A very memorable week - June 20-26th

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A very memorable week - June 20-26th

Postby Eroticdesires » Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:10 pm

Desire Cancun June 2010


We are a low mileage lifestyle couple that realized that at least once a year we need an adult vacation without the kids… we have stayed at Desire Cabo in June 2008, Temptation Cancun in June 2009 and have enjoyed both vacations immensely. We have accumulated a lot of great information from this forum and feel that we should at least contribute a detailed trip report when we do take a trip. In order to protect the innocent (ok, not the appropriate word), all names listed has been changed as we have not asked for permission for their inclusion in this trip report and I assume most Desire guests would prefer anonymity. This report will probably be longer and more detailed, but all accounts are reported as accurately as remembered (Day 1 is about 4 pages in MS Word). Please bear with me in adding additional days as I am still writing the subsequent days. If this report gets too long for you, please feel free to click the little X in the top right corner. I do not possess any Jedi mind tricks so please read by your own free will. It’s a detailed account more for my own record, but I hope it will contain some tidbits of usefulness to others.

For those looking for a quick synopsis of our week:

We came, we drank, we ate, we danced, we loved…we will be back.

and so it begins...

Day 1 Sunday June 20th

Our flight from LAX to Mexico City was uneventful – we should of taken advantage of the free Mexicana liquor, but drinking on a redeye when we knew we had to go through Mexican immigration and make our connection to Cancun with a little over an hour was a good reason to stay sober. Do not rely on the flight video monitors in the Mexico City airport for gate information; always ask an Airline Representative with your boarding pass in hand. We managed to land safely and on time (11am) in Cancun and quickly made it through the stop light. Our transport USA Transfer (only one couple/one destination per trip) was there waiting and we were soon on our way to Desire within 30 minutes of landing.

Upon arrival (12 noon) we were told our room would not be ready until 2-3pm so we had a few hours of homelessness. We quickly found the spa and got a locker to store our smaller carry-ons and then changed into our swim attire or more appropriately our cover up for eating attire. We met Daniel at the towel hut and he quickly found us two chairs in the brilliant sun right next to the hut (the hangover straggler’s loungers). He gave us two towels and a book to place on the chairs in case someone more desperate for chairs than us should decide to steal our coveted spot.

We decided that lunch would be our next stop. The pool grill served some of the best meals we had all week. Grilled grouper with flour tortillas topped with fresh pico de gallo and guacamole was a staple all week for lunch. The grilled chicken leg was also delicious. After devouring our first meal and some cocktails, we decided that we were way overdressed. We had applied sunscreen in the spa locker rooms but reapplied again before slipping in the pool. I had read somewhere that it was a good idea to apply sunscreen to your private areas a few days before actual sunbathing nude so your skin is already introduced to the bonding properties of the lotion. I am not sure of its validity, but I had no issues with sunburn in areas where the sun does not usually shine.

We made our first friends Michelle and Randy as we settled into the pool and another couple approached us asking if we had been there last year (we had not). We noticed the water temperature of the pool to be quite warm and not exactly the best way to cool off. After a half an hour, I left my wife in good hands with our new friends and went to check on our room status and I was informed that our room was ready. After another half an hour at the pool, we decided that we should go check in. Before actually going to the room, we went to the spa to get our belongings. I hate revealing this tip, but we always take a quick steam after swimming in chlorine or the beach and then shower as most spa showers have much better water pressure than the room showers. I imagine all the bad toxins leaving my body and always feel rejuvenated after a steam. We also enjoy the fact that we can actually go to the steam room together at Desire (the only place we have been able to do this other than here was when we were at Desire Cabo). Note: The women’s steam room is hot! The men’s side is mild. Only once in about eight trips to the steam room did we ever encounter another guest.

After the steam, shower and gathering of carry-ons, I alerted the front desk that we would like to check in and had our bags brought to our room (1701-near the lobby bar and spa). We had requested on the Desire website for a 2nd floor with a king bed and it seems that this room fit the bill. The room was clean, the shower was big, the drawers were small (nothing we were surprised about). There was also the less than pleasant sewage smell, but it's Mexico and we were well equipped with a brand new can of Glade fresh linen air freshener. After putting away our clothes and hanging as much as we could, we realized that we would probably only wear half of what we brought. I decide that at the end of this trip I would take inventory by putting all unworn clothes in one suitcase so they would be taken off the list of what to bring for next year. Of course unworn lingerie does not count as it takes up so little room and you never know when you may have a lingerie emergency or impromptu fashion show in your room (Hey! it could happen).

