Vanilla No More - Desire Journey Sept 24-28,2016 And Beyond

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Vanilla No More - Desire Journey Sept 24-28,2016 And Beyond

Postby Explorer79 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:41 am

We’ve been back in town for a couple of days and it’s taken a while to reflect and put together this trip report, but better late than never! It's going to be long, so I'll break it up into multiple posts but I really didn't want to leave anything out.

Our trip consisted of 5 nights at DRM followed by 3 nights at a nice vanilla resort (which turned out to not be so vanilla, more on that later). While we are self admittedly freaks in private, in our 14+ years of marriage we have never done anything in public or with others - in that regard we were as green as they come.

The TL;DR version: if you’re thinking of going to Desire, your relationship is solid and you are open minded as to what goes on there - just go, the only pressure you’ll feel is self imposed. Fully embrace things, don’t hold back but stay within your limits - don’t leave with “I wish I would have...” regrets. Communicate with your partner daily while there to make sure you’re on the same page, but go, you won’t regret it. Everyone we interacted with on whatever level were awesome - the best group of people we have ever hung out with.
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Re: Vanilla No More - Our Desire Journey Sept 24-28 And Beyo

Postby Explorer79 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:44 am

Giving Thanks

First we want to thank everyone who helped make our first visit one that we will never forget. It was so incredible, in fact, that we are already booking to go back just before Thanksgiving, a mere 45 days from now. This is a ringing endorsement as in all our travels this will be the first time we have ever revisited a destination, normally we prefer each trip to be a new experience, but something tells me that even though it will be our 2nd trip it will still be unique - we definitely know way more than we did just a week ago and won’t need the 2-3 days of adjustment to really get going.

The main group we ended up spending the most time with probably had a combined 50 Desire trips and it was a huge contribution to the great time we had, we learned so much and are very thankful to have been so warmly welcomed.

To S&M (onehotsoccermom) - you were the first people we talked to before going and the conversations over the months preceding and your generosity in many different ways truly means a lot, it really set the table for our experience.

To D&K (mystra) - the great advice you gave us on our second day paid dividends for the rest of the trip. We shared several firsts with you and there were lots of sexy fun times indeed, every day it seemed.

To C&K (csalkows) - while we didn’t get to spend as much time with you as we would’ve liked, you are two of the most fascinating and interesting people that we have met. I wish we would’ve had more time to get to know you better.

To Y&A (yna) - you guys should just go ahead be crowned the ambassadors of Desire. You both are as smart and interesting as you are fun and you certainly know how to get the party rolling. Your great spirit is infectious and your connection with each other is blindingly obvious - yeah, we saw that :D Every day we looked forward to the good times and hanging with you made us even more emboldened. Your kind words and encouragement helped us know we were on the right path to making the most of our trip. Lots of firsts with you as well.

There are others - I haven’t seen them post here but I can’t go without mentioning L&E - foot slapping, great sense of humor and wit and the most amazing name recognition skills I have ever seen. R&L, great conversations and to L - I love your sexy hair and remember to keep a loose wrist when smacking my wife’s ass! W&J - great partying with you guys as well - don’t wait another 6 years to come back!
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Re: Vanilla No More - Our Desire Journey Sept 24-28 And Beyo

Postby Explorer79 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:45 am

General Tips for Newbies
Read the forums and ask questions to gain information. Join the Yahoo group to connect with people ahead of time, even if only briefly. Be sure to communicate with your partner lots before you go and daily while there. Be sure you are on the same page so that you can fully embrace everything Desire has to offer. Have the experience you both want to have to the fullest. Desire is the backdrop - the people are the magic.

You can only prep so much, no need to over do it but if you do those things you’ll be as ready as you can be. You won’t fully know, but once you get there it will all come together. As the sign at Desire says “Collect Moments, not Things”, so go collect as many moments as you can.
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Re: Vanilla No More - Our Desire Journey Sept 24-28 And Beyo

Postby Explorer79 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:47 am

Day 1 - Saturday
Thanks to the forum the flight was uneventful, the walk out of the airport was uneventful and the USA Transfers people were great. From landing to the resort in less than an hour. Very nice and easy.

Check in process was easy and the staff were very friendly. We instantly felt at ease. We saw the first naked bodies through the lobby glass in under a minute and the transition to naked was seamless and natural. Neither of us had been naked in public ever, and honestly we weren’t sure what it was going to actually be like but after grabbing a quick lunch we were naked in the pool almost immediately and never gave it a second thought after that.

