taken Tadalafil (Cialis) for 15 years, before only on special occasions, nowadays whenever there will be sexual encounters.
After trying Viagra and Levitra (the first one works very well but doesn't last long, the second one gave me such a headache that I could never enjoy its effects) and consulting with my urologist (I had prostate surgery 6 years ago), he gave me the following recommendations:
1 tablet of 20 mg of Tadalafil, preferably on an empty stomach or with little food in it, every 36-48 hours; Avoid excess alcohol and fatty foods.
I can tell you that following this advice I have magnificent results; not just erections when I want them, but a very good appearance of my penis the rest of the time, which I like in a nudist setting.
My limits on alcohol? About 6 beers between 12 and 6 PM. At dinner, an aperitif, half a bottle of wine, and perhaps a digestif. At the disco, two more glasses, it can be wine or rum. Is it too little for you?
Side effects of Cialis? A slight nasal congestion, with slight discomfort in the septum. Sometimes a mild headache on the forehead, which is solved with a couple of aspirin. Important not to take antihistamines, they counteract the effect of the drug.
By the way, I haven't bought Cialis for years, I order generic medicine online. I have tried several, but the best without a doubt is one called Tadalista.
I recommend you do tests before your trip, you don't want to have an unpleasant surprise there.
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Re: ED meds & alcohol?

Postby txcouple2022 » Sat Aug 20, 2022 12:13 am

gntatdesire wrote:Very similar situations and concerns existed for us ("us" because the wife is directly affected by his blood flow to the desired appendage...), and Cialis was recommended by the doc, and the only med tried. Anecdotal info, but it worked perfectly! And alcohol was definitely, and commonly, involved, though watching the overall intake can be a challenge, at Desire, or any all-inclusive. Cialis comes with the "don't consume grapefruit products" caveat...

When we plunged into the LS, wonderful fun, there have been several encounters where the wife mentioned to me, post romp, that "he would have benefitted from one of your yellow pills" :D

Thank you for the reply! So in your experience the ‘vacation alcohol intake’ was a non factor, and the medication worked and no adverse effects from mixing the two things? I definitely agree on the ‘us’ ideology, that particular appendage (and it’s functionality) absolutely has a major impact on both of us…. Hence my thoughts that an ‘insurance policy’ would be great for a trip like this! We’re excited and more than a little nervous too! ;-)
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Re: ED meds & alcohol?

Postby txcouple2022 » Sat Aug 20, 2022 12:17 am

gaviao wrote:From my experience. I am currently 61 years old; I have taken Tadalafil (Cialis) for 15 years, before only on special occasions, nowadays whenever there will be sexual encounters.
After trying Viagra and Levitra (the first one works very well but doesn't last long, the second one gave me such a headache that I could never enjoy its effects) and consulting with my urologist (I had prostate surgery 6 years ago), he gave me the following recommendations:
1 tablet of 20 mg of Tadalafil, preferably on an empty stomach or with little food in it, every 36-48 hours; Avoid excess alcohol and fatty foods.
I can tell you that following this advice I have magnificent results; not just erections when I want them, but a very good appearance of my penis the rest of the time, which I like in a nudist setting.
My limits on alcohol? About 6 beers between 12 and 6 PM. At dinner, an aperitif, half a bottle of wine, and perhaps a digestif. At the disco, two more glasses, it can be wine or rum. Is it too little for you?
Side effects of Cialis? A slight nasal congestion, with slight discomfort in the septum. Sometimes a mild headache on the forehead, which is solved with a couple of aspirin. Important not to take antihistamines, they counteract the effect of the drug.
By the way, I haven't bought Cialis for years, I order generic medicine online. I have tried several, but the best without a doubt is one called Tadalista.
I recommend you do tests before your trip, you don't want to have an unpleasant surprise there.

Thanks for your reply! It sounds like you’ve done ok with a pretty descent flow of alcohol, but maybe just keep an eye on overdoing it? You’re 12-6 ‘6 beer’ schedule sounds like it would be around neutral as far as intoxication… but you pick up the pace later. That’s also probably a good strategy to enjoy the day, and night! ;-)
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Re: ED meds & alcohol?

Postby gaviao » Mon Aug 22, 2022 11:36 am

Thanks for your reply! It sounds like you’ve done ok with a pretty descent flow of alcohol, but maybe just keep an eye on overdoing it? You’re 12-6 ‘6 beer’ schedule sounds like it would be around neutral as far as intoxication… but you pick up the pace later. That’s also probably a good strategy to enjoy the day, and night! ;-)

If one day I have too many drinks, it means that the next I won't even be able to smell the alcohol; That's the number one reason why I'm sparing.
But the really important reason is that, on a scale of 1 to 10, drinking is an importance of 3; to sex I assign 12. I will not spoil one for the other!
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Re: ED meds & alcohol?

Postby koolio61 » Mon Aug 22, 2022 2:44 pm

I take 25 mg of sildenafil (generic Viagra) along with a decent amount of drinking and it works fine. Never had any side effects. I sometimes take one at noon and then another at 8-9 PM if we are going to go for round 2 or 3 or.....
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