After unpacking, we had a bit of time before the scheduled adult toy exchange for the Week 4 June Yahoo Group at the Jacuzzi Lounge. I took a moment to access the television programming and to my dismay found that Channel 12 was not the usual Original Resorts Porn Programming. (WTF?) I did a quick scan and found no channels that had free adult porn. I would appreciate if anyone can tell me if Desire Cancun is really without free porn and why hasn’t there been a revolt about this. Screw the pool chairs dilemma, we demand free 24/7 porn. After a tough day at the pool or the beach, all I want is to grab a Tecate light, put my feet on my red sash bed spread and watch a few scenes of full penetration sex…is that too much to ask? What am I supposed to do now while waiting for my wife to get ready? Okay I digress…after my shock at the lack of quality programming, we get prepared for the Jacuzzi lounge and adult toy exchange. We are actually kind of shy at meeting people, so this mixer would be a great way of getting to know a few couples so someone might actually greet us as we walk around the resort (Okay, we just look shy).

As we walked up the Jacuzzi Lounge steps, I noticed that this had to be the highest point of the resort and was looking forward to the view. There were approximately 15 couples involved in the exchange and it was held in the seating area near the towels and storage cubbies. Jo and Mack, the June Yahoo group moderators, were also in charge of the exchange and did a great job herding all the cats together. Some highlights of the exchange included product demonstrations by the women (a demo prevented others from stealing the item). My favorite demo was when a set of nipple rings/chain set was worn by a woman, but in order to ensure a proper fit another woman had to stimulate her nipples to maximum hardness. My wife received a purple dildo which seemed to be the popular color scheme as many gifts were of the same color palette. After the exchange, our bodies were screaming out for a nap as our red eye flight was catching up with us. Luckily we settled into an unused Jacuzzi bed and promptly napped (passed out) for about an hour. Please note that by sheer luck, we probably found the only Jacuzzi bed with a new mattress (closest to the bathroom). All the other mattresses seem to have been worn unevenly and for some reason sagged towards the middle…hmm…how strange that all the mattresses are worn out the exact same way. Needless to say, this should be a priority for management to replace as comfortable napping is a high priority for many of us at Desire.

As we awoke from our nap, we realized that we should be getting ready for dinner. We staggered back to our room and began preparations for dinner. One of the treats of staying at an all inclusive resort is to be able to dress nicely for dinner and to enjoy a leisurely meal over pleasant conversation. Too many meals at home consist of sitting down in front of the television watching recordings of Cake Boss or Man vs. Food episodes. Our first restaurant that we tried for dinner was Suki for no other reason than it was the first restaurant we came upon. It didn’t look crowded inside (around 7:30 pm?), but it did quickly fill up about 5 minutes after we were seated. Now we have eaten at many fine Japanese and Asian fusion restaurants and Suki is not by any means a top notch culinary experience. However, it is by far the best Asian themed restaurant located near a mangrove in the Riviera Maya. We had a few of the sushi appetizers and a beef entrée as well as the seared tuna. Again the food was not bad, but our standards are fairly high as we are spoiled with an abundance of great sushi restaurants in California. We did find the desserts to be one area that could use a bit of improvement as nothing we tried the entire week seemed very inspiring. It is also the same dessert menu at both Il Piacere, the White Restaurant and at Suki. One couple mentioned to us that they liked the appetizers at Suki so they ate their first course there and then went to Il Piacere for their entrees. Another couple we met did not know that long pants were required to dine at the ala carte restaurants so the staff was able to let them order off the Suki menu from the Buffet restaurant as all three restaurants are connected near the back of each restaurant. They were even able to find him a pair of pants that fit for the week so he could dine in the ala carte restaurants on subsequent nights (one of many outstanding customer service stories that we consistently heard about that makes Desire Staff so special). As mentioned earlier, the restaurant did fill up quickly after we were seated. We noticed a party of 8 arrived which became 10 and then 12. We have learned that although dining with a large group can be great fun; don’t expect to get your food in a timely manner. The Desire wait staff is usually fairly efficient, but our greatest entertainment during tonight’s dinner was trying to watch the waiters sort out all the orders as all the couples ordered multiples appetizers. The first couple we met at the pool, Michelle and Randy relayed their 3 hour ordeal to us the next day as they were part of that dining fiasco. So a word of advice, grab a quick bite at the buffet next door and a stiff drink before you sit down for your large dinner party.