We instantly recognized D&K - this is where the Yahoo group paid off - we immediately had friends. After chatting a bit then having a few drinks we got in the pool and socialized for a while. Somewhere in this time we got checked into our room and were back at the pool. Then it was the moment of truth - do we dare go to the jacuzzi? f**k yeah, no regrets up we went! Had some fun times up there meeting people and we ended up on one of the beds for a late afternoon rendezvous, in public and in the daylight - newbies no more!

It had been a long day - I was operating on 2 hours sleep so we went to the room and napped for a bit, then went out and had some dinner at the buffet and back to the room to dress for theme night. We made our way to the disco, danced for awhile then headed back to the jacuzzi around midnight. It was definitely another level compared to the afternoon and we ended up having one of the most erotic times we’ve ever had. It was surreal watching others having sex all around us then as we got lost in each other we realized we were being watched as well, which was amazingly hot - we both had mind blowing orgasms that we will never forget.

Yeah, not bad at all for day 1 on 2 hours sleep. Unreal.
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Re: Vanilla No More - Our Desire Journey Sept 24-28 And Beyo

Postby Explorer79 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:51 am

Day 2 - Sunday
The daily pattern was pretty much the same for all days - wake up -> breakfast -> pool/beach -> lunch -> pool -> jacuzzi -> nap -> dinner -> theme night -> jacuzzi. However things were anything but routine. Each day had it’s own vibe, heavily dependent on the experiences from the days before as well as the ebb and flow of the crowd. Socializing at the pool certainly helped set things up for evening activities.

The highlight of this day was theme night - naughty schoolgirl / dirty professor. In the disco, my wife and I volunteered for the dance contest. At the time I thought only she was volunteering, which of course I encouraged. I thought the guys were standing there behind the girls mainly to cheer them on. Turns out I was wrong, I would have to dance too. Now, before this trip I really never had danced very much and even when I did it was bad. I really didn’t want to sit on the sidelines at Desire so in the months preceding I made the effort to learn to dance. No big deal right, I’d be there with my wife who is the only one I’ve ever really danced with but was at least comfortable.

Then at the last second this hot brazilian woman asked my wife if she wanted to switch spots, turns out only the girls switched - started getting a little nervous, then I learned that I would have to strip dance alone! Too late to turn back at this point.

First however, the girls did their dance routine - the first three with their long sexy legs did some great salsa style dancing, then it was my wife’s turn. She later told me she was nervous although you couldn’t tell it (and she didn’t need to be). The DJ put on something more hip-hop which suited her booty shakin’ dancing style perfectly and once she got into her routine, fully owning her sexiness the crowd erupted and she ended up winning the dance contest easily.

Next, it was my turn, nervous for sure in front of all those people but no way in hell I was going to quit. I did my strip dance routine, fortunately with some explicit help from my wife down on her knees in front of me at the end. I didn’t win, but it didn’t matter, it was a great experience.

Finally they brought out the curvy sex chair and had a “how many sex positions can you do in a minute contest”. I knew we would be in good shape here as we have one of these chairs at home that we routinely put to good use. Myself and my hot Brazilian partner came in second place with 8 positions and my wife and her partner got first place with 9.

This truly was an amazing experience which set the table for the rest of our trip more than anything. I lost count of how many times people came up to us striking up a conversation and mentioned this event (mainly my wife’s hot dance routine). She was glowing, the recognition was very flattering and for a brief moment we really did feel like rock stars. We looked at each other and said “holy shit this place truly is magical!” I’m so glad we fully embraced things.

After this we ended up back at the jacuzzi, I know we socialized for a while and ended up with another steamy scene on the beds but honestly still in the afterglow of the events at the disco the details are a bit foggy. I do remember than we got some pizza and headed down towards our room where we saw a couple on one of the beach beds having some of the most erotic sex I’ve ever seen. She was riding him in such a rhythmical way we both sat there and watched in awe of the sexy way she could move her body. Did I mention that this place is magical?
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Re: Vanilla No More - Our Desire Journey Sept 24-28 And Beyo

Postby Explorer79 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:53 am

Day 3 - Monday
The day itself was similar - more good times at the pool but the highlights of this day were at the jacuzzi. In the afternoon session the ladies went for a round of body shots (thanks Y&A for getting the ball rolling). A first for us (either to see or participate in) - it was unbelievably hot. There were as many hands and mouths as would fit on their beautiful bodies, they seemed to enjoy it - I certainly did.

During the late night session it was the guys’ turn. I volunteered to go first, and to have a group of sexy ladies kissing, touching, licking and sucking all over me was sensory overload of the best kind - and judging from the other guys reactions they felt the same when they got theirs.

