Triple trip report(sort of) September 2018, May 2019

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Triple trip report(sort of) September 2018, May 2019

Postby agw » Wed May 29, 2019 1:13 pm

So, my wife and I made our first visit to Desire the 12th of September of 2018 until the 16th. It was incredible. So incredible we went to RM on Feb. 27 2019 for 4 nights and back to Pearl May 19 until the 25. Here are the two Pearl reports and I will post the RM report in the appropriate spot.

Coming to Desire was all me(husband). I love my wife dearly and wanted to spice things up a bit. After a bit of research I found this place. In July of 2018 I approached her with the idea to come to this unique resort. She agreed(it helped that we were getting ready to go to Europe for two weeks for her 40th Birthday). I sent her reviews of Desire as well as various articles about the place. I wanted to make sure there was no confusion. I got her to agree while in Europe that I could pick out her outfits for the theme nights. This was in exchange for shopping in the Louie Vuitton store in Paris. The week we were to depart is when my wife decides to read the articles and reviews I sent her. She knew it was a risque place but had no idea. She was apprehensive to say the least. The day comes and we head to the airport. Flight delayed... The crew from the night before was late getting in and so had to have so many mandatory hours of sleep. This meant we had to miss our connecting flight in Dallas. Ugh. We were supposed to arrive in Cancun at 4:00. We ended up waiting in the Dallas airport for 6 hours. No problems in airport, board the transfer(USA Transfers). The road to Pearl is off the beaten path so we did get a bit nervous on the way. I even opened the map on my phone to make sure we were in fact traveling to the resort. Anyhow, we arrive in Desire...

We arrive and the Disco had just opened. There were tons of people milling about in various western outfits looking sexy as hell. Check in goes smooth and head to our room. Master Suite. On the way we pass by the hot tub. The first thing we see is a man on the bed getting a blow job. Welcome to Desire. My wife puts on her western button down, no bra and unbuttoned an extra button(big deal for her), short cutoff jean shorts and cowboy boots. WOW!!! She looked absolutely amazing!! We get to the disco as everyone was leaving. We stick around and get the DJ to play some Green Day. We head to the room to change and go to the hot tub. Probably a dozen or so people at the hot tub. We continue drinking, talk to people and have a really good time. She has on her bottoms and no top, I am naked. It was odd at first but quickly got used to it. Everyone is extremely friendly. My wife and I begin to get horny, as you do in a hot tub of naked people, and start making out in the tub. Off her bottoms go and up onto a bed for some happy time. First night is definitely a success.

Day two. Get up, have breakfast at Aphrodite. Food is pretty good. Wife has Celiac and plenty for her to eat. She schedules a massage for later in the day and we lay out by the pool. Eventually we get in the pool, wife again topless and me au natural. Everyone extremely friendly. I guess talking is how we overcome the fact that we are naked. If everyone just stared at each other without talking it would be really awkward. Met people of all kinds of flavor(so to speak). We are not in the lifestyle and had never done anything with anyone except each other. We had just celebrated our 18th anniversary. Generally just enjoyed the day. We ate that night at Pearl and the food was really good. Did the disco, went to the hot tub, had sex again on the bed. I like the pattern we are in.

Day three. Things get a bit interesting from here. The day is proceeding normally. We have found a few couples that we really hit it off with and socialize with them quite a bit. After being in the sun two days in a row we head back to our room to rest up. My wife then suggests we head to the spa. Cool. She said that when she went for her massage she noticed there were no rules about who used what facilities. We both enjoy the steam room. So we sit in the steam room and she is on the seat above me, naked. I figure, why not and start to kiss her legs and between her legs. She is enjoying this thoroughly and eventually takes over with her fingers. Let me tell you this is uncommon. At home I can't get her to do this. She will use a toy now and again but to just lay there where anyone can walk in and rub herself was AWESOME! The sexual energy was incredible. After playing a bit there we head back to our room. On the way to our room we notice the hot tub is hopping. She suggests we go there(before dinner). We go in and she takes off the bottoms as well, just as if it was nothing. WOW. She is a social butterfly talking to everyone. This is not like her at all. Of course she is also drinking sparkling wine like they will run out. I try to get her back to the room as I can see the writing on the wall. We go back and she takes a nap. Its about 6:30. I am optimistic that a two hour nap will let her continue the evening. I get her up a little before 9 to get ready. I start the shower, make her a cup of coffee. She just stands in front of the mirror. This isn't happening tonight. I put her back to bed, go eat at Aphrodite by myself and turn in.