Naughty School Girl Night, now that is a theme that is simple but yet genius in so many ways. What a great theme for a first night to get into what Desire is all about. My wife would not disappoint as she had her revealing white halter top, a plaid skirt sans knickers, opaque white knee highs and even a pair of plaid stiletto heels ready for the occasion. Unfortunately her outfit was also to have included a blue blazer which was at the moment still hanging in our closet at home, but in retrospect, the evening was a bit warm so the jacket would have had to been taken off anyways. Someone mentioned to me that there is a way to post pictures with trip reports which I will try to figure out if I ever complete day one of this report.

After changing into her outfit, we head back to the lobby area for a few drinks, without any prime seating available, we chose a large sectional way in the back corner of the lobby bar. We should have realized the reason why it was left vacant. It was a warm evening and the seating area was completely void of any breeze. I was really uncomfortable and had to keep moving around just to avoid heat stroke from the stagnant air. My wife seemed perfectly content on the sofa, so we endured that spot for the next hour as we enjoyed the nightly scheduled band. Most of the lobby bar entertainment between 9pm and 11pm was actually quite good except for the Tuesday night singer who gave a great effort but in Simon Cowell’s words, she was way too Karaoke!

Around 11pm, the entertainment staff announces the disco is open and began herding us like lemmings to the next venue. Having heard about the extensive remodel, I was very anxious to see the disco and playroom for you know, all the architectural and design elements. Wow! My compliments to the resort for a great job, very sleek, ergonomic, comfortable as well as intimate. I don’t think we danced the first night in the disco, mainly because of the plaid stiletto heels, but we did manage to enjoy the playroom briefly and christen the new room in our own special way.

We also liked the new outdoor patio, where we had some of our most thought provoking conversations while taking a fresh air break (cough, cough). On our first visit to the new patio which consisted of a long backlit bar height counter with built in ashtrays surrounded by many bar stools, we met a few new friends that truly exemplifies why the patio would forever be remembered as where the bad kids hung out. We were first greeted by Rita and her husband Dan, whose European accent became thicker the more inebriated he became. On this night, his English was completely incoherent. Then there was Cameron who was successfully able to simultaneously boast and then try to hide the fact that he was very important and powerful in the real world. However, his wife Amy was a sweetheart, a gorgeous woman throughout and her southern charm was able to counterbalance his bravado.

Rita was a straight shooter; I think she asked us within 10 seconds of meeting us if we were swingers. I answered, “Yes, are we that obvious?â€
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Postby fun4us » Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:17 pm

We go in just over 4 weeks .... can't wait to hear your 2nd (and beyond) days adventures :)
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Love the detail!

Postby natnjohn » Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:04 pm

What a fantastic first installment! We were at Desire a year ago and have spent long hours discussing the trip report we'd like to write. We've been aiming for this level of detail--that's why we're still discussing it an entire year later!

As newbies last year, we spent hours online reading reports and looking for as many details as possible. Anxiety was high since it was our first time at a clothing optional resort, so the lengthier reports were a great way to get a feel for the place ahead of time. I really appreciate the time you've taken to give the full account. This will be particularly helpful to newbies and was a great way for us to relive the fun we had there last year.

We'll return in July 2011; perhaps we'll manage to move beyond discussing to actually writing a report of our own!
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Postby ourfuntrip » Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:39 am

What a great trip report! We travelled with this group last year and had a great time. Sounds like you did too. Waiting for the rest of the report....we leave in 3 weeks!
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Postby miranda » Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:18 am

Great first installment of your trip! Anxiously awaiting more, more, more! We have to live vicariously through any and all trip reports until November and we feel the same way you did / do on our first trip to Desire Cancun. That's why we're heading back! :wink: It was great before the reno's and now it's even more enticing - great to hear about the one new mattress at the jacuzzi lounge. Maybe it will start a trend? :lol:
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Day 2

Postby Eroticdesires » Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:36 pm

Thanks for the kind comments, If anyone has any questions, I will try to answer them on this post...It may be a few days before Day 3 is ready because of the holiday weekend. Happy 4th everyone...

