Theme nights changed

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Postby Omahacouple » Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:37 am

Thanks for the report's good to hear from someone who was there.

I assume most couples will get more relaxed and enjoy the theme night as they know what to expect. It soulds like it could be a potentially fun night.

So it does seem a lot like the "movie" except no goofy chanting and not as many nude women. Nude women are always good....chanting not so much :wink:. I guess the theme night "rule" of no undies allowed is not a strict wife thought she would be walking around with nothing but a mask on...something she doesn't mind but she doesn't want to be the only one :wink:

Thanks again!

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Postby NebraskaCouple » Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:49 pm

It sounds like it could really get going, depending on the right group of people. In the movie, the women wore black thongs, and that would be 2nd best to nothing at all.
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Postby karlita » Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:48 pm

Oh Snore!!! They're still doing the opera singers entertainment in the Lobby? The first time I saw it it was interesting for about 15 minutes. The second time (a separate trip) it was just irritating. Yes, I can appreciate the exquisite vocals of the singers, but it goes on wayyy too long and becomes a lullaby--killing the momentum and energy of the crowd, because its hard to talk to anyone during the performance and its such a dramatic tone.

I hope they get a salsa band--upbeat where they actually sing spanish songs--which makes more sense than the cover bands that make up nonsensical words to english songs--although that always makes me giggle!!

Oh Desire!! Why did they mess with a good format as far as entertainment nights?
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Postby cacpl4realfun » Fri May 08, 2009 7:40 pm

NebraskaCouple wrote:It sounds like it could really get going, depending on the right group of people. In the movie, the women wore black thongs, and that would be 2nd best to nothing at all.

You probably saw the PG version :lol: There were no black thongs in the version I saw (for a a reminder enjoy ).
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A report about Eyes Wide Shut

Postby cacpl4realfun » Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:07 pm

Something I read on a Desire yahoo group:

"About Eyes Wide Shut Disco theme night:

First off, my wife and I thought it was a highly erotic and fun theme night. It really was a nice change of pace from the standard "dress down" theme nights....and it will be fun if you go in with the attitude to "go with the flow". We don't have any in-depth swing experience but we decided just to relax and have fun....come what may. We were glad we did.

We bought along the "costumes" because we wanted to be involved because we heard that those that decide to participate in theme nights seemed to have more fun. I would have to agree with that assessment. What was a little surprising was I would guess that out of about 45 couples in the Disco that night...probably at least 30 dressed for theme night. The entertainment staff sets up a table at the lobby at about 10 or 10:30 PM with several dozen marti gra type masks and black cloaks. These are for those that did not bring theirs along. I was told that the resort was at about 60% capacity FYI.

Women wore masks and cloaks...nude underneath.. .and that is it. Guys appeared to have on black boxers...although some were nude under the capes as well.

At about 11 PM or so the couples gather up in the Disco and dance or have a drink. Somewhere along 11:30 or so (it's east to lose track of time) the big TV screen by the bat starts to show the sex scenes from the EWS movie with Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman. It wasn't creepy at all (at least to us). After a minute of so of the video the Entertainment Coordinator (EC) - who is also dressed in a long black robe and mask - stands in the center of the raised oval dance floor, microphone in hand. He asks that all the women make a large circle and surround the dance floor. Some couples choose not to participate and stood further back near the seating area. I would guess that around 25 or so couples choose to form the circle. Guys were directed to stand behind their ladies.

The music went down and the EC stayed in his center position on the Dance floor and he began to very slowly rotate in a circle observing all the women who were standing in a large circle about ten feet in front of him. Every few seconds he would slowly raise his cloaked hand and point at someone (a woman). That woman would come up to the dance floor (but not on on the floor). Women clearly had the option to participate as several declined when he pointed at them. My wife was one of the ones selected ("and my heart began racing" she said). After the EC had selected around 10 women he directed then to step up on the dance floor forming a circle - facing inward. He then asked the guys (husbands) to stand directly behind their ladies and reach up and around and remove the cloaks.

It really was a highly charged and erotic sight..even some couples who did not participate said as much later, some said they regreted declining participation. 10 nude Women, just wearing sexy masks and husbands standing directly behind their lady. The EC directed the guys to reach around and caress the ladies breasts and kiss the ladies up and down their back. He then had the ladies turn around to face the guys and he directed the couples to kiss passionately (their spouse). He then directed the guys to kiss "further down" and to "caress and kiss the nipples". You have to imagine the sight...

At this point (and it really goes fast)..the (the EC) asks all the couples to get on their knees (still facing each other) and the guys were directed to continue kissing "down" and "further". The ladies were directed to lay back and let their man "kiss that very special spot". So all the guys were giving the ladies oral sex for maybe 15 or 20 seconds...not long at all. He then asked every one to change positions and the guy laid back on the dance floor while the ladies gave blowjobs.... again for maybe 15 or 20 seconds only.

At this point the EC announces that he "has something very special for us". The scene is the 10 couples who were the "chosen" are sitting around the perimeter of the raised dance floor. All other couples who are still dressed in cloaks and masks are nearby and watching intently and silently. It was very easy to see that ALL the guys were say the least. Two very small, yet beautiful women from the resort...dressed in "G" strings make their way to the center of the dance floor (the EC is gone at this point). These two ladies do an incredibly erotic slow dance with each other. It was very hot. For a few minutes they are onstage dancing, hands and lips seem to be everywhere. There was NO overt sex going on between the dancers, but just a lot of slow hands moving up and down and body grinding and ass/breast rubbing/touching.