Day four. We get up and are completely refreshed. Party at the pool, meet up with our friends and have a great time. This time she is naked in the pool. She is completely relaxed. There is a particular lady that my wife is getting along with especially who was extremely attractive and a great person(kept in touch with her and her husband). Drinks are flowing(making sure she eats this time so no empty stomach) and the day is good. That evening dinner and disco is a blast. Retire to the hot tub after the disco. My wife is tipsy and hanging on this other woman. Literally. I apologize. I think she liked it. As we are standing and socializing there is another couple on a bed. We had talked to this couple only briefly. Very nice and attractive but just hadn't really been in our circle. I notice that she is tied to the bed and blindfolded. He starts walking around. I think nothing of it(as one does) until my wife comes up to me and asks if she can go up to the woman. That she really wants to do this. I am floored. If my jaw could have dislocated and dropped into the hot tub it would have. We had made a point to tell everyone who inquired that, no, we were not in the lifestyle. I said ok. Sure. Off she goes to this beautiful naked woman tied to a bed. She starts kissing her all over. ALL OVER. This is the same woman that doesn't like to kiss me after I have gone down on her. Not complaining, just giving context. I don't know what to do, so, I order another beer. The people we are with keep telling me to go up there. I eventually do. Wow. Like nothing I have ever experienced in my life. There was no penetration by anyone but most everything else was fair game. I don't think we went to bed until 4 a.m. We had to be up at 7 to get to the airport. My wife gets the idea that she will just stay drunk all day and then sleep it off. That was a bad idea.

All in all the food was excellent. The people were amazing. Four of the best days we have ever had. We became members as well. I knew I wanted to come back for a longer trip and soon. Booked for May 19 for 6 nights. Later I had a long weekend open up on my calendar for the end of February so, I booked for that as well. Pearl was booked one of the nights so we decided to go to RM. I will leave those details for that forum. I will say that we had an overall good time at RM but it was very different people wise. The resort itself was great as was the food but there were some issues.

So, back to Pearl May 19. No flight issues this time. We arrive Sunday around 5. Get to Pearl and ends up similar to our first visit. Disco, Hot tub, sex and drinking. The only differences were the resort itself. They have the temporary Suki opened up. We ate dinner there and did so with another couple,the one from the first story that my wife was hanging on(nothing happened with them much to I think their chagrin). We order some appetizers and after a little time a waiter comes up with two appetizers we did not order. We try to tell him but he seems rushed and insists we ordered them. OK. We eat them and they were actually good. A few minutes later he brings another one of these appetizers we did not order. Don't bother arguing this time. We do also get the ones we ordered. Wife doesn't get the soup she ordered. Tried telling them but they were so rushed they never really listened. Told them that my wife had Celiac so had to be gluten free they assure us it's ok. Get our entree. My sushi was not very good. The rice tasted like bad minute rice. The other difference is that I was apparently a little excited to be back. I drank a lot of beer. They also had Bohemia which is a beer I really enjoy. I enjoyed it too much.

Monday, we both wake up a little slow. We call the front desk and order the IV hangover cure. That comes around noon. I had never tried this before. My wife had done so once after a bachelorette party in Nashville. Took about an hour. I did fell a little better. Had some more energy and nausea was gone. Wife doesn't seem to have helped. Don't do much this day. Lay for a bit by the pool. Don't really feel like drinking. Go to bed immediately after dinner. I never fully recovered and wife figured out she wasn't hung over she had eaten a fairly substantial amount of gluten. Ugh. That's ok we still have all week.

Tuesday wake up refreshed. Head to breakfast and then the pool. This is much like the days from our first visit. Wife had bottoms on but no top. Our friends were now hung over though. They had been there a few days before us and were leaving Wednesday. Apparently they had partied a bit too much Monday night. End up meeting more fun people and do disco hot tub roundup. Hot sex on the hot tub bed and off to sleep.

Wednesday. Wife is hung over. Really hung over. We never leave the room. Room service all day.