Day 2 June 21st

While on vacation I have an internal alarm clock that wakes me up early, usually around 6am. Of course, I’m not one to walk around like a Vinny for hours at a couples resort so it’s pretty useless for me to be up when my wife is asleep, so I hit my internal snooze and finally did get up around 8am. I told my wife that I would go check the pool chair and beach bed situation. As I gathered my cap and sandals, I also reached for my wallet as I knew the chances of a nice location may require more than a little sweet talking. My first stop was to see Daniel at the towel hut and I was not too surprised to hear that all the pool chairs were gone (8:05am). My theory is that many of the guests do not actually get up at the crack of dawn, but discretely hand Daniel a nice gratuity to save their spot the day before. Since this was officially our first full day at the resort, I decided to reserve a beach bed and headed off to Rene’s beach stand where he and his trusty clipboard controlled the vast beach bed empire. Rene is a friendly fellow and became my trusted amigo throughout the week. I asked him to reserve a bed for us for the day and since I didn’t know when my wife would be up, just pick one for us with good shade and I would be back in a few hours. I paid the $20.00 for a full day reservation and tipped him another $5.00 so he might remember me.

After making my way back to the room, I managed to sleep another hour before waking up again and this time my wife decided she was going to get up as well. We got ready and headed to breakfast in record time. It’s funny how your sunglasses fog up every time you leave your room. We always go for the cooked to order food and Maltilda’s elite omelet skills were known to me before even stepping foot into the buffet restaurant. When I saw her sunny sides up apron, I knew I was dealing with a pro, but I think I did throw her off a bit when I asked her to make me chorizo and eggs with a couple of tortillas. I can get an omelet anywhere so when in Mexico I try to order meals that I may not normally eat back home. Orange juice was good, coffee was passable and breakfast was delicious. Service is always excellent at breakfast as it is everywhere on the resort 24/7.

With a full stomach, we were ready to tackle a serious day of lying down in a nice comfortable beach bed for many hours while consuming a constant stream of cocktails. We headed back to the beach beds and found Rene who had reserved us a nice bed right next to the large gazebo where they do the morning stretch and yoga (10:30am). The bed was on ropes so it had a nice rhythmic sway. We also met Africa, the beach server and found that she was one hard worker, sometimes sprinting in the sand to get her drink orders in faster. We had decided today would be Vodka mixed drinks day (Day 1 was Tequila for my wife and cerveza for me). The wife and I have a system of trying to stay within the same alcohol family for the day to avoid the more severe hangovers. The other rule we try to keep is no shots before lunch.

Before this vacation, the wife and I were never beach people. When given a choice of pool or beach, we always picked pool. Desire Cancun may have changed us forever. You must understand that I spent the first 20 years of my life living 5 blocks from the beach and we have been to some of the nicest beaches in Hawaii and the Caribbean, so it was a shock to me that I would rediscover my love for the beach at Desire. Well, more accurately, I would have to say it was the water that made me a believer. Compared to the murky hot pool water, the ocean was paradise. However, a swim up bar would do wonders for me to be interested in hanging by the pool again. The constant cool breezes while lying on your beach bed was truly a highlight of each day and will forever be my zen moment to remember in times of stress.

We spent a good deal of the day either in the water or the beach bed only taking a brief lunch break around 2pm. Our friends we met at the pool yesterday Michelle and Randy had a nearby beach bed. He isn’t a lay on the bed all day guy and takes time to unwind which is how I am so we found ourselves in the ocean chatting most of the time. They set up massage tables out on the gazebo and Rosy was offering free 5 minute teasers. My wife who is always looking for a good massage turned 5 minutes into half an hour. Her rates were actually a bit lower than the spa massage ($50 for 25 minutes) and according to my wife, Rosy was quite good.