This went on for a few minutes and the ladies dancing on stage then slowly parted and walked in opposite directions to the edge of the stage where the couples were sitting. Each of the dancers picked a lady at the edge of the stage by just reaching out a hand to the lady. Once again this is totally optional as I saw two ladies declined by just nodding. They got two volunteer ladies up on stage and the two dancers each danced with the wives/girlfriends. It was, once again very erotic as all four female bodies were slowly and seductively touching and fondling. I saw the two dancers then VERY gently guide the two volunteers to face each other and they (volunteers) began to dance and make out. The dancers gently guided the volunteers hands up and down the other woman's bodies and it wasn't long before the ladies were really getting into it.

Now the interesting least for us. While the two ladies were dancing and making out on the dance floor the resort dancers then once again went to the perimeter of the stage and reached out their hands to two other of which was my wife! They repeated the process by dancing with my wife and the other new woman. Now there were now six woman dancing very, very, very seductively on the dance floor. Keep in mind that all are completely nude of very near it (the dancers had G-strings). The scene is dark and the resort dancers brought the four dancing wives & girlfriends together in the center of the stage and once again they helped guide hands, asses, arms the all four women would closely interact.
It was oh, so sensual. Then, kind of to my surprise but to everyone's applause and enjoyment... the resort dancers gently guided all four women down to lay on the dance floor. I did not even notice it but at that point the resort dancers left the dance floor. All that was left were the women on the dance floor making out. Again, it was not overtly sexual - unless you consider kissing, breast fondling and breast kissing and lots of ass touching overt. The scene was hot...unlike any theme night. This floor gyrations went on for just a few minutes and then it was over. The whole thing from start to finish maybe went 8 to 12 minutes - very fast. I think most people would have liked to see the ladies on the floor go at it a bit more but that was not to be....however, it seemed like a lot of the couples (including us) skipped the remaining disco dancing and went directly to the Playroom behind the bar and went at it. "
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Postby Omahacouple » Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:09 pm

yeah...that's our's posted in Trip Reports on this site as well.

If anyone has questions hit me up

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Postby kimnalex » Fri May 21, 2010 8:55 pm

I personally can't wait for "Eyes Wide Shut" night. Ran out today and rented the video even tho I'd seen the movie in the past and "didn't get it". Must be a 40 year old thing for me, can’t imagine doing those things in my 20’s or 30’s; was more worried about being able to count sexual partners on 1 hand, and having a really extensive explanation why I slept with someone that I didn’t marry. Ok, I’m ready to be rid of that now………this is going to be all about fun and fantasy. Going to watch the movie tonight with hubby and dream about August at Desire. I hope the game is very risqué….where the circles of men and women move and you don’t know whom you’ll end up with. How hot will that be? Hopefully there will be some willing participants to help me overcome my catholic girl values.
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Postby Sharon and David » Fri May 21, 2010 10:11 pm

Kim,you are going to love Desire. Overcoming those catholic girl values only makes this place all that much more!!!!!!!!! Enjoy:)
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Postby kimnalex » Sat May 22, 2010 7:07 am

Thanks Sharon and David, 89 days and counting.
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What Not to do

Postby Rusty » Sat May 22, 2010 8:46 am

Well I would like to add a couple of helpful tips for these who want to have ago. The capes from the resort can normaly be picked up from reception starting around ten. You will need to sign some paperwork and leave a room key, you will need to go in and ask for them. There are some masks for sale at the gift shop and I think they have a cape or two if you want to buy one, these where a mesh type (hanging up with the other cloths) see thru type (cool if your worried about the heat), Allow time to pick up your stuff and get changed (something I didn't do, I got talking and drinking) now the important stuff .. Be careful when doing your cape up (use a bow not a knot), second thing don't wear a lot of cloths underneath and I'm not just talking about heat stoke, I was fully dressed when I went up, when it was time to disrobe I'd had a couple to drink and that bow had changed it self into a double reef knot, so I was a little slow getting it off and had inadvertently attracted help from my wife (at the front of me) and the entertainment staff from the rear, I got the best wedgie I’ve had since school, and two love bites, one on each cheek which I didn't find until the next morning. We had a great evening. While I have read that not everyone loves this theme I can tell you the more people who get involved the better. And I must admit for me on the stage I was a lot closer to the show / action then those standing in there jeans against the wall.
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Postby kimnalex » Sat May 22, 2010 10:23 am


Thank you so much for all of the good tips. Did the circles (of men and women) rotate?

Does anyone have a picture of the cape or masks on loan from the resort? I think that I'm going to but our capes and masks ahead of time but would like some guidance to stay within the theme.

Any opinions on the other theme nights, any suggestions from those who have been recently-want to make this the best trip possible? Thanks again for all of the info. everyone.

Hugs, Kim
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Postby Rusty » Sun May 23, 2010 9:20 am

Yes the women rotated once around the circle and there was no pressure to do anything when you switched. You will get the chance to tease your partner but the others only got the offer of a kiss, unless your a smoker in the case of my wife who does not like the smell. Most of the ladies in our group wore pasties and a G-String there where also a couple who did not too. We had one couple, while I did not see them move. My wife said they left the circle with no pressure or questions asked so if your not upto it you can stop any anytime. But really I found it was all about the show nothing to bad by most standards. The Staff made a big effort to personal thank every one who had a gone up onto the stage, as I said before what makes this work is the people who are willing to have a go. The outfits don't have to be over the top we had the real handmade Venetian Carnivale mask , but we had to use them for something after buying them six years ago...

On themes I have found as a guy you will need to think outside the box as there are plenty of sexy outfits for the ladies including the body paint option, but few for the guys. I normal ask my wife after she has had a look at her options, what I can wear that would drive her wild (in a good way) and work from here. This is a great past time for couples leading up to a trip.

Hope that helps a little..
Rusty :AUS
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