Trip report - First timers no more - Feb 2016

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Trip report - First timers no more - Feb 2016

Postby jaycal68 » Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:46 pm

After reading so many trip reports there is not much I can say from our first trip to this magical place that hasn't already been said. Everything you will read on here is true. The social aspect, staff, food, rooms, etc...all exactly as described by the veterans...of which we can now include ourselves in that group....

Having said all of that we do, however, have a few personal points...some great, some not so great (minor in fact) but nothing to kill our want to return. In fact we are thinking very seriously about 2 trips next year...Valentine's day again and for our Anniversary!

First the great...

1) Nudity. It took us all of about 2min to go naked - this being our first time to any sort of clothes optional place. We got into our room (early by the way - we arrived around 11:30am and our room was ready so we were able to check in right then) and looked out of the windows at the pool and figured let's do it. We did and never looked back. No one ever made us feel uncomfortable. For the first day or two my wife was the biggest girl there and it never came up. A couple of other chubby women showed up later in the week and it seems that no one notices which put her even more at ease. It was one of the things that she was a bit concerned about before the trip but we quickly found out that she needn't have been concerned. It was so fantastic and freeing to be able to walk around like that and we have decided that we will never go on a "textile" vacation ever again. All naked - all the way for us!

2) Social. Everyone was very friendly and sociable. Far more than any other resort we've ever been too. We made some friends that we are already keeping in touch with to hopefully see again someday, be it at Desire or elsewhere.

3) Staff. This was the first resort that we truly made friends with the staff. They got involved and that, we think, was the key to getting to guests involved with the activities. It made for an environment that just seemed to be so much more fun.

4) PDA/PDS. My wife and I are very affectionate in public normally. To be able to cuddle and kiss and stuff without worry was like icing on the cake. 8) We were not sure how far we would take it being our first trip but one night after dinner while the show was still on we decided to go to a bed by the Jacuzzi and see what would happen. There were 3 or 4 other couples in other beds or in the water so we weren’t alone. The next thing we knew we were having sex and it was amazing :D ! The rush and feeling was like nothing we’ve felt before and it has left us both wanting more. Before we left home we had discussions on boundaries and this was about as far as we though we would go on the first trip - mission accomplished! Next time a bit further and a bit further after that....

5) Resort. The resort itself was so great because of the coziness of it. Small and intimate was just what the doctor ordered. Every day you pretty much saw everyone who was staying there and everyone says hello. Not like the mega resorts where you might talk to someone and then never see them again for the rest of the week. If you want some alone time you don’t have to go to your room. There are spots here and there that are quiet.

The not so great…again as I mentioned these are only observations from two people who had never been before. Not trying to be too negative here because it’s hard to be negative about the best vacation we’ve ever been on….

1) Social groups. I think this is a "us being newbies" thing. While everyone was very friendly you can see very distinct social groups that are not easy to get into being new. It is very clear that people travel together and while they are there they hang out together which is totally understandable. We did make some good friends both newbies like ourselves and veterans. A couple of times though we did get the feeling that we were sort of outsiders to these little groups – unintentional I’m sure. Next year we’ll see some of the same people and this will all be an afterthought. As we take future trips we have told ourselves to be very cognizant of newbies and try our best to include them.

2) Themes. We thought for the first trip we would sit and watch. We know that the themes are meant to be fun but going forward we (my wife more than me) like the themes that are more gender neutral like Sexy Uniforms. The ones like school girls and naughty professors or bunny’s and pimps unintentionally places women below men, even if it is just for fun and she is not interested. This is what I get for marrying a Sociologist with specializations in Social Inequality and Women's Studies :wink: . We know that we could have both dressed up as Naughty Professors or something like that but it's the principal behind the theme that she doesn't agree with. We don't want to rain on anyone else's parade - it's just a personal observation. From my perspective I loved watching the women dressed as schoolgirls and then getting into various states of undress more and more as the night progressed! The best part is that no one is forced into doing things they don't want to and we can certainly find other ways to spend our time in other parts of the resort - :bj . The themes change all the time so perhaps this is something to pass along to Desire itself and not for here.