Around 5:00 pm we decided that we had enough sun for the day and headed to the Spa for our ritual steam and shower. We had also made plans with Michelle and Randy to meet for dinner at Il Piacere at 6:55 pm. Most couples would probably be meeting at 7:00pm so I though I was a genius for suggesting we meet 5 minutes earlier. As we arrived at the restaurant and saw it was completely empty, I was already patting myself on the back. It was a short lived celebration, as we had the entire restaurant to ourselves for nearly an hour before any other guests arrived. After a while, I began to feel like we were seniors there for the early bird specials. I’m guessing most of the people were still enjoying the sun, the Jacuzzi lounge or just napping. We enjoyed the food at Il Piacere and ate here 3 nights during our stay. The beef carpaccio is excellent and we found all the entrees were quite good.

As we had finished dinner before 9pm, we found a nice swinging bed in the lobby bar to enjoy the evening’s entertainment which was another live band. Following a slightly different theme, the Yahoo June group had dubbed this Sparkly night so we went back to our room so my wife could change into her outfit. The skirt was quite mini so my wife was not as daring to go without panties tonight. She did put on her sparkly sandals that only had a small heel so I knew I would be in for some dancing later.

As the band would down, we heard the staff announce that there would be Chip n Dale in the disco. For some reason images of two Disney Chipmunks were conjured in my head and not hunky male dancers. As I managed to get the fuzzy rodents out of my head, I realized that this was going to be extremely entertaining. Michelle and Randy were able to secure a great bed and save us a spot to watch the spectacle unfold. I do have to commend the Entertainment staff for the genius of ordering for the four contestants. Contestant number 1 was a younger African American male in great shape, an excellent dancer and clearly a favorite with the crowd. However, not choosing to remove his underwear definitely lost him some vote as many women in the crowd were hoping to verify the myth in their head. Contestant number 2 was also young and very built. Although his dancing may not of been as refined as the first dancer, the women were very impressed with his umm… package. Again, without showing the women the goods or perhaps a very large tube sock…he may have lost his chance at victory. Contestant number 3 was the Desire regular who came prepared with his latex chaps. His pole work was not ideal, but he was enthusiastic. He was not afraid to shed it all. Unfortunately, sweaty latex may actually be the most difficult piece of clothing to remove in a striptease. About half his time was spent trying to rip the pants from his legs, a woman from the audience began helping but she was no match for the rubber pants and they both fell over repeatedly. At this point, I was laughing so hard that the tears from my eyes were blinding my vision. As he was finally able to shed his pants with about 10 seconds left, it almost seemed anticlimactic. On sheer entertainment value alone, number three would be difficult to beat. And then came number 4…cue the Rocky music…the underdog, middle aged with a beer gut, no dancing skills whatsoever, but somehow his movements began to look like sheer poetry and his clumsy pole work began to get the crowd excited. Soon his striptease had the crowd roaring with approval…number 4 was the real deal. His movements were almost catlike and agile and his enormous energy was contagious and soon his excitement spread throughout the crowd. The voting was not even close…The crowd loves the underdog.

After such an amazing performance, I needed a cigarette…my wife went out to the balcony and found Rita and Dan in their exact spot physically and also in the same state of inebriation from the previous night. A few new cast members were added to the group, a stunning European couple Paulina and Stephon, that we came to know very well as the week wore on and a couple from Brussels, Louis and Rose who was on their last night. The balcony always seemed to have a very international flavor which we enjoyed. Talking to couples with a foreign background gives me great insight on other cultures and is almost like visiting other countries without the physical travel. By the same token, we spend a lot of time talking to the Desire staff which gives us glimpse of their lives outside of work at the resort. I think they feel a greater bond with us as we are interested in them, but we do still tip generously so that may be why they like us too.

As the energy of the disco was quite high from the Chippendales contest, the ladies decided tonight, there would be dancing. The men were in for a treat as we became spectators to the ladies performing the forbidden dance with each other. There was definitely a sexy vibe in the air and not even the new AC system in the disco was helping cool the ladies down. As things were slowing down in the disco, we were still enjoying the music as most of the group headed towards the Jacuzzi lounge. Most nights during that week the disco was empty by 1am. My wife had a great time entertaining the DJ and Carlos the bartender almost every night when the disco emptied out. As we became the sole survivors, we decided to go catch up with our new friends.