This was the first time for either of us to do anything of a sexual nature with anyone other than each other. Our first “lifestyle experience”? Perhaps, but while it was certainly erotic, it was also just “fun and games”. I will say that after all this wildness my wife and I kissed each other and both of us stopped and said “WOW” blown away at how amazing each other’s lips felt. It wasn’t long before we were back to one of the beds (seems to be a recurring theme).

We ended up the night getting something to eat at 3am with the group of what we now considered friends, all in all an amazing night.
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Re: Vanilla No More - Our Desire Journey Sept 24-28 And Beyo

Postby Explorer79 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:58 am

Day 4 - Tuesday
By this point I think we had started to figure some things out. I think it took the first 3 days to really gain an understanding of how things worked. Of course, this was our first trip and we still probably don’t know much, and I’m sure it varies with the crowd, but we realized things were much more subtle than we expected. My wife and I are very connected and in the vanilla world enjoy whatever we are doing and are mostly alone. We realized that maybe our normal mode of being in our bubble might make us seem unapproachable which is certainly not the case.

We had no “let’s go hook up with others” goal but we did make an effort to be much more proactive and if it ended up leading to that then great, otherwise it would be fun socializing regardless. On the downside (or so we thought) occupancy was down 30% compared to Monday so we thought it may be more challenging. At the pool we noticed a hot young sexy couple and started talking to them. Turns out it was their first day and we clicked and had a great time. In the evening jacuzzi session we noticed when we got there that they were making good use of the jacuzzi beds. When they finished they came over and joined our group in the hot tub. Things were generally more tame than the wild body shots the night before, that was until my wife decided to take matters into her own hands, or mouth rather, and started giving me a blow job right in the middle of everyone (yeah, she likes to instigate). It took a while for my eyes to roll back out of my skull but when I did I looked to my left and right noticed that we must have been a catalyst because 3-4 women were giving their men blow jobs right beside us - including the couple we just met (this actually happened a number of times). Very hot!

Finally, you guessed it, my wife and I ended up on a jacuzzi bed again - I think we’re liking this public sex thing, each time getting more and more emboldened and it was incredibly hot watching a nice foursome going at it a few beds down while we were doing our thing.
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Re: Vanilla No More - Our Desire Journey Sept 24-28 And Beyo

Postby Explorer79 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:02 am

Day 5 - Wednesday
Our last day. By this time all the days had run together and had just become a sea of incredible memories. We had originally scheduled a photo shoot for the day before but the timing didn’t work out so I had rescheduled for 1 pm. We got the room cleaned up, got our outfits ready and waited. And waited. And waited, for about 45 minutes before finally giving up and going to the pool. No big deal though as today was different - while Tuesday was kind of slow today new people had arrived and the pool was full of energy. As we were talking to D&K on their last day and shared a sexy goodbye kiss, the photographer came up to us and asked “where were you?”. We said “Huh? Where were you, we waited for almost an hour”. Well, as it turns out, while messing with the alarm clock in the room somehow I must’ve set it ahead a few hours. I thought it was after 3, turns out it was around 1:30 - oops! The silver lining is that while we didn’t get to do the photo shoot, this in effect bought us a few extra hours at the pool, and if we had done the photoshoot we would have missed the most epic pool party of the trip where things ended up getting wild and crazy so it all worked out in the end.

During the pool festivities, along with our newfound assertiveness, we met a hot young British couple who were new to Desire and were only going to be there for a night or two. We all connected very well and would run into them later. Their story was very interesting and we had a lot of common interests.

The theme for tonight was the glow party which turned out to be one of our favorites. We spent some time at the lobby bar area then up to the disco where we saw our main group of friends for the last time. Knowing that it was our last night they came up to wish us well and tell us goodbye - they were all going on a boat trip the next morning, would not be going to the jacuzzi that night and would be gone before we awoke the next morning. We asked how we did for our first time and got a positive response which was very nice. Looking back it felt like we had gone to Desire U - now we had to go for our final exam on our own at the jacuzzi. There weren’t many people up there at first but after a while the hot British couple showed up and we struck up a conversation.