Thursday completely refreshed(there is a pattern developing). Party at the pool, take a walk down the beach(seaweed sucked) into town. Go to the disco. Wife actually enjoyed the show. There was a gentleman who was part of the show that was, shall we say, a good looking dude. We go to the hot tub and meet a great couple who was just there for the evening. They had just stayed at RM and their flight home was delayed so they decided to spend the night in Cancun and got an evening pass. This couple was amazing looking and really easy to talk to. We talked to them about our experience at RM(aggressive men) and they talked a lot about the lifestyle. We also told them about the experience from the first time at Pearl. The gentleman asked if his lovely wife could go down on my wife. Again I was stunned. This time, so was she. She kind of stammered not saying yes or no and the man said if it is not an enthusiastic yes then it is a no. No big deal. We immediately go have very hot sex on a hot tub bed. During sex we talk about the question and she answers that she really did want her to(probably just the booze and sex talking though). So another memorable night.

Friday another hangover. Wife again. We are both tired though. We do eat at the restaurants and get massages together(not erotic). Turn in early for our last night.

All in all I can't wait to go back. I think 4 nights might be the right amount of time. We tend to go hard so longer times just might be too much. This visit had great people again. The resort though did let us down a bit. On Thursday we had no hot water. When I told them the lady at the front desk said sometimes you have to turn the handle "just right." I thought that was odd. Maintenance guy came and we did get hot water restored though still not very hot. Friday and Saturday morning the water was warm at best. The food didn't seem to be as good overall. No night was as bad as the first but still, a disappointment.

We will be back soon. We are not swingers but I think if the right situation with the right people came along, who knows. Some times when in Rome...
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Re: Triple trip report(sort of) September 2018, May 2019

Postby hooligans » Wed May 29, 2019 1:42 pm

A very good review. We'll have to remember to pace ourselves as far as the drinking is concerned. Thank you.
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Re: Triple trip report(sort of) September 2018, May 2019

Postby T12 » Wed May 29, 2019 10:32 pm

Good Report! You never know what can happen at Pearl.
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Re: Triple trip report(sort of) September 2018, May 2019

Postby werfun » Thu May 30, 2019 4:44 pm

On our trips to either Desire we have no plans on what might or might not happen we just go with the flow, We have been on trips where we did not play on a 6 day trip then we have had trips where were playing every day. As said in other post it really depends on the crowd that is there when you are. We just go planning on a great trip to be with other like minded people. What ever happen, happens and we are bound to have a good time no matter what, If we find others that we do not want to be around we are polite say hi and move on.
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Re: Triple trip report(sort of) September 2018, May 2019

Postby RJOC » Thu May 30, 2019 7:43 pm

We rarely drink (to excess) in order to be present in the moment, or cognizant of the happenings of the day for exactly the reasons you mentioned.

Even though the drinks are included, we would rather remember the fun and activities of the day/night, so we don't ever drink so much...

Great Trip Report!
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Re: Triple trip report(sort of) September 2018, May 2019

Postby Screamincheetah » Thu May 30, 2019 11:42 pm

I'm a little concerned about the good and service issues. Some people are just hard to please, but that's obviously not you guys as you loved it so much the first time you became members.

We just booked for the end of July. This will be it fourth Pearl trip. We REALLY hope the construction (especially Suki) is done and that they have their stuff back on track.
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Re: Triple trip report(sort of) September 2018, May 2019

Postby SteveNMary » Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:17 pm

Very good trip summary. We have not been to DP or DRM - yet, still working on that - but go to other all inclusive resorts in Riviera Maya. Pacing is definitely the key. Got to stay hydrated in the hot sun or the alcohol goes straight to your head. Several afternoon naps turned into an early bedtime for the wife with me ordering room service!! It’s all good. Great to hear how you never know what to expect. It’s good to still have some surprises for each other. Hope your next trip goes well and maybe we will see you there sometime. Cheers!!
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Re: Triple trip report(sort of) September 2018, May 2019

Postby Thrill Seekers » Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:34 am

Great report. We are first timers going in August. Your report is very reassuring. Just curious about two things. First, what were the issues you had with RM, and what would you say the average age was the two weeks at Pearl?
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Re: Triple trip report(sort of) September 2018, May 2019

Postby agw » Mon Jul 08, 2019 9:54 am

Average age probably mid 40's. Pretty wide variance from 20's to 60's or even 70's. We saw a couple in their 70's play with a couple in their 30's so... I wrote a pretty lenghty report on RM. the tldr version is their were people there who were aggressive and that put us off.
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