After leaving the disco we made our way towards the Jacuzzi lounge, but something told me (Vulcan mind meld?) that we should walk by the pool. Sure enough, our motley crew was skinny dipping in the pool. We quickly slipped in and found our spot amongst the 3 other couples who was already in various pairings. For the next hour and a half, we enjoyed the water which was at a perfect temperature and discovered that very different cultures could come magically together in a place called Desire.

Surprisingly security left us alone as we probably made their night very interesting. I could see how a dark unlit pool with drunk guests in it would be a cause for concern, but I think they saw that we were under control, harmless and too busy locking lips to be making too much noise…security even helped my wife find the restroom about 5 times in the dark (she was cursed with the world’s smallest bladder). It was possibly the most fun and definitely the most erotic time we ever spent in a pool.

As we all became water logged, our final destination for the evening was the lobby bar. BLT and Pizza replaced breakfast and became our third meal during the day as we soon decided it was more enjoyable to eat at 3am then to eat breakfast. Nothing tasted as delicious as the food that was made at the lobby bar at night after a few drinks. That is my super bonus lock, can’t miss tip of the week: BLT and Pizza is a must have at the lobby bar. However, beware of eating the pizza too soon out of the oven because it is the temperature of the sun when they put it in front of you. If you don’t want to mess with that dangling piece of skin from the roof of your mouth the next day, wait a few minutes before indulging… I know it’s very tempting not to wait. As our new friends from that night slowly went off to bed, my wife and I sat next to each other and at that moment we were both content.

PS. Not a sexy topic, but bring bug spray and use it generously at the lobby bar at night, the mosquitoes are out in force and they are hungry too…
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Kasidie: eroticdesires
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Postby miranda » Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:22 pm

Okay, I can't focus on anything past your first one or two paragraphs.

First of all, you don't feel comfortable leaving the room on your own in the morning? What's up with that?

Second of all, you can't get a pool chair at 8:00 a.m.?

Third of all, you have to "tip" (I think it's more "bribe") Rene to save you a beach bed?

There is something seriously wrong here!
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Postby Eroticdesires » Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:46 pm

Hi, Miranda,

It's not that I can't walk around by myself, but I just would rather wait for my wife to have breakfast and go to the beach/pool. Personally I would feel a bit strange starting my day without her. It's also not about having a tight leash on each other as she goes to the gym or lays on the beach bed while I was am chatting with others all the time.

An example of what I would not do. One night when we were at the lobby bar around 4am, a guy whose wife was asleep came to the bar and chose to sit right next to my scantily clad wife. He proceeded to chat her up without really talking to me...lots of red flags went up for me even if his intentions were honorable. If I chose to go to an bar without my wife, I would get my drink and chat with the bartender and sit by myself unless invited by someone else to join them.

As for the pool chairs, that was the only morning that I tried to get chairs at the pool. I think Daniel said to check back in a few hours to see if the ones that were reserved are actually used and he would free them up, so I beleive there are attempts to make sure chairs are not left vacant for several hours.

As for tipping, that is a personal preference. I believe that Rene or Daniel would find any beds/chairs that are available even if I did not tip him. I just like to tip people that I feel are genuine and doing a great job. I tipped the seaweed rake guy twice during the week...


SDC: desirelovers
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Postby pelagiccouple » Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:35 pm

Okay, we have caught up! Day 3 Day Day 3!! :) Thanks so much for the report...
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Postby Eroticdesires » Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:49 am

Day 3 June 22nd

The late nights were starting to take its toll as I finally woke up at 10am and we actually managed to get to breakfast despite our late night snack. After our first successful beach day, I was on a mission to find Rene and get us a nice beach bed. He came through and got us a great bed in the members area right next to the volleyball courts. In my opinion, these are the best beds on the resort. Apparently if no members have booked certain beds for the day, Rene will open them up to other guests.