It ended up being my wife, myself and the British girl talking together while her guy was talking with another couple. Things started to progress, we were smiling, laughing, things were clicking, casual underwater touches, flirting, we started getting closer, all organically - at some point my wife and I looked at each other and exchanged a look as if to say “holy shit, we are seducing her, this is amazingly HOT”. Finally I said “you two should kiss”, which then they did. At first it was the 3 of us. I was inside my wife, she was making out with her - then she called her guy over to make sure this was ok with him. It was (understatement). He joined in with her and the four of us were engaged. I took her hand and put her fingers inside my wife then mine so that both of our fingers were inside her. After a while the four of us moved to one of the beds and finished our “graduation party”, which naturally progressed to an incredible soft swap experience - things couldn’t have worked out more perfectly. It was surreal. I can’t imagine the last night of our first trip ending any better.

Are we now “in the lifestyle”? Technically you could make the case I suppose, but we left Desire knowing that we really only want each other but are open to erotic experiences on our journeys - we have no desire to take it further at home, and our simple rule we set up beforehand worked perfectly, namely whatever we do we do together.
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Re: Vanilla No More - Our Desire Journey Sept 24-28 And Beyo

Postby Explorer79 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:05 am

Bonus Coverage - Vanilla Resort
When we told people that we were going to a vanilla resort after Desire (adults only, but still vanilla) they asked, “why not go beforehand”. For us it wouldn’t have been enjoyable. The anticipation would’ve been too much and I really ended up needing all the energy for Desire as it turned out.

We also got “Oh, I’m sorry”. However, my thinking was (rightfully so) that there is no way that I could’ve gone home right after Desire - we really needed the buffer between Desire and reality.

People told us “what happens at Desire stays at Desire”. While I understand the sentiment that actually wasn’t quite true. Apparently we took some of Desire with us. For one thing it really felt a little weird to have to pay attention to putting on clothes. A few times I realized I was walking around the room naked with the curtains open not giving it a second thought. One day we were looking at getting a beach bed (which would’ve cost $75). I told my wife she should wear her Desire shirt she got when she won the dance contest. Before the trip this would not have been ok, but now she said “sure, why not”. As we were talking to the guy about it he stared down towards her voluptuous boobs and said “holy f**k” in a very excited voice and big eyes. It turns out he had noticed the Desire shirt - ends up he used to work at both RM and Pearl - we ended up striking up a good conversation and he gave us the bed for the day for free and gave us great service as if we were still at desire. Bonus #1.

Bonus #2 - our Desire inspired social friendly mode had not faded, in fact we were still very much emboldened and by the second day we had made friends with a group that consisted of 10 or so hot girls in their mid 20s on a bachelorette party for the weekend. As the conversation and drinks flowed we eventually let the cat out of the bag about where we had been and our experiences - including the encounter with the British couple. They were very curious, receptive and excited (as were the eavesdroppers on the periphery). Things ramped up, the sexual energy progressed and before too long, at my behest, 4-5 of them were sampling just how great of a kisser my wife is. Finally one girl in particular joined my wife and I a little farther out in the pool for some 3 way kissing, under water fondling, touching, groping etc… before we all went our separate ways.

Even after leaving Desire it is still magical.
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Re: Vanilla No More - Our Desire Journey Sept 24-28 And Beyo

Postby Explorer79 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:07 am

So yeah, there you have it. If this was anywhere other than this forum I'd expect everyone to call bullshit, I wouldn't believe it myself but it's Desire and I'm sure that far wilder things have happened. And maybe they will for us in 45 more days for our 2nd visit, I guess you could say we are officially Desire addicts.
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Re: Vanilla No More - Our Desire Journey Sept 24-28 And Beyo

Postby TandD » Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:32 am

LIke, wow. Great report!
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Re: Vanilla No More - Our Desire Journey Sept 24-28 And Beyo

Postby Explorer79 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:20 am

TandD wrote:LIke, wow. Great report!

Thanks! Turns out that you were right in your earlier prediction that we would fit right in and have a great time.
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Re: Vanilla No More - Desire Journey Sept 24-28,2016 And Be

Postby littleonegrey » Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:00 pm

I loved reading this!! Thanks for your report. :D I'm so jealous of you two going back so soon. I'd say have a great time, but I think that's a given!
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Re: Vanilla No More - Our Desire Journey Sept 24-28 And Beyo

Postby TandD » Wed Oct 05, 2016 5:13 pm

Explorer79 wrote:
TandD wrote:LIke, wow. Great report!

Thanks! Turns out that you were right in your earlier prediction that we would fit right in and have a great time.

Oh cool! I don't remember the conversation but I'm glad I was right (can you send a note to my wife? :D )!
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Re: Vanilla No More - Desire Journey Sept 24-28,2016 And Be

Postby Mystra » Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:14 pm

You guys didn't need much help - you've got great personalities and are awful sexy... plus, sounds like we should get advice from you guys judging from your awesome report :D
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