3) Clothes Optional. This is one of the things that brought us here in the first place and I know that it is optional but there were a few people that never got naked (not even for the Jacuzzi) and we couldn’t understand this. It costs more to come here so why pay and not enjoy the ability to go nude. To each there own I guess but it seemed a bit creepy in one case. Too bad he missed out on all the fun the rest of us were having like enjoying looking at his very cute wife who did go nude. 8)

4) Music/Disco. We like to dance. It was good dance music the first night but after hearing the same loop of the same songs each night it gets old fast. I like older music (70s/80s) and my wife likes newer stuff and there was a blend but it was the exact same blend each night. It’s easy these days with digital music to get lots of different stuff so that if the DJ was feeling energetic no one would have to hear the same song twice in one week. However, I am sure there is a reason for it. Also the dance floor is too small and with it being raised like it is it can get crowded and I heard one story of a woman getting clobbered in the face by an inadvertent elbow. Take the raised portion out and everyone is then on equal ground and will spread out more. Again, perhaps something to pass along to Desire itself.

That’s about it. As I mentioned above we are thinking of not only going back each Valentine's Day, at least for the foreseeable future, but also in May 2017 to celebrate our 20th anniversary. We can’t say it enough – this was the best vacation we’ve ever been on thanks in part to the staff and the resort but mostly to the people who go. We cannot wait to return.

Only 351 days to go!

Pearl Feb '16,'17,'18,'19,'20, May '22, Jan '24
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Re: Trip report - First timers no more - Feb 2016

Postby TandD » Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:53 am

Thanks for the trip report! It's great hearing of yet another convert to Desire. Love your "No more textile vacations!" quote. I think a lot of people come to that same conclusion and, if they can't always keep that promise, they certainly know what they are missing when forced to go vanilla.

I think everyone will agree with your pros and then start to comment on your cons - it's much more interesting to debate the bad than the good right?

I'll start...

The Social Groups thing is complicated of course and, as you say, expected. But, again as you say, it's far, far less of a "thing" at Desire than it is at other places. I think it's potentially deceptive too. If you look at a group that appears to be great friends that have known each other for years - and would therefore be hard to break into, given the nature of this place it could very easily be people who just met yesterday and simply hit it off. You never know, a simple "Hey what is that you guys are drinking?" could break the "wall" that wasn't there in the first place.

The themes thing is something I've never thought of before and really don't see now. I don't see anything at Desire that places women below men. In fact, it's just the opposite. I get that some of those themes are the same ones that are used in porn, which can viewed negatively by a lot of people for its treatment of women but I think that's reading too much into it. I think it's just a chance for the women to dress in a character and be sexy - something that society doesn't really let them do much of normally. The characters are the typical ones but that's just because they got popular. If you wanted to be "Sexy Lawyer" on the School Girl night, nobody would call you on it. For the record, I know you understand and acknowledge all this so I'm not disagreeing with your comment or saying "you don't get it". I'm just offering my perspective.

I do agree with your comment on music in the disco and that comes up here a lot. We also like to dance and it seems strange that, with all the great music out there, they repeat a bunch of songs day after day.

Anyway, great report and I'm glad you had a great time and will be helping to keep this place open!
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Re: Trip report - First timers no more - Feb 2016

Postby rykerw1701 » Fri Feb 26, 2016 1:08 pm

Good trip report. The most impressive thing for me was the bold use of the term "chubby" referring to one's wife. I'm pretty sure that would mean no more return trips for me!

I think the themes are certainly more female oriented, but that's party because women generally have more options for dressing than men in general. We males all sit in a pair of dress pants and a polo there, or most anywhere, while women have a huge variety of thing to wear. What would be a theme for us, a sexy construction worker? A cowboy? Why we'd be full-on "Village People" in no time.

I don't feel the themes are demeaning, in fact like you alluded to, I have all kinds of appreciation watching who has what on, even for a little while.