One of the couples we met from the previous night, Pauline and Stephon was nearby in the ocean so we went over and had a nice chat with them. We probably spent over an hour talking with them, getting to know each other and then made plans for dinner together at 8pm at Il Piacere. Around 2:30pm, we encountered our first rain of the week, as we were lying on the beach bed, a freak wind and rain storm began. The wind was so strong that it blew sand from the beach and began pelting us on the beds. We made a hasty retreat to the Pool Grill as it was a good time to take a lunch break. By the time we sat down to eat, the rain and wind was gone and everything was back to normal as if nothing ever happened. The forecast during our week was 30% chance of rain the first 4 days and 60% chance on the last two days which is fairly typical for Cancun in June.

After lunch, we spent a few more hours savoring the beach bed, napping and occasionally taking dips in the ocean. Finally around 6pm, we made our way to the spa to steam and shower. We went to our room and rested a bit before getting ready for our dinner date. Tonight's theme was Jeans /White night, but I don't think we saw any jeans, just lots of white attire.

At 8:00pm, Il Piacere was moderately busy, but we were seated right away. We had a very nice dinner with Pauline and Stephon and found that despite our very different cultural backgrounds, we had similar family lives and lifestyle experiences. After a leisurely dinner, we made our way to the lobby area where a woman was singing. This was probably our least favorite performer of the week, but she did give a good effort and sang everything to a cha cha beat. Around 11pm, the crowd began moving up to the disco which was crowded until about midnight.

We saw Rita and Dave on the balcony patio briefly, but she was not feeling well and they decided to turn in early despite it being their last night. We danced till about 1am and decided to try our luck at the pool again to cool off. However, tonight it would only be the four of us (Pauline, Stephon, my wife and I). Unfortunately about 15 minutes into our skinny dipping, a security guard came by and told us we would have to leave. At that point, the night took a strange twist, as we got our clothes and dried off, we decided to regroup at the lobby bar when the resort suffered a power outage. The lobby had some lights still on but most of the resort's power was out including all the rooms. I did notice that the background music at the beach area was still on, I guess that music on the beach was on the backup power generator of the resort.

As the lobby bar did not have power, we decided to all go to our room and check if we had adequate light. It was fairly dark, so Stephon and Pauline invited us to wait out the outage in their room. The power was also out in their room, but they managed to be excellent hosts over the next hour or so in the darkness. As it was getting late and quite hot in the rooms without air conditioning, we said our goodnights and headed back to the lobby bar. I tried to get to our room for some bug repellent and found that my card key was not working. Thinking that the power may have affected the door lock, I asked a staff member in the lobby if the rooms are tied to the electrical power and would we have to wait till power was restored to get into our room. I later found out that the door locks are battery operated so it was just the darkness that prevented me from putting the key card in correctly, we also had a problem one morning when our keys no longer worked, apparently the computer had a wrong checkout date for us so our keys became deactivated.

This was also a night of drama for another couple whose room was near the lobby bar. Apparently there was a major disagreement and lots of shouting that woke several neighbors. Security was called as well as the manager on duty as the woman was very drunk and fell down the steps when she tried to leave the room. It was a pretty ugly scene as the woman was crying and in pain, but refused any medical treatment. I try not to judge others so my only comment is that if you plan to take advantage of the all you can drink amenity at Desire, stick with a ground floor room. A short while later power was restored to the resort and many lights in the rooms suddenly turned on and woke many of the guests.

Freshly protected with bug spray from the room, we did spend about another hour at the lobby bar that night chatting with Alberto, the bartender. Since the kitchen area at the bar was not ready to cook food, they actually made BLTs for us at the restaurant and brought it out to us at the lobby bar (more great service from the staff). Halfway through our trip and another very memorable day/night
SDC: desirelovers
Kasidie: eroticdesires
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Postby tikihutguy » Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:09 am

Outstanding posts! Tell me you are a professional writer please. I feel like I'm there already (instead of 7/28) and totally up to date since our 2008 trip :D Thanks especially for the steam/shower tip. If you are ever in the Tampa, FL area Caliente has coed steam/showers/sauna. Definitely a plus.... :wink:
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Postby Eroticdesires » Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:18 pm

Thanks for the kind words Tiki, I am not a writer unless you count the rejected submission to Penthouse letters (apparently they prefer fictional accounts).

