Trip report May 16th thru the 20th, 2015

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Trip report May 16th thru the 20th, 2015

Postby Klm » Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:52 pm

My wife and I completed our third trip to Desire RM from the 16th of May thru the 20th. While we are no longer newbies we are far from veterans. We were slowed getting from the airport to Desire RM but the Mexican airport ran smoother than our TSA run security.

Our arrival for the first time was delayed by a time share sales pitch. We agreed to listen to more the following day. Otherwise the staff was great. We were happy with the staff, meals and our rooms. Our only complaint was the wine. While we are not wine snobs we do like wine and found the Desire wines poor and the plastic glasses made them taste even worse, almost like the wine was pulling chemicals out of the plastic glasses. We switched to tequila and all was well again.

During our stay we met great people from South Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, Canada and the United Kingdom. While we are not swingers we do lean towards exhibitionism and PDS. We were asked a few time if we were swingers and politely declined. Always our new friends respected our choice and stayed friendly with us for our entire stay. The people we met were the nicest we have ever met on any vacation.

The theme nights were fun and I as the male half also dressed for the themes and my wife and other women seemed to appreciate the effort. My wife now has a secret closet that we hide from friends and relatives. Our only problem is returning to a mid-western conservative state with nothing to help with our Desire withdrawal.

What the general public would find interesting is that all the people we met were married and in long term committed relationships and were very happy with a noticeable respect for each other. For me nothing is better than roof top PDS with my wife. Getting nude was very easy for me the first time and was very easy for my wife on this latest visit, with a little Don Julio Tequila. Our Canadian and Texas friends will understand this. Any suggestions for a US site that can help the relieve the Desire withdrawal would be appreciated.
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Re: Trip report May 16th thru the 20th, 2015

Postby JandH » Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:57 am

Thank you for the trip report. These help ease the pain during the time in between trips.
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Re: Trip report May 16th thru the 20th, 2015

Postby ilsxycouple » Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:30 pm

Thanks for the good report. We had major withdrawal as well after our 1st visit last Feb. While we LOVE reading these trip reports, they just weren't enough. So we bought a hot tub!! (that Desire trip turned out to be a lot more expensive than first budgeted :wink: ). So now we can get nude in the hot tub and imagine we are back on the rooftop. Not quite as good as the real thing, but it gets us through.
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