Anyway, we're planning on our second trip this August, so I'm getting myself all revved up to go again. I can't wait!
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Re: Trip report - First timers no more - Feb 2016

Postby Klm » Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:58 pm

In reply to Jaycal68- We will be going to Pearl for the fist time in May, and have been to Desire RM 3 times. SO looking forward to it! Your letter really made me react because I have said the same thing as your wife about the themes to my husband. We are both in professions similar to your wife, and I have a recognition of the hierarchical dynamics that accompany gender at times and I have an issue with "schoolgirl"/professor theme. SOOOO last year I chose to dress in a ripped up t-shirt with a college name to avoid the whole one-down feeling of the theme. It was plenty of fun and some tequila made me forget my politics. :wink: However this year I'm getting out of my box and doing the whole plaid parochial school thing and trying to forget to grit my teeth. The fact is I've seen a lot of respect for women at Desire and I won't hesitate to say it's more so than anywhere else we've visited or lived. If my husband wasn't understanding of my reaction I'd most definitely have a harder time getting into it. The fact is we haven't felt more ourselves or freer ever than we do at Desire and there has never been a feeling of pressure or creepiness from any of the guests we have met. We are not swingers and feel quite comfortable just being ourselves there; our mantra is "no one cares" which is an incredible feeling! Back home we tell no one where we go and it's fun to have a secret just for us. I hope you post once you're back from your 2nd trip and give us an update on the themes and how you handled them! Enjoy! :D/
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Re: Trip report - First timers no more - Feb 2016

Postby Backscratchers » Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:41 pm


My wife and I were happy to meet you two at Desire. Guess that we had our own cliche going for a bit, the three newbie couples, all Canadian by happenstance. We made some good American friends after you guys left. There is a culture that takes some time to pick up. We were wall flowers to start but learned to introduce ourselves at every opportunity. We got a few cold shoulders, but some really connected.

In agreement with your wife, mine felt that women were being objectified which made her uncomfortable. To be fair, Desire did try to balance it to some extent - they had a Chippendale contest and included a male stripper on uniform night. At the disco nights and dinners, it seemed like the standard fair for the guys was some drab baggy shirt and shorts while their wives were dressed to nines in some very sexy outfits. Granted that the women aren't slaves to eye candy to the extent of us guys, but I think that if the guys had been more in the spirit, it could have really livened up the atmosphere. I wonder if the women would have appreciated a few male models during the fashion shows or the dance routines. I have no hangups about guys' bodies - not my thing but in the name of fairness, I would be supportive. At the Toronto sex shows, they will have all male dance revues (HIM = Handsome International Men) which my wife drools over.

I will say this, the equal balance posed by couples, gives Desire a real sensual vibe. I really felt this at the disco shows. A bunch of guys watching a female stripper feels creepy - at Desire, a bunch of couples watching strippers feels sexy.
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Re: Trip report - First timers no more - Feb 2016

Postby jaycal68 » Sat Feb 27, 2016 2:07 pm

Thanks to those who have posted and for your comments. Just to be clear with regards to the themes thing we are both big believers in "do what you want" and there is no better place for acting on that than at Desire. At least no place that we have been to - ever! Just because she would not feel comfortable taking part in certain aspects doesn't mean others won't - it is strictly a personal belief of hers and that was truly the best part of this trip - no one cared and we were treated just the same. It is along the same lines as taking part in the lifestyle. Some do and some don't - whichever one you are is awesome and you are still respected. That being said we are already discussing how we could challenge ourselves to, as some of the other comments suggest, get very creative in coming up with ideas to take part and still keep personal beliefs in tact. We still had a blast coming out to watch and see people having the most fun they can dressing up in all sorts of different costumes and being very original in their ideas.

Our next trip will be longer that this first one - we have already promised ourselves that and we've only been home a week. We are now hooked just like everyone said we'd be.

We have never been around a nicer group of strangers who we so quickly wanted to become friends than the people we met at DP.

Cheers to all!

Pearl Feb '16,'17,'18,'19,'20, May '22, Jan '24
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Re: Trip report - First timers no more - Feb 2016

Postby joymac » Sat Feb 27, 2016 5:43 pm

Great trip report! Also Canadians....we've been to Pearl twice, and hopefully another trip this summer - We are Canadian but living up to the stereotype, we have a son in rep hockey so any winter vacations are out! Desire Pearl is the perfect vacation as you can do and be whatever/whomever you chose... We love the quiet end of the pool, read our books, do a little yoga....stroll down to the active side every so often...relax in the hot tub. We aren't in the lifestyle but we love being naked and love the "vibe" at Pearl.

Perhaps our trips will cross-over some time! :CAN
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