Day 4 June 23rd

Another morning in paradise, the late nights were definitely catching up to me as I could only manage to get up at 9:30am. I went to the lobby bar for some cappuccinos and brought them back to the room. My wife wanted to make the stretch/yoga class at the beach Gazebo so we headed out to the beach by 10:30am. As my wife did her stretch class, I found Rene and secured our beach bed for the day. The beds in the premier section next to the volleyball court were available to my delight.

I finally made it to the daily 11am volleyball game. I play beach volleyball about once a year when we go on vacation and was finally able to take part in the game today. Now as more players came to the court to join our team, every member on our team was named Bob. A very strange coincidence…Be careful about the rocks near the shoreline or you may be hobbled for the rest of your week. We were always careful to walk gingerly into the ocean as the first ten feet can contain very sharp rocks/coral (not just a volleyball tip, but for anyone going into the ocean).

After our 3 game set, it felt so good to shed my shorts and take a dip into the ocean. The staff at Desire is always in search of a good game and try to form a game around 3pm, but they were always friendly matches. The volleyball games at Desire Cabo were intense and they took their games seriously. They even watered down the court and raked the court before every game. Having the courts right next to the ocean resulted in a lot of waiting when the ball needed to be retrieved and dried between points, but it felt good to be active and involved. Although, we weren’t too active with the activities this week because we spent our days at the beach, we have always enjoyed the poolside games at resorts whether we are participating or just watching the madness.

We had our first meal of the day at the pool grill around noon and saw Jamie and Paul, a couple we met last year at Temptation Cancun. They moved into the empty beach bed next to us and we chatted with them throughout that afternoon. We also went over to say our goodbyes to Rita and Dan that afternoon and celebrated with a few tequila shots at the beach bar. It’s always sad to say goodbye to friends that you have made at Desire, probably because it’s a reminder that soon enough your week will end and you will be the one with clothes on.

C.C. is the bartender that works the beach bar and she has the best workspace view in the whole resort. She makes great drinks including Havana lights? and a drink that I think is called the Congo, but tastes like a orange creamsicle. My wife asked if she ever made drinks with the fresh coconuts that were on the property and the very next day she had a drink for us in a green coconut with fresh coconut juice and a splash of tequila (very refreshing).

Tonight was Mexican night and it was the only night that we were looking forward to eating some local authentic cuisine in the buffet restaurant. We made tentative plans to have dinner with Pauline and Stephon again so we opted for a table for 4 when we arrived. We were pleasantly surprised to see the Al Pastor Rotisserie and taco station as some of our favorite meals in Mexico consisted if this type of taco (Guacamayas in San Jose del Cabo). Around 8:10 pm, our tablemates arrived, looking stunning as usual. Other than the Tacos, we also enjoyed the cooked to order fajitas and flank steak. There was also a nice assortment of desserts that we liked even more than the dessert menu form the ala carte restaurants. On future Desire visits, we may decide to try the buffet restaurant more often for variety or perhaps have our dessert course here.

After dinner we headed to the lobby bar area. I actually do not recall the night’s entertainment, but I do remember that they started handing out cloaks and masks in the lobby for Eyes Wide Shut. I was looking forward to taking part in the event, but my wife was not so sure. As we had an idea of what to expect from reading reviews on this board, my wife was a bit hesitant as we did not see anyone we knew was participating so we decided to just be voyeurs for the evening. There were only 8 couples that went on stage that night, I think many dropped out when they got to the disco. We didn’t find the event very erotic, perhaps it was the MC’s strange voice and commands, “kiss the girlsâ€
SDC: desirelovers
Kasidie: eroticdesires
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Postby PrincessandPilot » Wed Jul 07, 2010 5:13 pm

tikihutguy wrote:Outstanding posts! Tell me you are a professional writer please. I feel like I'm there already (instead of 7/28) and totally up to date since our 2008 trip :D Thanks especially for the steam/shower tip. If you are ever in the Tampa, FL area Caliente has coed steam/showers/sauna. Definitely a plus.... :wink:

Tiki, We've been a member at Caliente for a year (we live in the area) and haven't tried the sauna, yet. I take it you are saying it is private? :shock:
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Postby miranda » Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:35 pm

I can't believe you were rejected by the Penthouse letters group.
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Postby East_Ont_Cpl » Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:27 am

Great report. And FYI let "Scott" know he wasn't the first person to display his dominance over that structure :wink:
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