What is the average clientele of the resort?

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Postby mistral » Tue May 19, 2009 6:45 pm

Maybe it's just us, but we find that people at Desire are mostly all good-looking. I mean, being all naked and having fun seems to bring out the best in people. I remember seeing some folks coming in with their clothes on and seeing them again in the buff and thinking that they looked WAYY better without the clothes. That being said, all naked bodies aren't play material for us, because we believe that we need to have a strong connection with our potential playmates. But just talking from a strictly physical point of view we think that a lot of people in Desire are attractive.
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Postby JCnBadboy » Thu May 28, 2009 11:19 am

The lovely catalogue people you see in the ads and brochures are exactly that. Catalogue boys and girls. Have we ever seen such perfection at Desire? well not like in the photos! Most of the people who go, are in their late 30's and up. The majority of those are in their 40's. Its a rare site to see a 6pack, that dosnt have Cerveza written all over it ha ha. and the ladies, well we are all various shapes, some are too skinny, some are big.. most of us are just in the middle trying to hide our cesarean/hysterectomy scars, and the bumpy cellulite. You wont be the only over-40-I'm-not-as-tight-as-I-used-to-be, couple. Go, enjoy, and try to not to let the "very-close" veins bother you.
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Postby tropez » Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:42 am

My wife and I are both quite attractive, but overweight. I'm 6"3 and 270, so I have a belly and love handles, but I hit the gym multiple times per week, keep clean, tan, etc.

She is a big gal but I think still quite sexy. Nice smooth skin, pretty face, pretty hair, etc.

F**k it. We plan on having a great time, and we plan on hitting it extra hard in the next 60 days to maybe even drop a few lbs before the trip. I think regardless of weight, some people should find us attractive.

We're both 33, so age may be the biggest thing. Not too sure how many 33 year old couples hit this place due to costs and the economy, but we're going to find out soon enough!
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Postby JCnBadboy » Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:22 pm

And thats just the way it should be. Dont worry too much about age either, at 33 you should be plenty mature enough to be there, it was the 20 somethings that us....grandparents had issues with... they just dont get it. They will.. ha ha.. but not until they are older. Go, have fun, no one should ruin your chi, and if they do, move out of earshot, and enjoy your chi. Regardless, you will have an awesome experience. Love each other, and reconnect, do something new and different. But the law of Desire is... if you are there, you must give your man a blow job within an hour of arriving. Its the law. ha ha.
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Postby tout.prest » Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:53 pm

I LOVE that rule soooooo much ! :D lol

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Postby Rusty » Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:57 am

Mistral on your point about the cloths on-off thing That's my fault in my case, I really should let my wife buy my cloths, she has always said “you look better naked than wearing thatâ€
Rusty :AUS
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